Holy Prison

Chapter 1840: Successful Lion King Hitomi

Half a month passed in a blink of an eye. In the past half month, Purple Jade Demon Lord only recovered his cultivation base, and Tang Jian, in this half a month, his combat power has improved a little!

Of course, for Tang Jian, the most important thing is not the improvement of combat power, but the integration of Dark Spirit Orb! Things like the Dark Spirit Orb are extremely rare, that is, Chu Feng has a treasure like the Holy Prison, otherwise it will be impossible to get the Dark Spirit Orb from where it will happen for a while!

"Brother Tang, give the Ziyu Demon Lord a severe lesson later!" Bu said in shock. Luo He chuckles authentically: "Help me use a master's trick!"

Chu Feng glared at Luo He. The effect of such tricks as licking the yin feet was very good, but when he said it, it was a little bit unpleasant!

"Tang Jian, leave it to you!" Bai Wanli patted Tang Jian on the shoulder and said, he was a little emotional at this time. Once upon a time, he firmly occupied the second throne in the city of life and death. Now Luohe is fighting. The strength is not much worse than that of him, but Bu Fright and Tang Jian's combat strength have surpassed him!

"Leave it to me!" Tang Jian said with a light smile, he still had a little worry before fusing the Dark Spirit Orb, and now Tang Jian is extremely confident in winning the Purple Jade Demon Lord!

Shenwu City No. 6 Arena, when Chu Feng and the others got to this side, the Purple Jade Demon Lord and the others had already arrived. Seeing that Chu Feng and the others had arrived, the ring was empty. At this moment, no one was fighting!

"Chu Jiu, did you bring things?" The Purple Jade Demon Lord said faintly, if he didn't fully explode the Demon Eye, then he would not have the confidence to win Tang Jian, but if he fully exploded the Demon Eye, Zi Jade Demon Lord believed that there would be no problem with winning Tang Jian. , His purple jade demon eye is one of the very powerful talents!

"I'm afraid you didn't bring it." Chu Feng said with a faint smile, "Sage King Luoshan, if the Purple Jade Demon Lord loses something by then, Sage King Luoshan won't be angry?"

Saint King Luoshan said quietly: "I would like to bet and lose, there is nothing to be angry about! If Tang Jian has that strength, I don't have any opinion on things even if things win!"

"That's good!" Chu Feng nodded slightly, his voice fell, almost at the same time Tang Jian and Ziyu Demon Lord were on the huge ring!

"The peak of the gods!" Tang Jian said, his strength is much lower than that of the Purple Jade Demon Lord. It is natural for him to speak first. Before Luohebu Shocked, he chose the peak of the gods. Tang Jian chose the gods. The peak of God was expected by the Purple Jade Demon Lord.

Quickly suppressing his strength, the Purple Jade Demon Lord said quietly: "Tang Jian, you four, but you are the only one. If you lose, your master's treasure will belong to me!"

"If you have the ability, you will win." Tang Jian said with a light smile, Ziyu Demon Lord wanted to put pressure on him, but Tang Jian was extremely confident in his own strength, where would it be affected!

"Very good!" The Purple Jade Demon Lord said to take the lead, and the faint purple energy instantly spread over half of the ring and enveloped Tang Jian!

"Hmph!" Tang Jian snorted coldly, and a strong Jianmang appeared beside him. Jianmang moved a large amount of purple energy away from him. In a short time, the endless swordmanship occupied half of the ring!

Domain, Tang Jian and Purple Jade Demon Lord are both powerful masters of domain. At this moment, they will release their domain to suppress each other in the first time!

A sharp explosion sounded, and the collision of the fields made it an eye-opener for many people watching the battle near this ring! "Go!" Tang Jian's hand shook a wisp of golden light and immediately attacked the Purple Jade Demon Lord!

Tang Jian is good at hidden weapons, and his main weapon is a soft sword. At this time, seeing that the domain is comparable, Tang Jian immediately used the hidden weapons!

The hammer in the hands of the Purple Jade Demon Lord slammed onto the strand of golden light. The golden light was only a golden knife, but it carried terrifying power on it. The purple jade demon Lord’s face changed slightly. He was a heavy weapon. But the palm of his hand was numb because of that golden knife!

"Try some more!" Tang Jian sneered and moved his hands together. At this time, it was not a strand of golden light that shot out, but four strands of golden light attacked the purple jade demon's body everywhere!

At the moment when the four strands of golden light shot out, Tang Jian himself moved, and a soft sword appeared in his hand, and he slashed towards the Purple Jade Demon Lord!

Purple Jade Demon Venerable did not hesitate. When Tang Jian approached, he used the Purple Jade Demon Eye. Part of the Zi Jade Demon Eye was blocked by Tang Jian's defensive treasure, and most of it entered Tang Jian's body!

Tang Jian burst out with a burst of golden light from the soft sword in his hand and chopped on the halo of the Purple Jade Demon Lord. "Hmph, Tang Jian, you are nothing more than that!" Purple Jade Demon Lord was determined, he could see that Tang Jian's reaction was a lot slower when he was caught in the purple jade demon eye, "Eat your Grandpa Demon Lord! "The Purple Jade Demon Lord said that the hammer in his hand that was bigger than a human head hit Tang Jian's head fiercely!

