Holy Prison

Chapter 1781: Who is fucking?

"The angel research side, although there has been a little progress now, but the progress is very small. Fei Ying's side can be carried out immediately, and her cultivation base is now very stable!" Miao Xian'er said.

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Xian'er, if Fei Ying refines those energy waters, how long will it take for nine sages to come out?"

"Ten thousand years, if Sister Feiying is only a lower saint after being sanctified, it is estimated that hundreds of thousands of years or even millions of years will not be able to purify enough energy water, but Sister Feiying's sanctification has reached the second-level median. The saint, the speed is many times faster than the lower saint!" Miao Xian'er said.

"It will take ten thousand years... I hope that nothing will happen in the holy prison within ten thousand years, Xian'er, don't relax the slightest in the control of the holy prison," Chu Feng said.

"Well, eh" Miao Xian'er showed a look of surprise on her face.

Chu Feng said, "Xian'er, what's the problem?" "Chu Feng, it's strange, I just received a little bit of strange information, but the Four Beast Seals are now outside!" Miao Xian'er said.

"There is such a problem." Chu Feng frowned slightly, and a Space Key appeared in his hand. Using the Space Key, Chu Feng reached the earth in the blink of an eye!

The four beasts are printed in the gods, and Chu Feng is now on the local ball. If Miao Xian'er still feels a strange message, then it should be pointed out that the four beasts are not making ghosts!

Chu Feng descended, and Chu Zhen and Mo Xiu quickly realized that both of them were pleasantly surprised, "Dad, mother." Chu Feng smiled and chatted with Chu Zhen and the others, but their hearts were mainly in the holy prison. Above.

With the current achievements, Chu Feng knows that it is inseparable from the holy prison. If there is no holy prison, then his strength will drop a lot. Although now with a strong like Monkey King Pig Bajie to follow, his own strength is also Achieved a high-ranking saint, but there is a huge difference between a holy prison and no holy prison!

"Feng'er, you seem to have something on your mind." Chu Zhen said. Chu Feng nodded slightly and chuckled: "Dad, there is indeed a little thing, but rest assured, I can handle it!"

Mo Xiu said nervously, "Feng'er, it's not that something happened to Bing Ning and the others?" "Mom, there is nothing, Bing Ning and the others are all very good now, one by one is now sanctified, Xiaolong and Shi Yan They have also been sanctified. Mom and Dad, don't spread the information about Bing Ning and their sanctification." Chu Feng said.

"All sanctified?" Chu Zhen's eyes showed surprise. Chu Feng smiled and nodded: "Well, they have all become saints now, Dad, I will definitely find a way to make you saints by then."

Chu Zhen waved his hand: "Feng'er, sanctification is such an easy thing. Don't be mindful of our sanctification. We will achieve very well at that time. If the cultivation base can reach a higher level, then Can live for more than one billion years. In fact, it is very good to live up to now!"

"Dad, how is the situation on the Mortal Realm side these years?" Chu Feng changed the subject. Chu Zhen and the others were sanctified. This is not particularly difficult for Chu Feng, but it is hard to tell them about the holy pool. .

In a blink of an eye, more than a month passed. During this more than a month, Chu Feng spent a small part of his time with Chu Zhen and the two elders or watching Feng Bingning silently, most of the time was still in the domain tower. .

For more than a month, Miao Xian'er did not receive any strange information, and Feng Bing's blood coagulation was finally 100% pure!

The more difficult it is to purify the bloodline, the more intense the pain Feng Bingning will endure. Chu Feng hopes that Feng Bingning's pain will be absorbed at this moment, but he can't, he can only watch silently!

"Xian'er, how bad is it?" Chu Feng said solemnly. At this moment, he was not in the domain tower but was watching from a few meters away by Feng Bingning.

"The purity of the bloodline has reached 99.99%, which is still one ten thousandth of the last one. It is estimated that within an hour, the bloodline of Sister Bing Ning can be purified to 100%!" Miao Xianer next to Chu Feng said.

Chu Feng frowned: "One more hour!"

At this moment, let alone an hour, even if it was ten minutes, Chu Feng would feel that the time was relatively long, no wonder Yan Yan said that a hundred days was long!

"There is no way. In the end, sister Bing Ning suffered a lot, but the speed of bloodline purification was slower." Miao Xian'er said.

Chu Feng didn't speak any more, he just watched Feng Bingning silently. For the last hour, he would definitely not go to the domain tower but would stay with her here.

Time passed by, and Feng Bingning had no pain to roll over at this moment, she was already so painful that she had no strength to roll, but her body was twitching constantly!

"Chu Feng, coming soon, coming soon...Sister Bing Ning's bloodline purification should be over in about a minute!" Miao Xian'er said. Chu Feng nodded slightly and counted silently.

