Holy Prison

Chapter 1810: Great Leap Forward (1)

"Xian'er, please pay attention, dad, if they have any problems, let them know as soon as possible." Chu Feng said in his mind. "Well, I know." Miao Xian'er replied.

Chu Zhen and their mouths kept screaming in pain, but their condition was much better than when Feng Bing's bloodline was ascending. Chu Feng glanced at Chu Zhen and Mo Xiu didn't worry too much about disappearing.

With a lot of time power, Chu Feng has a lot to deal with now.

At the location of the holy prison heavy artillery, the next moment Chu Feng came to this side, the fast charging speed of the eight hundred and twenty holy prison heavy artillery bottles was fully charged. As for the remaining 800 bottles, 100 of them flashed The light is charging, and there are still 700 bottles that have not started charging!

"Chu Feng, do you want to merge some of them? It can't be merged now." Miao Xianer said. Chu Feng shook his head slightly and said: "Naturally not. I was thinking how many holy prison heavy artillery can be charged. These holy prison heavy artillery cannons with a relatively slow charging speed, the power of the time required to fully recharge is that Ten times the power of time with fast charging speed!"

If the charge is full, the effect will be the same whether the charge speed is fast or the charge speed is slow, but the time consumed is greatly different!

"Then there is any way. If you want the Holy Prison to have more artillery, then you have to bear the consequences." Miao Xian'er said with a smile, "Anyway, you have a lot of time power, so there is no problem paying."

A ray of purple time power can fully charge those holy prison heavy artillery that are slower to charge, while a golden ray of time power can make a hundred such sacred prison heavy artillery fully charged, Chu Feng gets The power of time can fully charge hundreds of thousands of holy prison heavy artillery like that!

"Although there is a lot of power of time, there are a lot of things that need to be used!" Chu Feng sighed slightly. There are many talented people in Shenchu ​​City, especially those from Aosong Village, who have joined Aosong Village. Yes, all of them are extremely talented. Those people, Chu Feng wants to gather them all to practice in the holy prison space!

Many people have excellent talents. All they lack is time. As long as they have enough time, then they can reach the strength of the tenth-order quasi-sage. With such strength, the chance of success in crossing the catastrophe is relatively high!

Aosong Village is said to be a genius concentration camp in the Godchu City. Now that many years have passed, there are more than one million villagers in Aosong Village. Many of them have reached the Emperor God level and no longer stay in Aosong Village.

Even if you don’t gather other people but gather people from Aosong Village, you can gather millions of people. Although Chu Feng has a lot of time power, it’s a bit difficult to provide so many people. On one side, there is also the Shenchu ​​City. Chu Feng only intends to summon about 300,000 people. If they reach the tenth level one by one, there should be about 100,000 people out of the 300,000 people who can become a saint!

Three hundred thousand people, all of whom choose the best talents, and they will practice faster after they become holy! In addition, Chu Feng also planned to pick out about 30,000 people from the domain tower. Among the 30,000 people, about 10,000 people should be sanctified. As his followers, these 10,000 people can be completely in his In the control of!

If it's just a few close people who practice, then the power of more than eighty ten thousand wisps of time he has is completely enough, but if it does that, how will it resist the temple?

The power of time must be used by some talented people. If they grow up, they can play a big role against the temple!

In addition to the people selected, there are more than ninety sky guards who also need to use the power of time. Their talents are relatively high. If they have the power of time, the speed of cultivation will not be too slow at that time!

There are more than ninety sky guards, ten thousand followers, and ten thousand gods who have successfully crossed the Tribulation. This is a power system initially conceived by Chu Feng!

Above this system, naturally it was him, Feng Bingning, Tang Ming, and others. They would be high-end combat power in the system by then!

"Xian'er, the holy prison heavy artillery here, I said two requirements, you can figure it out. First, don't let all of the eight hundred holy prison heavy artillery be upgraded to full, 100 of which will be charged within a thousand years It’s almost full by the end of the day. In addition, ten thousand years, twenty thousand years, it's up to you." Chu Feng said.

