Holy Prison

Chapter 1757: Unparalleled combat power, but seek defeat

"Fairy Qian, if I have one-to-many and I win several people in one game, isn't it counted as one game?" Chu Feng chuckled. "If you really have the ability to win a few games at a time, it will count as a few games, a total of one billion people!" Yin Qianqian said quietly, "However, the world is so big that there are many capable people, can you still win?"

"Yes, I thought it would be great to win more than two thousand games. There are countless people who didn't make a shot, and they were still one-to-many!"

"Won more than two thousand games, it's really amazing, but it's just because many strong players have not come, and some of the strong ones who have come have not yet come out. If you make a shot, it is a question of whether you can win more than two thousand games!"

"Chu madman, I will wait for you to get out of Sapphire City in the shit! With your combat power, you think the world is the best? A joke!"

Countless people cried out, and the whole venue was boiling! Zheng Kun said in a deep voice: "Everyone, be quiet, I have a few words to ask Fairy Qian."

Hearing Zheng Kun's voice, it didn't take long for everyone to quiet down.

"Fairy Qian, if he keeps winning, he can embrace the beauty, what if someone wins him then?" Zheng Kun looked at Yin Qianqian with a light smile.

Yin Qianqian said quietly: "Keep winning, and just winning against him, the difference is not small." Yin Qianqian said, glanced at Chu Feng and continued, "If anyone wins him, I can go with him. For dinner, don’t think about anything else."

"It's just for dinner, Fairy Qian, is this a bit stingy?" Zheng Kun said with a smile. "Zheng Kun, do you want to die?" Yin Qianqian said coldly.

"Fairy Qian calmed down and calmed down his anger." Zheng Kun smiled, "I mean, while having dinner, can you give me a chance to pursue it?" "If someone wins, let's talk about it." Yin Qianqian said and disappeared instantly.

"Zheng Kun, others may still have a chance, do you think you might have a chance? Haha!" Chu Feng appeared beside Zheng Kun in an instant.

After playing more than 2,000 games, Chu Feng took the initiative for the first time. The first shot was his trick to slap his yin feet. This kick Chu Feng used a lot of strength. Although he didn’t kick Comrade Zheng Kun’s bird, he still let He hurts for a while!

A few minutes later, there was not much suspense, Comrade Zheng Kun failed. This time he suffered a lot more injuries than the previous injuries!

"Take it." Zheng Kun's face was pale and honest, and a lot of things lit up instantly as he said. "I'm sorry, this time I don't like this thing about you, so just call Master Chu." Chu Feng said with a smile.

Zheng Kun was so angry that blood spurted out. "Zheng Kun, you can continue to take out the treasure, but I also have the right to continue not to collect it. Since you have been in the ring and have lost, then you have to abide by the rules? You can also not follow the rules, but where will you not be? People, stay wherever you are!" Chu Feng smiled.

Zheng Kun's expression was extremely ugly. He took out more treasures, but Chu Feng still shook his head, and passed by for more than a minute. "Master Chu." Zheng Kun left the competition arena in an instant with a cry. After the two words, he It feels hot on my face, so I dare not stay in this place anymore!

"Everyone, in the next period of time, there may be no time to come. However, if you come, it will definitely be more than a lot of games. If you are interested, you can participate!"

Chu Feng said that a huge stone tablet appeared in front of him. With a wave of his hand, one of the huge stone tablets plunged deeply into the hard mud on the ground.

"Unparalleled in combat strength, but seek defeat!"

There are only eight characters on the stele, but the eight characters reveal a madness that is proud of the world! Seeing those eight characters, some guys were so angry that they fainted!

"Grass, it's crazy!"

"The fighting strength is unparalleled, but if you want to lose, I bah! This Madman of Chu, this Madman of Chu, is really crazy, so I dare to throw it out!"

"I think he is asking for a shit. We have to cover this stone tablet with **** and urine, and then let the Madman Chu lick it all clean. It's so unbelievable!"

Outside the Azurite City, the group of heroes was angry, but Chu Feng was no longer there at the moment, he was no longer there when the stone monument was erected!

"Xian'er, Qianqian." In the sacred prison space, Chu Feng smiled quietly, returning to the sacred prison space, the madness on his face disappeared cleanly.

Chu Feng was not such an arrogant person at first, the reason why he was so arrogant outside of Azurite City was only for that one task, and that one task was of great importance!

"The fighting strength is unparalleled, but if you want a defeat, Chu Feng, it is really arrogant!" Miao Xian'er smiled authentically. "Okay, don't talk about it, just play around." Chu Feng said and looked at Yin Qianqian, "Qianqian actually promised that if someone else wins, they will accompany dinner when the time comes. Isn't the little **** itchy?"

