Holy Prison

Chapter 1746: Feng Clan Patriarch

The valley where Fengchen and Fengman are located has beautiful scenery. There is a wooden house hidden by tall trees. Flowers and plants are planted in the front and back of the wooden house, and they smell the fragrance of flowers. Chu Feng and the others entered the wooden house.

"Feng Chen, your life is doing pretty well now." Chu Feng said with a light smile. Feng Chen smiled slightly: "This place is okay. The environment here is quite special. In this place, it is not easy to be located. It has lived safely for hundreds of years. Before, I fled."

If there is no one to chase and kill, there is no need to flee, but Feng Chen was chased and killed by Yin Xiao and other powerful saint kings. Now Feng Chen and the others are living a little more comfortably, because this place is really not. My plan, on the other hand, is also related to Yin Xiao and the others temporarily giving up on hunting them down.

"Chu Feng, I don't know what the outside world is like now? I only went outside to find out after a while." Feng Chen said.

"Several adults, please use tea." Feng Man made the tea ceremony at this time.

Drinking the tea made by Feng Man, Chu Feng sent some information directly into Feng Chen and Feng Man's mind.

"This" Feng Chen and Feng Man both frowned. "The Temple, the Most Sacred Mountain, the Angel, the Steel Project" Feng Chen said softly, her face was a little ugly, the news that Chu Feng passed to her was not good news.

Feng Man said: "Chu Feng...then the holy temple will take in the people who came up through the robbery, what about Bing Ning and the others? If they are directly taken into the holy temple"

"They, I will try my best to find a way." Chu Feng said, about the things that can be crossed in the holy prison space, Chu Feng doesn't want too many people to know now.

Feng Chen said: "Chu Feng, those of us with high strength are incompetent, and the responsibility of the Three Realms is more for you to bear. It is really ashamed!"

"Feng Chen, what did Master do?" Sun Wukong said curiously, but he didn't know much about what Chu Feng did.

Feng Chen smiled slightly: "Great Sage, your master has done a lot of things. I will send you a message directly to let you know." "Feng Chen, there is no need, I just want to live better for myself and my family and friends." Chu Feng Waved his hand.

"This is still necessary." Feng Chen said as soon as his mind moved a lot of information into the minds of Monkey King and Zhu Bajie!

Soon Monkey King and Zhu Bajie's eyes showed surprise. They didn't expect that Chu Feng did a lot of things!

The three realms are separated, the city of God's Beginning is established, to solve the danger of the mortal realm, and kill many saints of the lower realm to deter all parasitic saints.

"This is just what I know, I don't know, there should be a lot more." Feng Chen said with a light smile.

Sun Wukong nodded slightly. Indeed, there are many things Feng Chen didn't know. For example, Hongjun and Pangu were not parasitized now, and she didn't even know the news.

Hongjun Pangu was awakened with the help of Chu Feng, and he and Zhu Bajie were also thanks to Chu Feng's help.

"Master, it's no wonder that you have infinite merits and you have done so many things. With your ability to do so much, old Sun admires it!" Sun Wukong said.

Chu Feng smiled lightly and said: "Don't look at me like this. I don't want to be a savior. I am Feng Chen. You have been to many places. Which places are not easy to locate, and which places are hidden. Space, where there are escape space channels or something, you should know, let’s exchange information."

Feng Chen immediately passed a lot of information directly to Chu Feng and Monkey King. Chu Feng obtained a lot of information from Hongjun and Pangu. At this time, he also passed the information to Feng Chen for exchange. With the information, when it's critical, it's much easier to escape!

"Chu Feng, what good plans do you have next?" Feng Chen said. Chu Feng frowned and said: "There must be a large number of powerful people gathered on the most sacred mountain today, and destruction on that side will not work. Even if it is destroyed, the powerful people in the temple will not take much time to change the place!"

"Now Bing Ning and the others have not crossed the catastrophe. They are going to cross the catastrophe very quickly. Even if there is any action, I want to wait for them to successfully cross the catastrophe. Yes, the next period of time will be a stable period."

Feng Chen frowned and said: "Stable period? If we don't do anything on our side, most of the saints who have not been parasitized today will be parasitized!"

Chu Feng said with a chuckle: "Feng Chen, we only need to know who has not been parasitized now. Parasitism cannot be done all at once. If the parasitism is not long, then the parasitism is not so stable. At that time, we can find a way to recover the parasitic instability."

"Is there a way?"

"There are methods, but it still doesn't work now, so it still takes time! Feng Chen, this time, it is one of them to come here and exchange information to visit you. Second, I want to ask about the whereabouts of something. I don't know if you know it. "Chu Feng said.

