Holy Prison

Chapter 1800: Power of time

"It takes a certain amount of time for the more powerful people in the White Tiger clan to have results. From the lower saints to the upper saints, there are 1,103, and the total number of parasites is 692!" Chu Feng said.

Hu Haihong scolded and looked very ugly. He knew that there would be many parasites, but he did not expect that the number of parasites would reach such a number!

"Patriarch Tiger, don't worry, those people, as long as they are not completely parasitized, they will always think of ways. For some of them, I can get them to recover now, but this will take time." Chu Feng said.

Hu Haihong’s eyes lit up: "City Lord Chu, can they really recover?" Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Patriarch Tiger, I will naturally not talk about things like this, Patriarch Tiger, this is not the time to discuss this. I estimate that the people from the temple will come to your Baihu clan’s residence. Let’s leave as soon as possible? I will test the people of the white tiger clan with a relatively high level of cultivation. You are the tiger clan, you also have to test!"

"Okay, let's leave first!" Hu Haihong hesitated for a while and continued, "City Lord Chu, I have a nice place to go. You are kind to me, the White Tiger clan. Please come with me, my tiger. There are still some powerful people on the other side of the clan, and when the time comes, City Lord Chu will also help them to check.

"There is no problem with detection."

As Chu Feng said, he immediately moved, Sun Wukong and Hu Haihong appeared outside, "Patriarch, do you want to clean up the things on this side? If you want, hurry up!" Chu Feng said.

"No need, some important things of my white tiger clan are not on this side. Even if this side is completely destroyed, there is nothing, monkey, follow up!" Hu Haihong said as soon as he flashed away from a long distance, the next moment Sun Wukong took it with him Chu Feng also disappeared. Before leaving, the traces on this side of nature were cleaned up!

Hu Haihong was in front. He didn't go directly to the destination, but went around in a big circle, so the possibility of being tracked down was greatly reduced.

"Monkey, get closer! By the way, you'd better change your appearance, don't use the original appearance!" After half an hour, Hu Haihong stopped, Monkey King approached him, and Hu Haihong pinched the method, instantly. Suction appeared. He, Monkey King, and Chu Feng who was on Monkey King's shoulder all disappeared.

"Patriarch!" Hu Haihong and Chu Feng, as they just appeared, suddenly surrounded by more than twenty people. Among these twenty people, there were six immortal-level powerhouses and 15 immortal-level powerhouses. , Plus Hu Haihong's words, there are a total of seven of the White Tiger clan's indestructible powerhouse, which is a lot more than the Feng clan!

"Patriarch, who are these two?"

Hu Haihong smiled and said, "They are friends of my Baihu clan. Hujiang and the others are in big trouble. It is the two of them who helped me with the Baihu clan!"

"Patriarch, they have helped our White Tiger clan. Our White Tiger clan can do something else. There is no need to bring them here, right?" A silver-robed old man frowned.

Hu Haihong said displeasedly: "Three Elders, don't be rude. If the outside problem is solved, don't surround yourself with it, hurry up and practice... why should I say more?"

Hu Haihong is the patriarch, and he has the strength of the Saint King level, and the prestige within the Baihu clan is great, he said that, all those people immediately dispersed.

"Two, please come with me!" Hu Haihong entered a tree house in front of Chu Feng and they soon entered the tree house. Hu Haihong quickly opened the barrier of the tree house.

"Monkey, City Lord Chu, please sit down!"

The tree house was very big, Chu Feng and the others sat down, and Hu Haihong sat down opposite Chu Feng and the others. "Monkey, City Lord Chu, you must be very confused about where this place is. This is a blessed place that my tiger clan discovered." Hu Haihong smiled.

Chu Feng was shocked in their hearts. In ancient times, there were a lot of caves and blessed places, and now there should be caves, but they really haven't encountered any caves and blessed places, ordinary places, absolutely can't afford the four words of caves!

"This cave was discovered before the saints of the White Tiger clan fell asleep. At that time, we were already using this cave, so the strength of the White Tiger clan only recovered slightly." Hu Haihong said. Monkey King said: "Brother Cat, no wonder I see that many people from the White Tiger clan have increased their strength a lot!"

Huhai Hong said: "There may be wisps of time power hidden in many places in this cavernous world, and those time powers can accelerate time in a small area!"

Chu Feng's eyes lit up with excitement on his face, the power of time, the acceleration of time, what he wants most now is to have a place for him to accelerate his training!

