Holy Prison

Chapter 1822: Cheriman

"Friends? I didn't bring my friends back!" Cui Jin said in a daze. "Huh!" Master Cui Jin snorted coldly, and the terrifying sacred knowledge quickly spread away!

Even with Cui Jin's strength, his sacred knowledge envelops the city above it easily. Master Cui Jin is stronger, and his sacred knowledge spreads to cover a large area!


Master Cui Jin showed a look of surprise on his face. He clearly felt a sense of being peeped, but the sacred knowledge spread out without any notice!

"This poisonous dragon is really keen on perception!" Another city, Chu Feng, secretly said in his heart, and he naturally knew Master Cui Jin's reaction with the induction of the earth and the sky.

Master Cui Jin, Chu Feng didn't know who it was before, but now that he knows what he looks like, he naturally knows who he is, the poisonous dragon Cheriman, who is also a very well-known figure in the underworld!

The first time he entered the Yin Realm, Chu Feng checked some information on the Yin Realm, and those documents contained an introduction to the poisonous dragon Cheriman! The poisonous dragon Cheriman is not a human race, his body is more like a large lizard, but no one dares to mention the word lizard in front of him, and the person who mentions this is basically not alive!

Dragon, poisonous dragon.

The poisonous dragon Cheriman only agrees with this nickname, but the nickname "Poisonous dragon" can only be called by people who have reached a certain level of strength. Those who have not reached a certain level of strength Cheriman prefer them to call him "Cheliman" grown ups"!

The poisonous dragon Cheriman, hearing this name knows that he is good at making poison. General poisons, people who have reached a certain level of strength are basically fearless, but many poisons can be poisoned even by the immortal and immortal strong. The poisonous dragon Cheriman is the great master of poison. For this reason, the cultivation base of the poisonous dragon Cheriman is not low, the immortal Taoist is a fifth-level immortal cultivation base, and the poisonous dragon Cheriman is even higher with a sixth-level immortal terror cultivation base!

High cultivation base, terrifying ability to use poison, the poisonous dragon Cheriman was once a nightmare for many people, but some such powerful people disappeared many years ago!

Among the information that Chu Feng obtained was rumored that the poisonous dragon Cherieman died under the black corpse virus while studying the black corpse virus, but now Chu Feng knows that it is just farting!

Not only did the poisonous dragon Cherieman not die under the black corpse virus, on the contrary, he had studied the black corpse virus very deeply, and now he has studied the terrible toxin that can be controlled!

"Friend, since it's here, why not come out and see you?" The poisonous dragon Cheriman said solemnly.

No one answered for ten seconds, and the poisonous dragon Cheriman once again said: "Friend, you are strong, are you still afraid that you won't show up in front of the old man? It's covered up like this, but some don't match the strength of a friend!"

Cui Jin looked at his master in surprise, but now the poisonous dragon Cheriman didn't have the mood to pay attention to him at all, the feeling of being peeped still exists now!

Still to no avail, the poisonous dragon Cheriman activated countless poison formations in the underground palace with a move. If the strong man has already arrived in the underground palace at this time, the poisonous dragon Cheriman believes that those poison formations must be activated a little bit. effect.

However, there was no abnormality, and Chu Feng was not far away from this city at the moment. How could those poison arrays hurt Chu Feng.

No exception, the poisonous dragon Cherieman sealed off the entire underground palace, but the feeling of being peeped still exists! "Cui Jin!" The poisonous dragon Cheriman's eyes fell on Cui Jin, and he still felt that way at this moment. He suspected that the problem might be Cui Jin's body, maybe Cui Jin was touched!

"Master!" Cui Jin said respectfully.

The poisonous dragon Cherieman instantly invaded Cui Jin's body with his own sacred consciousness, and Cui Jin's body was normal and there was no problem at all.

"Say, did you meet some strong man when you went out this time? What are you doing when you come back this time? Tang Jian and Bu Jingxun are not poisoned, the reason can be found out?" The poisonous dragon Cheriman said solemnly.

Cui Jin frowned slightly and said, "Master, I really met a strange person when I went out this time! Master, Luohe was not dead, and Tang Jian and Bu Jingxian were not poisoned. Today, when Luohe was competing on the ring. I used a wisp of black corpse secret poison, and the black corpse secret poison successfully made him poison."

"But his master appeared and rescued him in a short time. In addition, his master blocked the entire duel field. At that time, there were several immortal-level powerhouses in the duel field, including the undead Taoist. Gandy the drunkard!"

The poisonous dragon Cheriman showed a look of surprise in his eyes: "Including the undead Taoist and the alcoholic Gandy? The strength of the two of them is not weak. Although the undead Taoist's cultivation is a little lower than that of the old man, the old man will not use some treasured poison. Can compete with him, the strength of the alcoholic Gandy is also extremely high. Luohe's master does not seem to have that strength, right? Last time you didn't say that Luohe's master has the most high-level sage strength."

