Holy Prison

Chapter 1832: Shenwu City

"Venerable Formation, you can try it first. If it doesn't take long to open the restriction, then you can open it yourself. If it takes a long time, then call it. It's not a big deal!" Pan Gu said.

Venerable Zhen said: "According to my estimation, there are many levels of restrictions here. You can call a brother Hong over now. Brother Pan, you have a good relationship with Brother Hong. Or, would you take a trip?"

"I'm not interested. After spending so many years in the Most Sacred Mountain, I finally got out to breathe out!" Pangu refused, "Greed wolf, Zeus, who of you two will go for a trip?"

Venerable Ice glanced at Tiger Sea Hong and said faintly: "That's a waste of time, let's break through a space and send the message to the holy mountain over a long distance!"

"Venerable Ice, that kind of consumption is not low!" Pan Gu said. Venerable Ice said quietly: "With so many people here, even if the consumption is not low, there will be no danger at that time!"

"Then do it!" said the venerable array.

Communication is not so easy when the distance in the holy realm is extremely long, but three holy masters, three holy kings, and many general indestructible powers will join forces with the most holy mountain. There is nothing wrong with it!

The holy mountain.

Long Yang received a call from Pangu and the others, "Let Hongjun go there?" Long Yang said in his heart, he hesitated in his heart and informed Hongjun to go. He was quite suspicious of Hongjun before, but now it is more than 20,000. In the past two thousand years, Hongjun has contributed a lot, but his suspicions about Hongjun have faded a lot!

"Well, the most sacred mountain has received our news. Brother Hong should hurry up, he should be able to get to this side within a day!" said the venerable array.

"When Brother Hong comes over, discuss with him again." Pangu secretly said in his heart.

More than a day passed, Hongjun hurriedly rushed to the side where Pangu and the others were. "Brother Hong, your speed is too slow." Venerable Bing looked at Hongjun riding the young man and said in a bad tone.

"Venerable Ice, when did you become Venerable Fire?" Hongjun said with a smile, "It's not an urgent matter, why should I go so fast?"

"Huh!" Venerable Ice snorted and didn't say much. Although her strength is strong, Hongjun's strength will not be weaker than her. It is not a wise thing to have a bad relationship with Hongjun.

Venerable Jin said with a smile: "Brother Hong, hurry up and help. I roughly felt that the prohibition here is at least a few thousand years, even if you have helped you for more than ten years, it can't be done!"

"Venerable Formation, don't be so anxious, let me take a breath for the old way!" Hongjun smiled and said, "The person is inside anyway, can you run away? Let's not rush this day or two."

Venerable Array glanced at Venerable Ice, he was not in a hurry, but Venerable Ice was anxious to vent his anger. "Brother Hong, there is a big problem." Pangu's voice resounded in Hongjun's mind.

"What?" Hongjun said quietly while lowering the youth.

Pangu said: "Brother Hong, the different space where the Baihu people gather is a blessed place with a lot of time. Chu Feng and the others have been here before, and Huhai Hongjiang told me how to enter it. Currently, Chu Feng and the others Not in the White Tiger clan! I shouldn't need to explain more, right?"

"The power of time...If the people of the temple enter it, it will be a big problem, but" Hongjun realized the seriousness of the matter at once, but what can be done in this situation now.

Both Hongjun and Pangu are here, but there are also the temple, two saint-level powerhouses, three saint king-level powerhouses, and three hundred general immortal-level powerhouses!

"The Tiger King is confused. It's better if you don't have the power of time. With the power of time on this side, it's so easy to venture out!" Hong Jun secretly said in his heart.

"Brother Hong, I don't know if the strength of the Tianhen Old Demon has recovered. If he recovers, quietly enter it and add a lot of stigmata, it should make it more difficult to open the restriction here, which can delay a lot of time. It can't be delayed, but let Master Tianhen take away all the members of the White Tiger clan!" Pangu said.

"I'm trying to contact him. If his strength is restored to a certain level, he should be able to contact him, but he may not be restored at this time." Hongjun said.

"Okay!" Pangu responded. Hongjun is better for this connection. He proves the Dao by force, and Hongjun proves the Dao by nature. The connection is much easier than him, and it is not easy to be affected by the venerable They found an abnormality.

"Old demon, old demon!"

Venerable Yu Formation broke the restriction, Hong Jun kept calling in his heart, his call was passed to the mortal realm quickly, from Chu Feng, he knew that the master of the sky scar was in the mortal realm!

