Holy Prison

Chapter 1833: Shenwu contest begins

Chu Feng nodded slightly. Under Tang Jian's arrangement, some of the people who came to the city of life and death all lived in this huge manor.

A lot of people came to the City of Life and Death this time. They were basically well-known figures in the City of Life and Death. Some people also came from City of Life and Death, but they were not from the City of Life and Death, so they were not with Chu Feng. They came together.

There were a lot of people participating, but there were more than 100 people coming from the side of the city of life and death, but most of these people will be eliminated, and only the top 100 in the entire underworld can enter the ghost city!

"It's really lively!" Chu Feng said with a light smile. The room he was allocated was very good. There are several peaks in the manor. His house is on the top of the peaks. From where he is, you can see the city of Shenwu. many places. Catherine's house was also on the top of the mountain, but it was not the same mountain as him!

"Yes, Master, time is still a little short, and there will be more people gathered in Shenwu City!" Bu said with a shocked smile, "Nowadays, there are no people outside Shenwu City who have built simple houses. After some time, It is estimated that some people outside Shenwu City will make some simple houses. If there are people from Xianfu, they will also make their own Xianfu, but they will not fully expand their own Xianfu, after all, many immortals The palaces are all very big, if they expand, then there will be no one to stay outside Shenwu City!"

Chu Feng nodded slightly. The entire Underworld battle power competition that took a long time was a big victory for the entire Underworld. It was normal to attract a large number of people to this side.

Because it is competing in Shenwu City, this battle strength competition is also called the Shenwu Competition. Every time the Shenwu Competition has a lot of people to benefit from, even if it is an indestructible powerhouse, many people are watching it. In the process of the Shenwu competition, there are benefits, and there are competitions to appreciate, but also benefits. As long as the conditions are available, who doesn't want to come.

Of course, there are some people who have not simply watched the game. Some strong people will come to see if there are suitable people to accept as disciples; some men and women want to find their significant other here; some people who have treasures will also come. I have to see if I can sell the treasures I don't need at a good price.

Regardless of the purpose of coming to Shenwu City, those who came to Shenwu City contributed to the fullness of Shenwu City. Under Chu Feng’s gaze, there were a lot more people in Shenwu City in a short period of time. The breath that comes out is extremely powerful!

"Although the number of great emperors in the Yin world is scarce, the number of immortal-level experts should not be too small." Chu Feng said in his heart, there are tens of thousands of immortal-level experts in the holy world. There should not be tens of thousands of immortal-level powerhouses in the world, but there should be no less than 10,000 immortal-level powerhouses!

"Master, there is a rule in Shenwu City. Except for those participating in the duel, no one else can fight in Shenwu City!" Tang Jian said. He and Luo Hebu Horrified were both beside Chu Feng at this time. The house was Tang. Sword divided, he naturally used a little bit of privilege to assign himself and Luohe to this mountain. The three were Chu Feng's apprentices, and no one had any objections to this.

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "I know, Tang Jian, in every Shenwu competition, how many immortal powers will come to this side?"

"This...Generally speaking, there will be three or four hundred immortal powerhouses on the side of Shenwu City every time. There will be one or two hundred when there are few, and five or six hundred when there are more!" Tang Jiandao.

Chu Feng said quietly: "This time there must be more than 600 immortal powers. The competition for the top 100 is estimated to be much fiercer than before! After you come out of the ghost city, if you get the ghost It is estimated that Ling will also have some troubles, and some strong players may take action!"

"Yeah!" Tang Jian and the others showed solemn expressions on their faces. If they get the ghost order but are snatched away by the time, it will be a cup!

Chu Feng frowned slightly and said, "I hope that the ghost order is not so easy to be taken after the master's recognition! If you get the ghost order, then you can directly recognize it in the ghost city, understand?"

"Understand Master!"

When Chu Feng and the others arrived, it was almost dark. The night passed and a new day arrived. The entire Shenwu City was enveloped in a fiery atmosphere!

The Shenwu Competition officially begins today!

There was a sound of shaking the earth and the earth, and ten super dueling fields in Shenwu City were opened in a short time. These ten super dueling fields are usually sunk into the ground and not used, only during the Shenwu competition. Emerging from the ground!

