Holy Prison

Chapter 1851: Heavenly Mark

It has been two or three years since Chu Feng and the others entered Dongtianfudi, and in the underworld, Luohe and the others have entered the ghost city for about two years!

Luo He was panting. In this, no matter what kind of cultivation level it was, it would be suppressed to the point that there was not much difference, but there was still a big gap between the strengths. Luo He hit Zhang a little while ago. Xu, after a fight with Zhang Xu, he lost to Zhang Xu and fled in embarrassment!

"What the **** is this place?" Luo He looked around vigilantly, the ghost city is not safe, Luo He knew this.

In the past, one or twenty of the hundred people who entered Ghost City would die. This time Luohe had already seen two people killed by monsters emerging from Ghost City. One of them was immortal. Strength, dying here is really wronged!

"Fortunately, fortunately, there seems to be no danger." Luohe secretly breathed a sigh of relief after looking around, "Hey, this place seems to be a little different."

Luohe carefully searched around. At the same time, Tang Jian and the others were also searching in Ghost City. The three of Tang Jian and Catherine Bai Wanli all entered Ghost City. This time, five people from Life and Death City entered the top 100 in the Shenwu Competition. That is showing up in the entire underworld!

Three years, four years, and five years passed year after year. When eight years passed, the figure of the Heavenly Scarred Master suddenly appeared on a small island in the God Realm.

"How many years, I saw the sunshine again, not bad!" Master Tianhen looked up at the sky with a faint smile on his face, "I don't know what's going on on the side of the holy world, Hong Laogui and Pan Laogui here. The two guys actually gave me a message to help me. The situation on the side of the holy world is not optimistic!"

Master Tianhen muttered, and his voice disappeared instantly. After a short time, the figure of Master Tianhen appeared in the holy realm.

It is not difficult to find out where the Baihu clan is. Master Tianhen immediately hurried towards the Baihu clan's territory.

"These birds and things are still surrounding here!" Master Tianhen muttered in his heart. At his speed, although they were far apart, they had reached a place not too far away from Hongjun and the others in two days.

"Old ghost Hong, how's the situation going?" Master Tianhen said through a voice transmission. He is still a long time away from fully recovering his strength, but with his ability to transmit voice, he will not be noticed by the Ice Venerable. "Old demon, the situation is okay!" Hongjun heard Master Tianhen's voice and hurriedly said, "Chu Feng came over here, he let Ye Qingcheng and Yin Xiao Fengyao recover, and now they have entered inside! "

"Then I'm leaving." Tianhen Shanghuan.

Hongjun said with a light smile and said: "You guy hasn't accepted a disciple for many times in the universe reincarnation. Now that you accept the disciple of Chu Feng, you will ignore it?"

"Don't tell me that you can't enter it quietly because of your ability. You enter it, and with your stigmata technique, the restraint inside will be stronger! If you don't enter, it is estimated that they will not be able to support it for ten thousand years. , There will definitely be someone on the side of the temple at that time!"

"You old ghost counted me in it, nothing else, it's not good for me as a master to stand by and tell me how to get in." Tianhen Shanghuan.

Hongjun told Master Skyscar how to enter it. Although Master Skyscar has not recovered his strength, he has a lot of treasures, and there is no big problem with the strength of the Saints in a short period of time. He is extremely rich. It's strange that his survival experience can be discovered by the Ice Venerable.

"Master Tianshen?"

Master Tianhen entered Yin Xiao and they suddenly found Yin Xiao and asked. Master Tianhen nodded slightly: "Well, you are Yin Xiao...Where is my disciple?"

"Master, Chu Xiaozi has gained the power of time. Before he enters inside, let me give this jade slip to the Master." Yin Xiao said politely. He knew from Chu Feng that Master Tianshen was a holy-sage class. Although he does not have the strength of the Saint-Sovereign level now, he can recover after 10,000 years of accelerated time!

Master Tianhen raised his hand and inhaled, that piece of jade slip appeared in his hand immediately, the holy sense penetrated into the jade slip, and suddenly the image of Chu Feng appeared in the mind of the master Tianhen.

"Master, I learned from Master Hong that you will come, Master, your strength has not recovered. You should have notified Master not to come here, but the situation here is a bit serious, and you really need a teacher. Come here to perform the technique of stigmata!" Chu Feng smiled authentically.

"Master, the art of stigmata is unparalleled in the world, and I can feel more relieved if you are there. Master, if you need to use the help of those in Shenchu ​​City, just ask!"

The message is not long, Master Tianhen read it all at once. "This little bastard, the messenger is here to arouse the old man." Master Tianhen cursed in his heart but there was a faint smile on his face.

