Holy Prison

Chapter 1815: Black corpse virus

"No" Chu Feng said as his face became very solemn, he couldn't even feel the toxin intrusion, the poison was really terrifying! "Xian'er, shouldn't I be poisoned?"

"Naturally not, the Dark Chaos Lotus blocked it, you didn't communicate with the Dark Chaos Lotus, you should know it after you exchange it." Miao Xianer said.

Chu Feng's consciousness is connected to the Dark Chaos Lotus. "Feilian, just now the toxin invaded, did you block it?" Chu Feng asked the spirit flying lotus of the Dark Chaos Lotus.

"Feilian, why didn't you tell me?" Chu Feng frowned secretly. "Didn't you know? Sister Xian'er will definitely tell you!" Fei Lian said, now the spirit swallowing the world of the world swallowing gourd, and the spirit of the dark chaotic lotus Fei Lian and Miao Xian'er have known each other a long time ago. Tun Shi and Fei Lian naturally knew that the Holy Prison was extraordinary. Miao Xian'er successfully established the position of the big sister among them. As for Fei Lian and Tun Shi, they dissatisfied each other!

Chu Feng sent a message to Fei Lian and said: "Fei Lian, if there is such a situation in the future, you have to let me feel it, understand? If Xian'er forgets to tell me?"

"All right, this lady knows." Feilian said.

Tang Jian and Bu stared at Chu Feng tightly in shock, and as Chu Feng's expression changed, their hearts that had been put down before came up again.

"Master Chu, is there a problem?" Tang Jian asked. Chu Feng moved his hand away from Luohe's chest. Luohe was already fine, but Shengge had just been poisoned, and he fell into a deep sleep at this moment. It is estimated that he will wake up after a while: "Luohe is no problem, but you have problem!"

"Master Chu, it's our failure to guard, please punish Master Chu!" Tang Jian bowed his head. Chu Feng shook his head: "Tang Jian, you got me wrong. I said you have a problem. I'm not going to be held accountable. I just said that although you have certain responsibilities, the responsibilities are not special. Big!"

"I mean, you are also poisoned now!" "Ah!"

Both Tang Jian and Bu Jingxun's faces were shocked, "Master Chu, we are fine, there is no sign of poisoning." Bu Jingxun said.

Chu Feng said quietly: "Luohe didn't have any signs of poisoning before! You are the same kind of poison, but the poison has already mutated in you."

"Mutated?" Tang Jian said in a puzzled way, "Master Chu, are you talking about the virus? Isn't it the kind of poison in Luohe? The virus will mutate. The most terrifying mutated virus black corpse in the underworld in the past More than one trillion people in China died under its terrifying power!"

"Black Corpse"'s face changed slightly in horror, "Tang Jian, I still remember the description of the Black Corpse Virus back then, the Black Corpse virus, after the death of the middle person, he was completely dark. This is the origin of the name'Black Corpse'. Luo. Brother He's previous situation seems to be somewhat similar to the black corpse virus!"

"Luo He was completely black before, and this is still not dead. If we die," Tang Jian's face also changed slightly, "Master Chu, are you sure we have that toxin in our bodies now?"

Chu Feng said, "If you don't stimulate it, the toxin will erupt after some time. If you stimulate it, it should erupt immediately. If you stimulate them, you will know if they are poisoned! Drink some antidote. , And then use your sacred knowledge to scan yourself!" "I will try!" Bu Jinghu said that a pill appeared in his hand, and that pill was eaten by him. The moment he took the pill, he It was all sensing his own situation, the scanning of the sacred consciousness and the power of the antidote really stimulated the toxins in the body of Bu Jing, and Bu Jing’s body twitched and almost fell to the ground.

"It's dark!"

Bu Jinghu raised his hands and looked at his own hands. At this time, one of his hands quickly turned black, and the rest of his body was the same!

"You enter my treasure space for treatment!" Chu Feng said, and immediately put Bu Jingxian and Tang Jian into his treasure space. Their strength is much stronger than Luohe, and the toxins in the body are also Much stronger, only healing in the holy prison space can be cured in the shortest time!

