Holy Prison

Chapter 1724: Condition fulfilled

With the successful experience of Prison Tower No. 1, it will be easier for the next seven domain towers to achieve the goal of Chu Feng.

Each domain tower has reached more than twenty levels. At this level, there are a lot of saints, and there are some very powerful saints. Even if they don’t, use a little method to lure the strong in the upper space down. Not a difficult thing!

As long as the goal is determined, the next step is very simple. The temptation of Tianwaitian, coupled with the temptation of the treasure of the last days, in the next 100 years, the remaining seven domain towers, each of which will have a very powerful The strong were successfully abducted by Chu Feng.

It was originally estimated that the gates of those towers could not be opened in 300 years, but with the help of the abducted strong men, it was only a hundred years, the second to the eighth domain towers all reached 30. The first domain tower reached the thirty-five floor before!

A faint smile appeared on Chu Feng's face. He is on the 30th floor of the No. 8 Domain Tower. Just now, he went from the 29th floor of the No. 8 Domain Tower to the 30th floor where he is now. !

"Ninety-nine years, not a hundred years, it's really good!" Chu Feng muttered in his heart, this was still delayed for 20 to 30 years on the first floor of the third domain tower, otherwise, 99 years No time is needed!

Hu Chufeng's figure disappeared, and the next moment he reappeared on the 29th floor of the eighth domain tower.

"Yu Wenzhan, in the next few years, you will act at will. Don't forget the things I told you about finding treasures!" Chu Feng said quietly, in front of him was a handsome man in his thirties.

The man's name is Yuwenzhan, and his strength is less than the immortal level, but he is also a strong immortal level!

Chu Feng abducted a total of eight people. Among the eight people, five were at the immortal level, three were at the immortal level, and five were at the immortal level. Qing Mu was the strongest at the seventh level. , There are four more, one is immortal at level 6, one is immortal at level four, one is immortal at level three, and the other is an immortal powerhouse at level two!

Yu Wenzhan nodded slightly without saying more, and disappeared in front of Chu Feng in an instant.

At the next moment, Chu Feng also disappeared and returned to the holy prison space.

"Xian'er!" Chu Feng called.

"What does the uncle call the little girl?" Miao Xian'er's voice rang out with a smile, and she appeared beside Chu Feng before the voice fell.

Chu Feng smiled slightly and hugged Miao Xian'er and sat down, and said, "Xian'er, how are the criminals caught?"

"Not bad!" Miao Xian'er said, "You fellow, I didn't expect that the opening of those domain towers in your domain tower would be completed in a hundred years!"

"What's the difference?"

Miao Xian'er said: "If the lower saints caught are turned into the middle saints, there will be a total of 823, and 177 middle saints will be arrested. It will take about fifty years!"

"Fifty years...The speed is okay!" Chu Feng nodded slightly, "Is there no confusion caused by the outside world?"

Miao Xian'er shook her head slightly: "The chaos hasn't caused any confusion. The connection between those people and the outside world has not been broken, and their soul jade slips have not been broken."

"It's just that many people have disappeared. Many saints have become more vigilant. Some powerful figures have also noticed the disappearance of saints in the holy world! However, the attention is not high. After all, the number of missing saints is not very large, and The strength is not very high!"

"Nothing is fine!" Chu Feng nodded slightly. He didn't want to cause chaos in the Holy Realm now, because that would cause no small trouble for the next actions.

Chu Feng called out his own data with a move, and the data clearly showed the reduction of the merit points and the domain tower value.

Before the battle achievement points exceeded 100 billion, the domain tower value exceeded 500 million, now, the battle achievement points are only 80 billion, and the domain tower value is only 400 million!

"Over 20 billion has been spent on combat merit points. It is estimated that more than 10 billion will be used in another 50 years!" Chu Feng sighed lightly. He had some pain in it. Such a little time was actually used up. So many battle points!

The previously completed SS-level mission earned 10 billion combat points. If it weren’t for the next SS-level mission to complete 100 billion combat points, it wouldn’t be able to support him now!

Miao Xian'er said: "Chu Feng, or else, you return to the realm of the gods... Maybe it will take more time to catch one hundred and seventy-seven middle-ranked saints. It shouldn't be a big problem!"

Chu Feng considered it for a while and shook his head slightly: "First continue to catch some saints in the holy realm. If there is enough time, there is no problem catching 177 middle saints, but now the time is not very good. adequate!"

"Chu Feng...or else, let Hongjun help? If Hongjun helps, it would be easy to catch one hundred and seventy-seven middle-ranked saints!" Miao Xianer said, "This can save a lot of combat points and also save money. Decades!"