"Eh, Master, I don’t know what’s going on. It’s probably because he hid his cultivation base last time, or this Master is no longer the one before!" Cui Jin said, "The specific strength of Master Luohe I don't know, he only did it once, but he didn't seem to move at all!"

"What's the matter?" Cherieman frowned.

Cui Jin quickly and carefully stated: "Master, Luohe and the masters blocked the duel, naturally there is a strong discrepancy. A sixth-level immortal strong jumped out to fight against Luohe and the masters. Master Luohe and the others, but a purple thunder and lightning appeared, and the sixth-level immortal expert died like that!"

"You said their master?" Cheriman said. Cui Jin said, "Master, I mean they are referring to Tang Jianbu Horror and Luohe. All three of them recognize that person as a teacher!"

"Interesting, interesting!" Cherieman said with the cold light in his eyes, "There hasn't been a master like this before, but at this time, the other party is likely to go to the ghost order and collect the three of them. , That’s because their combat power is so strong that they might be in the top 100!"

"If you get the news, I guess many old guys have been dispatched this time. The one you met is probably an old guy who has been hidden for many years! There will definitely not be only one such old guy, there are definitely some The old guy also came out to support some people who hope to make the top 100!"

Cui Jin frowned and said, "Master, wouldn't it be difficult for us to act? If we get into some old guys, it will be a troublesome thing." "Others don't necessarily die, but Luohe and their masters can dissolve old men. Secret poison of the black corpse, so the old man will not let him!" Cherieman's eyes flashed fiercely.

If other people can't easily dissolve his black corpse secret poison, they can slowly remove it if necessary in the future, but someone who can easily dissipate his black corpse secret poison pops up.

The secret poison of the black corpse, but he has spent billions of years researching it at great risk, and he absolutely cannot tolerate that someone can easily break it!

"Chu Feng, this poisonous dragon Cheriman must be killed!" Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind, "If you don't kill, Luohe and the others will never want to live! You are here! The time is okay. If you leave this side, it will not be long before they will die."

Chu Feng responded. This poisonous dragon Cherieman must be dealt with, but it is not necessarily whether it is killed or not. There are not a few strong people in the world swallowing gourd, and there is not a single poisonous dragon Cherieman. many! The poisonous dragon Cheriman has strong poison skills and also controls the secret poison of the black corpse. If you can control him, it is better than killing him!

The black corpse secret poison, this thing is extremely terrifying, if it is in the hands of the enemy, it is naturally not beautiful, but if it is in your own hands, it is a very good thing!

However, thinking about it is easy, it is not so easy to really catch the poisonous dragon Cherieman. It is much harder to catch him than to kill him.

The holy prison heavy artillery, coupled with some world-killing power, can completely kill the poisonous dragon Cheriman, but with this method, the poisonous dragon Cheriman cannot be caught.

"To catch the poisonous dragon Cheriman, it is best for him to enter the holy prison space, if he enters the holy prison space, it will be easy!" Chu Feng secretly said in his heart.

There are a lot of powerhouses in the Chu Feng Sacred Prison space. Monkey King, Pig Eight Jie, Feng Chen Fengzhi are all immortal-level strengths, ninety-five Celestial Guards are immortal-level strengths, and there are many powerhouses in Shenchu ​​City. . If it is not in the Yin world, then these people only need to go out a little bit to get Cheriman, but... now it is not in the Yang world but in the Yin world!

The power of the strong in the Yang world will be greatly reduced when they reach the Yin world. Chu Feng has a holy prison, a dark chaotic lotus, and three super treasures of the world swallowing gourd, so the strength is not suppressed much, but if the Monkey King and others appear outside The strength must be suppressed very badly!

If the vast majority of people are sent out, then it is still very possible to catch the poisonous dragon Cheriman alive, but a large number of people from the Yang world appearing on the side of the Yin world is likely to cause big trouble. If the poisonous dragon Cheriman is dealt with, it's okay to say, if many people are dispatched and the poisonous dragon Cheriman is not dealt with, then.

It is not easy for Monkey and the others to appear outside. The best thing is to let the poisonous dragon Cherieman enter his treasure space. In that case, as soon as you enter the poisonous dragon Cherieman, you will have a cup. Under the suppression of the holy prison, you don’t have to If you are a man, Monkey King alone can suppress the poisonous dragon Cheriman!

"It's better for Wukong and the others not to appear outside. If they appear outside and are known by someone with a heart, the news is likely to reach the side of the temple."

"Now that our strength is growing rapidly, it is not a good thing to let the temple know our strength at this time!" Chu Feng secretly said in his heart, he has come here three times on the underworld side, he doesn't believe in Nuo Da's. There is no connection between the temple and the underworld. If there is no connection at all, it would be incredible!

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