Holy Prison

Chapter 1841: Time treasure

Tang Jian won the Purple Jade Demon Lord, and the Purple Jade Demon Lord and his master Luo Shan quickly left, "Tang Jian, you can freely move around and get some points." Chu Feng said, "I suddenly found one The problem, your combat power is too strong, and it is not easy to get too many points."

Tang Jian and the others were taken aback for a moment. They really had such a problem. With Tang Jian and their combat power, if they win a game and become the champion, it is estimated that few people are willing to fight them!

"Master, it's really possible to have some trouble." Tang Jian said helplessly. Even the Purple Jade Demon Lord was defeated in his hands. He was sure to beat him in combat power. It is estimated that there is no one in the entire Yin world. How much, those people will not fight with him at this moment, and those who are much lower than him will find him very few people. Once they fail, the defeat will be reduced. Go for one point!

"You get the points, I'm going back!" Chu Feng said with a light smile, "Don't you guys don't even squeeze in by the time a thousand people, then you will be ashamed!"

After separating from Tang Jian and the others, Chu Feng quickly arrived in the manor. Catherine was there at this moment in the manor. As soon as Chu Feng came back, Catherine invited Chu Feng to the mountain where she lived.

"Big sister, what's the matter?" Chu Feng sat down and chuckled.

Catherine said: "Chu Feng, I watched Tang Jian and the others' battles. They were very powerful. I didn't expect Tang Jian and the others to have improved their combat power to such a level."

Chu Feng said nothing. He knew that if Catherine had something to say, she would definitely speak out. "Chu Feng, this, I know they were taught by you. I don't know how you taught them. It can actually increase their combat power in such a short period of time." Catherine had some expectations.

As the **** of war in the ancient holy court, although Catherine was a little bit worse than Monkey King in combat, Catherine knew that she would definitely not be able to improve Tang Jian and the others in such a short time!

"It's very simple, fight them, and then let them understand." Chu Feng said a bottle containing a ray of time appeared in his hand, "Big sister, this is for you!"

In the bottle is a strand of golden power of time. He is only two hundred strands of such golden power of time. If it were ordinary people, Chu Feng would be reluctant to give it, and ordinary people would not need the power of golden time, but Catherine He is a powerhouse of the Saint King level, and he is still willing to give Chu Feng this golden time!

"The power of time?" Catherine said in astonishment. She said that she took the jade bottle with a ray of golden time, "Hi, a million times faster!"

Chu Feng said with a chuckle: "Big sister, Han Xiang also has the power of time, don't blame her for not giving you the power of time, she has a lower acceleration of the power of time!"

"How come? My master hasn't given her anything, so I am ashamed to ask for hers." Catherine said, "Chu Feng, this ray of time is really given to me? I feel this ray of time Force contains a lot of time and energy!"

Chu Feng said: "Big sister, this is the power of the highest level of time, containing 10 billion years of time energy, which means that if you have been in its time acceleration, you can spend 10 billion years. With the acceleration of tens of thousands of times, this tens of billions of years and 10,000 years will pass!"

"Thank you!" Catherine said, ten thousand years of training is equivalent to ten billion years of training. Catherine knows that this golden ray of time is extremely precious!

Chu Feng smiled and said: "Big sister, I don't know if there is anything else you asked me to come over?" "Yes... the soul sensor tower asked you about it, and now there are many people on the other side who need to use the soul sensor tower. , It will be your turn after about three months. If there is no result, you can try it again in half a year." Catherine said.

Soul induction tower, this thing is needed to untie Bai Wanli's heart knot, of course, not only because of Bai Wanli's heart knot, if the woman Su Yan before Bai Wanli was really parasitized, then perhaps through Su Yan Let him know the identity of more parasitic people in the underworld!

"Three months later, okay, big sister, thank you very much." Chu Feng smiled. Catherine waved her hand: "Thank you, Bai Wanli is from the city of life and death. This is what my big sister should do!"

"Haha, the eldest sister is big, if there is nothing else, I will leave first!" Chu Feng said.

"Let's go, I have to get some points too, or maybe there are too few points! By the way, didn't you let me pay attention to Aunt Poison? According to some news I got, Aunt Poison is likely to come here. In addition, you need to pay attention to Luo Shan. Although his cultivation is strong, he is not a magnanimous person. If you win something from the Purple Jade Demon Lord, he will definitely retaliate, and it may be secretly. !" Catherine said.

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "My eldest sister, I will pay attention to him. Luo Shan is a Saint King-level strong and not easy to provoke, and I am not that easy to provoke Chu Feng!"

"Just pay attention." Catherine chuckled.

Chu Feng stood up: "Big sister, I'm leaving now!"

