Holy Prison

Chapter 1747: Four Holy Beast Site

"Ninety-nine percent!"

Both Feng Chen and Feng Man's expressions were very ugly. Chu Feng glared at Zhu Bajie, this guy, is it necessary to speak so bluntly like this.

"Fool, don't talk nonsense." Monkey King said. Feng Chen sighed softly: "Chu Feng, Great Sage, don't blame Zhu Bajie, he is just telling the truth."

"Chu Feng, if Feng Yao's ancestor is parasitized, he should be able to recover?" Feng Chen said.

Chu Feng said, "Feng Chen, I can't guarantee this... But Senior Feng Yao is strong and has a low probability of being completely parasitized. The possibility of recovery is still relatively high! This is a problem we have to consider before, and now we We still have to consider how to catch Senior Feng Yao at that time!"

"Master, the space where Brother Monkey and I slept before is not bad. That space is extremely stable and has only one exit. If Senior Feng Yao enters it, it should be no problem to take her down." Zhu Bajie said. Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Well, you and Sun Dasheng, plus Feng Chen, if the opponent is just Feng Yao, it should be possible!"

"Then our problem now is that how to lead Feng Yao to that side must be determined, and she is the only one who tempts to that side!" Chu Feng said.

Feng Man said: "Chu Feng, this is probably difficult... Although there are now a large number of strong people on the side of the holy mountain, it is unlikely that Feng Yao ancestors will attract many strong people, but Feng Yao ancestors must have Friends or something, if a few parasitic friends are invited to this side, the people she invited, if they are in her space items, we cannot be sure."

"It's really likely to cause trouble, and foreplay is necessary." Chu Feng said with a chuckle, "Even if Senior Feng Yao is parasitized, she will still be more concerned about the Feng clan. If the Feng clan appears something In case of trouble, if Senior Feng Yao knew, he would definitely return to the Feng Clan!"

"At that time, Feng Chen, let go of your induction and attract Senior Feng Yao to pass. Time is tighter, so Senior Feng Yao has no time to find a helper!"

Feng Chen thought about it for a while and nodded slightly: "If this method is done well, it is indeed feasible! However, before that, I think I need to let go of the induction and try it out. Don’t do a lot of things by then. As a result, I let go of the induction, but I couldn't sense the ancestor Feng Yao!"

"Well! After we are sure we can sense it, we will act separately. Zhu Bajie, you and Feng Chen will act together. If there is a problem, it should be resolved with the power of both of you. Sun Dasheng, let's go to the side of the Flame Mountain of the Feng Clan. Something happened." Chu Feng said with a light smile.

Three hours later, Chu Feng and the others had already left the place where Feng Chen and the others lived. It was impossible to let go of the induction at that place. In that case, Feng Chen and the others would not be able to live there again.

"Chu Feng, I feel it now." Feng Chen said.

Chu Feng nodded slightly, Feng Chen let go of the bloodline induction, after a careful induction, there was no result, and frowned slightly, Feng Chen cut his wrist, and a stream of blood suddenly flowed out.

The blood vibrated in front of Feng Chen, and an arrow made of blood appeared in about three minutes, and the arrow pointed to Feng Chen's left front!

Just when Feng Chen's induction was successful, a white-haired woman who was practicing in the flames opened her eyes far away from Feng Chen's place.

As the white-haired woman opened her eyes, a powerful aura appeared on her body. Affected by the aura, all the flames around her were forced to step back three feet!

"Finally, can't help but contact." The white-haired woman showed a weird smile on her face and instantly disappeared into the blazing flame!

"Come!" Feng Chen whispered beside Chu Feng, and the blood that had flowed outside immediately returned to her body. She took the Phoenix blood as her sage. This blood is very important to her, but she can't casually No more!

Chu Feng said, "Should I feel it?"

Feng Chen nodded slightly: "Well, I sensed it. It was in the direction pointed by the arrow just now. The distance is very far! Chu Feng, I suggest that if you go to the flame mountain side, don't act for the time being. I just sensed it here. If you If you act immediately, Feng Yao's ancestor will definitely doubt something."

"Don't worry, we won't have any action in 20 to 30 years. After 20 to 30 years, there should be enough time for such a long time!" Chu Feng said.

"Zhu Bajie, in the past 20 to 30 years, don't find a place to fall asleep, otherwise if things are delayed, your ears will probably be picked off by your monkey brother!" Chu Feng looked at Zhu Bajie.

Zhu Bajie patted his fat belly and said, "Master, don't worry, I still know the importance of the old pig, and it's not that Feng Chen and others reminded me!"

"Feng Chen, Feng Man, this is the difference. You will rest for 20 to 30 years first, and then, follow your plan!" Chu Feng said.

Both Feng Chen and Feng Man nodded slightly, and the five of them separated in the blink of an eye. Feng Chen and the others returned to the valley, while Chu Feng and Monkey King went straight to Huoyan Mountain, where the Feng tribe gathered.