The rules of the Shenwu Competition are as follows. Ten arenas can be contested at the same time. If you win a match, you can rest. If you win a match, you get one point. If you lose a match, you lose one point. To decide the outcome, the eyes of the masses are discerning, and it is very clear who has the upper hand in full view!

In addition to the above rules, there are also some rules. For example, the same two people can play a second game after one game, but both of them must score at least 100 points. If they are not convinced and want to play the third game, then both of them must have three hundred points!

A person, if they occupy the stage and cannot get down, they can always win a streak on the ring. If they get off the ring, then they can’t go to the ring on the same day. These rules are to prevent some people from scoring points. !

In this way, after half a year, the top 100 in the ranking will be the winner of the second round. It is not over yet, and there is a third round!

The third round is the challenge, or the ten arenas. If the top one thousand people are dissatisfied with the top 100, they can initiate a challenge and win and become the new challenger. If the challenger wins, then the challenge is successful and you can continue. Accept the challenge, you can also apply for some time off, but the rest can not exceed three days!

The failed challenger can also be challenged. As long as he wins, he can become a new challenger. There are many relevant rules, and basically no one will get into the loopholes.

If you want to be in the top 100, it's useless to rely on luck, you can only win one thing, real strength!

"Master, it's starting!" Luo He chuckled. From them, you could see an arena. There were countless people around the ring. Just as soon as the ring was raised, two people quickly reached the top of the ring. There were a lot of people going up a little bit behind them, but after entering the two, the defensive light curtain automatically opened and the people behind could no longer enter the ring!

"Yellow light!"


On the ring, the two men bowed to each other. Udana’s cultivation base was relatively low. According to the rules, she proposed the strength of the two sides to suppress the battle. The lowest can reach the Emperor God level, and the highest cannot exceed the Immortal level. If it exceeds the power of immortality, it will damage the ring!

It's about fighting power, not fighting for cultivation base, so it's perfectly fine to limit cultivation base to immortal level!

"A lower-level saint!" Udana said, she has a greater grasp of this strength, if it is higher, her combat power will drop.

Huang Guang sealed his cultivation base to a lower-level saint. There was not too much nonsense. The two immediately fought together. Chu Feng looked at it and shook his head slightly. Their combat power is still very good, in the immortal city. It should be able to fight to the top 20, but they are far behind Luohe!

"Master, such a level can't enter the eyes of your Dharma." Bu Jingxun laughed. Now their horizons are also high. Such combat power can't even enter the eyes of Chu Feng, let alone the eyes of Chu Feng. . "Master, there is nothing good to see in the initial stage, but it will be a lot more exciting later, and some strong players will show their real combat power."

Chu Feng nodded slightly, "Anyway, Shenwu City can't use force, so many powerhouses look at it and no one dares to mess around. Do whatever you want. It is easier to get some points at the beginning. You can get some points earlier. It’s okay for you to be late."

"Master, in every Shenwu competition, many people bring treasures to this side, hoping to sell a good price. Let's go out and go around? Maybe there is something to gain. There have been such things before, in Shenwu City. I can buy a very good baby at a very low price!" Tang Jian smiled authentically.

"It looks like you all want to turn it around, so let's turn it around." Chu Feng said with a light smile, with a scan of the sky's eyes, maybe he can actually get some treasures.

Because of the power of time, he consumes a lot of money every second now. Although the money he has can last for some time, if there is not a lot of good things in the account, he will really fall into no money. The point to use! The holy prison is very powerful, but the things in the holy prison shop can only be bought with money. If there is no money at that time, then you can only look at the good things in the holy prison shop and drool!

"Master Chu, where are you going?" Chu Feng and the others just came down the mountain and followed them quickly. "Go to Taobao, second brother, are you interested?" Tang Jian chuckled.

Bai Wanli's eyes lit up: "Naturally I am interested. Last time I bought a small chaos stone here at a relatively low price. Hehe!"

"Chaotic Stone?" Chu Feng showed a look of surprise, "Bai Wanli, you are lucky, you can get things like the Chaos Stone!"

Chaos Stone, Chu Feng has not forgotten that Lanwen Taiwu Tower needs a Chaos Stone, but if the Chaos Stone is too small, it will not work for Taiwu Tower!

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