Holy Prison

Chapter 1802: Enter the cave

The three elders of the White Tiger clan were also a fourth-level immortal cultivation base, very powerful, but in the sacred prison space, and Sun Wukong and the others shot at the same time, he was taken down without the possibility of resistance!

"Chu Feng, you have successfully won the third elder of the Baihu clan, do you want to inform Hu Haihong?" Miao Xianer said. "Naturally need, let me pass!"

As Chu Feng spoke, his voice sounded inside the tree house outside, and after speaking briefly, Hu Haihong's expression became a little ugly.

"Fortunately, this cave is always under my control. The rest of the people don’t know how to enter it or how to leave. Otherwise, I’m afraid this cave is not under the control of the white tiger clan. "It's in." Hu Haihong secretly said in his heart, "No wonder the three elders have not been practicing for a long time recently, but are looking for the power of time everywhere, I am afraid that I have already thought in my heart and leave my Baihu clan if there is a problem!"

"Patriarch Tiger, are you okay? Tiger Bit has been taken down, and the specific handling will be done at that time, Patriarch Tiger, go call another person!" Chu Feng's voice rang.

Although he couldn't see Chu Feng, Hu Haihong knew that Chu Feng might be able to see him. He shook his head and said, "City Lord Chu, I'm fine, I'll call another person over!"

The Baihu clan is only 20 people outside, and among them there are only a few strong immortal ranks. It only takes about ten minutes for Hu Haihong to detect it, and the time required for other people is even shorter, not to mention those people. Immortal level people can be tested once, anyway, with their strength, there can be no waves in the holy prison space!

Therefore, in less than an hour, all the members of the Baihu clan were detected. Except for those who were previously admitted to the sacred prison space, the twenty-two members of the Baihu clan who practiced in the cave of heaven and blessed land were detected. Five people were parasitized, four of them immortal grade and one of immortal grade. This ratio is relatively low. The reason for this low ratio is that the top powerhouses of the white tiger clan hide most of the time. Practice in this hole of heaven and blessing!

In the sacred prison space, Hu Haihong once again arrived in the sacred prison space. This time his mood was much worse than before. Although the four of them are not many in Chu Feng's view, in Hu Haihong's view, That's a lot!

"City Lord Chu, the third elders and a few, don't know if they can recover?" Hu Haihong said. Chu Feng shook his head: "Patriarch Tiger, I don't have that ability now. Their strength is very high. It is not easy for them to recover. You should know the Tongtian Pagoda. If the Tongtian Pagoda is opened, then they are very likely. It can be recovered, but to open the Tongtian Pagoda, you need to gather eight control jade talisman fragments, and now several of them are in the hands of the people of the temple!"

"Tower of Babel!"

Hu Haihong frowned, "There are many temple powers, and now the holy mountain is so terrible. It is not easy to seize control jade talisman fragments from the temple powers! But since this is a method, when the time comes I will try my best to seize and control the jade talisman fragments!" "Patriarch Tiger, even if you can't control the jade talisman, safety is the most important." Chu Feng said, "Now there are few people on our side, and there are few strong ones. You can't miss a strong like you, Patriarch Tiger!"

"Patriarch Tiger, what are your plans with regard to the Third Elder and others?" Chu Feng said. Hu Haihong said, "City Lord Chu, what do you think is better?"

Chu Feng said, "Patriarch Tiger, I suggest you let them stay in my treasure space. I will find a way to recover them when the time comes. Of course, Patriarch Tiger, if you want them to stay in the White Tiger clan, you can rely on it. Your mind, Patriarch Tiger!"

"Stay in my tiger clan, I have absolutely no choice. Since City Master Chu said so, then those parasitic members of the White Tiger clan should stay in the treasure space of City Master Chu. I hope that Clan Chief Chu can restore them. Come here, if City Lord Chu, you return the recovered members of the White Tiger clan, I will have something to say." Hu Haihong thought for a while.

