Holy Prison

Chapter 1839: Purple Jade Demon Eye

"Luohe probably can't beat the Purple Jade Demon Lord." Chu Feng said softly. Tang Jian and Bu Jingxun nodded slightly, their eyesight was very high, and they could naturally see it right now.

"Master, Luohe's defensive treasure has suffered too much. If he has a good defensive treasure, it will not be worse than the Purple Jade Demon Lord!" Bu was shocked. Chu Feng shook his head and said: "Fright, there are not so many ifs, victory is victory, defeat is defeat. Purple Jade Demon Lord got such a treasure, that is also his chance! We are not also chances again and again. Let our combat power exceed many people? Chance is also part of our strength!"

Bu was shocked: "Master, I understand. There are countless people who have worked hard these years. Many people have worked harder than us, but their combat power is lower than ours!"

"Opportunity is very important, but hard work is equally important. If you don't work hard, then no matter how good the chance is, it's no use." Bai Wanli chuckled.

Chu Feng nodded his head and watched Luohe and the others carefully. If the Purple Jade Demon Lord had no other means, then Step Fright should be able to win against the Purple Jade Demon Lord. Uncertainly, he should have no other means, but he is not afraid of ten thousand just in case.

At this time, let me see, when the ring stops here at night, he can give Tang Jian and Bu Jingxun a good explanation to increase their combat power!

As expected by Chu Feng, Luohe lost, but the purple jade demon who won was not so easy. He did not beat Luohe to admit defeat. It was Luohe who was judged to lose at the last time!

Luo He left the ring, Chu Feng and the others immediately went home. After they left, there was a lot of discussion on the side of the ring. Some people knew Luo He's combat power. Those people did not expect that Luo He's combat power had changed. It's so scary!

Luo He's combat power is so high, Tang Jian and Bu Jingxian are also Chu Feng's apprentices, and many people are looking forward to the battle tomorrow.

In the anticipation of countless people, the time soon came to the next day, "Tang Jian, Bu Fright, there are only you two, you two are defeated, those things of your master are mine. Today, who of you two came up to feel some failure?" Purple Jade Demon Lord said solemnly.

Bu Jingxun took a few steps in the void and he was on the ring in the blink of an eye, "Purple Jade Demon Lord, who wins and who loses is an unknown number." Bu Jingxun said with a light smile, "I hope you still have hidden means," If you don't have any hidden means, then today I feel the taste of failure, I am afraid it is not me but you!"

"Really? I want to see what kind of ability you have!" Ziyu Demon snorted. "Yesterday, Luohe and you were against the peak of the gods. Today, let's also respect the peak of the gods!" Bu Jingxun said, quickly suppressing his cultivation base to the peak of the gods.

Purple Jade Demon Lord frowned secretly, if he didn't suppress him below the saint, he would be more certain, but this was not decided by him but by people with lower strength!

At the moment when the strength of the Purple Jade Demon Sovereign was suppressed to the peak of the deity, he was shocked, and the spear in his hand braved flames like a fire dragon to rush towards the Purple Jade Demon Lord!

The golden ring appeared next to the Purple Jade Demon Lord, and the golden ring blocked the sound of the fire dragon from fighting with gold and iron. "Hey!" A trace of uncomfortable color flashed across the purple Jade Demon Lord's face, and the sledgehammer in his hand slammed into the shock. , Now it is limited to the peak of the deity, although the golden ring can be used, but the power is suppressed more, the attack power of the shock of the step is more than the estimation of the purple jade demon, as a result, part of the power penetrates into the defense and invades the purple jade demon. Within your body!

The spear in Bu Jingxun’s hand fought against the Purple Jade Demon. The Purple Jade Demon’s sledgehammer is more suitable for such a reckless fight, but this one does not take advantage of it. For the defense of the Golden Ring, the combat power of the Purple Jade Demon Lord is weaker than that of the Start Fright, and the combat power is stronger. Even a weapon such as a long spear can fight against the Purple Jade Demon Lord!

"Purple Jade Demon Eye!"

The third eye of the purple jade demon's forehead suddenly opened, and at the moment when the third eye opened, a purple light shot at a very fast speed at Step Horror! The Purple Jade Demon Lord is not a human being. This purple jade demon eye is his natural ability. As long as he hits his purple jade demon eye, his body will immediately become stiffer!

If it weren't for feeling that he might be defeated by Bu Jingxun, the Purple Jade Demon Lord would not use his Purple Jade Demon Eye, this could be regarded as his assassin!

"Field of Fire!"

When the step was startled, he immediately used the field of fire when the purple light reached him. In the field of fire, the speed of the purple light slowed down a lot, and its strength quickly weakened, but in the end he fell to the step. Frightened body.

"Ignore the defense." Chu Feng's eyes were surprised. Frightening step is a defensive treasure, but the purple light actually ignored his defense and entered his body.

