Holy Prison

Chapter 1817: Tiger Race

One year is not long, it can be said that it passed in the blink of an eye!

During this period of time, Chu Feng had asked the Sky Eye to scan many times, but there was no gain in one year. The poisoned person was very vigilant, or he was not on the side of the city of life and death for a while!

There is no progress in finding the poisoned person, but the three of Luohe and the others have improved a lot in this period of time. If their combat power was only about 80 before, now three of them have improved in combat power a year later. Every individual's combat power has reached more than ninety!

The combat power has increased by 10 to 20%, which does not seem to be a lot, but you must know that Tang Jian's combat power is extremely high, and the combat power of some people in the underworld is higher than theirs. Too much higher, and an increase of 10 to 20% is enough to make them more powerful than many people!

"Luohe, Tang Jian, shock, time is coming." Luohe and the others came out of the area enveloped by the power of time again, and Chu Feng said, "The special training is temporarily over!"

"Yes, Master!" Tang Jian and the others were respectful and authentic. They had respected Chu Feng before, and at this time they respected Chu Feng even more in their hearts!

Chu Feng frowned slightly and said: "The poisoned person has not been found yet, and that person may still do something before entering the Ghost City. You must be more careful!"

"Master, won't you show up outside with us?" Luohe said. Chu Feng shook his head slightly: "I need to practice here! Don't you still have to spend some time in the city of life and death? If you encounter something, you call it in your heart, I should be able to feel it!"

Now it's only two years since the opening of Ghost City. The first year is that many cities in the Underworld fight to determine who can participate in the next round of duels. In the second year, those who reach a certain rank will gather to the nearest to Ghost City. One of the super martial arts city of Shenwu City, the top 100 warlords will be determined in the city of Shenwu!

The first 100 warlords come out, and when the Ghost City is opened, you can enter the Ghost City. After entering, how much benefit you get depends on each person's ability!

"With your current combat power, it shouldn't be a problem to rank in the top 100. You can just rank in the 100 by then, don't be too high-profile." Chu Feng said.

Tang Jian and the others responded, Chu Feng waved his hand and instantly the three of them left the holy prison space and appeared outside the holy prison space. "Xian'er, open the sky eye to scan every few days." Chu Feng said. He wants to practice now but he can't pay attention to Tang Jian and the others.

Miao Xian'er promised that Chu Feng appropriated the power of time from the side of the holy prison heavy artillery and immediately began to practice. Can practice for 200,000 years!

Now Tang Ming and the others are working hard to practice. If there is a lot of time delay, then the cultivation level will be much behind Tang Ming and the others!

Sitting cross-legged, Chu Feng did not enter the state of training for a long time, "He is restless, it seems that something big may happen!"

Chu Feng frowned slightly, this state is not very good for practicing with all his strength, he can only let the exercises run on their own, and then he will study the stigmata!

While Chu Feng was practising, in the holy world, Hu Yuer appeared on the other side of the Baihu clan's territory, and she changed her breath and flew towards the Baihu clan's resident carefully.

It seemed that Hu Yuer had no problems at all, but now Hu Yuer has been controlled. She appeared on the side of the White Tiger clan to attract the strong from the White Tiger clan.

As long as the strong of the White Tiger clan appears, then the strong of the temple may follow to find the current hiding place of the White Tiger clan!


In Dongtianfudi, Hu Haihong showed a trace of doubt on his face. He just seemed to hear the call of the tiger owner. "Father!" Ruoyouruowu's voice appeared in Hu Haihong's heart again.

"That's right, it's Yu'er!" Hu Haihong suddenly stood up and walked around the room. If he didn't know the current situation in the holy world, he would definitely leave this cave, but he knew the holy world. He knew that it would be more dangerous to go out at this time.

Hu Yu'er's call is not fake, but Hu Haihong knows that today's Hu Yu'er may have been parasitized or controlled by the abyssal powerhouse!

"No, you must let Yu'er appear here. I'll be careful, there shouldn't be anything wrong." Hu Haihong secretly said in his heart and immediately left the room.

Leaving and entering Dongtianfudi requires Dharma tactics. After telling the tactics to his eldest son, Hu Haihong left that dongtianfudi.

Hu Haihong felt that Hu Yuer's call was a lot more awake when he came out of Dongtianfudi! "Yu'er!" Hu Haihong converged his breath and circled towards the place where Hu Yu'er was. That place was the resident of the Baihu clan. Now this resident has long been abandoned.

"Father, how could it be like this."

