Holy Prison

Chapter 1820: Choi now

"No, let it out with other people." Chu Feng said in his mind. "The eyes of the sky locked him, right?" Miao Xian'er smiled softly.

"of course?"

There was a faint smile on Chu Feng's face. His family, that handsome young man's guilt value was much higher than his kindness value, and there was no problem with Sky Eye Locking!

If the black corpse toxin was produced by this young man, then with the lock of the sky eye, he will not be able to run away; if the black corpse toxin is not obtained by him, if he is caught, it will be a horror. Then this youth will be behind. People may flee!

The black corpse toxin is extremely terrible. If we cut the grass without removing the roots, it will be extremely troublesome!

Soon, the handsome young man and the rest left from the holy prison space. "Pretending to be a fool, trying to scare this young master, no way!" The handsome young man secretly smiled in his heart.

The person has been found, but Chu Feng did not stop. The rest of the people, Chu Feng, also checked out several immortal powerhouses, including the undead Taoist!

The poisoner had already been found out, and the subsequent inspection naturally did not find anything!

"Friend Chu, didn't you find it?" The undead Taoist chuckled softly. He was more interested in the previous attack that killed the immortal powerhouse.

At that time, the undead Taoist obviously discovered that Chu Feng did not make any movements, but the purple thunder and lightning appeared so abruptly! The undead Taoist doesn't know whether the thunder and lightning was sent by Chu Feng himself or whether there is a more terrifying powerhouse in the city of life and death!

If the purple thunder and lightning were sent by other people, then the undead Taoist would have no interest. If it was sent by Chu Feng, especially if Chu Feng sent it through treasures, then he would be interested in the powerful. The treasure, how many people in the underworld are not interested?

"No... It seems that the poisoner had let the toxin into my disciple's body long ago, and it just induced the toxin from a long distance!" Chu Feng sighed softly, "Dao Master, friends, how offended just now. Now, Chu invites you to drink to apologize, and hope that your friends will not be offended!"

In front of Chu Feng, there are only a few immortal-level powerhouses and twenty or so immortal-level powerhouses. As for those who are not immortal-level, they are far away from Chu Feng when they appear outside the holy prison space!

In fact, with Chu Feng’s strength, these people in front of him are a few immortal-level powerhouses that can make him jealous. Those twenty or so immortal-level powerhouses are not in Chu Feng’s eyes, even if they don’t use the sage. For things like prison heavy artillery, those immortal powerhouses, Chu Feng, were not afraid at all.

But he was not afraid, it didn't mean that Tang Jian and the others were not afraid, Luohe Tang Jianbu was shocked by the three of them, and Tang Jianxiu's highest level was only a four-level high-ranking saint!

With Tang Jian's strength, it's okay to deal with high-level saints. If you deal with immortal saints, then it won't work. If some immortal saints will deal with Tang Jian and they will be bad!

"Ha, Chu friend's wine, the poor Tao wants a drink!" The undead Taoist smiled, and the rest of the people did not refuse. It is a good thing to know one more strong person.

The strength of the immortal-level powerhouse before was not bad, he died in front of Chu Feng all at once, and Chu Feng's strength could make them agree!

Chu Feng chuckles authentically, Luo He has recovered right now, and their four masters and apprentices and more than twenty strong men will soon arrive at Tang Jianfu!

Without letting Tang Jian prepare the wine and food, Chu Feng took out the wine himself. As for the food, the food is naturally the food from the Sanctuary Canteen. The Holy Prison Canteen is not only food that can go out of the Yang Realm, but there is no problem in making the Yin Realm food!

"Good wine!"

Smelling the fragrance of wine, many experts in Tang Jianfu were filled with joy. They had only asked for something before. If they could be compensated by a good meal, that would be great!

"Everyone, I was offended before, Chu toast everyone a glass!" Chu Feng held up the wine glass with a chuckle. When he held the wine glass, Luohe and the others naturally also held the wine glass.

"Brother Chu is polite!"

Reach out and don't hit the smiley person, not to mention that at this time the wine was in front, and the strong men all held up their glasses. "Everyone, Chu did it first!" Chu Feng said and drank the wine in his glass!

Chu Feng drank it, and the more than twenty powerhouses quickly drank the cup. "Good wine, good wine!" Several strong people praised repeatedly. Among the more than twenty strong people, some of them are not too fond of drinking, but at this time, they also showed a look of enjoyment when they had a glass of wine.

"Brother Chu, these wines must be very valuable!" a good wine man said. Chu Feng smiled slightly: "A glass of wine is probably worth a good upper sacred artifact!"

Many of the twenty-odd people sitting there secretly took a breath, and a glass of wine is worth a good high-level sacred artifact. This is really scary!

