Holy Prison

Chapter 1782: Butler Dragon?

"There is a little problem, don’t worry, Fire Heart Crystal still has a part of its power. You have to integrate that part of its power with Ziyuling. After the fusion, the grade of Ziyuling will definitely increase. Quite a lot." Chu Feng said with a light smile.

Feng Bingning broke away from Chu Feng's arms and said, "Feng, you can talk quickly. If you don't say anything, I'm more worried, but I'm not in the mood to let the power of the heart of fire and the purple jade bell merge."

"Don't want to lie, if you lie, I will definitely ignore you for a long time!" Feng Bing said, "Just say it, maybe I can help?"

Chu Feng considered it for a moment, and then it was easier for Feng Bingning's Fire Heart Crystal power to merge with Zi Yuling, even if she told her the truth.

Moreover, there was a problem when Feng Bingning and the Fire Heart Crystal merged. Perhaps Feng Bingning could really help a little bit with this matter!

"Bing Ning, sit down!"

Chu Feng held Feng Bingning's hand and sat down, "It's the holy prison that has a little problem. Xian'er told me that we found strange information. Someone is trying to seize control of Xian'er!"

A look of horror appeared in Feng Bingning's eyes; "Feng, such a major event, you just said it was just a small problem! What if Xian'er's control is taken away?"

"If we are taken away, we have to leave the holy prison space immediately" Chu Feng said the matter unhurriedly, and after repeating it, his heart calmed a lot, but Feng Bingning's heart was not peaceful anymore. , "Bing Ning, don't be too anxious, as long as we work hard, there will be a solution to everything!"

"Don't worry, if the holy prison is taken away by then, your strength will be greatly reduced!" Feng Bingning said with a solemn expression, "Feng, why is there a problem when I merge the Fire Heart Crystal? It's not that Yanyan has some doubts, she can't do such a thing!"

"Now your blood is 100% purified, and the fusion is irreversible. I don't doubt Yanyan now." Chu Feng said. Feng Bingning frowned and said, "Who is doing the ghost? According to you, it is not the Four Beast Seals, not the Number One. It should be impossible for the Feng Clan people, and even more impossible for Tang Ming."

Chu Feng shook his head slightly: "I don't know, now I really don't know who is doing the ghost."

"Feng... Do you still remember what Elder Ta said? You will encounter a crisis. The danger comes from your side. Perhaps this is the danger." Feng Bing condensed.

"Beside, who? Now there is no suspect at all. Just like you said, it is impossible for the Feng clan, Xiao Mingzi and the others, and Xiaolong and the others. It is even more impossible for you and Yilian. There was a problem with the Heart Crystal, I was thinking, could the problem lie on the 6th Domain Tower?" Chu Feng said.

Feng Bingning frowned slightly and said: "The peak... people in the domain tower should not be able to influence outside the domain tower. Unless" "What do you think of?" Chu Feng said.

"Feng, unless, Steward Long is in the No. 6 Domain Tower, it is him who seizes the control authority of the Holy Prison! But the control authority that Steward Long gave up at the beginning is unreasonable at this time." Feng Bing condensed.

Chu Feng remained silent for a long time without speaking. Like Feng Bingning, he also thought of Steward Long. For Steward Long, Chu Feng had a very good impression. Steward Long helped him a lot when he managed the holy prison. For Steward Long, Chu Feng later treated him not as a servant but as a friend!

Chu Feng was very reluctant to doubt Steward Long, but now in this situation, it seems that only Steward Long is more likely! Steward Long used to be the steward of the Holy Prison. He quietly seized control and then regained control of the Holy Prison. This is not impossible! It's just that such a result is definitely not what Chu Feng wanted.

"I don't want it to be Steward Long." Chu Feng frowned slightly. Feng Bingning said softly, "Feng, don't worry, maybe it's just that we guessed wrong. I also think that the steward of the dragon is not that kind of person. The steward of the sacred prison should be made by the maker of the sacred prison. The person should not harm the master of the holy prison, right."

Nodded, Chu Feng said, "Bing Ning, you only need to know this. Don't tell Yilian and the others, let alone Xiao Mingzi and the others."

"You let the power of the heart crystal of fire fuse with the purple jade bell, the most reliable thing is your own power."

Before the bloodline purification was more dangerous in the domain tower, so it was done in the sacred prison space. At this time, the promotion of the purple jade bell is not dangerous, so Feng Bingning quickly entered the domain tower. In the tower, she can make the power of the Fire Heart Crystal merge with the purple jade bell faster!

Separating from Feng Bingning, Chu Feng did not immediately enter the domain tower. He first left the Holy Prison space and returned to the God Realm, then collected the Sifang Seal and returned to the Holy Realm.