Chu Feng smiled slightly: "Patriarch Tiger, thank you so much." "You are welcome, it should be. City Lord Chu, have you confirmed the ten candidates? If you are confirmed, then you can go outside and follow me. The earth enters into the heaven and blessed land outside." Hu Haihong said.


As Chu Feng spoke, Feng Bingning, Lan Wen, Yilian, Song Ye, Miao Xian'er, Qin Ying, and Zhou Wen and Tang Ming appeared in front of him. Eight of them, plus him and Monkey King, were exactly ten!

Among the eight girls, Yin Qianqian and Miao Feiying did not show up. Yin Qianqian was pregnant because she was pregnant. It would be better for her to rest when she did not need to work on such things. Miao Feiying was because she was getting the energy water. It is better for her to be on the other side when the critical time for the formation of the sage has come!

Although Feiye might be parasitized, Chu Feng knew that she must be controlling her body at this moment. It would be natural for her to appear, and to prevent her from appearing, it was actually a little horrified!

"Patriarch Tiger, these are my wives, and the two of them are my brothers! Shao Ming, Shao Wen, this is the patriarch of the White Tiger clan." Chu Feng introduced a lot of information directly into Feng Bingning's minds. Among.

"I have seen the patriarch!"

Feng Bingning and the others hurriedly bowed. When they received Chu Feng’s message, their eyes flashed with excitement. The power of time, this place did not expect to have such a thing as the power of time. If they get a lot of time power, then their cultivation base can fly over in a short time!

High-ranking saints, this kind of strength is not bad, their team and strong like Monkey King Pig Bajie are considered very strong, but the previous blood ring made Tang Ming and the others feel the urgency. Staying so far away, if they were closer together, they might not be able to get out and would be killed by the temple powerhouse!

Strength, Tang Ming, Feng Bingning, and the others all felt their current weaknesses. However, it is difficult to improve their current strength without a special occasion. In their hearts, they all yearn for special encounters, but they did not expect special ones. The chance encounter really appeared, and the Baihu clan actually had time!

"You don't need to be polite, these two are Tang Ming and Zhou Wen, I know you, your masters are Hongjun and Pangu. When I see them, I have to call seniors too!" Hu Haihong said with a light smile, "Chu Feng , Are these ten people sure? If we are sure, let's go out!"

Chu Feng said that in the blink of an eye, the eleven of them appeared in the wooden house outside. At this time in the wooden house were the powerful people of the white tiger clan sitting.

"City Lord Chu, ten people, one thousand years, I hope you remember it!" A sixth-level immortal elder of the Baihu clan said in a deep voice. This old man is the great elder of the white tiger clan. The strength of the sixth-level immortality is quite good. , If there is a lot of time power for him to use, it will be possible to hit the Saint King level by then!

Chu Feng frowned secretly and said in a low voice: "Ten people, one thousand years, don't worry, I remember it clearly! Patriarch Tiger, we don't seem to be very popular. If we knew this, maybe we shouldn't come to the White Tiger clan? I don’t know if the people of the abyss will talk like me!"

The expressions of the powerful members of the Baihu clan changed slightly, and Hu Haihong quickly said: "City Lord Chu, the Great Elder has been practicing in retreat all the year round. This, I don’t know much about human relations accidents, so please don’t mind. Grand Elder, City Lord Chu and others. It is the benefactor of my Baihu clan, you say that, it is too much!"

"Patriarch, I heard that City Lord Chu and the others were trapped before. It was Hujiang and the others who asked someone to rescue them. We did a favor. City Lord Chu did us a favor. City Lord Chu and others helped a lot. Ten people are 1,000. I don't have any opinions in the year, but I have opinions when it is longer. I don't think this is excessive." The elder of the white tiger clan said solemnly.

Hu Haihong's face was stern: "Elder Tiger Yun, the Lord Chu and the others were trapped before, I believe they can escape. We don't know, there are still parasitic inside, and it is very likely that they will be captured by the people of the temple. These two things are not a matter of the same grade at all, ten people for a thousand years, this is what City Lord Chu and the others deserve!"