If it is a defensive treasure like the Dark Chaos Lotus or a defensive treasure like the Chaos Scarlet Golden Armor, then that kind of purple light is probably impossible to ignore the defense, but the defensive treasure of the Step Horror is far worse than the Chaos Scarlet Golden Armor and the Dark Chaos Lotus!

When the purple light entered the body, Step Fright immediately felt his body became stiffer, but fortunately, this was not too serious. With the spear in hand, Step Fright resisted the madness of the Purple Jade Demon Lord for the next ten minutes. attack.

"It's now!" A cold light flashed in Bu Fright's eyes. At this moment, an astonishing fighting intent erupted from his body. Under the urging of his fighting intent, the spear in his hand went out of the abyss with a terrifying aura. Stabbed at the Purple Jade Demon Lord!

After being knocked back instantly, the purple jade demon's face turned a little red. Even with the golden ring of defense, he was not lightly injured!

"Step fright, you are fine!" Ziyu Demon yelled and rushed to Step Fright again. After half a minute, the magic eye on Ziyu Demon's forehead opened again.

The purple light flashed into Bu Jingxun's body again, even if Bu Jingxun was mentally prepared, it did not avoid the purple light, the speed of the purple light was much faster than his speed!

With the purple light in his body, Step Horror was immediately crushed by the Purple Jade Demon Lord. Ten minutes later, the effect of the purple jade demon eyes passed, and Step Horror regained the upper hand. After a few minutes, Step Horror was once again in the purple jade. Magic eye!

Take turns to have the upper hand, until the end, Ziyu Demon Lord did not defeat Bu Jingxuan, but it is a pity that Bu Jingxuan did not defeat Ziyu Demon Lord, both of them were not lightly injured!

Not unexpectedly from Chu Feng and the others, the result of the battle between Ziyu Demon Lord and Bu Jingxun was that Bu Jingxun had lost. There was no way, he had been under the wind for a long time!

"Master, I" stepped down from the ring, feeling a little embarrassed and authentic. Chu Feng smiled slightly: "It's okay, there is Tang Jian!"

"Brother Tang, I can only rely on you." Bu said in shock. Tang Jian nodded and looked at the Purple Jade Demon Lord. The Purple Jade Demon Lord also looked over at this moment: "Chu Jiu, the fourth game, will take place in a month!"

With injuries on his body, Purple Jade Demon Lord dare not play the fourth game with Tang Jian tomorrow. If the fourth game is played tomorrow, it will definitely be defeated!

"No problem." Chu Feng happily agreed. There is still half a month's time, so you can also conduct assault training on Tang Jian. Half a month's time can definitely improve his combat effectiveness a lot!

Soon Chu Feng and the others returned to the villa. Tang Jian and the others were extremely powerful. There was absolutely no problem in ranking them in the top 1,000 points. There was no need to fight at this time!

Holy prison space.

"Tang Jian, in these days you need to fuse this bead apart from fighting to increase your combat power." Chu Feng smiled quietly, and said that a black bead appeared in his hand.

"Master, what is this?" Tang Jian asked in a puzzled manner, shocked and they also looked at Chu Feng curiously. Chu Feng said, "This is the Dark Spirit Orb. It has only one small effect, that is, to absorb some strange pupil lights. The purple light emitted by the Demon Lord's Demon Jade Eyes should be able to absorb it!"

"If you don't have the power of time, it would be impossible for you to fuse this dark spirit orb in just half a month, but there is no problem at all under the acceleration of time!"

Tang Jian's eyes brightened, and with this bead, the possibility of surpassing the Purple Jade Demon King was greatly enhanced! "Master, can these beads be absorbed?" Tang Jiandao.

"There is no problem in absorbing most of it. I believe you can block the remaining small part." Chu Feng said. Tang Jian chuckled: "If it can absorb most of it, then there is no problem. He should have no other means. As long as the purple jade demon eye doesn't work, it won't be difficult to defeat him!"

"Don't be careless, you are the only one left, you can only win, you can't lose." Chu Feng smiled softly, "Of course, if you really can't win, then don't force it, safety is the most important thing!"

Tang Jian nodded.

When Chu Feng and the others were talking here, Luo Shan and the Purple Jade Demon were also chatting, "Master, how can they be so frightened that their combat power has increased so much? It's incredible. How long is it? In the past, the fighting power was actually hidden?" The Purple Jade Demon soaked in the medicine pool helplessly said.

"I wanted to help Master you get some good things, but if Tang Jian's strength is stronger than the start-up horror, then winning Tang Jian will be suspended. If you fail"

Luo Shan frowned and said: "They should have reached a very strong combat power a long time ago. They have been just hiding well. In the City of Life and Death, no one can make them use their full strength. Half a month later, if the battle If you feel that you can’t win Tang Jian, you can only do your best to stimulate your purple jade magic eyes! Although there will be sequelae, the teacher will find a way to eliminate your sequelae!"

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