Holy Prison

Chapter 1756: Billion field

"Five-level mid-level saint? No problem!"

Chu Feng let go of some seals, and his cultivation quickly rose from a second-level middle-ranked saint to a fifth-ranked middle-ranked saint. At this time, he naturally used the sage of the brain, but it is not easy even for people with high strength. figure it out!

Luo Kai snorted. If Chu Feng had only a second-level median saint cultivation base, then he would be ashamed at this moment, but he was just a delusion!

"In a quarter of an hour, I want to see how you can win this young master!" Luo Kai said coldly.

A faint smile appeared at the corner of Chu Feng's mouth. Although Luo Kai was not polite, he was prepared to let Luo Kai support him in his hands for a while. If Luo Kai's combat power could not support too much time, then It's too much of a blow to the enthusiasm of some people, but it violates his goal of obtaining mission points!

As soon as Luo Kaijian raised, a lightning bolt struck Chu Feng in an instant. This lightning bolt sent out, which also represented the official start of the competition!

One minute later, Luo Kai was at a disadvantage, but there was no obvious defeat. Three minutes later, Luo Kai lost his defeat. Seven minutes passed!

Chu Feng kicked Luo Kai's face heavily. Poor Comrade Luo Kai flew out of his teeth under Chu Feng's foot. Several of them were kicked and flew out hundreds of meters before hitting the hard ground!

Chu Feng exhaled, "Master Luo, do you want to continue?" Chu Feng said quietly. Luo Kai stood up with an ugly expression. At this time, the power in his body was running wildly. Even if he wanted to fight again, he couldn't keep going! If you insist, it's only for Chu Feng's cruel abuse. When so many people are being abused, it's better to admit defeat now.

Luo Kai snorted a lot of things and took it out, "I'm sorry, I don't like it, Master Luo, it seems you can only call Master Chu!" Chu Feng chuckled.

Luo Kai looked at Chu Feng with spiteful eyes, and he took out a lot of treasures with his thoughts. "It's still a bit like, let's go! Everyone, there are already ten games today, so far, at the same time tomorrow, we will see or leave, hahaha, hahahaha!" Chu Feng disappeared in an instant after speaking, his laughter The voice is echoing in the sky!

Luo Kai clenched his fists. He felt that if he was more careful some time, he would definitely be able to hold on for a longer time this time, but he had forgotten that Chu Feng’s weapons were not used at this time. The combat power used is no more than 30%!

"This person surnamed Chu does have some abilities, but he is not particularly powerful. If he releases such rants, sooner or later he will suffer. Tomorrow, I will fight him!"

"Isn't he saying that there is only a high-ranking saint and below, any strength is fine? Tomorrow I will try the strength of a ninth-level mid-level saint with him. I want to see if the strength of a ninth-level mid-level saint is that strong! "

"Too crazy, he will definitely suffer by that time! Some top powerhouses in this level will come tomorrow, and in other worlds, it is estimated that there will be strong people to this level!"

There was a lot of discussion outside the Blue Crystal City, but Chu Feng was not interested in listening. He had already reached the eighth domain tower and was with Yu Wenzhan.

"Boss, there seems to be something good." Universe Zhan said quietly.

"It's a little bit." Chu Feng said with a chuckle. Just now in the battle with Luo Kai, he got a thousand mission points, and he alone surpassed the previous ten people. In this situation, Chu Feng still let Chu Feng Quite satisfied!

"Yuwen war, let's go on, we are going to the 33rd floor. It is estimated that it will take a lot of time. It won't work without speeding up a little progress!"

"Hmm!" Yu Wenzhan nodded slightly.

Time passed day by day, year after year, and in a blink of an eye, more than twenty years had passed since Chu Feng was in the sacred prison space in the domain tower!

For more than two decades, Chu Feng spent some time with Feng Bingning and the others to improve their combat power, Tang Ming and the others, Monkey King Pig Nine Jie, and the rest of the time. They spent most of their time in the domain tower!

Among the domain towers, more than 20 years have passed, and the eighth domain tower Chu Peak has reached the 32nd floor, and most of the 32nd floor has passed. It should not be used to reach the 33rd floor. Too long time.

On the side of Azurite City, Domain Tower 3, for more than 20 years, Chu Feng has shot 100 games every year, and a total of 2,000 and hundreds of games have been shot for more than 20 years.

In the two thousand or hundreds of battles, no one can hold him in his hands for more than a quarter of an hour. However, he has already used the weapon, but only the Silver Nether World Gourd and the Dark Chaos Lotus have not been used. Those two It is estimated that most of the people will be too scared to sign with him anymore!