"Black corpse virus...Xian'er, do you think this toxin has anything to do with the black corpse virus?" Chu Feng said in his mind. "I have never been in contact with the black corpse virus, but from all the signs, it is likely to be a bit related! Back then, the black corpse virus broke out and killed many people. Some of the immortal powerhouses in the underworld also died, and some people fancy the black corpse. The power of the virus and then secretly kept a little virus sample for research. This is very possible!" Miao Xianer said.

Chu Feng knew many things in the underworld. He had also read the information about the black corpse virus. He recalled the information and said, "Xian'er, the black corpse virus is so terrible. If someone studies the black corpse virus, it can really be used. It can be described in four words with boldness, countless poisonous masters died under the black corpse virus!"

"The world is so big, the chances of a bold person appearing are not small. It was possible that more than one person secretly studied the black corpse virus, but now those people, it is estimated that most of them have died! Chu Feng, if this toxin is true It is related to the black corpse virus, so someone has already researched something!" Miao Xianer said.

A cold light flashed in Chu Feng's eyes: "If this is the case, even if you live under the black corpse virus, it will be impossible to live for a long time. His life will be collected by Lord Chu by then! Xian'er, is there any in the city of life and death now? Suspicious person? Generally speaking, the murderer will see if he has achieved the goal after he has done it!"

"No... if the murderer is hand-operated, you must know that Tang Jian and the others will conduct a strict investigation in the City of Life and Death, where will any flaws be revealed at this time." Miao Xianer said, "Chu Feng, there are now indestructible powerhouses in the City of Life and Death. The other side of the skyeye's scanning senses a little bit and cannot continue scanning!"

"Well, I closed the eyes of the sky. By the way, I brought the information of the powerful people who have reached the strength of the high-level saints in the city of life and death into my mind." Chu Feng said.

"Okay! Now in the city of life and death, there are many strong people who have reached the strength of high-level saints!"

Miao Xian'er said that a lot of information passed into Chu Feng's mind in an instant, and Chu Feng's eyes were surprised. Now, there are hundreds of powerful people who have reached the strength of high-level saints in the city of life and death. There are more than thirty people, and there are actually two immortal powerhouses!

"The number of strong people is much more than the number of strong people before!" Chu Feng secretly said in his heart, he didn't know the situation of the previous ghost city, if he knew it, he would also know the strong people that appeared in the city of life and death this time The number is more than when the ghost city appeared before!

Luo He woke up at this time, and when he opened his eyes, he quickly got up and bowed to Chu Feng. His eyes were full of gratitude. If Chu Feng hadn't come, he knew that he might die!

"It's your fate." Chu Feng said with a light smile, "Luohe, that's not bad, I didn't expect to see you for so long, you have become a saint!"

"Master, I have improved a little bit, Master, you may have improved even more!" Luo He said. Chu Feng smiled slightly, his improvement was indeed much greater than that of Luohe. The last time he came here was only the cultivation base of the upper saint, but now it is the cultivation base of the immortal saint, and the high-rank saint was jumped over by him!

"Master, Tang Jian and the others"

In the sacred prison space, Tang Jian and the others had already finished the treatment at this moment, and they appeared in front of Chu Feng while thinking. "Master Chu, thank you!" Tang Jian and Bu Jingxian appeared and quickly saluted deeply.

"Master Chu, let's talk in another place, there is a medicinal smell here, it's so unpleasant!" Tang Jiandao. Chu Feng nodded slightly. The place where they were was really not a good place to chat.

Soon Chu Feng and the others moved to a living room. "Master Chu, I don't know if anyone in my mansion has been infected with that toxin?" Tang Jian asked quickly when he was seated just now.

Chu Feng shook his head slightly, "Only you and Horror were infected with the toxin. However, the toxin just wanted to invade my body and was blocked by my defensive treasure. It should only be close enough to the source of the poison and the time of contact. It will take a certain time to get infected!"

Bu was shocked and said in a deep voice: "This toxin is too terrifying. It didn't act very well in Senior Brother Luohe's body, but it was so powerful in our body! It must be because of Ghost City, Luohe didn't provoke many people. Zhang Family Zhang Xu absolutely dare not attack Luohe now, let alone attack us, and that straw bag cannot produce such a powerful toxin! If there is nothing else, only Ghost City is about to open. ."

"How much time is left until Ghost City opens?" Chu Feng asked. Tang Jian replied: "Master Chu, it has been only three years since the opening of the Ghost City, and the battle power duel is only one year away. After one year, the top 100 in the underworld will be determined. Name is eligible to enter the Ghost City!"