Tang Jian's speed was still very fast and he withdrew quite a bit, "I still want to run, eat me and say it again!" Ziyu Demon's momentum rose and laughed authentically. He swung the silver hammer in his hand, and countless hammer shadows smashed at Tang Jian. past.

Tang Jian retreated violently, and the shadows of the hammer hit the hard ground with a huge sound, "Go!" In the retreat, Tang Jian's hidden weapon kept going out. Next, Ziyu The demon also murmured secretly, Tang Jian's hidden weapon was too fast, because it was so fast, it was not easy to bear every hidden weapon!

Seven or eight minutes passed, Tang Jian's speed increased with a cold snort, and he quickly attacked the Purple Jade Demon Lord. Under his high-speed attack, the golden ring that was protecting the Purple Jade Demon was constantly trembling. The stronger the tremor, the stronger the attack that the Golden Ring bears. At the same time, the fewer attacks the Golden Ring will help the Purple Jade Demon weaken!

"Hurry up, hurry up." Purple Jade Demon Lord prayed in his heart. If the eyes of the Purple Jade Demon are not quickly recovered and can be used again, then he can't hold it!

"It's now!" After Tang Jian continuously attacked the Purple Jade Demon for five or six minutes, the Purple Jade Demon screamed in his heart, and the purple jade demon eyes opened again!

The combat power of the Purple Jade Demon Lord is extremely high, and the timing he chose is very good. Most of the power of the Purple Jade Demon Eye has once again entered Tang Jian's body!

"I'm driving you crazy!" The Purple Jade Demon burst out to attack!

When attacking at full force, the defense will naturally be weaker. The sword in Tang Jian's hand greeted the silver hammer in the hands of the Purple Jade Demon Lord at a much slower speed than his normal state. At the same time, Tang Jian was extremely powerful. The yin-foot kicked the purple jade demon's room with a terrible speed!

Jin Huan’s defensive ability has dropped a lot under the previous attack. At this time, Ziyu Demon's full attack made his defense drop a little bit. When Tang Jian kicked the Ziyu Devil's space fiercely. , Jin Huan only blocked a small part of the power, most of the power madly burst out from the instep of Tang Jian.

The Purple Jade Demon screamed. This kick Tang Jian used too much power. The sword in his hand did not actually use too much power. Tang Jian knew that as long as this kick hits, he would avoid Zi Yu. The devil’s hammer is very simple!

"Ding Ding Ding!"

When the key part was attacked like that, the silver hammer in Ziyu Demon Lord's hand did not hit Tang Jian at all. The soft sword in Tang Jian's hand did not stop a sword at this moment, it was handed out quickly!

In a very short period of time, Tang Jian output a terrible attack, the purple jade demon King Jinhuan blocked a part of the attack, but the rest of the attack still made him seriously injured!

"Tang Jian, you are not affected by the Purple Jade Demon Eye!" The Purple Jade Demon Lord finally calmed down and his expression was extremely ugly. If the Purple Jade Demon Eye didn't work, then he had no chance of winning Tang Jian! Originally, his combat power was weaker than Tang Jian. Tang Jian was not injured at this time, but he was seriously injured!

Tang Jian didn't have any nonsense at this time, he just hurriedly output his own attacks to make the purple jade demon lord's injury a little bit worse. "Failed!" Below the ring, Luo Shan glanced at Chu Feng's place and shook his head secretly. At this moment, even if the power of the purple jade demon erupted by the purple jade demon lord, it would be useless!

"Apprentice, all right!" Luo Shan said.

Above the ring, Tang Jian suddenly stepped back after hearing Luo Shan's voice, and the Purple Jade Demon Lord looked at his master. "Master, I can hold on!" Ziyu Demon said solemnly.

"I said yes!" Luo Shan frowned, and there is no point in sticking to it. If you lose, you will lose. If you stick to it, it will only be more ugly! "Yes, Master!" Ziyu Demon Lord unwillingly glared at Tang Jian and said, in his heart, at this time, it was extremely unpleasant. He was not defeated by Bai Wanli, but was actually defeated by Tang Jian!

Tang Jian was also ranked third in the City of Life and Death, but before, he couldn't let go of the eyes of the Purple Jade Demon.

"Purple Jade Demon Lord, admit it!" Chu Feng said with a light smile, "So many friends are watching, presumably Zi Jade Demon Lord wouldn't tell me what I bet on and forgot to bring it here today, right?" "Humph!"

With a cold snort, the Purple Jade Demon Lord quickly slammed a spatial ring toward Chu Feng, "Master Chu." Bai Wanli shot and caught the spatial ring and handed it to Chu Feng respectfully.

"Lion King's pupil!" Chu Feng's divine consciousness scanned it for a moment and determined that it was the Lion King's pupil and the growth stone inside. "After a lot of tossing, this thing finally arrived!" Chu Feng secretly felt relieved. In a sigh of relief, it's okay if the growth stone is not obtained, if the Lion King pupil does not get it, then Chu Feng will be a little depressed!

"The Lion King pupil got his hand, I don't know what kind of changes this Lion King pupil will have after it is placed on the Lion King mask." Chu Feng thought about putting the space ring in his hand into the holy prison space.

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