Yin Qianqian gave Chu Feng a white look: "Who made you play such a big game? If you lose, you can only blame you and want to blame me, huh!"

"Chu Feng, can't you have no confidence in yourself?" Miao Xian'er said.

Chu Feng smiled lightly: "I really don't have much confidence than Xiu, but I still have a little bit of confidence in this aspect of fighting power! As the King of Fighting and War, the power of comparison can only be in my hands. It’s not easy to hold it for ten minutes and want to hold it for a quarter of an hour in my hands!"

"This time, if you can take this opportunity to get to know many powerful people, it will be a good harvest. There will be more options for the exchange!"

Miao Xian'er nodded slightly and said: "We have obtained a lot of treasures in the previous two thousand games. If you keep comparing it, you will gain a lot! Those very powerful people will make a move. If you fail, you guys will definitely One person slaughtered a knife!"

"Xian'er, you are wrong, I wouldn't be like that." Chu Feng said with a smile. "If you kill a knife hard, it will scare me away a lot. It is better to cut slowly with a small knife. It’s not easy to scare people away. Although you can get less at one time, you can get more with one cut, and in this way, you have more mission points!"

Talked to Yin Qianqian Miao Xian'er and others for a while, and after ten minutes, Chu Feng and Monkey King appeared outside the holy prison space, "Wukong, be careful, don’t be found, turn around first, and after no problems are found, we will Start acting." Chu Feng's voice sounded in Sun Wukong's mind.

"Yes, Master!"

Monkey King responded and immediately led Chu Feng to wander around. It didn't take long for them to wander around most of the deep part of Huoyan Mountain and they didn't find anything unusual.

"Wukong, these people, catch them for me, try not to attract people's attention." Chu Feng's thoughts moved a lot of information into Sun Wukong's mind.

A look of surprise appeared in Monkey King's eyes: "Master, catch so many people?"

Chu Feng's message to Monkey King said there were as many as three to four hundred people to be arrested, including two hundred and dozens of Feng Clan who were not parasitized, as well as a hundred people who had been parasitized!

"Where is so much nonsense, catch it immediately!" Chu Feng said.

Sun Wukong said: "Master, it is not easy to catch so many people in the depths of Huoyan Mountain. Master, I will send you outside first. Then I will enter the arrest by myself. It will be much more convenient if I arrest myself! Sun and I became a monster and rushed out of the Flame Mountain forcibly!"

Chu Feng thought for a while and nodded slightly: "Alright, Wukong, not all of those people need to be caught. It doesn't matter if you lose a little bit. Safety is important, understand?"

"Master, old grandson understands!"

Sun Wukong flew away from the Flame Mountain invisibly, and it didn't take long before he left the Flame Mountain. After Chu Feng entered the holy prison space, he sneaked into the Flame Mountain again!

"Chu Feng, you are like this, it would be a big noise! ​​If those parasitized saints start the war of the Three Realms in anger," Miao Xianer said.

Chu Feng shook his head slightly: "It's just to catch a few hundred people. Those saints won't, and the Most Sacred Mountain is not built, they will be more restrained!"

"Moreover, I not only caught people who were not parasitized, but also a lot of people who were parasitic. Some saints, maybe hope to those who were captured!"

Don't protect Chu Feng with the strength of the Saint King class. It didn't take long for Monkey King to sneak into the depths of the Flame Mountain again. "Forbidden! Accept" Sun Wukong showed a smile on his face. With his strength, he successfully caught one in a short time, and there was no movement of that one.

One, two, and three of today's Flame Mountain. Compared with the previous Flame Mountain, there is indeed a big gap. In just one hour, the number of Feng Clan powerhouses captured by Monkey King exceeded three hundred!

"Strange, why Feng Yu is not here, and Master Fenglin can't be contacted... Could it be that something went wrong?" A woman of the Feng clan frowned slightly in the Flame Mountain. She just had this idea at this time. I don't really think that something happened. After all, there are not many who can come in and make trouble in the Flame Mountain.

"Feng Yu and the others can't be contacted, it seems they can only contact others for help." This Feng clan woman immediately contacted other people, she was shocked by this contact, and contacted three people in a row without contact. On, the fourth person just got in touch, but the contact was suddenly broken!

The crisp sound recalled the entire Flaming Mountain. With that sound, all the flames of the entire Flaming Mountain skyrocketed a lot!

Monkey King heard that sound and quickly withdrew out of Huoyan Mountain. The crisp bell that rang throughout Huoyan Mountain was the Feng Clan warning bell, and the flames skyrocketed, it was the Huoyan Mountain's protective array that was quickly activated!

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