Holy Prison

Chapter 1809: The use of sanctuary (2)

"Feng'er, why is the lower realm here again? Your lower realm is life-consuming, and there will be fewer lower realms in the future. We will have nothing to do on the earth." The three of them sat down and said in a deep voice.

Chu Feng smiled slightly: "Dad, I won't be in the realm so often in the future, we can see each other often in the future!" "Huh?" Chu Zhen and Mo Xiu showed surprises on their faces.

"Feng'er, will you fail to treat the God Realm for a while? Your mother and I will become gods? Or, we will stay in your treasure space next? We don't need the latter one. If you plant this, you can try it, but after becoming a god, we still come to the mortal world." Chu Zhen said.

Chu Feng frowned and said, "Dad, you don't want to leave the earth?" "Hehe, we can help a little bit on this side of the earth. When we get to the side of the God Realm, your mother and I can't help you at all. , It's better to be comfortable on the side of the earth!" Chu Zhen smiled.

"Dad, you should think about it more for yourself. It's not the first, nor the second. As I said before, it's time to make you holy!" Chu Feng said, "Dad, win Where are Zheng and Chi San and their three brothers now, and how long does it take to get here on Earth?"

Chu Zhen did not immediately answer Chu Feng's question, he and Mo Xiu were both surprised by Chu Feng. After a while, Chu Zhen said, "Feng'er, what you just said was sanctification?"

"Yes, sanctification!" Chu Feng smiled authentically. Chu Zhen took a deep breath and said inconceivably, "Sanctification... I didn't expect you to really find a way to make us also sanctified! Feng'er, such sanctification shouldn't be that simple, there are several places in total. ?"

"Nine!" Chu Feng said.

Chu Zhen frowned and said, "There are only nine? If we two win the government and the four of them, then there are only three? How can Xiaohan get enough points for those three?"

"Dad, I have no intention of letting Xiaohan and the others overcome the catastrophe in this way! They are extremely talented and have a great hope to rely on their own strength to overcome the disaster. If they rely on their own strength to overcome the disaster, their achievements will be even greater! "Chu Feng said, "Nine places, mom and dad, you two, win Zheng Chishan and the four, and the other three are Menghao!"

Chu Zhen nodded slightly. He also knew that these people were closer to Chu Feng.

"Feng'er, they are on a planet that is not too far away from the earth, call them, they can return to the earth in ten minutes!" Chu Zhen said.

Chu Feng said: "Dad, in this case, let them come to the side of the earth immediately!" "Okay, I will let them know." Chu Zhen said.

In less than ten minutes, the three brothers of the three brothers, including the victory government and the three brothers of Chi Shan Chi Qing Chi Wei, reached the earth.

Seeing Chu Feng, Ying Zheng, and Chi Shan, they saluted with respect in their eyes. They respected Chu Feng very much. Without Chu Feng, there would be no where they are today!

Chu Feng smiled and said, "Win Zheng, do you four want to be holy?" "Sanctified?" The eyes of all four of them burst out with scorching light!

Under the saints are all ants, this sentence is circulated in the Three Realms, under the saints, who does not want to be holy, who does not want to get rid of the fate of ants?

As long as you become holy, there will be no disaster at that time! As long as you work hard, as long as your talent is good, you can continue to climb towards higher strength!

The four of them said in the same voice, they didn't have any hesitation for this one.

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "If this is the case, you immediately arrange things on the Mortal Realm side. After you are sanctified, you will no longer be able to control the Mortal Realm side. Your task will be to practice. I don't want your cultivation base to be too low after being sanctified!"

"My Lord, after being sanctified, can you let me return to the mortal world? Sanctification is what I want, but I don’t want to give up the mortal world! Now the Zerg forces on the mortal world have been hit hard and weak A lot, but there are still many problems on the Fanjie side." Win Zhengdao.

Chi Shan clasped his fist and said: "My Lord City Lord, if I can be sanctified, after being sanctified, I also want to stay on the side of the Mortal Realm! In the Holy Realm, I don’t think I can show my strengths to share the worries for Lord City Lord. On one side, there is no problem! I want to be a strong man, but I also want to be a soldier! In the future, we will live in the Holy Realm sooner or later, but before that, I hope I can calm the ordinary realm!"

"My Lord, the eldest brother, and what the General Winning said are also my thoughts." Chi Qing said. Chi Wei smiled slightly: "Lord City Lord, my Chi family is a military family. We can't give up on the Mortal Realm side."

Chu Feng thought about it. If they win the government and stay on the side of the earth, there is no problem. If they become holy, then they can do things on the side of the earth with peace of mind.

