Holy Prison

Chapter 1799: Tiger Sea Macro

"Chu Feng, since the separation of the three realms, my white tiger clan has not had a lower realm. Naturally, you will not kill the strong of my white tiger clan. Two people, please come in!" Hu Jiang said.

Hujiang and the others quickly entered a tree house in front of Chufeng, and the houses of the powerful white tigers were built among huge trees.

"Two, please sit down!" Hu Jiang said, "Two, I am Hujiang, he is my brother Hufeng, but you have the same word as Chu Feng!"

Chu Feng smiled and nodded: "Hujiang, Hufeng, thank you so much, Wukong, you will become what you are!" "Yes, Master!" Sun Wukong suddenly became what he was when he said. "Boy Hujiang, Boy Hufeng, it's been a long time since I saw you. I didn't expect you two to have your current cultivation base, but Lao Sun is impressed!"

Hujiang and Hufeng were shocked and authentic. After screaming, they hurriedly saluted. Monkey King is a figure who can resist their patriarch. Although they are immortal, they are far from Monkey King!

"You don't need to be polite, what about Hu Haihong? Wasn't that guy often in the clan before? Why aren't some of the strong people of your White Tiger clan anymore?" Sun Wukong said.

Hu Jiang said with a hesitant look on his face, "Sun Dasheng, the patriarch is not here now but in another place. We will notify the patriarch later. Chu Feng, I wonder if what you said before is false?"

Chu Feng said quietly: "Hujiang, you think I might have made a mistake, will Wukong make a mistake? If it weren't for something like that, you really thought I was so boring to provoke the powerful? If it wasn't for you today Help, even if we can escape, the loss will not be small! What I told you is true!"

"There is such a problem in the Husheng Realm, it's just the hardship of the common people!" Hu Feng frowned, "Brother, we have to notify the patriarch!"

Hu Jiang said that a golden talisman appeared in his hand, and the golden talisman burned into ashes in the blink of an eye. "Dasheng Sun, Chu Feng, wait a moment, and the patriarchs will appear in about a few minutes." Hu Jiangdao, he said curiously, "Dasheng Sun, you just seemed to be called Master Chu Feng?"

"Yes, Chu Feng is now my master!" Monkey King said. Both Hujiang and Hufeng showed incredible expressions. In their eyes, Sun Wukong was like a **** of war. He actually recognized Chu Feng as his master. They are both immortal-level cultivation bases. Although Chu Feng's cultivation base is reduced, they They couldn't see through Chu Feng's cultivation base, but they could still tell that Chu Feng's cultivation base had never reached the immortal level, even the high-level saints had not reached it.

"City Lord Chu, it seems that you have only been sanctified for more than 10,000 years and less than 20,000 years." Hu Jiangdao, determined that Chu Feng is Sun Wukong’s master, he changed his name. Although Chu Feng’s strength is lower than him, he still stands in front of him. If Sun Wukong's face was directly called Chu Feng's name, he would feel a little strange now.

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Yes, I have become a saint in less than 20,000 years!" At this point, Chu Feng thought of Yin Qianqian, or more precisely, of what was in Yin Qianqian's stomach. The child, it was estimated that the child in Yin Qianqian's belly would be born in 10,000 years, but now that 10,000 years have passed, the child in Yin Qianqian's belly still shows no sign of being born.

Delayed birth, this Chu Feng is not in a hurry. The child is fine. Delaying the birth like this is a good thing and not a bad thing. Chu Feng estimates that the child in Yin Qianqian’s belly will be born in 20,000 to 30,000 years, but at that time You are not a god-man at birth, but a saint at birth!

Ten thousand years of pregnancy is a threshold. One cannot be directly sanctified. It will definitely be born within ten thousand years. If ten thousand years have not been born, then the child will be born as a saint!

"In less than 20,000 years, City Lord Chu has actually become Sun Dasheng's master" Hu Jiang said in amazement. Chu Feng drank the wine poured by Hufeng and smiled: "Hujiang, it was an accident that Wukong became my apprentice. With my cultivation level, he basically helped me. My master can't help him. busy."

"Master, you have taught old Sun a lot of things." Sun Wukong said. He now respects Chu Feng. He has lived for hundreds of millions of years. He knows that his combat effectiveness has reached a bottleneck and it is difficult to improve. Nian Chufeng often fights with him, he actually has a lot of comprehension that his fighting power has improved a lot!

"City Lord Chu is really amazing." Both Hujiang and Hufeng's eyes were shocked. They knew what kind of character Monkey King was. They were not afraid of being afraid of anything that had never convinced people. Now they listen to Monkey King. He said that he seemed to really obey Chu Feng, how could they not be shocked?