"Ten, nine, eight, seven" did not wait until Chu Feng counted to zero. When he counted to three, Feng Bingning's body suddenly stopped twitching, and then all the flames from her body returned in an instant. Within her body!

The next moment, a sound of phoenix ming sounded, and Feng Bingning turned into a phoenix in a blink of an eye. It was different from the phoenix she and Feng Chen and the others turned into before. At this time, the phoenix that Feng Bing condensed into looks like More noble, except for a few feathers on the top of the head, all the feathers on the whole body are pale gold.

Chu Feng looked at the top of the phoenix whose phoenix ice had been condensed. Every feather there was colorful, and every one contained terrifying power!

Attention was all focused on Feng Bingning, Chu Feng did not notice that Miao Xian'er's expression was a bit wrong at this moment. "Chu Feng." Miao Xian'er touched Chu Feng.

"What?" Chu Feng looked at Miao Xian'er with a strange look, "Xian'er, what's wrong?"

Miao Xian'er took a deep breath and said, "Chu Feng, I don't think it was the ghost of the Four Beast Seals, but someone else!" "What?" Chu Feng's expression changed.

There was no movement for more than a month, and Chu Feng had basically determined that it was the ghost of the Four Beast Seal, but Miao Xian'er actually said that it was not the Four Beast Seal.

If it's not the seal of the four beasts, then who is it?

"Xian'er, do you feel strange information again?" Chu Feng said. Miao Xian'er nodded slightly: "Well, just when Sister Bing Ning's bloodline reached 100%, I once again felt a strange letter, and this time the message was a little bit stronger, I was basically sure there was Who secretly wants to control the holy prison!"

"Yan Yan?" Chu Feng frowned, feeling it just when Feng Bing's blood coagulation reached 100%. It is no wonder that Chu Feng suspected Fire Heart Crystal Yan Yan.

Miao Xian'er shook her head: "Not necessarily, the possibility is relatively small. Now Fire Heart Crystal has basically been integrated with Bing Ning sister. It is very difficult for it to seize control of the Holy Prison!"

"So, who is it?"

"I don't know." Miao Xian'er shook his head, and the two were silent for a long time. It was not the Four Beast Seals, and there was no goal. This is really not good news.

Chu Feng let out a long sigh, "Xian'er, don't care about that. I will complete some tasks as quickly as possible. When the time comes, the holy prison will be upgraded. I have to see if the secretive ghosts can take the holy prison. Even if it’s taken away, with my current strength, it’s not bad, God is OK with me!"

"Look it up carefully to see if you can find out the source. I'll talk to Bing Ning first." Chu Feng said, Feng Bing Ning had already turned into a human form at this moment.

Feng Bingning was embarrassed when she was suffering before, but now she turned into a human form, Feng Bingning has recovered, and her demeanor is even better!

"Feng, are you?"

"No, I didn't take a peek."

Feng Bing gave Chu Feng a white look: "I didn't tell you to take a peek. If you said that, didn't you stop telling yourself. Why are you looking...I must be ugly at the time."

"Where... Bing Ning, congratulations, my strength has been improved again!" Chu Feng smiled and changed the subject. Feng Bing Ning was a fifth-level mid-level saint's cultivation base. He purified his blood and absorbed a lot of Fire Heart Crystals. Strength, today's strength has been upgraded to three levels in a row on the basis of the previous, and he is already an eighth-level middle saint!

The eighth-level middle saint, this kind of cultivation ranks third among a few women, and the first one is Miao Xian'er. She can be transformed into something in the saint prison shop. The saint prison ranks higher than her cultivation. The reason is high, the current cultivation base can be regarded as the ninth-level high-ranking saint at the same level as Tang Ming.

The second one is naturally Yin Qianqian. Now the fifth-level high-ranking saint is only a little bit behind the sixth-level high-ranking saint who has completely restored his previous cultivation!

The eighth-level middle-ranked saint, this is not high, but Feng Bingning will definitely have the strength of a high-ranking saint if he uses it to transform into a phoenix. If he uses his time ability, the average high-ranking saint is probably not her opponent!

"The suffering of these days is not for nothing." Feng Bing said, her eyes were still scared as she spoke. The pain she has endured these days is too horrible. If it takes longer, she thinks she is herself. It will pass out in pain. In that case, the bloodline purity cannot be 100%!

"It's gone, it's all gone." Chu Feng stretched out his hand and hugged Feng Bingning into his arms, "Bing Ning, you have been heartbroken to me these days!"

"It's numb." Feng Bingning snorted, saying so, but her face showed a very useful expression. "Feng, you seem to have a worried look in your eyes, what's the matter?" Feng Bingning suddenly said. When Chu Feng first appeared, she clearly saw the worried look in Chu Feng's eyes, but the worried look disappeared immediately. Up.

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