In the holy realm, their talents are not very good, and the power of time is given to them, it is better to give it to some talents in God's Chucheng.

"Do you really want to stay on the side of Mortal Realm?" Chu Feng said.

They all nodded their heads when they won the government, and Chu Feng smiled lightly: "In this case, I respect your choice! Since you choose to stay in the mortal realm, then you don't need to confess too much. Just tell me a little bit, you just follow me. Enter the God Realm!"

"Thank your lord!"

One minute later, Chu Feng had already reached the God Realm. He was on the side of Heaven Punishment City in the God Realm. He had seen both Shenguang City and Fairy Spirit City. Naturally, he also needed to see Heaven Punishment City. !

Entering the Heaven Punishment City, Chu Feng confessed a little bit, and then took Chu Yu, Zhou Qing and other people into the holy prison space and returned to the Emperor.

With nine saints, Chu Zhen Yingzheng and the seven of them had already entered the holy prison space, and it didn't take long for Menghao and Bruin Jitian to enter the holy prison space.

Entering the sacred prison space, Meng Hao and the others hurriedly bowed to Chu Zhen and greeted them with Ying Zheng. They were both from the Shenchu ​​City, they were very familiar with each other.

Chu Feng coughed lightly: "I won't say more nonsense, you all already know what's going on."

Chu Feng said that nine sages of different colors appeared in front of him: "Here are nine sages, and each sage can be integrated with your brain. After fusion, your brain will become a sage. During the process, the sage will transform your body and soul, and when the fusion ends, you will have the power of a saint."

"However, because you use external forces to reach the saints, you will only be the saints with the lowest strength when you become holy! The saints at the lowest rank are also saints, and their strength will be much stronger than the strength of the gods! Moreover, as long as you work hard, At that time, the cultivation base can still be improved!"

Looking at the nine sages, Menghao and their faces all showed excitement. They are sanctified. There may not be one among the trillions of people. They actually have this opportunity!

"Dad, mother, you two sages!" Chu Feng said life and death, the two sages were in front of Mo Xiu and Chu Zhen, "The power of the sages will greatly affect your Soul, what kind of sage to choose, basically, what kind of path you can only follow, and then you can only comprehend which law to achieve a higher cultivation level!"

"Win the government, this sage is yours, you should like the path of the dark law better." Chu Feng said. "Thank you, sir!" Yingzheng knelt down on one knee.

Chu Feng waved his hand to win the politics and stood up involuntarily: "You don't have to be polite to win the politics, Lao Meng, Chi Shan, don't you guys give me this!"

"Menghao, this sage with earth attributes is suitable for you!" Chu Feng said. "Thanks a lot." Meng Hao didn't kneel down but bowed deeply.

"Chishan, your wooden sage, then you will follow the path of the law of wood... Bruin, your water sage... Jitian Slaughter, your metallic sage Ge...Chi Qing, your fire attribute sage...Chi Wei, this light attribute sage belongs to you!"

Soon, the nine saints came to Chu Zhen and the nine of them. "The method of using the sage is very simple, swallow it!" Chu Feng said with a chuckle, "Let's start, there will definitely be some pain, but it should be within the tolerable range! After ninety-nine and eighty-one days, you will achieve it. saint!"

"So long?" Chu Zhen said in astonishment, "Feng'er, didn't you say that Xiaoyun's wedding is ten days later, and if it takes eighty-one days to swallow this sage, wouldn't it be too late?"

Chu Feng smiled slightly: "Dad, rest assured, it will definitely let you catch up. I have a way to speed up your sanctification!"

"That's good!"

Chu Zhen said that he was the first one to put Shengge into his mouth. Shengge's hand felt extremely hard, but when it was put into his mouth, it was softened by the foam, like swallowing jelly. Chu Zhen and the nine of them were short. In a short time, all Saint Ge was swallowed.

Shengge swallowed it, and Chu Zhen screamed out in pain. He felt that his body and soul seemed to be crumpled into pieces in an instant!

After Chu Zhen, the rest of the people screamed in pain one after another, even if they were soldiers like them who won the government, they couldn't bear the pain.

A jade bottle appeared in Chu Feng's hand. In this jade bottle, there was a ray of red time power with ten times the acceleration, and ten times the time acceleration, even people like Chu Zhen and others who did not become gods could bear it!

The jade bottle flew over Chu Zhen's head and Chu Zhen was under ten times the time acceleration. In just a few seconds, Mo Xiu and the other eight people were also under ten times the time acceleration!

It takes ninety-nine and eighty-one days to improve, but it takes about eight days to speed up by ten times. It is naturally no problem to catch up with the wedding!

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