"The Madman Chu is here!"

Chu Feng appeared in the martial arts competition area outside the city of Azurite, and suddenly many people called out. After winning hundreds of games in a row before, Chu Feng received the title of Madman Chu.

Crazy Chu, this title was mainly because those people expressed dissatisfaction with Chu Feng's arrogance at the beginning. Now after Chu Feng won more than 2,000 consecutive games, this title already has a lot of respect!

Although mad, he won more than two thousand games in a row, and no one in the hands of Chu Feng lasted a quarter of an hour. This is a miracle in the eyes of countless people!

"There are a lot more people." Chu Feng glanced around and showed a faint smile on his face. At the very beginning of the battle, there were millions of people gathered on this side. That was a lot, but it was gathered on this side. Compared with the number of people, it appears to be very small, and now there are more than one trillion people gathered here!

Trillions of people, what kind of concept is that... Thousands of kilometers around the martial arts venue is full of people. Every year when Chu Feng comes over for ten days, the ten days that come here are full of people!

"Young Master Chu, your first opponent is me!" Zheng Kun instantly entered the competition arena and said in a deep voice. In the previous more than 2,000 games, he has tried four games against Chu Feng and naturally lost all four games. In the four games, he was severely injured in each of them, but after he recovered, he was able to participate in the competition immediately.

In each game, Zheng Kun’s combat power will increase a little bit. With Chu Feng’s retention, he can hold on for a longer time, but what he doesn’t know is that Chu Feng has achieved 40% in the competition with him. Power around! About 40% of combat power and 10% of combat power, the gap is huge!

"Take it."

Zheng Kun snorted and took out a lot of treasures. No treasures were needed at the start of the first game, but for the latter, certain things need to be paid for the start! For people like Zheng Kun who can get him more mission points, Chu Feng will receive less, and for people who can't get him many mission points, the start-up fee charged is not low!

"Zheng Kun, you will be beaten to death again today." Chu Feng said quietly, "Wait for a while before making a move. I have news to announce. Everyone, in the next few years, I may not come over if something happens... …It’s just possible. If I have time, I’ll still come and play with you. Next, I will not set a fixed time!"

"As long as I come here, I will play at least ten games, and there is no upper limit. If I am in a good mood, I can play hundreds of games with you in one day! That’s right, to reiterate, Yin Qianqian belongs to me. If you can't beat me, don't make any ideas!"

"Who said I was yours?"

For the first time, Yin Qianqian's figure appeared indifferently around the competition field.

"Fairy Qian!"

"It's Fairy Qian, Fairy Qian has finally appeared, and she really has a stunning appearance! Madman Chu madly said that Fairy Qian belongs to him. Now it's a good show!"

Quite a few people talked about appearing, and Chu Feng's eyes fell on Yin Qianqian. Yin Qianqian appeared here now, and that was to help him build momentum!

That non-level task is to defeat Yin Qianqian's love rival, defeat the love rival's dog legs, that can be regarded as an indirect defeat of the love rival, but the mission points obtained are relatively few.

Chu Feng asked Yin Qianqian to appear here because he wanted to create more rivals for himself! Only with more rivals, more powerful rivals, can he push that mission to SS level or even SSS level! If this task can be pushed to the SSS level, then the rewards will be very rich, and the reward points plus the merit points he had before may be exchanged for a high-level saint!

In that case, the two conditions for the upgrade of the holy prison are completed at once, and it is only difficult to complete the two conditions for reaching the fifth-level high-ranking saint and obtaining the fire heart crystal!

"Fairy Qian, do you want to choose my defeated man?" Chu Feng chuckled.

Yin Qianqian said quietly: "Mad Chu, if you can keep winning streak, then I can be your woman, but you can't keep winning streak, so please don't talk nonsense, otherwise don't blame me. You're welcome! Don't say that the combat power is relatively high, but in terms of strength, I am afraid it is a little shameful!"

"If I win a winning streak, I will become my woman? This is what you said, haha!" Chu Feng laughed and said, "If I win a winning streak, there must be a time limit. So, if I win 100 million games in a row, You will become my woman obediently."

Yin Qianqian frowned slightly and said, "One billion games, one billion consecutive victories, and you have to show a relatively high level of strength. Only if you have no combat power, that won't work!"

Countless people took a deep breath. One billion games. This is really amazing. Although Chu Feng has won two thousand games now, it's too far away compared to one billion games!

Chu Feng estimated for a moment, this mission is only six or seven thousand years away. If you want to win one billion games, you will have to win more than 100,000 games a year, that is, you have to win hundreds of games every day. !

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