If the Tongtian Pagoda has such a function, but the Tongtian Pagoda wants to be opened, it is not known how long it will be. Now he only has four control jade talisman fragments!

If time can accelerate, then he and Feng Bingning, Tang Ming, and the others can quickly increase their strength, and the 820 holy prison heavy artillery can accelerate their charging!

In addition, if the people of the White Tiger clan speed up, then they will be able to detect if they are parasitic faster!

"Time is accelerating. It turns out that you, Brother Cat, the White Tigers have discovered such a blessed place! Brother Cat, I don’t know if we can enjoy this place too? It’s nothing if I don’t enjoy it. Master still has some people, let them Enjoy it, don’t know if there is a problem?” Monkey King said.

Hu Haihong said with a light smile: "Since I have brought you here, I am naturally not prepared to hide privates! However, whether you can get the power of time depends on your luck. You should have already felt it. The suppression is so great that you can’t find the power of time by relying on divine consciousness, you can only rely on your eyes!"

"City Lord Chu, although I am the patriarch of the Baihu clan, this cave of heaven and blessing belongs to my Baihu clan, not to me, Huhaihong. City Lord Chu, please help us to check who is parasitized and help me Baihu. A family of parasitized people recover. How about ten of you who can stay here for a thousand years? In a thousand years, you can take away as much power of time as you get, and power of time can be used outside. Yes!" Hu Haihong said.

"Brother Cat, you are too stingy, just a thousand years? In a thousand years, we are afraid that we will not get much time here!" Monkey King stared.

Hu Haihong said: "Monkey, if I am alone, then there is nothing for you to stay here for a longer time, but this blessed world does not belong to me alone, so for a thousand years, this is what I can win. The longest time, if it exceeds a thousand years, then there will be some disharmony within my white tiger clan."

Chu Feng said: "Patriarch Tiger, are you sure that the power of time we get can be used away from this space? I don't know how much time power can we get if we have ten people in about a thousand years?"

"Definitely, I have interviewed outside!" Hu Haihong said, "As for how much you get, this really depends on luck. Sometimes you can get several powers of time at once, and sometimes you may not get one in a hundred years. By the end of the day, with ten people in a thousand years, poor luck should be able to get hundreds of Dao. With good luck, it is possible to get thousands of Dao and tens of thousands! The power of time!"

Chu Feng said, "Patriarch Tiger, I don't know how much time can be used by a time force, or how much time can be accelerated?" "City Lord Chu, this is uncertain." Hu Haihong smiled, "We are here. The power of time I discovered is divided into six levels, the first level, time acceleration is zero to five times, the second level, five to twenty-five times; the third level, twenty-five to one hundred and two Fifteen times; the fourth level reaches 625 times!"

"The fifth level is 3125 times, the sixth level, the time acceleration has exceeded 10,000 times, reaching 15,625 times, but I have only encountered three wisps of time acceleration over 10,000 times! How many times the acceleration, if this You can't see it, but you can feel it within ten centimeters of your hand!"

"As for how long it can last, this is related to two aspects. First, the amount of energy contained; second, the multiple of time acceleration! The same energy, natural time accelerates faster and consumes faster!" Hu Haihong said, "Clan Chief Chu The power of this time does not mean that the faster the time acceleration, the better, too fast, if the cultivation base is weak, it will not be able to bear it! The effect of too slow is not obvious, only the time acceleration suitable for one's cultivation base is the best !"

"The power of time differs in color according to the amount of energy contained. As far as I know, there are seven levels, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, cyan, and purple! The power of time contains the most energy, the red one. The power of time is the worst! Take a hundred times acceleration as an example, the red one can accelerate for one year, that is, it can support your one-year training, and you can get a hundred-year training effect under one year of training! Continue for a little longer, if it's just light red and not bright red, then the duration will be less!"

"Each level is ten times the energy gap, and a ray of purple time power can allow a person to practice for a million years at a hundred times the speed of time, and obtain 100 million years of training in a million years. ! If the acceleration level of the power of time is high, then a better training effect can be obtained in a shorter time!"

Monkey King said: "Brother Cat, our luck must be very good. Why don't you give us 10,000 ray of time? You have to have more energy."

Hu Haihong glared at Monkey King: "Monkey, why don't you grab it? Ten thousand wisps and more energy. You can tell that although we have been here for a long time, we spend most of the time. I am practicing, and I now have less than ten thousand strands, many of which contain not much energy!"

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