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "You have been conspired, it should be related to this! Luohe, if you recall, have you encountered anything abnormal?"

Luo He tried his best to remember and shook his head slightly: "Master, it seems not. I have never left the City of Life and Death in these years. In the City of Life and Death, it seems that no weird situation has occurred."

"Master Chu, it is difficult to know this. If there is a reaction within a short period of time, then it is better to find out a little, but the poison has been lurking in Luohe's body for a long time. I don't know, it's harder to determine the poisoner." Tang Jiandao.

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Luohe, in the next time, you will enter my treasure space to practice, Tang Jian, fright, you pretend that Luohe is still poisoned, if the poisoned person is still in the city of life and death. , Then he should be able to be picked out! You two will practice with Luohe in my treasure space after acting!"

"Thank you Master Chu!" Tang Jianhebu's eyes lit up in shock. Chu Feng smiled lightly: "You go out and make arrangements first, and I will introduce your two brothers to you later!"

Luo He chuckled and said, "Two fools, who are still called Master Chu?" "Master is up, please accept the gift of the disciple!" Tang Jian and Bu Jingxun quickly knelt down and gave Chu Feng nine beeps together. .

Chu Feng received this great gift from Tang Jian and the others. Tang Jian and the others were just named disciples before, but at this time they became official disciples of Chu Feng!

"Tang Jian, horrified, I will accept you two apprentices today. There are not many rules for being my apprentice. First, you must not kill innocent people indiscriminately. Second, respect your teacher! If you violate these two rules, , Then the next day will be the clearing door for the teacher!" Chu Feng said solemnly.

"Yes, Master!" Tang Jian and Bu Jingxian said in the same voice. These two conditions were just the most basic conditions, and they believed that they could not violate them!

Chu Feng nodded: "Get up, go to deal with things, and then come back immediately!"

A few minutes later, Chu Feng and Tang Jian appeared in the holy prison space. Wulin and Huangfuqi who were practicing in the holy prison space were all called by Chu Feng at this time.

Seeing Chu Feng, Wulin and Huangfuqi both salute respectfully. They are now the cultivation bases of high-ranking saints, and they have reached the sixth-level high-ranking saints, their cultivation bases are higher than Tang Jian, as far as combat power is concerned. , They Chu Feng taught a lot of time, and the combat power was even better than Tang Jian.

"High-ranking saints!" Tang Jian said in shock, he could feel that Wulin and the others were high-ranking saints, and their cultivation should be stronger than him.

But... he had judged before that Chu Feng should not have the cultivation base of a high-level saint but the cultivation base of a high-level saint. "Wulin, Huangfu, let me introduce it to you." Chu Feng said with a light smile, "This is Tang Jian, the cultivation base of a fourth-level high-ranking saint. He is good at hidden weapons and soft swords. He uses the law of gold to enlighten him; It’s a horror, good at attacking spears, and enlightenment by the law of fire; this is Luohe, Luohe, should you enlighten the way by the law of water?"

"Yes, Master!" Luohe respectfully said.

Chu Feng smiled and said, "This is just right. Wulin, Huangfu, the three of them are the three disciples collected in the Yin Realm for their teachers, and they will be your junior disciples in the future. Luohe ranked third and Tang Jian fourth. Frightening Fifth! You two, introduce yourself to your younger brother!"

Wu Lin smiled and said: "Three Junior Brothers, I am your big brother Wu Lin, who entered the Taoist way according to the law of earth, and now I am cultivated as a sixth-level high-ranking saint!"

"My name is Huangfuqi. From now on, I will be the second brother of you. I will enter the Dao according to the law of wood. Now my cultivation is also a sixth-level high-level saint! Your cultivation is a little lower for the third brother, but don't worry, you will be helped by the master. His cultivation base can definitely be upgraded quickly!" Huangfuqi said with a light smile.

"Big Brother, Second Brother!" Tang Jian and the others hurriedly saluted.

Chu Feng glanced at the five of them in Wulin: "Gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, I didn't expect the five of you to enter the Dao with one of them. It seems that in the dark, there may be a little bit of providence! The Five Elements Gathering together, you are divided into Yin and Yang, interesting and interesting! If there is a formation suitable for you to use together, then you should be able to exert terrifying power by then!"

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