"Feiying, how do you feel? The poison in this water has no bad effect on you, right?" Chu Feng appeared on the edge of the holy pond, and Miao Feiying was practicing on the edge of the holy pond. The purified energy water At this time, it was slowly and continuously poured into the holy pond, and the holy lotus in the holy pond grew extremely slowly.

"It's good and harmless." Miao Feiying glanced at Chu Feng and said with a smile, "Master Chu, why come to the little girl to have a look today?"

"Feiying, are you angry?" Chu Feng sat down beside Miao Feiying and said. "Why am I angry? Do I look like a stingy bag who is often angry?" Miao Feiying gave Chu Feng a white look. "What I mean is on the surface. You don't want to finish that task well and run What am I doing here."

Chu Feng chuckled and said, "Bing Ning's bloodline purification was over a little while ago, so I naturally have to come and have a look. Come to your side and chat with you. By the way, it's time to talk to Yin Xiao and the others!"

"Qianqian hasn't seen Yin Xiao yet, right?" Miao Feiying said. Chu Feng shook his head slightly, Yin Qianqian knew that he had caught Yin Xiao, but she didn't want to see Yin Xiao.

To be precise, Yin Qianqian didn't want to see Yin Xiao who was parasitized now! "It's normal that she doesn't want to see Yin Xiao now. It can be said that Yin Xiao is not her father." Miao Feiying said, "Chu Feng, you have to think of some way earlier so that Yin Xiao and the others can recover. If they can recover, then The strength on our side is much stronger!"

Chu Feng said helplessly: "Do you think I don't want to? But thinking is one thing, doing, and another thing. It's not easy for them to recover."

"Tongtian Pagoda can restore them, but the Thongtian Pagoda has not been opened now. Master Hong has a control jade talisman, as well as other Sovereign-level powerhouses. It takes eight control jade talisman to open the Tongtian Pagoda. It's difficult! "

Miao Feiying frowned and said, "What about the Four Beast Seals? The Four Beast Seals are the masters. It doesn't have the ability to restore those parasitized?"

"It may have it, but it insists that it doesn't. What can I do? Although it can be threatening, it's still not good to always threaten!" Chu Feng said.

"Let's stop talking about this, let's talk about something light-hearted." Chu Feng smiled. As he said, a thought entered the world swallowing gourd and formed a body.

Among the world swallowing gourds, there are many people imprisoned at this moment.

Yin Xiao also had five sixth-level immortal powerhouses with him, and five fifth-level immortal powerhouses were naturally in the world swallowing gourd. Besides them, all the immortal powerhouses that Chu Feng had caught before There are nineteen, plus Yin Xiao and their eleven, there are exactly thirty immortal level powerhouses in the world swallowing gourd.

In addition to the immortal-level powerhouses, there are still many people in the world-swallowing gourd. Those who were parasitized by the Feng Clan are now in the world-swallowing gourd, and there are several immortal-level powerhouses among them.

Those of the Feng Clan who were arrested could not see each other, which would prevent them from communicating with each other and rebelling!

Yin Xiao's eyes narrowed slightly, and Chu Feng appeared in the area where Yin Xiao was detained. Yin Xiao naturally saw Chu Feng immediately, which was different from what Chu Feng expected. At this moment, Yin Xiao saw that he was very calm. .

"Yin Xiao, I don't know which Realm Master you are?" Chu Feng got a chair in front of Yin Xiao and sat down with a chuckle. Yin Xiao is a Saint King-level powerhouse, and the side of the abyss came to parasite him. People are very likely to be the masters of the world! "This king doesn't know what you are talking about." Yin Xiao said quietly.

"Haha, Yin Xiao, if people don't speak secretly, you are not the same you used to be!" Chu Feng said that a gray ball of light came out of his hand, "Yin Xiao, know what this is? This thing, You must be familiar with it, right?"

Yin Xiao's eyes flashed, he certainly knew what that thing was, the power of destroying the world, the gray ball of light in front of Chu Feng was composed of the force of destroying the world!

At the beginning, in the abyss universe, many strong men were killed under the power of destruction, and a friend of his saintly level strength was also lost under the force of destruction!

"It seems you know." Chu Feng smiled lightly, "Yin Xiao, the original Yin Xiao was Qianqian's father, but now you are not Qianqian's father. I have some simple questions to ask you, if you If you cooperate, everything is easy to say, and you may be rescued at that time. If you don't cooperate, if this world-destroying power gets on your body, it will not be fun."

"Humph!" Yin Xiao snorted coldly.

Chu Feng waved his hand, and the light ball formed by the power of extinction in front of him was a lot closer to Yin Xiao. This light ball contained less power of extinction, but now Yin Xiao’s cultivation base is imprisoned, as long as the light ball falls If it reaches Yin Xiao, then even if he can't kill Yin Xiao, his strength will be reduced a lot!

"What do you want to ask? Ask!" Yin Xiao frowned. He can judge that the ball of light in front of him is not enough to kill himself, but he doesn't want his strength to drop!

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