Holy Prison

Chapter 1816: Special training

"Master, this is true. The five of us happen to belong to the golden, wood, water, fire, and earth." Wulin said in surprise, "If the five elements are separated, the five elements law will be weaker than some rules, but I heard that if the five elements gather together, it is very Strong, not much weaker than the laws of time and space!"

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "If the five elements gather together, it is indeed powerful... Ulin, resist with all your strength, look at it!"

Chu Feng slapped Wulin with a low yell, and in the blink of an eye an energy palm was printed on Wulin! Although Ulin resisted with all his might, that energy palm broke through his defenses in a very short time and penetrated into his body. With the intrusion of the energy palm, Wulin's original sixth-level high-level strength was immediately sealed as a high-ranking saint!

"Master, you seem to have only used the sixth-level high-level cultivation base." Huangfuqi said in surprise. The same cultivation base immediately imprisoned Wulin. This is not easy, although Wulin did not dodge that much.

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Well, I just used a sixth-level high-level cultivation base. The power of the five elements is very powerful. For the palm of the teacher, the power of the five elements gathers, the gold is sharp, and the fire is violent. The ability to break through the defense is extremely strong; if it is the solidity of taking soil and the softness of water, then the defense formed by the power of the king is very strong! In addition, the water and wood combine to restore the strength is very strong, and the healing effect is significant in the case of injury!"

"Master, how can you comprehend the power of the five elements so deeply" Tang Jian said in shock, Chu Feng's ability in this aspect is still not clear to him.

Huangfu smiled and said authentically: "Four Junior Brothers, there are quite a few Masters who know how to master, and what Master is most powerful is not the Five Elements but his spatial laws!"

Chu Feng said: "It is extremely difficult to comprehend the five elements together. You don't have to do this. You can comprehend your own set of laws to a high level! When the five of you join together to form a formation, the power will be very good! Luohe , The three of you like to fight, do you want to communicate with you two seniors?"

Luohe and the others brightened, and they competed with Wulin and the others. This was what they wanted, but Wulin and the others were senior brothers. They were embarrassed to mention it because Chu Feng was still here. They didn't expect Chu Feng to actually mention it.

"It seems that you have such thoughts. Your senior brothers are not familiar with it now. It is okay to communicate with each other after fighting! You are also limited to Luohe cultivation bases, Wulin, Huangfu, you two are with you three Let’s talk with each other." Chu Feng said with a light smile.

"Two versus three?" Tang Jian and the others had a little bit of dissatisfaction in their eyes. They were the warlords of the City of Life and Death, and their cultivation was not as good as Huangfuqi and the others. Could it be that their combat power was not comparable?

Wu Lin said with a chuckle: "Three Junior Brothers, we have been with Master for a long time. We may have learned a little bit more than you. Try it first. If Huangfu and I cannot beat the three of you, Then it will be one-on-one."

"Yes, big brother." Tang Jian and the three of them said in the same voice, thinking of Chu Feng's terrifying combat power, their faces were solemn, and perhaps the three of them could not defeat the two of Ulin.

"Get started, let me see your progress."

Chu Feng withdrew quite a bit. "Two brothers, you are offended!" Tang Jian's voice fell, and he flew out with a hidden weapon in an instant. At the same time, Step Fright and Luohe also did it in an instant. The three of them spent a lot of time together, and usually fights are not rare. At this time, the team and Ulin immediately showed their amazing cooperation!

"The Realm of Earth!"

"The Realm of Wood!"

The coordination of Wulin and Huangfu Qina is more subtle than that of Tang Jian. The realm of earth and the realm of wood are combined together in an instant!

Although wood contaminates the soil, wood can grow in the soil to be more prosperous! If the coordination is not good, then the power of Wulin and Huangfuqi will suppress each other, but their cooperation is exquisite, Wulin's power is not affected much, and Huangfuqi's domain power is much stronger under the influence of Wulin's domain power!

The first sound was Tang Jian’s hidden weapon hitting a small earth shield, the second, the third, and the fourth sound were three old tree roots appearing out of thin air and they were drawn to Tang Jian and the others. Although the countless battles did not suffer any injuries, the three old tree roots were suddenly pulled out hundreds of meters!

Tang Jian and the others rushed up in a moment of exclamation, but their attacks could not fall on Ulin and the others, but the old roots of the trees repeatedly drew on them and made them depressed! The old roots' attacks were not very strong at the beginning, and slowly their attacks became stronger and stronger, making their whole body painful!