"Old demon, old demon"

In a blink of an eye, five or six minutes passed. Hongjun called Master Tianshen for tens of thousands of times. The mysterious voice that sounded in Hongjun's heart: "Old ghost Hong, what's the matter?"

"Old demon, has your strength recovered? The holy realm needs your help urgently!" Hongjun breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. "Old ghost Hong, do you know that Chu Feng got the power of time? He suffered some injuries before, and he didn’t let him come to me when Chu Feng got the power of time. Not long ago, his power of time came to my hands, and time accelerated I have been practicing for hundreds of thousands of years, but it will take a long time to fully recover!" Tianhen Shanghuan.

"Old demon, it seems you can't help."

"What's the problem on the other side of the holy world?" Master Tianhen asked. Hong Jun said helplessly in the bottom of his heart: "The Baihu clan has the power of time in the cave heaven and blessed land. If there is no accident, the people of the temple will enter the Baihu clan and get a lot of time power in the cave heaven and blessed land in a few decades!"

The curse of Master Tianhen sounded in the heart of Master Tianhen, "What the **** is the Baihu family doing, I don’t know that such a cave is very important? It was discovered by the temple side! Old ghost, I can’t help much now. Busy, 20 years, even if I use some special methods, it will take at least 20 years to restore my strength to a higher level!"

"What is the situation on your side now, when I will be there, can I help?"

Hongjun said: "Now there are me, Pangu, Venerable Ice, Venerable Formation, four saints, three saint kings, and 300 immortal powers below the saint king rank!

"Damn, old ghost Hong, you told me to go and die! If so many powerful men are surrounded, I won't be able to escape when I want to escape!" Tianhen Shanghuan.

"If this side can't be handled properly, the Three Realms War may begin in a few decades." Hongjun said, "Old demon, I can't contact Chu Feng right now, you can find a way to contact Chu Feng, Chu Feng has the time. It is estimated that there will be some development in Zhili, and see if there is any good way at that time!"

After the induction broke off, Hongjun sighed secretly. Hearing what Master Tianhen said, he knew that Master Tianhen had not recovered much now, and it was estimated that he could not recover much even after twenty years!

"Twenty years, Chu Feng, Chu Feng, I hope you have some surprises on your side." Hongjun secretly said in his heart.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, a year or so has passed. On the side of the city of life and death in the underworld, some people have been selected. These people can go to Shenwu City to participate in the second round of competition. If you can reach the top 100, then you will be able to enter the ghost city!

In the sacred prison space, Chu Feng left the time acceleration circle and let out a long sigh. Needless to say, the effect of the training under the time acceleration, but there is a downside, that is, the time acceleration is relatively fast. There will be a dull feeling next, if the mood is sufficient, this feeling has no effect on the improvement of the cultivation base, but it will have some influence on the improvement of the mood.

Under normal circumstances, even if you don’t go out to practice, your mood will increase a lot as your cultivation level improves, but under high time acceleration, the speed of mood improvement is much slower than under normal circumstances!

"Xian'er, what's the situation outside?" Chu Feng said softly. Miao Xian'er's grinning voice immediately sounded: "Everything outside is normal, Tang Jian and the others are still alive, the duel on the side of the city of life and death has ended, and many people on the side of the city of life and death have set out to go to Shenwu City!"

Chu Feng appeared in Tang Jian's mansion, Tang Jian, Luohe and the others were there, Chu Feng appeared, Tang Jian and the three of them, and Bai Wanli hurriedly saluted Chu Feng.

"Big sister!" Chu Feng smiled and greeted Catherine, "Big sister, are we going to the side of Ghost City?"

"Just waiting for you, since you are out, let's go!" Catherine smiled.

There is a teleportation array in the underworld, but the teleportation array is not as developed as the gods in this respect. Chu Feng and the others did not directly teleport to Shenwu City, but teleport and fly. It took two days to get from the city of life and death to this Shenwu City. .

Shenwu City is a super big city, and there is no problem with accommodating hundreds of billions of people, but when Chu Feng and the others got to the side of Shenwu City, Shenwu City was already overcrowded.

"There is no place to live, right?" Chu Feng said with a light smile, he looked over, and Shenwu City was flying at a low altitude, but he didn't know how many people were flying at this height.

"Master Chu, don't worry, our city of life and death has an estate on the side of Shenwu City." Bai Wanli chuckled softly. He had just finished saying that a huge alien beast carrying Chu Feng and the others had reached the sky above a large manor. Then he landed in that manor, "Master Chu, this manor is the property of our city of life and death on the side of Shenwu City, and we will be in this manor when we rest for the next year!"

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