Five or six minutes have passed since the two bowls of wine were drunk. A wild voice rang in the tree house: "Monkey Sun, why did you come to my place?"

"Brother Cat, why can't I come, grandson?" Monkey King said, standing up and punching the strong man who entered the tree house severely, "Hey, your strength seems to have improved a lot."

The brawny man grinned and said, "Monkey Sun, your strength has also improved a lot! I thought that if my strength has improved a little, I can beat you if I fight with you, but now it seems to be a little overwhelming!"

"Want to win against Lao Sun, dream!" Monkey King said with a smile.

Chu Feng looked at the brawny man. At this time, the brawny man also looked at Chu Feng: "Shenchu ​​City, Chu Feng?" "Brother Cat, Chu Feng is now Master Sun, you have to be polite. "Sun Wukong said.

"Patriarch Tiger!" Chu Feng stood up and clasped his fists.

"City Master Chu, you are polite, what wind is today that actually blows City Master Chu and this monkey onto the territory of my White Tiger clan?" Hu Haihong smiled.

Chu Feng said, "Patriarch Tiger, I have something to tell you!" Chu Feng said that when his divine sense was connected with Hu Haihong, a lot of information came into Hu Haihong's mind!

After receiving Chu Feng’s message, Hu Haihong’s expression changed: "Monkey, now in the holy world." Sun Wukong nodded slightly: "Yes, brother cat, the people in the temple are likely to come to your Baihu clan now. Many of the rest of your White Tiger clan have already been parasitized."

"I don't believe it!" Hu Haihong said solemnly, "I believe that people from the White Tiger clan are not so easily parasitic." "Patriarch Tiger, please don't resist. You enter my treasure space, and soon you will believe it. "Chu Feng said.

The art masters were courageous, and Hu Haihong believed that Chu Feng and Monkey King would not harm him. Without hesitation, Hu Haihong nodded, "Go!" As Chu Feng said, he, Monkey King and Hu Haihong and the others All of them disappeared and entered the holy prison space.

In the holy prison space, Chu Feng and the others are in a small space. There are small spaces next to them. Many people of the White Tiger tribe are locked in that small space. Those of the White Tiger tribe People can't see Chu Feng and others, but Chu Feng and others can see them clearly.

"Which side are you from?"

Chu Feng's cold voice sounded in the small spaces. "Master, don't kill me, we are on one side, we are not the enemy! I just accidentally broke the temple thing before, I didn't mean it, Hujiang's order, I have to obey, his strength is better than I am much taller!"

"Which side, I am a member of the Baihu clan! Release me soon, otherwise my Baihu clan can't spare you by then!"

"My lord, I am not me, you should understand!"

There are a lot of small spaces. Some people in there insist that they are members of the White Tiger clan, but some directly say that they are not members of the White Tiger clan!

Seeing those scenes of images, Hu Haihong and the three of them were all pale. "Patriarch Tiger, they said they belonged to the Tiger tribe, and they were also parasitized. If you agree, I will use a little punishment. By then, you can see if they are parasitized." Tao.

"Use it!" Hu Haihong said solemnly.

Chu Feng's cold voice once again sounded in the small space where the strong men who insisted on being the tiger clan were located: "The people of the white tiger clan, very good, very good! This junior fellow died in the tiger. In the hands of the people of the clan, you have fallen into the hands of this seat. Even if you are unlucky, this seat will surely let you enjoy all the pain and then die in despair, hahaha, hahahaha!"

In the blink of an eye, flames appeared in each of the spaces, and the temperature of the flames that appeared was very high. The experts of the White Tiger tribe in those small spaces immediately felt extremely uncomfortable.

"Little things, don't be afraid now, don't worry, I will definitely not let you die now, countless kinds of punishments, I will let you enjoy them slowly!"

In a short period of time, many of those white tiger tribes were screamed in the flames. "My lord, my lord is forgiving, I am not a member of the white tiger clan, no!"

"My lord, spare my life, what I said just now is false. I am actually not a member of the White Tiger clan. I am from the same place as you, my lord!"

Flames, ice, and whipping passed the same way. Within a few minutes, many people who had insisted on being members of the White Tiger clan changed their minds.

"City Lord Chu, don't have to try!" Hu Haihong said solemnly. At this time, he already believed that these people selected by Chu Feng must have been parasitic. "City Master Chu, please tell me how many people from the White Tiger clan are. Has been parasited now?"

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