Holy Prison

Chapter 1819: Master Chu is angry

The purple lightning speed is extremely fast, and it is impossible for that immortal powerhouse to dodge!

When he felt the purple lightning appear, that immortal powerhouse increased his defense a lot while thinking, but it was useless! Purple lightning fell on his head, and under the gaze of more than a million people, the head of that immortal strong man burst open like a watermelon!

A crisp voice sounded. Everyone in the duel field could hear this voice clearly. This was the sound of the broken saint in the body of the immortal strong!

The immortal strong man takes the heart as the sage, the purple lightning strikes his sage as soon as it touches his body.

The body of the immortal powerhouse is extremely tyrannical, not to mention the sage, but the extremely hard sage did not block the purple lightning!

The sound of the heavy object falling, the body of the immortal strong fell heavily on the ground six or seven meters away from Chu Peak. He was still alive just now, and he was still an immortal strong that countless people can only look up to, but now In a short time, he has become a corpse.

This kind of contrast made countless people stunned and couldn't believe that an immortal powerhouse had fallen in front of them like this!

In the underworld, the death of an ordinary saint will not cause much change in the world, but the change in the world caused by the death of the immortal powerhouse is still very huge, and the sky of the entire city of life and death is rolling in a short period of time!

"Want to send Master Chu on the road, it seems that you don't have the qualifications like that yet!" Chu Feng glanced at the body of the immortal powerhouse and said indifferently.

There is no psychological burden for killing this immortal-level powerhouse Chu Feng. If his ability is lower, then it is not the immortal-level powerhouse who lies here but Chu Feng!

"Everyone, Chu's disciple was poisoned, and it's not the first time he was poisoned. I have been poisoned before. I hope everyone is offended!" Chu Feng arched his hands.

"I hope you all cooperate. If you cooperate, as long as there is no problem, Chu will definitely not have any trouble! If the murderer is found, then Chu will be able to breathe out a sigh, and you will be safer! Don’t think of the poison. It will only poison Chu's disciples, and then it may poison everyone!"

An indestructible powerhouse stood up and said indifferently: "Friend Chu, you have no objection to investigating the murderer Pang Dao, but Pang Dao is not interested in playing games with Chu friends here!"

Chu Feng narrowed his eyes slightly to look at the place where the indestructible powerhouse was: "Dao Master, I still hope that Dao Master will cooperate!"

"He...Friend Chu, what if the poor Dao is not? Do you want to keep the poor Dao here?" The Indestructible powerhouse chuckled. Chu Feng said quietly: "Dao Chief, Chu is not without the ability to keep the Dao Chief. Chu just wants to investigate a little, and hope that the Dao Chief can do something more convenient!"

"Master, this old Dao is an immortal Taoist, with a five-level immortal cultivation base, comprehending the law of death, and extremely powerful. He is not a good talker." Tang Jian said.

The undead Taoist stared at Chu Feng, and under Chu Feng's cold gaze, to everyone's expectations, the undead Taoist who had stood up slowly sat down again.

"Friend Chu, poor Dao is not an unreasonable person, Chu friend Disciple has such a situation, it should be checked, please." The undead Taoist smiled authentically.

Many people who know what the undead Taoist is like are very shocked. Although the undead Taoist is only a five-level immortal cultivation base, the law of death is powerful. In addition, he also has several good treasures. In the underworld, he Although not the top powerhouse, but the distance from the top powerhouse is not big.

Such an old demon actually said such words at this time, many people thought that the immortal Taoist would take action, and then Chu Feng was wiped out!

"Thank you for the Dao's growth." Chu Feng said with a light smile. This old Dao is the best if he doesn't make a move. Otherwise, a one-time defensive treasure on his body will be a cloud. In addition, the holy prison will cost at least four or five. Only by firing together cannons can initially kill this immortal Taoist, and if you want to completely kill this immortal Taoist, then you need to spend a lot of power to destroy the world!

Time has accelerated and countless years have passed, and Chu Feng now has accumulated a lot of world-destroying power in the world swallowing gourd. It is no problem that those world-destroying powers have wiped out a dozen or so immortal Taoists!

"You're welcome!"

The undead Taoist smiled. He is now very kind. This is because he just felt the death threat when he was speaking in Chu Feng. If there was no such death threat, the undead Taoist would not be so easy to talk!

Comprehending the law of death makes the undead Taoist extremely sensitive to this aspect. When Chu Feng just said that he was capable of killing him, he clearly felt the threat of death, and that feeling told him that if he did something to Chu Feng , It is very likely that it is not Chu Feng who died but him!

