Holy Prison

Chapter 1801: Fast detection

Sun Wukong laughed and said, "Brother Cat, you have less than ten thousand strands, don’t you have someone else? Or, make up ten thousand strands and send the old grandson and we can get it. Otherwise, we will get one hundred and eighty thousand. You should have a pain!"

"Think beautifully... Monkey, where does the meat in the mouth come out? As for the power of time that has not been obtained, how much you can get by then is your ability! But let's talk about it first, ten Individuals, for a thousand years, it's not enough to exceed people or exceed time." Huhai Hongdao.

A weird color flashed in the depths of Chu Feng's eyes: "Wukong, let's just follow the instructions of the head of the tiger. The head of the tiger can let us come in and enjoy the benefits. That is already very good! The head of the tiger, why don't you use a wisp now? How is the power of time? Under the power of time, I should be able to complete the test in no time!"

"This is no problem!" Hu Haihong said.

Chu Feng said, "By the way, Patriarch Tiger, I don't know if the power of time is the same no matter what the cultivation base is, and whether the things in the treasure space will also be under the effect of the power of time? "

"The power of time, regardless of the cultivation base, is the same. The same power of time can be used for so long by the indestructible strong, and the lower saints can only use it for so long! As for the space treasure, the space treasure itself will be in the time. But the things in the space treasure are not under the force of time. If you want the people or things in your space treasure to be under the force of time, then you need to use another The power of time." Hu Haihong said.

"Understood!" Chu Feng nodded slightly. The holy prison is his master treasure, and the holy prison heavy artillery is part of the holy prison. Chu Feng has some expectations in his heart. If the holy prison heavy artillery can be affected, it would be great. But it's really hard to tell, if it can affect it, I will try to find out.

Hu Haihong said: "City Lord Chu, since there is no problem, then start testing now? I wonder if it is testing outside or in your treasure space?"

"In my treasure space!" Chu Feng said, "In my treasure space, if a problem is detected, it will be easier to subdue it!"

"Okay!" Hu Haihong agreed. Judging from his so happy promise, he shouldn't be parasitic himself!

Now that the decision was made, Chu Feng and the others entered the holy prison space within a short time. "City Lord Chu, I don't know if this detection is because I am under the time acceleration, or are you also at one of the time acceleration?" Hu Haihong said.

Chu Feng said with a light smile: "It's not that you are under the acceleration of time, it is me that is under the acceleration of time, as long as I am under the acceleration of time!"

About this, Chu Feng just asked Miao Xian'er!

"So it's like this!" Hu Haihong nodded and said, "City Lord Chu, your cultivation base is somewhat indistinguishable when I don't use the sacred knowledge. I don't know what your cultivation base is? Different strengths, can withstand the time. The power is different. You must ask this question clearly. City Lord Chu, just talk about your cultivation level!"

"Nine-level high-ranking saint." Chu Feng said.

Hu Haihong was stunned for a moment: "Nine-level high-ranking saint? City Lord Chu, I heard it right? As far as I know, City Lord Chu hasn't been sanctified for many years!"

"Naturally, there is nothing wrong." Chu Feng said with a light smile, "Patriarch Tiger, if you don't know what kind of time acceleration can the ninth-level high-ranking saint bear?"

Huhai Hongdao: "For the lower saints, there is no problem with the time acceleration of the first and second levels. For the average sage, there is no problem with the time acceleration of the third level. For the more powerful middle saints, there is no problem with the time acceleration of the fourth level! A fifth-level time acceleration requires the cultivation of a high-ranking saint. Among them, a fifth-level acceleration requires a relatively powerful high-ranking saint to become. City Lord Chu, your ninth-level high-ranking saint's strength can withstand the fifth-level time acceleration."

"As for the sixth level, that requires the cultivation of a high-level saint to withstand it. I guess there are still levels behind, but I have not obtained such time power! According to speculation, the seventh level time power is estimated to be very high. Level sages and ordinary immortal-level powerhouses can bear it, and the eighth-level time power requires a powerful immortal-level powerhouse or general immortal-level powerhouse! If there is a ninth-level time power, it must be immortal. Only the strong can bear it!"

