Holy Prison

Chapter 1821: Master Cui Jin

"Not lower than the undead Taoist?" Chu Feng frowned secretly, the undead Taoist's fifth-order immortal cultivation base is not low. "Master, I have not seen the strong behind Cui Jin, but Cui Jin has great confidence in the strong behind him, and his strength should not be too low." Tang Jiandao.

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Well, no matter what kind of strength it is, since it is an enemy, it will be resolved at that time! If you take the initiative to cause trouble for me, then I will not care about you, I will cause trouble. Solve it by yourself; I can only help you solve this situation now!"

"Master, we are incompetent" Tang Jian was a little ashamed, Luo He and Bu Jingxun also lowered their heads at this time!

Chu Feng frowned: "What do you bow your head for? Keep your head up! As my disciple of Chu Feng, don't bow your head easily for me, do you hear?"

"Yes, Master!" The three Tang Jian said in the same voice. "Luo He, Tang Jian, Fright, if you encounter an enemy, if you can't beat it, you will run away, and you will forbear it. As long as you don't give up hard training, one day the enemy who was once incomparable to you will become incomparably weak!" Chu Feng Shen said.

Speaking of this, Chu Feng's eyes showed the color of memory: "Once, being a teacher was just an ordinary mortal. At that time, not to mention your strengths. Even if you were a practitioner who was not a god, you can only look up as a teacher, but now , An indestructible powerhouse, as a teacher also has the ability to kill!"

"With the current strength, you will naturally have your own chances as a teacher. You also have chances now. The first is to meet as a teacher, and the second is Ghost City! Ghost City is a great encounter for you!"

"Ghost City?" Luo He said strangely, "Master, meeting you to become your apprentice is indeed our great chance. If Ghost City is just average, isn't it? After so many years, many people have entered Ghost City, although There are also some people who have obtained treasures, and some people have improved their own strength, but it is not a significant change in their own destiny. Many people have not changed much after coming out of Ghost City."

Chu Feng smiled and said: "This time the opening of Ghost City is not the same as the previous opening of Ghost City. Didn't you notice that this time and some differences?"

"It seems to be a little different." Tang Jiandao, "This time it seems to attract more people. Before the Ghost City opened a lot, it would not appear. I didn't expect that this time there would be so many immortal-level old monsters. , Many powerful people have also emerged!"

Chu Feng said: "Dark Soul City has been around for so long, and there has never been a powerful person invading it. This shows a problem. Ghost City is not simple. The existence of Ghost City may be related to the saint!" Above?" Tang Jian showed shock on their faces.

Chu Feng nodded slightly, "What I will tell you next, don't spread it out! In this universe, the innate treasure is not the most powerful, and there are sovereign weapons above the innate treasure, and the number of sovereign tools is extremely rare. , Most people would never even hear the name of the Dominator!"

"The weapon of dominance is powerful, but it is also extremely dangerous! Ghost City can be so powerful, it is very likely that there is a device of dominance in Ghost City itself or in Ghost City! I know a piece of news, this time Ghost City will issue a Ghost Token, perhaps the Ghost Token It's not a weapon of dominance, but it's for sure that there are so many benefits to get the ghost!

"A lot of people have come out, and nine out of ten of those people have also received the news of the ghost order, and those who have won the ghost order won the world, or it is not so exaggerated, but you should also know the power of the ghost order!" Chu Fengdan Said, "This time entering the Ghost City will be very dangerous, but at the same time, there may be great gains. When I leave, you should carefully consider whether to seize this opportunity!"

"Master, Yinxun Ling, is it really that powerful?" Bu was shocked. Chu Feng shook his head slightly: "I don't know, I also listened to what people said! With so many people here, the power shouldn't be too weak. If you choose to enter then, you will have it. Prepare yourself!"

"Master, you don't need to think about it, Ghost City, I must go." Tang Jiandao, Bu Xun, they also confirmed that they would go there when the time comes. Very few people have accidents in Ghost City, but they get There are many good people, and many people are rushing in. If they have a chance, how can they not get in?

"Then prepare well from now on, you must pay attention to collecting the information of every person who will enter the house at that time, know the enemy, and never let it go!"

Chu Feng said that he had disappeared in front of Tang Jian and the three of them in the blink of an eye. Cui Jin had not been far away. It was time to trace it. If the distance is too far, it will be a cup after chasing it!

After flying fast, Cui Jin secretly breathed a sigh of relief after traveling a few cities. He was sure that there shouldn't be anyone behind him at this time!

