Holy Prison

Chapter 1755: Mission point

"Everyone, at the same time tomorrow, who will compete with me? You decide by yourself. You don’t want to call Master Chu. Get things ready! I will charge for the person. If the things are not satisfactory to me, then you will call it according to the rules and honestly. Master Chu. Of course, you don’t have to call, but then it seems that you need a thicker skin! See you tomorrow!"

Chu Feng's voice fell, and he disappeared in front of millions of people in an instant.

"Grass, let him win so easily!"

"What did the black three of Luo Shao do? This person surnamed Chu does not seem to be very strong. He actually defeated the person surnamed Chu simply!"

"Yes, I think he is shooting slightly faster. If I play, he can't think of defeating me so easily, maybe I will beat that bastard!"

"Everyone, let me let me tomorrow. I must teach that wild boy a good lesson. When the time comes, I will definitely let him get out of Azurite City!"

"Badman, why are you? I will come tomorrow!"

For a while, many people argued. Qian Wan's light cough sounded in everyone's ears: "Everyone, listen to me Qian Qian. It's just a wild boy who didn't know where he came from. Everyone is fighting like this. Are you afraid of losing your identity? Look, for the time being, let some of our subordinates take action. If I don’t need us to take action, what are we vying to do? When the wild boy is defeated, we just watch and do something!"

"Shao Qian is right!" The young man surnamed Zheng laughed. "We might as well choose some people, and then choose the next nine people by lottery. When the time comes, we will press the number! I don't believe it. Now, the next nine people will still be defeated by the kid named Chu! Hei San loses, it's just that his combat power is relatively poor!"

"Just do it!"

"This is a good way, lest it hurt your peace!"

The method came out, and the next two to ten were selected in a short time. When they selected, Chu Feng appeared in the eighth domain tower. The eighth domain tower now only reaches the 30th floor, and this domain tower has a total of 33 floors, reaching 30. On the third floor, the conditions for upgrading the holy prison will be completed!

Miao Xian'er said earlier that it might be beneficial to fully upgrade a domain tower, and Chu Feng is also looking forward to the possible benefits!

There are eight domain towers, and each domain tower has a strong man who "sold his body" for ten billion years. The strong man "sold" to him by the eighth domain tower is named Yu Wenzhan, a seven-level immortal powerhouse!

Among the other domain towers, the seventh-level immortal powerhouse is not too strong, but in the eighth domain tower, the Yuwen combat strength of the seventh-level immortal strength is already very high. A few indestructible powerhouses!

With Yu Wenzhan following, Chu Feng advanced quickly in the 30th Domain Tower, and he went to many safe places in just one day.

"Yuwenzhan, take a break, and I'll be right back!" Chu Feng disappeared in front of Yuwenzhan when he finished speaking. The time had come to the next day, outside the city of Amaranth. At this time, more than 100 million people had gathered!

The entire Azurite City has only 10 million people, but the world where Azurite City is located, the number of people is extremely large, in trillions of dollars, more than 90 million people have rushed over in a day. normal!

"The impact is not small." Chu Feng appeared directly in the martial arts area. He glanced around and showed a faint smile on his face. After yesterday's game, Chu Feng gained dozens of mission points, and he got mission points. At the time, Miao Xian'er unblocked some information about his mission!

If the mission point is more than 10,000, the mission failed! If the task points reach ten thousand and less than one hundred thousand, when the task is handed in, it will be assessed as an E-level task. The more task points, the more rewards, but if it is only an E-level task, then don’t think about how many rewards there are, E-level The rewards of the task are not enough for Chu Feng to stuff his teeth!

Mission points from 100,000 to 1 million (not included), D-level mission; mission points from 1 million to 10 million (not included), C-level mission!

The B-level missions are from 10 million mission points to 100 million mission points; the A-level missions, from 100 million mission points to 1 billion mission points, are already a huge number!

S-level missions, from one billion mission points to 10 billion mission points, SS level, tens to hundreds of billions; SSS level, hundreds of billion mission points, to one trillion mission points!

In other words, if Chu Feng wants to get this task to SS level, he needs tens of billions of task points, and if he wants to get SSS level, he needs hundreds of billions of task points!

Winning one person yesterday only got dozens of quest points. If every one of them is like this, then Chu Feng needs to win one or two billion people before he can get an SS-level quest, and he has to win one or two. One billion people can get an SSS-level mission. If you go to the back and win one person and get fewer mission points, then maybe you have to win tens of billions of people to get an SSS-level mission. You can imagine this mission. The pervert!