Chu Feng said with a chuckle: "The power of level 5 time, 3125 times the time acceleration, such a fast speed, it should not take much time to detect it!"

With Huhaihong's mind, a transparent jade bottle appeared in his hand. Inside the jade bottle was a ray of emerald green time force, and that ray of time force exuded a charming light.

"City Lord Chu, you can feel it. When your hand is ten centimeters closer, you can feel the acceleration multiple of this ray of time." Hu Haihong said.

Chu Feng approached the bottle with his hand, and soon a sense of understanding came into his heart. "3130 times." Chu Feng said softly, and Monkey King also felt it, and naturally got the same result.

"Yes, this ray of time force is a ray of time force with a very high acceleration, more than three thousand times the acceleration, when you practice, you can experience the feeling of flying, especially for the Lord Chu you practice like this. People who are faster. This power of time is green, that is, it is one hundred thousand years! Of course, only three hundred thousand will pass after more than three thousand one hundred times the time elapses!" Tiger Haihong said, "I will use this power of time here. If you have time after you check it out for City Master Chu, the remaining time will be at your disposal."

"Thank you!" Chu Feng said, "Patriarch Tiger, I don't know if the power of time can be paused after using it?" "No, the power of time cannot be paused once it is used, but you can move it with divine consciousness to make it stop It works in other places, or you can let other people use it. There is no problem with substituting people.” Huhaihong said.

"Patriarch Tiger, let's start!" Chu Feng smiled softly, he really wanted to experience it immediately. "Okay! City Lord Chu, monkey, you see, the power of time is used in this way." Hu Haihong said, filling the jade bottle with water, and as the water poured into it, a faint green light It covers an area of ​​about two meters in radius!

"City Lord Chu, you have to pay attention. The power of time can only be packed in such a jade bottle, otherwise it will pass. If you use it, you just pour water into it! The power of time will start to work when it meets water in the jade bottle! It should be noted that only one person can enter the acceleration area at the same time. If two people enter, the effect of time acceleration will be greatly affected, and the power of time may even collapse and lose its effect!" Huhai Hongdao.

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Patriarch Tiger, can you go in directly?" "Yes, you can go in directly. City Lord Chu, you can try it with your hands first to see if you can withstand the acceleration of time. If you can't, It will only hurt your hands and will not affect your body much!" Hu Haihong said.

Chu Feng said that he stretched his hand to the light green acceleration area, and instantly a very uncomfortable feeling occurred in that hand. Suddenly Chu Feng felt that this hand was not his own.

"City Master Chu, it's uncomfortable, isn't it? This is a normal phenomenon. It is OK if you are not injured. You won't feel such uncomfortable feeling when you enter inside. This feeling is formed because of the inconsistency of time." Huhai Hong laughed Dao, he thought that when he first tried it, he felt the uncomfortable feeling that he didn't dare to go in several times, and then he discovered the secrets before daring to enter it all at once.

With the resurrection star, Chu Feng is still not worried about his own fate, besides, it is in the holy prison, the medical clinic is very powerful.

After hearing what Hu Haihong said, Chu Feng suddenly entered the green area, and the painful feeling disappeared, and the speed of training went up crazy in a short time!

When Chu Feng's current cultivation base is like this, it is difficult for him to feel the growth of his cultivation base without special circumstances, but at this time, under the acceleration of more than three thousand times, Chu Feng clearly feels that. This kind of growth, if it has been here, Chu Feng is confident that he will reach a high-level saint in three or four years outside!

The acceleration of more than three thousand times, the outside three to four decades of acceleration is one hundred thousand years, such a long time, with Chu Feng's talent from the ninth-level high-level saint to the first-level high-level saint is normal!