Chu Feng's eyes swept across the audience: "You guys, do you know if anyone has any comments? If you don't have any comments, I will check it next time!"

Luohe and the others are quite fascinating in their battles. In the duel field, there is not only the undead Taoist, the indestructible powerhouse, but the undead Taoists have retreated. Naturally, the remaining indestructible powerhouses will not stand up. There is still some understanding of the undead Taoist. This undead Taoist is powerful, but he is most famous for his perception of death threats!

"Very good, thank you for your understanding!" Chu Feng arched his hands and said, "Chu's inspection is very simple. Enter Chu's treasure space and answer one question. After the question is asked, there will be no questions. Get outside and leave! If you feel the suction, don't resist!"

"Friend Chu, want to enter your treasure space?" The undead Taoist frowned slightly. Chu Feng smiled lightly: "Dao Master, you wait for your strong friends to be the last. If Chu has found someone, you can just sit here and watch the excitement!"

"Yeah!" The Taoist Immortal nodded slightly. He didn't inflict the poison. He knew this to himself, so he didn't worry much at the moment.

Tang Jian said: "Master, can you be sure that people are in this duel? If Junior Brother Luohe had been poisoned a long time ago"

"It's very likely! I won't go anywhere early. Just a little while ago, I paid attention to your situation. At that time, you were not poisoned! Luohe poisoning was within three hours, so The toxin will explode in a short period of time. There are two more possibilities. The first type of poisoning is nearby, and the poisoning immediately causes the poison to attack; second, the poisoning is early, and the poisoning person is there. The nearby caused toxins to erupt!" Chu Feng said, he felt that the poisoner should be in this duel field!

The suction of the holy prison appeared, and tens of thousands of people were admitted into the holy prison space in a short period of time. For those who were admitted into the holy prison space, Chu Feng only asked one question: "Did you poison my disciples? "

For this question, Chu Feng only provided two answers, one is "yes" and the other is "no"! If the poisoned person lies in it, he will definitely be detected by the holy prison.

"Chu Feng, none of the first batch!" Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind. "Let them come out." Chu Feng said. In a short time, the tens of thousands of people who had just taken in came out of the holy prison space. These people can leave freely, but many people still chose to stay and watch the excitement.

The first batch came out, and the second batch was quickly collected. The second batch was not found, and the third batch was again collected into the holy prison space!

This kind of collection, then the traces of space are very obvious. Some powerful people can escape the traces of space and enter the holy prison space. In the past, Chu Feng absolutely did not dare to do this, but what is he afraid of now? There are so many powerhouses in the holy prison space, even if the powerhouses of the holy rank enter it, they can only catch them!

As for the sacred consciousness of some powerful people to scan into the holy prison space, this is impossible. The sacred prison is now at a very high level. The immortal-level powerhouses can escape the traces of space and enter the holy prison, but their sage Consciousness, it is absolutely impossible to penetrate into the holy prison space from outside!

"The problem is really simple!"

"That's right, just ask if it was poisoned. Can you ask the result for such a simple question? I think it's a bit unclear!"

"That's not necessarily. Some of the methods of the predecessors are beyond our imagination!"

Many people talked out loud, and Chu Feng didn't care about those people's comments. If those people didn't harm Luohe, they would definitely not trouble them if they talked about Chu Feng like this!

"Hmph, just wanting to ask such a small question is just wishful thinking! It is estimated that such a thing was created to scare it, if the psychological quality is lower, it is really possible to escape or something, but such a small means can come up This young master is pretty beautiful!"

In the duel arena, the handsome young man who had poisoned was among them. After the poisoning, Luohe had a problem. At that time, it was the most noticeable if he left, so he did not leave. He did not expect Chu Feng to appear and kill an immortal class. The strong also made the undead Taoist successfully check it out for everyone without going crazy!

The handsome young man secretly said in his heart that at this moment he felt a suction, without any resistance, the young man disappeared and entered the holy prison space together with tens of thousands of other people.

"Everyone, the question is what everyone already knows. Tell me, are you poisoning my disciple?" Chu Feng said solemnly in the holy prison space. This Chu Feng is just a clone of Chu Feng's sacred consciousness. !

The neat voice rang, no one deliberately said "yes" at this time to molest and anger Chu Feng. "Chu Feng, good luck, do you want to keep someone?" Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind.

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