"What about the opponent?" Chu Feng said quietly, "My time is limited. After I appear, the person who fights with me will come on stage immediately. Don't delay my time!"

"Arrogant, let me teach you a lesson!" A cold voice sounded, and a cool young man appeared in the competition venue in an instant.

The cool young man immediately attacked as soon as he entered the arena. More than ten seconds later, the poor guy was hit by Chu Feng's stunt with his yin leg and quickly lost the match in pain!

"These are satisfactory?"

When the match was lost, the cool young man immediately threw out a lot of things. Among those things were treasures and holy crystals.

"It's okay, get out!" Chu Feng waved his hand, and instantly all the treasures that cool youth took out were collected into the holy prison space by him.

Chu Feng was not polite, but the cool young man knew that he was so afraid that he didn't dare to say anything and immediately left the competition venue in a desperate manner!

"Sixty-five mission points." Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind. Chu Feng's eyes lit up slightly. It seems that if the opponent's strength is higher, then he will get a little more mission points. He defeated that yesterday. A black trio means fifty-one mission points, which is more than ten points less than the mission points obtained today!

"Young Master Chu, don't leave in a hurry!" Chu Feng was about to leave when a voice shouted. "Say." Chu Feng looked at the speaker indifferently. The young man who was speaking, Chu Feng, knew that it was Shao Zheng who had an immortal power in the family.

Shao Zheng, his name is Zheng Kun, his strength is not bad, he is the strength of an eighth-level middle saint. This guy Yin Qianqian told him that he was one of the people who wanted to be strong, but Yin Qianqian was taught him a lesson. Later it changed to pursuit. According to Yin Qianqian, this Zheng Kun has no one hundred million and eighty million women he played with!

"Young Master Chu, since you won the game easily without any consumption or injury, you might as well have more than a few games. It's just such a game a day. It's really a bit boring!" Zheng Kun said with a chuckle. It seemed as if friends were chatting, but secretly, he had only one idea, and Chu Feng quickly failed!

This idea of ​​Zheng Kun was also the idea of ​​many people, so immediately after his words were spoken, countless people supported it.

"A few more games a day? That's okay!" Chu Feng said quietly, "You should have arranged people. After a person fails, follow me immediately! In addition, after failure, immediately give something or call Lord Chu , Lord Chu, I'm not interested in talking with you one by one, I understand."

"Let me teach you a lunatic!"

"See how long your good luck lasts!"

One, two, three nine people came out before, and in just a few minutes, all nine people were defeated by Chu Feng! At the beginning, many people thought that Chu Feng won just luck. After he won several times in a row and every time he won so easily, no one thought that Chu Feng won just luck!

"Is there anyone who wants to go up? This level really disappoints me! Shao Luo, Shao Zheng, Shao Qian, and your subordinates seem to be not very good!" Chu Feng said with a light smile, "How, Do you want to play with me in person? I don't have two hands, let you have one hand, how about?"

Before those people were just Qianwan's subordinates, Chu Feng estimated that defeating them would get fewer quest points, and directly defeating Luo Shao and the others would get more quest points!

"Arrogant, let Ben Shao come to meet you for a while!" Luo Kai snorted and instantly entered the competition venue. He was the first Luo Shao Chu Feng met. The previous dogleg Hei San was the first to lose. In his hands.

People like Luo Kai have a big family behind them, and they have received more teachings, and they are also more powerful in treasures and other things. Luo Kai's power of argument is higher than the previous ten people!

"Didn’t you say that it’s okay to be below a high-ranking saint? This young man is better than a fifth-level middle-ranking saint, I hope you have such strength!" Luo Kai's sword appeared in his hand and said in a deep voice, the sword in his hand flickered with cold light. It’s a lot better than the sacred artifacts in the hands of those people before. Many of those people were the strength of the middle-level saints, but most of their weapons were only lower-level saints, and only one of them was a middle-level saint. It's just a middle sacred object of garbage.

Attack weapons are rubbish, and those people's defense treasures are also rubbish, so for Chu Feng, those people's combat power is too low!

In Luo Kai’s words, the sword in his hand is a middle sacred tool, and it is a good middle sacred tool. In addition, the defensive armor on his body is also a middle sacred tool. There are two middle sacred tools, those with family support and those who don’t The people supported by the family are very different!

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