"This wine is worth this price, or even higher!" The good wine man who asked just now closed his eyes and recollected, "At the price of a good high-level sacrificial artifact, this wine, I don't know if it can Shall I sell some to the old man? I won't buy more old man, just buy a thousand cups!"

The old man who opened his mouth was one of the few immortal powers present. The others did not expect Chu Summit to refuse, but Chu Feng shook his head and said: "Sorry, I don't sell this wine, but I will finish drinking later. After that, this wine can be given to everyone a small bottle!"

The undead Taoist laughed: "Brother Chu, you might as well sell a thousand cups to this guy Gandy, otherwise, he would have to drink more than a thousand cups here today!"

"Brother Undead, you are wrong!" Gandy shook his head slightly, "This wine, if you drink too much, it won't work! Brother Chu, don't you know what I said is wrong?"

Chu Feng chuckled: "Yes, this wine is not drunk. If you drink too much, you may get drunk. But this wine has a characteristic. If you drink less than one catty, this wine is an extremely rare wine. If you drink more than one catty, the taste will deteriorate drastically. If you drink more than two catties, it will be extremely unpleasant!"

"There will be such a thing, it is really learned." The undead Taoist chuckled.

Drinking and eating vegetables, Chu Feng and the others are very happy getting along, half an hour later, Miao Xian'er's voice echoed in Chu Feng's mind: "Chu Feng, Cui Jin has left the city of life and death!"

Cui Jin, this is the name of that handsome young man. His cultivation base is a high-ranking saint, an eighth-ranked high-ranking saint, not far from a high-ranking saint, his cultivation base is stronger than the start shock!

"The wine seems to taste a lot worse!" said an immortal powerhouse.

Gandy was about to pour himself wine. Hearing what the Immortal powerhouse said, he put down the bottle he picked up and sighed: "We have already drunk about a catty, and drinking again is a waste of wine. Let’s stop. Brother Chu, what happened before was just a trivial matter. It’s normal for you to be poisoned and angry twice. If you catch the poisoned person, if the old man can do this thing, then you can talk about it. , Can't drink your wine for nothing!"

"Yes, Brother Chu, if there is anyone who can help, just speak up!" The undead Taoist chuckled softly. If Chu Feng's strength is very high or there is a terrifying figure behind him, then he has a good relationship with Chu Feng. , If you don’t show up around Chu Feng often, it might be beneficial then!

Gandi and the Undead Taoist are both indestructible powerhouses. Both of them opened their mouths, and the rest of them also opened their mouths one by one. This time, it seemed to them to be busy!

It's just a small job, and it's worth it to them to have a good relationship with Chu Feng!

Chu Feng's heart moved, Gandy and the others are strong and powerful. If they help, it might be much more convenient then! "Brother Gandy, presumably you will still be in the city of life and death for some time in the future? If there is a need at that time, you will definitely not be polite with Brother Gandy." Chu Feng chuckled.

Gandy nodded and said, "Well, before heading to Shenwu City, you should be on the side of the City of Life and Death! Brother Chu, I hope you find the poisoned person as soon as possible!"

Chu Feng said Gandi and they quickly stood up and left, "Master, thank you!" Gandi and the others left Tang Jian and the three of them said in the same way.

"What can I do for you!" Chu Feng waved his hand and said, "Tang Jian, if your teacher is not there in the future, if you encounter troubles that cannot be solved, it is convenient to find them. Gandy should be the most trusted person. The immortal Taoist is the most trustworthy. If you are dealing with him, then you must be careful!"

Chu Feng changed his mind with a move: "The poisoned person has been found as a teacher, and he has left for a while as a teacher. You should be careful on the side of the city of life and death!"

"Master, did you find it?" Bu was surprised and surprised. Chu Feng nodded slightly and instantly a message was sent to Tang Jian and their minds: "It's this person, Cui Jin, do you know him?"

Bu Fright and Luo He shook his head, but Tang Jian nodded slightly and said solemnly: "Master, is it really Cui Jin?"

"Tang Jian, do you know? Tell me about this Cui Jin. What kind of power is behind him?" Chu Feng said. Although Cui Jin has left, it is impossible to leave the sensing range of the Sky Eye in a short time, so Chu Feng also No hurry to catch up!

"Hmm! I know!"

Tang Jian frowned slightly as he spoke, "Master, this Cui Jin is not the King of War, but he is extremely powerful. I met him once and competed with him about ten million years ago."

"I won that time, but it took two quarters of an hour to defeat him! His combat power should be higher than the previous shock, but now the shock and Senior Brother Luohe's combat power should be both. Compared to him! Master, this Cui Jin is likely to have a terrifying power behind!"

"The strength is terrifying, how terrifying is it?" Chu Feng said. Tang Jian shook his head slightly: "Master, I am not too clear about this, but it must be an immortal rank. Maybe the strength is not lower than that of the immortal Taoist!"

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