Returning to the mountain where he lived, Chu Feng entered the sacred prison space as soon as he moved his mind, "Xian'er, Luoshan, should they be locked? Did they find anything?" Chu Feng said.

"No Luoshan's induction is stronger. As soon as the sky-eye induction was turned on, he discovered that someone was peeping and stopped verbal communication with the Purple Jade Demon but directly transmitted the sound." Miao Xian'er said helplessly.

Chu Feng said quietly: "It doesn't matter. The Purple Jade Demon will always let us know something. When Luoshan is by the Purple Jade Demon, there will be no need to monitor in the future. By the way, Zhang How about Xu's side?" "During monitoring, although he said something, he didn't specifically mention how his strength was improved. He was more vigilant about this." Miao Xianer said, "Chu Feng, or else , Caught him directly and entered the holy prison space?"

"No, there are too many strong people on the side of Shenwu City. If you catch him and enter the holy prison space, it will definitely arouse some strong people's induction." Chu Feng said.

"This guy has been locked, and he is only a mid-level saint. I am not afraid that he will run away."

Miao Xian'er said: "Chu Feng, there is a little problem. It is not just us who are making Zhang Xu's idea now! Some people already know that Zhang Xu was not at the Emperor God level before, and the cultivation base has increased so much in a short period of time. The strong guys are already very interested in Zhang Xu. If you don’t start first, you won’t be able to catch Zhang Xu!"


Chu Feng frowned slightly, "This is a problem. Zhang Xu is an idiot. He has improved his cultivation so fast and his backstage is not hard. He actually dared to come here when he did this. No way... Maybe I underestimated Zhang Xu. Although this guy is not particularly smart, he should not be so stupid as that."

"Xian'er, did you find any strong behind Zhang Xu?" Chu Feng said. Miao Xian'er shook his head: "Chu Feng doesn't have it, Zhang Xu should be here alone!"

Chu Feng said quietly: "In this case, our Comrade Zhang Xu should have a strong hole card in his hand, and the hole card is so big that he can safely leave Shenwu City!"

"Chu Feng, do you look at Zhang Xu too high? This guy may be just mad and indomitable! Luo Tong was acquired by Luohe, and he might just come and show him in front of Luohe." Miao Xianer said.

Chu Feng chuckled and said, "Xian'er, he has already appeared in front of Luohe, and he was even intimidated by me. If he is just like that, he shouldn't stay in Shenwu City right now, what do you think?"

"Zhang Xu is still in Shenwu City, there is only one possibility, he has confidence in himself!" Chu Feng said, Chu Feng thought quickly in his heart.

Ten seconds later, Chu Feng's eyes flashed, "Xian'er, Zhang Xu's strength has improved so much in a short time, there is a possibility that Zhang Xu has a time treasure! Moreover, this possibility will not be low. Where to go, there is at least a 30% possibility. If Zhang Xu, who is now Shenwu City, has the confidence to leave, then the time treasure he got is very powerful!"

The law of time, the law of space, these are the two most mysterious laws, time treasures are extremely rare, but at the same time, time treasures are generally relatively powerful!

"Time treasure?" Miao Xian'er said in surprise, "Chu Feng, since Zhang Xu might have a time treasure, now, let Tianshou catch him?"

Chu Feng pondered for a while and said in a deep voice: "Grab, how is this distance now, can he be caught in the holy prison space?" "Zhang Xu is only the cultivation base of the middle saint, no problem. If there is a problem If it is, it is estimated that there will be problems even if it is caught near him." Miao Xian'er said.

"Then, grab it!"

Under Chu Feng's order, Tianshou appeared on top of Zhang Xu's head in an instant. At this moment, Zhang Xu was not outside but in his room, and Tianshou appeared on his head without any notice.

Zhang Xu didn't notice anything, but some immortal powerhouses who were paying attention to Zhang Xu had some feelings. "Chu Feng, the capture failed!" Miao Xian'er said, on top of Zhang Xu's head, the Tianshou failed to capture immediately disappeared.

"Failed to capture?" Chu Feng said in astonishment. Today's Tianshou can directly collect high-ranking saints into the holy prison space. With such a distance, even ordinary high-ranking saints will have no problem. He actually caught a middle-ranked saint and appeared to grab it. The problem of failure!

"Chu Feng, you are right, Zhang Xu should be a treasure of time, and that treasure is very powerful!" Miao Xianer said.

"The capture by Tianshou just failed. That was because Zhang Xu's own time stopped when Tianshou caught Zhang Xu. When time stopped, it was impossible to capture Zhang Xu into the sacred prison space! Time did not flow. , Zhang Xu did not move at that point in time, and before time reflowed, even an attack from an indestructible powerhouse would not kill Zhang Xu!"

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