"Yin Xiao, is there any time to accelerate the power of time by about a thousand times?" Master Tianhen asked. Yin Xiao nodded: "Yes, there are!"

A power of time that contained a thousand times the acceleration of time immediately appeared in the hands of Master Skyscar.

"Okay, you got yours, don't worry about me." Tianhen Shanghuan, he quickly found a place to get a chair and lay down.

After lying down, Master Tianhen placed the jade bottle on the landlord, and the range of time acceleration just shrouded his whole person and lying stick in it.

Lying comfortably, Master Tianhen showed a light blue knife and a piece of white jade in his hand. When the knife swung, patterns appeared on the white jade.

Thousands of times accelerated, just a few minutes later, a piece of white jade flew out from the hands of the master of the sky scar, the jade flew out a distance and then became invisible in the void.

"That's okay!" Yin Xiao and the others were surprised. It's not that they haven't thought of using the power of time, but they cannot use the power of time to impose restrictions.

However, Master Skyscar is different. His stigmata art can also be used in this way. However, if you want to use the stigmata art without regaining its strength today, you can’t speed it up too high, otherwise dozens of hundreds. A piece of jade will fly out in a very short time under the speed of ten thousand times!

"The defense has indeed increased. At this speed, even if a lot of people from the side of the temple block it for 10,000 years, it must be no problem." Yin Xiaofengyao and the others felt a smile on their faces, as time accelerated. A ban can be imposed, and Master Tianhen can be many of them alone!

Ten years, twenty years, thirty years.

Time flies, and hundreds of years have passed in the blink of an eye, and the faces of some of the strong men of the Ice Makers who have not broken the prohibition for more than a hundred years are not very good.

On the side of the temple, Long Yin was also a little angry. Before the Ice Venerable and the others were called, Long Yang himself brought many temple experts to the Baihu clan side.

"See the Lord!"

Three hundred ordinary immortal level powerhouses hurriedly became authentic. "Hall Master!" Hongjun and the other seven also said hello. "Brother Hong, what's the situation on this side?" Long Yang suppressed the fire aura, "I practiced for a period of time, but the practice has become sober, and you have no news here."

"Brother Longyang, we are breaking the ban, but there are constantly new bans appearing inside. It is estimated that it will take a lot of time to break." Hongjun said quietly.

Long Yang frowned and said, "Brother Hong, Honorable Formation, with the ability of the White Tiger clan, can it hold you back for so long?" "The White Tiger clan is impossible, but there is an expert in it! The restrictions we broke at the beginning are different. People made it out, and it's going to come later. The restriction we encountered was made by one person!" Hongjun said.

In the beginning, the restriction that Hongjun and the others broke was made by Yin Xiao and others, and all that Hongjun and the others encountered were the restriction made by Master Tianhen!

"A person?" Long Yang said in a daze, "Brother Hong, are you sure you are not mistaken? How can a person stop you for a hundred years"

"This is the truth." Hongjun said quietly. Longyang's gaze fell on Venerable Formation and Venerable Ice, and they all nodded slightly.

"You should report this in the morning!" Long Yang frowned. Pan Gu lightly hummed: "So many people here are unsure, where to report the old face? We estimate that the strong one inside has already prepared a lot of restrictions, as long as those restrictions are consumed, I am afraid that I can't open them!"

Venerable Bing said coldly: "Brother Longyang, we are here. You brought people over without saying a word. You look down on us a little bit."

"Venerable Bing, Brother Hong, Venerable Formation, Brother Pan, I don't look down on you, but from the overall situation, I should take down the White Tiger clan sooner!" Long Yang was annoyed, but he still screamed and angered all of a sudden. Shang Hongjun and the four powerhouses at the Sovereign level were not the result that Long Yin wanted.

Hongjun said indifferently: "Since it's here, let's do it together. I hope we can break through the prohibition and open the passage to catch the people of the Baihu Clan earlier. In that case, we can also leave earlier!"

"Let’s study hard first, don’t mess around." The venerable array swept the powerhouse that Longyang had brought over. This time Longyang had brought over a thousand immortal-level strongmen. There are a total of ten king-level powerhouses, and the previous ones are 13 Saint-king-level powerhouses!

As for the powers of the saints, Long Wuji is the powers of the saints, and the Black Moon is the powers of the saints. In addition, there is one person who would definitely recognize him if Catherine was on this side. Proseus, the court lord of the ancient holy court, is of the Saint-sovereign level. Proseus has not regained consciousness before, but now he has regained consciousness!

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