"Second, the holy prison heavy artillery can be upgraded. If you can use the time force with a relatively low acceleration, don't use the time force with a high acceleration."

Miao Xian'er nodded slightly: "Okay, I will arrange it so that there will be no holy prison heavy artillery, and time will not be wasted!"

"Um...Xian'er, let the holy prison accelerate, as long as I am within the acceleration range?" Chu Feng said. "Yes, you are the master of the holy prison, you are under the acceleration of time, then the holy prison is under the acceleration of time, and it is impossible for the holy prison to be under the acceleration of time alone!" Miao Xianer said, " Hurry up and finish some things and start practicing. You don't have time to accelerate your training. The research on angels is relatively slow!"

"Soon!" Chu Feng said.

It was indeed very fast. It didn’t take long for Aosong Village to select 300,000 people. These 300,000 people were all extremely talented. In addition, they quickly improved their strength and faced the Saints. Prison does not resist. Some people resist. After all, under the Holy Tribulation, if crossing the Tribulation fails, that is the end of death!

In the sacred prison space, the people of 300,000 Aosong Village gathered together, and there was a high platform in front of them. When Chu Feng walked up to the high platform, many 300,000 people cheered.


Chu Feng pressed his hands and immediately 300,000 people fell silent. "Everyone, I am not the city lord of Shenchu ​​City. I am just the village head of Aosong Village. As the village head, I will say a few more words." Chu Feng glanced at the dense humanity under the stage, "I have a way to get You will usher in the Holy Tribulation relatively quickly, in a thousand years soon, and it is estimated that there will be no problem in tens of thousands of years."

"Using the holy robbery, if the robbery is successfully crossed, there will be no problems. If the robbery cannot be crossed successfully, then you should know the consequences!"

"Withdrawal, you can practice slowly, and slowly upgrade your cultivation base while enjoying life. With your cultivation base, it should be sooner or later to usher in the Holy Tribulation! If you don't withdraw, then you can now Separated from that wonderful world, whether you succeeded in crossing the catastrophe, or died under the thunder catastrophe, it depends on what God meant!"

A young man raised his hand and shouted, this young man Chu Feng knew that he was just a little beggar back then, and it was Chu Feng who set him on the path of training.

"Kid Qi, just ask if you have anything." Chu Feng said with a light smile. The young man said loudly, "The village chief, you want us to be sanctified quickly. There should be a reason, right?"

"Not bad." Chu Feng nodded slightly, "There is a reason, but I am not going to tell you the reason now! Are there any questions?"

If it can, Chu Feng doesn't really want the many people in Orga Village to ascend quickly. It is better for them to ascend slowly and enjoy life.

However, it won't work otherwise! Although he can exchange his followers to make those followers become sacred, the followers are better in control, but there are two more important issues, the combat points, the talented followers, even if the cultivation base is relatively low, each one needs a lot. Points of merit.

Three hundred thousand people, even if one person has one hundred thousand merit points, that is 30 billion merit points. If one person has one million merit points, it is 300 billion merit points! Although he has a lot of merit points now, it is not a good thing to spend a lot of merit points. At that time, some good things may not be available in the store!

Another question, although Chu Feng knew a lot of people with relatively high talents in the domain tower, there were not as many as 300,000!

The young man shook his head: "Without the village head, since the village head has a reason, no matter what the reason, I stay, without the village head, there would be no mine today!"

"I will stay too, and I will be sanctified quickly. I have been looking forward to it for countless years. Nothing is more attractive to me than sanctification!"

"The village chief, when I get here, I don't plan to leave!"

Three hundred thousand people expressed their opinions one by one. Although their voices were noisy, Chu Feng could clearly hear that none of the three hundred thousand people spoke out!

If you want to quit, you won't get here!

"Everyone, be quiet, since everyone is sure, then once you start, you can't quit again." Chu Feng said in a deep voice, "300,000 people, many of you will die by then, and now I don't have that ability. Let many of you resurrect, but I promise that if you have the ability in the future, you will be resurrected when you die in the Holy Tribulation!"

"If there is hope of resurrection, then I will be more at ease! But I will definitely be able to live under the holy robbery then, Xiao Wu, you guys will probably hang up at that time!"