There is Flaming Mountain in Journey to the West, but the power of that Flaming Mountain is completely incomparable with the power of Flaming Mountain, where the Holy Realm Phoenix Clan gathers.

The Flame Mountain in the Holy Realm does not refer to a single peak, but countless peaks gathered together. Many peaks are bursting with flames. Very few peaks and even the entire peak are shrouded in raging In the burning flame! The Holy Realm existed before the separation of the Three Realms, and the Flame Mountain was there at that time. For countless billions of years, the flames of the Flame Mountain have not been extinguished. This Flame Mountain and the bloodline of the Phoenix Clan are both important to the strength of the Phoenix Clan. factor!

In ancient times, there were four sacred beast races, the Qinglong clan, the Phoenix clan, the White Tiger clan, the Xuanwu clan, and the four sacred beast races were very powerful in the ancient times. Although many have fallen, the Four Sacred beast races are still very powerful. It is estimated that most of the four holy beast races are parasitic!

The four sacred beast races are in decline, but the base of the four sacred beasts is still as strong as ever.

The Qinglong clan lives in the mysterious dragon domain, and now even Chu Feng does not know where the dragon domain is! The Phoenix clan gathers in the Flame Mountain. The Flame Mountain is the home ground of the Phoenix Clan. It is very helpful for the Phoenix Clan to fight here. If other strong people come here, their strength will be suppressed, especially the strong ones whose attributes are suppressed. Once here, that strength will be greatly suppressed!

The White Tigers are attacking and tyrannical. Today, in the Holy Realm, the White Tigers are mainly gathered in the southwest of the Holy Realm. There are many sacred mountains and many sacred mountains are endless. The strong fighting spirit is gathered in the area where the White Tigers are located. , Can attract battle energy into the body with the power of blood, so that one's own strength can be improved a lot in a short time, and the side effects of such an improvement are not big!

As for the Xuanwu clan, as far as Chu Feng knew, many sacred mountains in the north of the holy realm had passages through which they could enter a vast area of ​​water.

The water is not ordinary water, but heavy water of extremely high quality. Moreover, the waters are extremely cold, and outsiders don’t know its depth. Many powerful people of the Xuanwu clan live in the deep waters, where they compete with those of the Xuanwu clan. If a battle occurs, the strong of the Xuanwu clan will naturally have the advantage!

Chu Feng in the Dragon Region didn’t know where the Four Sacred Beasts were, so he didn’t go there. Although he had heard of the other three places, the White Tiger Battlefield, the Flame Mountain, and the Frozen Profound Abyss Chu Feng, they were all There is no past. On the one hand, he has no time; on the other hand, his strength is too weak.

As for the previous tour with Hongjun, the direction was different, and he did not travel to the side of Huoyan Mountain.

The holy realm is now divided into southeast and northwest. The Huoyan Mountain is in the south of the holy realm, and the distance is relatively far away, but it was taken by Monkey King, and Chu Feng and the others took ten days to reach the area near the Huoyan Mountain in the south of the holy world. In the south, there is still a large area, but there are so many dangers in that area, and you may be in the Jedi if you are not careful!

"It's getting hot."

Chu Feng said softly and authentically. He and Monkey King hadn't even reached the Flame Mountain at this time but were just approaching. They already felt that the surrounding temperature was tens of thousands of degrees higher than the normal temperature in the Holy Realm!

"Master, wouldn't it be enough for you to increase a little defense?" Monkey King said.

Chu Feng shook his head slightly: "The body feels it directly, which is beneficial to the improvement of cultivation level. It is just a little hot. There is no need to defend against such a temperature. Sun Dasheng, be careful. This place is close to Flame Mountain. The ship was overturned and was discovered by the strong on this side."

"Master, rest assured, it is not so easy to find Teacher My! If Fairy Feng Yao is there, you may still find that Fairy Feng Yao is not there. If I am found, then there is no need to mess around!" Sun Wukong confidently said.

"Don't be careless, Feng Yao was not on the side of Huoyan Mountain when I felt it before, but he may have already returned now, and there may be strong people who are not from the Feng clan on the Feng clan side!" Chu Feng said.

Monkey King nodded: "Master, I know, I will be careful!" Monkey King instantly turned into an ordinary fire crow and flew towards Flame Mountain.

The Flame Mountain is the territory of the Phoenix Race, but in the Flame Mountain, there are many other races, and the Huo Wu is one of the other races on this side.

Fire crow, fire snake, and fire-attributed insects. The races gathered are basically fire-attributed. They benefit from the Flame Mountain. At the same time, the Feng clan also benefits from their races.

The entire Phoenix clan now has only one or two thousand people in the dark, but there are tens of thousands of saints gathered on the side of Huoshan Mountain. If you add some lives created by saints, the number will be even more. The overall strength is still very strong!

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