Feng Chen nodded: "What do you want to know?"

"Tongtian Tower, control the jade talisman, do you know this one?" Chu Feng said. Feng Chen nodded and said, "I know this one. Back then, my Feng clan owned a tower of Tongtian control jade talisman fragments!"

Chu Feng asked hurriedly: "That piece of the Tongtian Pagoda that controls the jade talisman is very important. Do you know where it is now?" "It was in the hands of a holy ancestor of my Feng clan. It may be in the hands of a senior of my Feng Clan who may have the strength of the Saint King!" Feng Chen said.

Feng Clan now ranks second in strength. Above Feng Chen, there is another person who is stronger than her. Feng Chen has always wanted to contact Feng Chen’s senior to determine if she is Parasite, but she didn't dare. If the senior was parasitized, then her contact would be to throw in the trap and find hardship!

"Feng Chen, she should be in the Feng Clan now, right?" Chu Feng said.

Feng Chen shook his head slightly: "No, I checked it secretly, and she regained consciousness. She had been to the Feng Clan before, but she is not among the Feng Clan now!"

"Master, Feng Yao's ancestor may not have been parasitic." Feng Man said.

Feng Chen said quietly, "Chu Feng, as Feng Man said, I feel that the ancestor may not have been parasitized, but I dare not risk contacting her."

"Can you get in touch?" Chu Feng said.

"Yes... I and Feng Yao's ancestor Phoenix's bloodlines are very strong. Let go of the bloodline induction, as long as the distance is not too far, it should be able to sense some! As long as the approximate direction can be sensed, the distance can be shortened. Then contacted." Feng Chen said, looking at Monkey King and Zhu Bajie's face with hesitation.

Zhu Bajie said: "Feng Chen, do you want old pig and me to help me and Brother Monkey, so that you can see Fairy Feng Yao?" "If possible, I would like to ask you to do me a favor." Feng Chen nodded.

"No problem." Zhu Bajie replied.

Monkey King stretched out his hand and patted Zhu Bajie's forehead for an instant: "Idiot, is it your turn to make a decision here? Master thinks more about these things, so I decided to let Master do it."

"Sun Dasheng, you are shirking responsibility, but your strength is much higher than mine. The sky is falling, should you carry it?" Chu Feng chuckled.

"Hey, old Sun is mainly responsible for beating people!" Monkey King said.

Zhu Bajie grinned and said: "I don't bother to care about it. I am mainly responsible for eating and drinking, old pig...If you hit someone, you can call me, Master. It feels good to hit someone!"

"You two" Chu Feng shook his head slightly, with a look of helplessness on his face, "Feng Chen, please contact Feng Yao and we will see you! But, don't worry, we have to plan carefully. If Feng Yao has been parasitized, it would be bad if we contact many people to make our dumplings."

After a pause, Chu Feng continued: "Feng Chen, if Feng Yao had woken up long ago, she shouldn't even have a void stone in the lower realm at this moment."

"She hasn't been in the lower realms in recent years, so you must be psychologically prepared. The chance of her being parasitized is more than 80%. You feel that she has not been parasitized. That is just a feeling, with too much affection for you. If we contact her, this time, we mainly want her to hand over the control jade charm!"

Feng Chen and Feng Man's face changed slightly. As a Feng Clan, they naturally didn't want the strongest Feng Clan to be parasitized!

"Chu Feng, what kind of plan do you have, we will listen to you." Feng Chen sighed authentically.

Chu Feng said: "You get in touch with her, and then how much distance will be shortened between each other before you can directly communicate with you by sending a jade talisman?"

"This doesn't need to be too close. The problem is that we get the induction to be able to send a message. There is a lot of time in between. The strength of the ancestors is much stronger than mine. Perhaps, I can locate my location through induction. If the ancestor is parasitized, this is very dangerous. This is the reason why I have not dared to contact the ancestor! Well... maybe, deep down, I also know that the ancestor has been parasitized, but I don’t want to admit it."

"The old ancestor returned to the Feng clan. Although the lower realm needs a lot of void stones, the old ancestor should still have it. I have sent people to the Feng clan before. If the old ancestor returns, I will go to the gods." Feng Chen said.

Chu Feng frowned and said, "It turns out that you have brought such news. If this is the case, the chance of your ancestor being parasitic exceeds 90%!"

"Master, what you are saying is too conservative. Let me see to the old pig. In this case, the chance of being parasitized reaches 99%!" Zhu Bajie said.

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