"Master Hong helps"

Chu Feng frowned slightly. Indeed, if Hongjun were to help, it would save a lot of merit points and a lot of time.

However, it is not surprising that Hongjun suddenly caught so many middle-ranked saints.

Hongjun Pangu and Master Tianhen have gone through many cosmic reincarnations. They also know that Lin Tian exists. It is possible that they also know the holy prison. In their hearts, Chu Feng does not want them to know that they have the holy prison!

"Xian'er, I still don't want them to help!" Chu Feng shook his head. Now the holy prison is only level fourteen, and the level is still too low! For Hongjun and the others, Chu Feng did not distrust, but Chu Feng really didn't want his destiny to be in the hands of others!

If the holy prison is known, and the news that he owns the holy prison spreads out, it will definitely cause an uproar!

The holy prison is the biggest secret in Chu Feng's heart. Known by others, it is like taking off his clothes and running naked on the street, just naked in front of Feng Bingning and the others. Now Chu Feng does not want to be naked in front of Hongjie !

"Then waste some combat merits. Over 20 billion have already been used, and over 10 billion is used, which is still more than 60 billion." Miao Xian'er said with a smile, "Master, is there anything else to order?" ?"

"How many treasures have been identified from the end-time universe? How about the treasures given by Duan San that have not yet been identified?" Chu Feng said, "Right, check the angels Is there any progress?"

Miao Xian'er thought of a spatial ring and appeared in her hand: "All the treasures identified are here. The treasures obtained from Duan San, the one that has not been identified, is still not identified. We will wait until the holy prison is upgraded. Well, it is difficult to identify that one now, and it is estimated that that one is very good stuff!"

"There has been some progress in the research of those angels, but it will take a long time to produce actual results!" Miao Xian'er said, "Let me go and take a look."

Miao Xian'er said that Chu Feng waved her small hand and her figure disappeared instantly and appeared in another small space.

"Two-winged angels." Chu Feng said softly. In front of him were a few two-winged angels. The male angels were handsome and the female angels were delicate. They really looked pleasing to the eye.

These angels are now turning around in a circle. They are not tired. I don't know how long they have been turning right now!

Miao Xian'er said with a chuckle: "The research naturally starts with angels with lower strength, so it is easier!"

"They were created to obey the orders of their masters. This is the norm written into their pseudo-saints. This is extremely difficult to change. However, in the case of their masters parasitic, changing this makes them no longer obey the orders. Much easier! After all, the current owner is no longer the previous owner!"

"Now they are turning around, that's because they received an order from their master, you see"

Miao Xian'er said that a flute appeared in her hand, and the melodious flute sounded quickly.

With the sound of the flute, the speed of the angels' circle rotation slowed down. One of them seemed to want to leave the circle and no longer circle. However, this state did not last long. Soon they resumed their previous circle. status.

"After studying for a long time, I found that music has a greater impact on them, and different melodies have different effects. If you continue to study, I believe there will be good gains!" Miao Xianer said.

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Well, it looks pretty good, Xian'er, thanks for your hard work."

"Hmph, it's good to know. When you finish all these messy things, you have to travel with us well. I like to go around easily." Miao Xian'er said lightly.

"Definitely!" Chu Feng said, he sighed inwardly as he said, he didn't know when those messy things were solved yet, maybe he would not survive that day.

Without staying in the holy prison space for long, Chu Feng returned to the domain tower. He hadn't practiced quietly for many years, and now it was necessary for him to meditate for a while.

One year, two years, ten years, twenty years.

In a blink of an eye, fifty or sixty years have passed, and the wonderful voice of Miao Xian'er that day finally sounded in Chu Feng's mind.

"Uncle Chu Feng, wake up... the criminals have caught up!"


Chu Feng slowly opened his eyes and a faint smile appeared on his face. The criminal grabbed his feet. Then, as long as he exchanged for the five conditions for a high-ranking saint's holy prison upgrade, he would be completely satisfied!

In an instant, Chu Feng's figure disappeared from the domain tower and appeared in the holy prison space. "Xian'er, exchange the high-ranking saint Xie Jiang!" Chu Feng said with a smile, "Be safe outside, I want to go out to the lower realm!"

Miao Xian'er said: "Chu Feng, the lower realm space is not that stable. Upgrading in the lower realm will have a greater impact. It is estimated that even if you are in the secret room, then sister Bing Ning and the heavenly guards will not be able to stop the upgrade. The vision caused by time, it is recommended to find a safe place in the holy world to upgrade the holy prison!"

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