"The power of time is really amazing!" Chu Feng secretly said in his heart, "Xian'er, can you receive it?" "Yes, look at you outside, your speed is so fast!" Miao Xian'er smiled and said. From the outside, Chu Feng's movements inside had to be accelerated three thousand times, so high acceleration, Chu Feng's slow speed is strange.

"Chu Feng, I’m telling you the good news. You are under the acceleration of time, and the holy prison is also under the acceleration of time. The scanning speed of the sky eye has increased. Even if it is a strong man like Hu Haihong, if you don’t resist, check Ten minutes will be enough; the bad news is that the holy prison heavy artillery did not accelerate, but the doctors accelerated, but the acceleration was very small, only one-thousandth, and the speed of treatment was increased three times in the previous test!" Miao Xian Son said.

Chu Feng hurriedly said in his mind: "Xian'er, what about angels' research? Is there any acceleration?" "Yes, this is an acceleration, probably one ten times faster! With more than three thousand times of acceleration, the doubling will be more than three hundred times. , If you can always stay under such acceleration, then it will be much faster to work out a control method for angels!" Miao Xianer said.

Huhaihong's voice transmission came to Chu Feng's mind, "Because of the acceleration of time, it is hard to speak directly, but the voice transmission of divine consciousness is not affected."

"City Lord Chu, I don't know if it can start, how long will it take? Although I know that I should not have been parasitized, it is better to check it out!"

"ten minutes!"

Chu Feng’s divine consciousness said, Hu Haihong was taken aback for a moment. He didn’t expect that the detection could be over in such a fast time. If he knew that it would be so fast, then an orange power of time or a yellow ray of time would be enough. It's okay, but Chu Feng can help the White Tiger clan, and he wouldn't be too reluctant to bear the green light of time.

"Patriarch Tiger, don't resist!" Chu Feng said. As he said, the scan of the sky eye had already entered Hu Haihong's body. With the strength of today's eye, even Hu Haihong could only feel a little bit. ! "Such a scan is really fast!" Chu Feng secretly said in his mind.

Now in the Holy Realm, if it is not the power of time, it will take a lot of time to test Hu Haihong. There are more than 20 people in the White Tiger clan who need to be tested. As for those who are locked in the holy prison space. Chu Feng didn't count them, they were in the holy prison space anyway, slowly!

"Chu Feng, the rest of the people are over!" It was only three to four minutes that Miao Xian'er's voice rang in Chu Feng's mind. With more than three thousand times the speed of time, the detection was very sharp. Those people are not tigers. Haihong's cultivation base can naturally be tested and completed in just three or four minutes!

The reason why it took three or four minutes was because there was an indestructible power among those people, otherwise it would not take three or four minutes at all!

Ten minutes, it can be said that it passed in a blink of an eye. After the test was over, Miao Xian'er's voice immediately rang in Chu Feng's mind: "Chu Feng, Hu Haihong is not parasitic!"

Chu Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Hu Haihong was not parasitized. This is very good news. If he was parasitized, it would be no small trouble!

"Patriarch Tiger, congratulations, you are not parasitic!" Chu Feng's voice resounded in Hu Haihong's mind, "I will let Patriarch Tiger you get outside, Patriarch Tiger, you will bring others to the tree one by one. In the room, if you need Wukong's help, I will immediately let Wukong appear outside."

Hu Haihong disappeared into the holy prison space in an instant as he spoke. It didn’t take long for Hu Haihong to take a person to the tree house where the holy prison was outside, the one at Hu Haihong’s request. The tiger clan powerhouse entered the holy prison space without resistance.

One, two, three, the first three are all okay, and when it comes to the fourth, Miao Xian'er's voice rang in Chu Feng's mind: "Chu Feng, there is a problem with the three elders. He has been parasitized. , And at this moment it should be the demon soul playing the leading role instead of his original soul, what should I do?"

"The Holy Prison suppressed his power. In addition, let Feng Zhifengchen and Zhu Bajie Sun Wukong simultaneously suppress the cultivation base that had imprisoned him, and deal with it concretely. We will talk to Hu Haihong before that!" Chu Feng said in his mind.

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