"Tang Jian and others, it is strange that a master suddenly appeared! Tang Jian, shocked Bu, Luohe... actually became a master brother." Cui Jin muttered in his heart.

"Unexpectedly, it can break the black corpse secret poison of the master, that **** thing will not last long. Master's hand, it has a more powerful black corpse secret poison, and with the strength of the master, even if it is not used Black corpse secret poison, killing that guy is easy!"

Cui Jin said in his heart that there was a faint smile on his face. Fortunately, he has no talent in master's combat power. Otherwise, his master would definitely enter the ghost city himself. In that case, there is no possibility that he will get the ghost order.

"This guy is also vigilant!"

Following Cui Jin Chufeng a long distance away, Cui Jin turned around one place after another. Fortunately, he has a locked eye. Otherwise, if he follows closely, he will be discovered. If he doesn’t follow closely, then Very likely to be lost!

Cui Jin turned around and turned to a big city. Chu Feng originally thought that the strong man behind Cui Jin should be in some secret place. He didn't expect to be in this city, but not here. The surface of a city is in the underground space of this city!

"What a luxurious place!"

Chu Feng muttered in his heart, Cui Jin arrived at that underground space, and Chu Feng immediately knew some of the conditions of that underground space through the induction of the sky.

As the city owner of Shenchu ​​City, there are not a few luxurious places to go, but the sight of that underground space still surprised Chu Feng.

Cui Jin appeared on a small square in the underground space, and there was a huge palace near this small square!

It’s normal for the palace to be huge, but Chu Feng knew from the sky’s eyes that the stones and wood used to build the palace are all top-quality materials, and the colorful bricks on the ground of that small square are pieces of top-quality holy crystals!

It is not an exaggeration to say that this underground space can let a person with a weak cultivation level live comfortably for hundreds of millions of years!

"After slaughtering that guy, I will take away a brick from this place by then!" Chu Feng muttered in his heart. He is not poor, but he can't be said to be too rich now. Although those sacred cannons are powerful, But while they consume the power of time, they also have to absorb energy!

Even if there is no time to accelerate, the consumption of the hundreds of saint prison heavy artillery is huge, and under the acceleration of time, the energy consumed in the next 20,000 years is a terrible amount!

The holy prison heavy artillery requires a huge amount of energy. In addition, the medical clinic also needs a huge amount of energy to restore some parasitic people! Not to mention anything else, the energy consumed by these two tops each day is a terrible amount, that is, Chu Feng's family background is still rich, otherwise it would have been unable to support it!

If there are constant arrests in the next 20,000 years, it’s okay to say that the treasures obtained from arrests can be supplemented, but in the next 20,000 years, let alone arrest people, Yin Qianqian’s belly gradually grew bigger and didn’t take out much. Time to accompany her!

Speaking of this, it is worth mentioning that Yin Qianqian has been practicing under the acceleration of time over the years, and the children in her stomach have also been affected by the force of time, but the impact is very small. Yin Qianqian has gone through two times under the acceleration of time. For thousands of years, but the little guy is still not born!

However, soon, Chu Feng estimated that the little guy in Yin Qianqian's belly would come to this world in a few hundred years at most a thousand years!

Before arriving at a hall, Cui Jin respectfully salutes his master Cui Jin. He respects his master Cui Jin. He is terrifying and fearful. In addition to his terrifying power, there are all kinds of methods, Cui Jin There was originally a senior, but his senior was disobedient, and was swallowed alive by his senior!

"Come in!"

With a thunderous voice, Cui Jin quickly entered the palace. As he entered, Chu Feng also knew what it was like in the palace.

I also know what Cui Jin's master looks like in the palace!

Inside the empty palace was a dark big cauldron, under which a raging flame was burning, the cauldron was not covered, and bursts of heat came out of it.

Beside the big tripod is an old man with triangular eyes. The cold light flashes in the triangular eyes. The most striking thing about this old man is his tail. The tail is about two meters long with blood-red scales. Each of those scales is extremely sharp!

In addition to the old man, there were twenty or thirty young women in the hall, and the number of them was quite large, but compared to the huge hall, this hall was still empty.

Twenty or thirty young women were full of horror at this moment. When Cui Jin came in, with a wave of the old man's hand, a woman flew up and fell into the cauldron all of a sudden!

"Cui Jin, did you bring your friends back?" Suddenly, the old man seemed to sense a slight change in his face, and his eyes touched Cui Jin like a snake!

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