"Wulin, Huangfu, Luohe and the others are not able to cooperate in this aspect. You are not allowed to cooperate in this way. Separate!" Chu Feng said with a light smile.

Wulin and Huangfu responded and immediately separated and fought. Tang Jian and the others thought their chance had come, but soon they discovered a problem. Even if Wulin and the others did not cooperate with the three of them, they could not beat Wulin and Huangfu. odd!

After half an hour, Tang Jian and the three of them all lay on the ground. Although Wulin and Huangfuqi were also seriously injured, they still had some spare energy!

"We are still the top warlords in the city of life and death, ridiculous!" Tang Jian smiled bitterly while lying on his back and looking at the sky. Combat power, this aspect has always been their pride, but I did not expect that not only Chu Feng's combat power is much stronger than theirs, even Wulin and their combat power are stronger than them!

"stand up!"

Chu Feng's deep shout sounded in Tang Jian and their minds. Although Tang Jian and the three of them were exhausted and seriously injured, they still stood up when they heard Chu Feng's voice!

"Luohe, Tang Jian, Horror, the true king of war, is not that he has never failed, but that every failure can't make them fall! Every failure can get some experience and learn some lessons, so that you can make your own combat power. Becoming stronger and stronger! I think you will not understand this truth," Chu Feng said solemnly.

Tang Jian and the others said in unison. Although the three of them couldn't beat Wulin and they made them a little frustrated, they were not fools. After hearing what Chu Feng said, some of the frustration in their hearts immediately disappeared!

"Three brothers, we have stayed with Master for a long time. It is normal that we are stronger than you now. Master will teach you more at that time. It is very likely that your combat power will surpass me and Huangfu. "Wulin smiled authentically. "The big brother said that." Tang Jiandao.

Chu Feng thought that the medical clinic immediately treated Tang Jian and the others: "Luohe, Tang Jian, Horror, do you want to enter the Ghost City?"

Tang Jian and their eyes lit up in unison, Ghost City, there are not a few people in the entire Yin Realm who don't want to enter in that place, they may get treasures there, and they may also make their own strength stronger!

Chu Feng smiled faintly: "Since you want to, you have to practice well in the next year! The last time Ghost City came out was a long, long time ago. After so many years, there will definitely be some battles. Talented characters with super power come out, if you don’t practice well, it will be a question whether you can make it into the top 100!"

"Listen well, the next year will be like this. If I fight you for ten days, you will realize that one day, one year, should improve your combat power a lot!"

Tang Jian frowned slightly and said, "Master, one day's time to comprehend, is this a little too short?" "Don't worry, it won't be short!" Chu Feng said, you can't accelerate time when fighting, but Tang Jian When they were comprehending, time was accelerating, and the time accelerating for many days would definitely be enough for Tang Jian to absorb the comprehension.

The special training began immediately, Tang Jian and the others were very powerful, but at the level of Chu Feng, they could be defeated in a short time!

Within ten days, Tang Jian and the others had lost countless times in the hands of Chu Feng!

"Stand cross-legged, immediately comprehend!" Once again, Tang Jian and the others quickly knocked down Chu Feng and said in a deep voice. Tang Jian and the others sat down obediently, and on top of their heads immediately appeared a ray of time. Jade bottle!

Tang Jian's faces were shocked, and under the power of time, they immediately felt the difference. "Luohe, Tang Jian, Horror, what lies above your head is the power of time. With the acceleration of the power of time, the time you pass inside is different during the day outside." Chu Feng sent a message.

"Luohe, you have to work hard, your strength is the lowest, too high a time acceleration you can't afford, your time acceleration is only fifty times, the shock time acceleration is five thousand times, Tang Jian's time acceleration is 10,000 Five thousand times!"

Fifty, five thousand, fifteen thousand, three different times of acceleration, Luohe's combat power will definitely lag behind and scare them, but this is also no way, who will compare his current cultivation base Low? In the future, under the power of time, his strength can still be rapidly improved!

When teaching Luohe in the past, time was pressing and there was no such thing as the power of time, so he continued to fight Luohe, and that improved a little bit. Now the situation is different. With the power of time, let them fight. It is better to realize it after a few days!

One day later, Chu Feng fought Luohe and the others again. After the acceleration of time, Chu Feng could clearly feel that their combat power had improved a bit, especially Bu Fear and Tang Jian, their combat power increased. Very obvious!

As time passed by day by day, Tang Jian and the others spent most of their time training in the holy prison space. Under the special training of Chu Feng, the combat power of the three of them increased rapidly!

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