Holy Prison

Chapter 1831: crisis

"Venerable Ice, calm down your anger, there will be time to vent your breath slowly in the future." Venerable Formation said. Venerable Ice snorted coldly, but his anger was suppressed a lot.

"Tiger, don't show a different color, I have not been controlled." Pangu's voice rang in Hu Haihong's mind, and Hu Haihong was slightly surprised, but on the surface, there was no strange color. As a holy king Level powerhouse, he still has this little control.

"Pangu, you said it was not controlled, what evidence is there?" Hu Haihong said in his mind, as long as he knew Pangu, he would know.

Pan Gu said: "Evidence...I really don't know any good evidence. Have you seen Chu Feng? My apprentice Zhou Wen, have you seen it?"

"Yes, I have seen both of them." Hu Haihong said in his mind. "Then it's easier to say, you must have seen Tang Ming. My disciple and Tang Ming's cultivation should be high-ranking saints at the ninth level. Their cultivation is higher than that of Chu Feng, you don't realize Is it strange?" Pan Gu said.

"I was not parasitized, nor was Brother Hong. Chu Feng helped us two sober up. Tang Ming and Zhou Wen's cultivation was promoted by Brother Hong and me!" Pangu said.

Hu Haihong heard that Pangu said that he basically believed in Pangu. Tang Ming and the others should not know the specific cultivation level on the side of the temple. Tang Ming and the others have basically been waiting in the Chufeng Holy Prison space.

"Senior Pangu, this one is good evidence, but I need more evidence to believe you." Hu Haihong said in his mind.

"More evidence... Zhu Bajie and Chu Feng are together. Before, Chu Feng and Zhu Bajie were looking for Monkey King, but now Monkey King should be with them too!" Pangu said.

"Senior Pangu, you have taken a risk this time." Hu Haihong said in his mind, "If I am parasitized, will all this be an illusion? You and Hongshi will do it!"

Pangu said: "Tiger, my eyes are not blind. Chu Feng must have been to your side. If you were parasitized, then you would have been detected by Chu Feng! You Baihu people don't know the situation. How is it? It is estimated that a lot of people have been parasitized, right? Chu Feng and others are not on this side?"

"Not on this side anymore!"

"That's good!" Pangu said with a sigh of relief, if Chu Feng and the others were still here, it would be troublesome. "There are hundreds of people in my Baihu clan who were parasitized, and all of them were taken away by Chu Feng. Senior Pangu must prevent the people from the temple from entering there." Hu Haihong said quickly.

"Tiger, it is very difficult to stop. Venerable Formation is good at this aspect. He is afraid that he will find out." Pangu said. "Senior Pangu, this place is very important, because inside is a heaven and earth, with the power of time! Chu Feng and the others have been here and got some time to leave!" Hu Haihong said.

"If the people of the temple enter it, then it is very likely to find the power of time inside. With those time powers, the strength of the temple will be stronger, and the people of the temple will know that Chu Feng and they got time from here. Power! If the temple has the power of time, then the angel project and the steel project will speed up. It would have taken tens of thousands of years, and maybe it will be completed in a few hundred years or even decades. Up!"

"It's not just the Angel Project and the Steel Project. With the power of time, the temple can also promote more projects that take a long time to complete. Senior Pangu, you are a smart person. You should know how important this place is! When the people of the temple enter inside, it will not take long for the Three Realms War to begin!"

Pangu was shocked. Of course, he knew that if a lot of time power was acquired by the temple, Chu Feng and the others could improve quickly if they got the power of time, and if the temple received a lot of time power, their strength could also be improved. a lot of! If the Angel Project and the Steel Project initially complete the Three Realms War, it is very likely that they will break out immediately!

"Tiger, what do you want me to say hello? Hu Yuer appeared here, why didn't you hold back and appeared outside? Didn't you think that Hu Yuer might be parasitized?"

"In addition, why don't you give up on this place? There are only a few people from your Baihu clan. It would be great if they all left with Chu Feng! You must have gained a lot of the power of time, and when it is used up, you You can also return to this place to gain the power of time!" Pangu said.

"Senior Pangu, even if I agree to temporarily give up here and leave with Chu Feng, many of the rest of my Baihu clan will not agree." Hu Haihong said.

Pangu said: "Tiger, I don’t have any good options now. There are two holy kings, three holy kings, and three hundred general immortal-level powerhouses. It's possible to contend with such a powerful force! Moreover, if I act rashly here, Brother Hong must have trouble.