"How did this become like this here? Father, brother, where have you been!"

"What the **** happened? My Baihu clan's residence has actually become like this. Oh, father, where are you, Yuer misses you!"

Hu Haihong approached, he didn't appear in front of Hu Yuer all at once but listened first. "Yu'er shouldn't be controlled." Hu Haihong secretly said in his heart. He saw Hu Yu'er knocking his head at the original ancestral hall of his Baihu clan, and said with tears while knocking.

As soon as Huhaihong's thoughts moved, he immediately wanted to put Hu Yuer into his own space treasure, but without success, Hu Yuer didn't even move!

Hu Haihong's face changed in an instant. Hu Yuer was only a middle-ranked saint. With his strength, he should be able to put Hu Yuer in the treasure space at once. At this time, Hu Miaoer didn't move, obviously there was a problem!

Three terrifying auras rose up, and after those three auras rose up, three hundred weaker auras also appeared in a short time!

With a roar, Hu Haihong suddenly rushed to Hu Yu'er, knocked her out and put her into the treasure space of her own! In this situation, Hu Haihong knows that the possibility of escaping is extremely low. If Hu Yuer is included in his own space treasure as soon as possible, he can avoid Hu Yuer from being harmed!

"Tiger King, grab it with your hands!" The voice of the wolf-greedy saint king rang out, and he had two other saint kings and many immortal-level powerhouses surrounded in a very short time.

Hu Haihong is the patriarch of the white tiger clan, and he is also the tiger king of the tiger clan, so he is called the tiger king by the greedy wolf holy king, so Hu Yuer is the tiger clan's little princess!

"Looking at the wolf, Eastern Emperor Taiyi, Zeus!" Hu Haihong said coldly. He knew all the three Saint King-level powerhouses that came around, and most of the immortal-level powerhouses also knew it, but, Hu Haihong knew in his heart that the wolf-greedy saint king at this moment was no longer the people he had known before!

"Tiger King, the strength seems to have improved a lot!" The Greedy Wolf Saint King said with a light smile, "Tiger King, don't talk secretly in front of the Mingren, you must know what's going on, how about cooperating a little bit? If you cooperate, we don’t have to rush to exterminate them. The White Tiger clan can still exist! If you don’t cooperate, then no one in the White Tiger clan can survive. Those who know the current affairs will be outstanding!"

"Cooperate, live; don't cooperate, die!" Donghuang Taiyi said coldly. At this time, Hu Haihong was surrounded by those strong men, and there was no possibility for Hu Haihong to leave!

Zeus smiled and said: "Tiger Haihong, tell us where the rest of the Baihu clan are! It is certain that the rest of the Baihu clan is not too far away from here. If it is far, then you can’t listen. Hu Yuer's heart is calling!"

"Since it's not too far away, we may spend some time, but we can definitely find out! Patriarch Tiger, don't make mistakes!"

Hu Haihong quickly spat at Zeus with a mouthful of phlegm. "Tiger King, you are not a cooperative attitude like this. Cooperate obediently, and we guarantee that your white tiger clan will continue to have blood. If you don't cooperate anymore, everyone in the white tiger clan will die extremely miserably!" Zeus said quietly.

"Zeus, this king will pinch all yours out at that time!" Hu Haihong said coldly.

"Imprisoned." Zeus said indifferently, and many powerful players took action. Although Hu Haihong had the strength of the Saint King level, he was imprisoned in a very short time!

"I knew that, I should have listened to what Chu Feng said." Hu Haihong smiled bitterly in his heart, and Chu Feng had warned him to be more cautious if something abnormal happened!

But Hu Yu'er's call came out, how could he control himself, he thought that his own Saint King-level might be able to safely bring Hu Yu'er into that cave, but he didn't expect so many people to come here. The strong, not only Hu Yuer was not saved, but he was also caught!

"Emperor Dong, it's up to you next. After such a little time has passed, you should be able to find out where Hu Haihong came from?" Greedy Wolf smiled.

Too Donghuang nodded his head: "Leave it to me. In such a short time, it should be no problem to find out the approximate location of Hu Haihong!"

"Tiger King, we respect that you are a Saint King-level powerhouse. If you tell the location obediently at this time, we will be a little more polite at that time." Greedy wolf looked at Chu Haihong with a light smile, if Tiger Haihong directly It's best to say the location and save the time of searching!

Huhai Honghu stared coldly and said: "If you want to be beautiful, you may not be able to find the location with waste materials, even if you find it, you can't enter!"

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