"Patriarch, I didn't say that they shouldn't get this." Hu Yun said solemnly. Chu Feng waved his hand and said indifferently: "Patriarch Tiger, there is no need to fight, ten people for a thousand years, I will take this down, when the time is up, we will definitely leave, and the elder won't be able to "please" us out when the time comes. ."

"City Lord Chu, I'm really sorry, you come with me!" Huhaihongdao, following Huhaihongchufeng and they quickly left the room to the edge of a clear water pool.

"City Lord Chu, the real hole of heaven and blessed land is actually through this waterhole, where there is time. By the way, the space inside is very strange. Don't try to enter the space treasure, and don't let the space treasure. The people inside appear outside, otherwise they will die!" Hu Haihong said.

"When you enter the water pool, the water pool will generate suction to **** you into it. It is very likely that you will be scattered. The inside is safer, but I cannot guarantee that it is 100% safe. You have to be careful. If the millennium time is up, your hearts If you leave silently, you will be teleported to the edge of this pool!"

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Patriarch Tiger, then we'll go in!" "Brother Cat, the big elder of your White Tiger clan is still so annoying, you can't cure it? That is to see your face, otherwise grandson I just gave him a golden hoop to let him taste the power of Lao Sun." Sun Wukong stared.

Hu Haihong helplessly said: "Monkey, you don't know, he is my elder, I can beat him, but it is not easy to beat! City Lord Chu, everyone, this time I am sorry, I hope you can get more With some time, I will feel better in this way!"

"Haha, Patriarch Tiger, if we get a lot of time strength then, don't feel bad." Chu Feng said with a light smile. "No, no, let alone one hundred and eighty thousand, even if it is eight hundred and one million, you can get it, that's what Chu City Lord can do! After a thousand years, I am here to wait for you!" Hu Haihong said.

Chu Feng nodded slightly, and Feng Bingning and the other women jumped into the pool one by one. They entered the pool and immediately attracted them to sink downward.

The feeling of sky hanging and earth turning appeared. A few seconds later, Chu Feng realized that he had already appeared on the side of a tall mountain. He was holding Feng Bingning and Lan Wen's hands before. Now Feng Bingning and the others The two women were not by his side, and the other women, Tang Ming, Zhou Wen and Monkey King were also not by his side.

"It's a small scan range of the divine sense." Chu Feng shook his head slightly. As soon as he entered it, he immediately used the divine sense scan, but unexpectedly, the divine sense could only be less than ten meters away from his body. Moreover, there is a little bit of effort in using the divine sense, and such a feeling will never appear outside.

Chu Feng's voice sounded in his mind. "Received, the scanning range of the Sky Eye is also greatly suppressed, but it is better than your spiritual consciousness. The scanning range of the Sky Eye is 10,000 meters. However, if you want to penetrate something, the scanning range is rapidly reduced. For example, Scanning underground can only scan a depth of ten or twenty meters!" Miao Xian'er said, "Chu Feng, you try to fly, and your flight is probably affected by it!"

As Chu Feng said, he tried it immediately. In this test, Chu Feng secretly shook his head. In this space, his flying speed did not exceed 10,000 meters per second, and if he was flying faster, he would fly. The harder it is, there is basically no feeling of exertion within a speed of kilometers per second, and a little bit of effort will feel at a speed exceeding kilometer per second.

Ten thousand meters per second, this speed is very fast for mortals, but you must know that Chu Feng is a ninth-level high-ranking saint, and his flying speed is actually suppressed to such an extent!

Chu Feng let go of his voice and let out a loud roar. This roar made Chu Feng discover something. His voice would not spread too far. Even if he roared loudly, it is estimated that he would not be heard from dozens of kilometers away. the sound of!

"What kind of horrible place, vision, hearing, perception, and spirituality are not unaffected!" Chu Feng said helplessly. In this bird place, even his eyesight is indeed affected. He can see clearly within ten kilometers, more than ten kilometers. Kilometers, it looks a little fuzzy, more than a hundred kilometers, if there is a person on the other side, Chu Feng is not sure whether he can tell whether he is a male or a female!

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