"Senior Pangu, I will tell you the method of opening. Please enable a little bit and then the sage enters the inner space! There is a space inside, and there is a water pool in that space. Only in the water pool will you truly enter the world Inside. Trouble, Senior Pangu, you inform me that all the members of the White Tiger clan are hiding in that pool." Hu Haihong said.

"Tiger, it's useless. You can't hide from this calamity." Pangu said, "These people here, you should know the perception of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi. You think you can clean up the traces of the white tiger clan. Is it so clean that Eastern Emperor Taiyi will not know? Let alone Eastern Emperor Taiyi, I guess I can know!"

Hu Haihong smiled bitterly. Indeed, as Pangu said, to the point where it is now, this catastrophe can no longer be avoided! "It was a mistake to come out at the beginning!" Hu Haihong regretted in his heart, and believed in himself a little too much, but came out to pick Hu Yuer and fell into the calculation.

"Senior Pangu, let me tell you the method to open this space. Even if Venerable Formation can find a way to enter it, it won't be that easy. I hope that the method of opening the space can help." Hu Haihong thought lightly. Sighed and said, "Senior Pangu, please try your best to protect my tiger clan."

"A lot of people from your tiger clan are with Chu Feng. Don't worry. Although those people are parasitized, Chu Feng should think of a way." Pangu said.

Hu Haihong practiced the tactics in his mind. There were a lot of tactics. He practiced quickly, but he had already memorized all of them after Pangu.

"Okay, I hope I can help a little bit by then!" Pangu Transmission said. After he finished speaking, he stopped transmitting. He quietly watched Venerable Formation find a way to enter the inner space, although he just talked to Hu Haihong. Quite a lot, but the speed of their conversation was rapid, and it was only half a minute before the Ice Venerable stopped shooting.

"The power of time... With Chu Feng and the others, since they have the power of time, it is estimated that they have obtained a lot. If they get less, I am afraid they will not leave easily!" Pangu secretly said, "If there is a lot of time power At this moment, Chu Feng's cultivation base should be much better than before!"

"For more than 20,000 years, if the power of time is good enough, maybe the three of Chu Feng, Zhou Wen and Tang Ming can reach the immortality level!"

"Time, time, there is still too little time. If the power of time is not discovered by the people in the temple, then Chu Feng and the others will have at least sixty to seventy thousand years! With time accelerating, sixty to seventy thousand years may be enough. Let them reach the fifth or sixth level of immortal strength! No, right... I seem to have forgotten something"

Pangu thought quickly, but the more he thought about it, the more he couldn't remember what he had forgotten. "Elder Pan, what are you thinking?" Venerable Ice said lightly.

"Nothing." Pangu said quietly. At this time, he was smiling secretly in his heart. Venerable Ice said this well. He happened to be stuck there and couldn't think of it. When Venerable Ice asked, his mind was slightly relaxed. He remembered what he had forgotten.

Master Tianhen, Pangu remembered that he had forgotten Master Tianhen. He knew that if Chu Feng got the power of time, he would send some past to Master Tianhen. Without the power of time, Master Tianhen estimated that it would take a lot of time. It takes a long time to recover, but with the power of time, it may not take too long!

If Master Tianhen has recovered at this moment, perhaps Master Tianhen can help a little bit. What Pan Gu didn't know at the moment was that Chu Feng could not get to Master Tianhen before, and then the power of time was sent over, but now that time hasn't passed for too long, Master Tianhen is still far away!

"It's difficult to open." Venerable Formation frowned at this time and said. Venerable Ice said in a deep voice: "Venerable Formation, how long will it take to start? Can we help?"

Venerable Formation said: "This alien space itself has powerful restrictions. If you can know the opening method from Tiger Sea Hongkou, then it is easy to enter. If you can't know the opening method, then you must break through the layers of restrictions to enter. Among them! I don’t know how many levels of bans there are, and it takes no less than one day to break each level!"

"This old ghost is really amazing." Hu Haihong secretly said in his heart, forbidding him to know how many, there are 10,000 layers in total, and if one layer takes a day, then it only takes thirty years to open it!

"You...Ice Venerable, what you understand is the law of ice. Brother Pan uses his strength to prove the way, and he can't help much, but if Brother Hong is on this side, he can help a lot! If Brother Hong helps, I will join hands with him, and it will not take more than a day to break through the ban!" Venerable Formation said.

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