"Bah, I’m the only one who can hang it. I will definitely be holy then. It’s you guys. I think it will be bad luck at that time. If you hang up, I will burn you a handful of paper money. Don’t worry. Go here."

"Damn! You just go with confidence"

Many people joked with each other, and the many people in Aojia Village were very happy to get along with each other. Chu Feng was quite satisfied with this.

After letting the people in Aojia Village tease each other for a while, Chu Feng pressed his hands and calmed them down: "Everyone, line up, front and back, left and right, with a distance of 100 meters! You will start training immediately, pay attention to the cultivation. Don't affect the people around you when you practice!"

"Yes, the village chief!"

In a short period of time, 300,000 people in Orga Village were scattered. It was impossible to divide into 300,000 small spaces, but soon a thick stone appeared among 300,000 people. The wall and the stone wall can basically ensure that 300,000 people will not affect each other!

"Xian'er, give them the power of time according to their situation." Chu Feng said in his mind. "Okay!" Miao Xian'er replied, this thing is very easy for her. In just a few seconds, all the people in the 300,000 Aosong Village were accelerated by the power of time!

"Grow up quickly." Chu Feng sighed in his heart. If he controls one hundred thousand high-ranking saints or even one hundred thousand high-ranking immortal saints, then he has the capital to deal with the temple!

Eight days have passed since the problems of the people in Aojia Village were resolved, and the figure of Chu Feng appeared in the place where Chu Zhen and them were.

Nine-nine-nine-nine-eighty-one days of sanctification, and now that time has accelerated, almost eighty-one days have passed, and Chu Zhen and their sanctification are close at hand!

Under Chu Feng's gaze, a powerful momentum erupted from Chu Zhen. Chu Zhen was the first to swallow the sage, and naturally the first to become a sage!

Chu Zhen had just been sanctified, and within a short time, Mo Xiu and the others had burst out of the aura that belonged to the saints one by one. Using the saints, Chu Zhen and them all safely and safely achieved the honor of saints!

"Thank you City Lord for fulfillment!"

Chi Shan and Meng Hao won the government and the seven of them hurriedly saluted. The seven did not kneel down, but they all saluted deeply. It is so easy to become a saint, which they didn't even dare to think before!

"You don't need to be polite." Chu Feng smiled and waved his hand. "Dad, you all seize the time to calm your breath. If you are like this, then you won't be able to drink the wedding wine at that time! It is only more than a day before Xiaoyun's wedding, but With time accelerating, there shouldn't be a big problem with your breath convergence!"

"Okay, okay, let's calm down immediately, Xiaoyun's wedding wine, how can we not drink it?" Chu Zhen smiled and said, he was very happy at this moment. Children Chu Feng and the others have become saints one by one, and now they and Mo Xiu has also become a saint. The grandson Chu Han and the others have also got married. The Chu family is flourishing and prosperous. Why is Chu Zhen not happy?

On the tenth day, Chu Yun’s wedding was held as scheduled in the holy prison space. There were not too many people in his wedding, but many of them were saints. The wedding specifications were not at all. low!

After Chu Yun’s wedding, Shenchu ​​City calmed down, and the Holy Prison Space also calmed down. Chu Feng, Feng Bingning and the others, Tang Ming and the others, Chu Han and others were all in the Holy Prison Space. Entering the training, Shenchu ​​City ushered in a period of collective crazy training!

As time passed day by day and year after year, the power of time was used one by one, and Chu Feng's strength continued to rise rapidly!

Those who get the power of Chu Feng's time are basically people with relatively high talents. People with high talents have a relatively high speed of cultivation base. Under the power of time, the speed of improvement is increased by ten times a hundred times a thousand times.

Crazy, in the sacred prison space, the strength of each person who has been practicing under the power of time has been madly improved. People are constantly welcoming the holy robbery, and some people are constantly dying in the holy robbery. For these Chu Fengs Without paying attention, even when Chu Han and the others ushered in the Holy Tribulation, Chu Feng did not come out of the domain tower!

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