Holy Prison

Chapter 1745: See Fengchen

"Listen to what the Lord Longyang said before, this time the meeting of the holy kings was initiated by the black moon, the array and several holy kings. If a holy king knows the existence of the holy prison, I am afraid that there is no such ability. Initiating the Saint Kings Conference, the primary suspects are the Black Moon Venerable and the Array Venerable. The Longyang Saint Venerable actually became the Palace Master, and the possibility that he secretly initiated it is not small, and it is also possible that he knows the existence of the Holy Prison! "Chu Feng said inwardly.

For the time being, Chu Feng estimated that even if someone knew about the existence of the holy prison, there would be only one or two people, and those who knew would not easily let this news leak out.

Those who know the existence of the holy prison may also know that the holy prison is not so easy to obtain, but even if there is only one thousandth of hope, those who know will certainly not let others know easily. This is determined by the selfishness of human nature. !

"Master, what are you thinking?" Sun Wukong said. Both he and Zhu Bajie noticed that Chu Feng's expression was a little abnormal right now. "Nothing, we don't need to be here anymore. Master Hong and the others don't expect to come back for a long time." Chu Feng said. He told Sun Wukong and the others the news that Hongjun had just let him know in an instant.


Both Monkey King and Zhu Bajie showed solemn expressions on their faces. Chu Feng frowned and said, "Zhu Bajie, leave here and find a safer place."

"Good!" said Zhu Bajie and left immediately. It didn't take long for him to leave Tiandao Peak and land on a small holy mountain.

Chu Feng and Monkey King returned to their original size. With a flick of Monkey King's fingers, a few strands of the law's power dispersed into the surrounding space and immediately formed a hidden enchantment around them.

"Master, the temple is built, the angel plan, the steel plan... the situation is a bit bad." Sun Wukong said to Chu Feng, saying that Master Chu Feng still made him unsuitable, but it was a lot more adaptable than when it was at the beginning. This is like **** and rape. Since you can't resist, you can only adapt!

Zhu Bajie snorted: "Brother Monkey, let's go over and smash that holy mountain."

"Okay, I support you, idiot, go and smash it! By the way, remember to ask someone to send us a pork chop before you die." Monkey King stared at Zhu Bajie.

"Hey, Brother Monkey, humor, old pig is humorous, don't you understand." Zhu Bajie said. "You are a big ghost, it's serious at this time." Monkey King said.

Chu Feng frowned slightly and said: "The temple is built, and it will move to the holy mountain. Then the holy mountain will be changed very terribly! If some strong people without parasites fall into the holy mountain and want to escape, That is extremely difficult."

"Brother Monkey, you almost died! If the Most Sacred Mountain is established and you are found and then caught on the Most Sacred Mountain, the possibility of being parasitized is very high." Zhu Bajie said.

Sun Wukong nodded slightly and looked at Chu Feng with a kinder look. Although he was upset by calling Master Chu Feng, it is better than he was parasitized now.

"Master, what do we do now? Looking at this, the Three Realms War, it seems that it is not too far away." Sun Wukong said.

Chu Feng shook his head and said, "No... if those guys do this, it shows that there is still a lot of time before the Three Realms War. Even with the help of many saints, the establishment of the Most Sacred Mountain is not so easy, my **** It will take a long time for the world to build a super battle city. The Sacred Mountain is perfected, and it will not be impossible for ten thousand years!"

"If those saints want to build something special on the Most Sacred Mountain, then 10,000 years will be less, and it is estimated that it will take more than 10,000 years!"

"Since the Supreme Mountain is established, it must be useful. Forcibly parasitize some saints. This should be one of the larger uses. Even if the establishment is completed, there should be some time for arresting people! In addition, the angel plan, The steel plan cannot be completed in a short time."

Sun Wukong said: "Master, ten thousand years, one hundred thousand years, even a million years, this is not a long time, it is a relatively short time!" "Heh... I forgot about this." Chu Feng said with a light smile. For him, ten thousand years and one hundred thousand years are relatively long, but for a strong man like Monkey King who has lived for countless hundreds of millions of years, millions of years are also short.

Therefore, the Three Realms War just mentioned by Monkey King is not far away, and the meaning is quite different from what Chu Feng just understood!

"Brother Monkey, an angel with the strength of a lower saint, it should take at least 100,000 years to create it." Zhu Bajie asked.

Monkey King nodded slightly: "Well, idiot, you have to pay more attention to something. Don't just know how to eat and sleep in the future, otherwise you will find yourself in the most sacred mountain when you wake up. If the strong like to eat pork, your two hundred catties will probably enter others' stomachs."

"Brother Monkey, don't scare me, old pig, I am timid." Zhu Bajie grinned. He was like him, there was no sense of fear. "I'm too lazy to care about you...Master, what should we do in this situation?" Monkey King said.

Chu Feng rubbed his temple lightly. The situation now really makes him a little embarrassed. If there is no action, the Most Sacred Mountain will be established, and it will be difficult to win in the Holy Realm. This will also have many advantages. Will come immediately, Tang Mingfeng Bing Ning and they all have time to improve their strength!

Especially Feng Bingning and the others, they can borrow the power of the domain tower. If the cultivation level reaches a relatively high level by then, it will be very impressive to borrow the power of the domain tower!

"Let's find someone first!" Chu Feng said.

Zhu Bajie hurriedly asked, "Master, who is it?" "An indestructible powerhouse of the Feng Clan, Feng Chen, should you know each other?" Chu Feng chuckled.

Monkey King and Zhu Bajie both nodded. Although there are many powerhouses in the Immortal Realm, the number is not very large.

There may be many people who don't know Zhu Bajie, but Sun Wukong, a fighting sage who likes to challenge everywhere, guesses that there are few immortal powerhouses he does not know!

"Feng Chen, the Feng Clan is now ranked among the top three powerhouses... I think how powerful the Feng Clan was back then, and the current Feng Clan has fallen." Sun Wukong said with emotion.

Zhu Bajie said: "Master, he has not been parasitized? How do we find her?" Chu Feng smiled and said, "It is not very difficult for us to find her."

Half a day later, Chu Feng and the others got to an ordinary sacred mountain. Here, Chu Feng found a small mark. Through that mark, Chu Feng and the others went to another place an hour later and found it in another place. A small mark was made, and the mark was very inconspicuous, and even if a strong man like Monkey King discovered it, he didn't know its meaning, but Chu Feng and Feng Chen had agreed long ago and naturally knew the meaning of each mark.

After marking one by one, half a month later, in a sacred mountain valley in a remote place, Chu Feng finally discovered Feng Chen and Feng Man who had been living in seclusion here for quite a while!

"who are you?"

When Chu Feng and the others arrived, Feng Chen was highly nervous. She had some doubts that Chu Feng had been controlled by the two strong men around him at the moment. "Feng Chen, don't you know Lord Pig?" Zhu Bajie grinned as he was, "You are enjoying it. You found such a good place."

"Pig Bajie!" Feng Chen said without letting his guard down.

Chu Feng smiled slightly: "Senior Fengchen, don't worry, they are not under control. Fengman, it's been a long time!" "Yes, it's been a long time. I heard that your cultivation base has reached the upper sage now, congratulations !" Feng Man said. When she first heard about this news, her first thought was not to believe it. How long did it take for Chu Feng to reach the cultivation base of the upper saint. She is still a lower saint. The lower-level saint is now only the second-level lower saint!

Ten thousand years ago, compared with Chu Feng, Feng Man's cultivation base was one in the sky and one underground. Now it has only been ten thousand years, and his strength has been reversed.

"Heh... Congratulations, everyone is the same, struggling to survive." Chu Feng sighed slightly.

At this time, Monkey King became what he was.

"The Great Sage!"

Feng Chen hurriedly bowed a salute. Although she was also an indestructible powerhouse, she was only a third-level indestructible powerhouse, and there was a big gap between the strength of a holy king like Monkey King.

"You don't need to be polite." Sun Wukong waved his hand and said, "Master, let me make a small suggestion, can you not call Senior Fengchen? You call her senior, how come I feel weird for grandson."

"Yes, Master, just call your name, Old Pig, I also feel weird!"


There was a look of shock on Feng Chen's face. She really did not expect that Sun Wukong, the holy king, and Zhu Bajie, would actually call Chu Feng his master. "Sun Dasheng, we are not real masters and disciples. You call you, I call mine. Everyone does not affect each other. Don't care about so much." Chu Feng said with a light smile, "Senior Fengchen, my relationship with Sun Dasheng and Zhu Bajie , A word is hard to describe."

"Chu Feng, you are also a high-ranking saint now. Sun Dasheng and Zhu Bajie both call you Master. You can call me by my name directly. There is no need to call me senior." Feng Chen said, "Everyone is directly commensurate by name. Well, at the speed of your progress, it is estimated that it will not take too long to surpass me!"

Chu Feng smiled lightly: "Feng Chen, since that's the case, then I'm not welcome. The higher the level of cultivation, the more difficult it is to surpass you, then I don't know how long it is, how difficult it is!

"That's what I said, but the speed of your progress is too scary." Feng Man smiled slightly, "Three, please don't stay outside, please inside!"

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