Holy Prison

Chapter 1852: Millennium

"Brother Longyang, Prose" Hongjun's voice sounded in Longyang's mind. "He hasn't been parasitized, but he is now a person in our temple." Long Yang said through a voice transmission.

Long Yang said: "He learned about the parasitic in the abyss, and took the initiative to find the Most Holy Mountain to join our temple." "He surrendered to our temple?" Hong Jun said in surprise.

"Yes, surrender, the first top powerhouse to surrender to our temple. It seems that our temple's current strength is already very good." Long Yang said.

"Brother Longyang, if he is falsely surrendering to our temple, then" Hongjun said, "After all, he is a saint-level powerhouse, so accept him, okay?"

Long Yang said: "At that time, he will break the Baihu clan and let him kill all the people below the upper sage of the Baihu clan to show his surrender! If he really does that, then even if he does not want to join our temple, it will be impossible. This guy should have joined our temple sincerely!"

"Beheaded all the upper saints!"

A cold light flashed deep in Hongjun's eyes. "Brother Longyang, kill all the upper sages of the Baihu clan, isn't this good?" Hongjun said.

"Brother Hong... beheading those people, one can let Prosius completely return to our side; second, let the Ice Venerable calm down; and third, let some forces know the fate of opposing my temple, With these three reasons, what reason do they have to live? Brother Hong still have objections?" Long Yang said.

Hongjun shook his head slightly and said nothing more. At this time, he secretly thanked Chu Feng that they had arrived here in time, otherwise the Baihu clan would die tragically!

"Prosius, **** thing!" Hongjun cursed secretly in his heart. He had known that Prosius was a poor character, but he didn't expect that Prosius would surrender to the abyss!

Pangu also asked for a voice transmission right now. He also knew about Proseus from Longyang. "Proseus, you just betrayed this universe and cast into our abyss?" Pangu asked with a smile. There was a smile on his face, but he didn't feel happy at all!

Ksitigarbha king, Prosius, among the powerhouses of the Sovereign class, they were not parasitized. Now if Proseus casts into the temple, then only Ksitigarbha, no one is awakened by the parasite Pangu. Ye Qingcheng regained consciousness, and Lei Zhenzi and Reincarnation Heavenly Emperor's words, they were all parasitized, but they hadn't woken up yet!

"Brother Pan has an opinion?" Prosius said lightly. "No comments, no comments, I just hope that Prosius will not be a horror at that time!" Pan Gu said.

Proseus snorted and said nothing, "Brother Pan, you don't need to say more, then Prose will do it for us!" Long Andian said.

"The most important thing for us now is to quickly break the ban. With the power of people like us, a hundred years should be absolutely fine, right?"

"Definitely it!"

"With so many people, if a hundred years are not enough, the strong people in there are too bad! Unless the white tiger clan has long known about the parasitic thing, they have been prepared!"

Quite a few strong men spoke, Long Yang's heart had an idea of ​​finding someone more, but he still suppressed this idea.

More than a thousand indestructible powerhouses in the temple gathered here, it should be impossible to break!


A hundred years have passed in the Yang Realm, and a hundred years have passed in the Yin Realm. Luohe and the others have entered the Ghost City for more than a hundred years, but they still haven't left the Ghost City!

In the past, people who entered Ghost City would leave Ghost City within ten years, but this time, over a hundred years later, none of the people who entered Ghost City left!

More than a hundred years have passed, half of the people who entered the Ghost City have died, and the other half are struggling in the Ghost City. If this continues, it is estimated that most of those people will not be able to leave the Ghost City! Among the fifty or so people who died, there were several indestructible powerhouses. Those who almost didn't enter the Ghost City were depressed before, but now those people are secretly grateful that they don't have any. Enter the ghost city!

In the past, the one-tenth chance of death was still acceptable. No one believed that he would be one-tenth of the unlucky one, but now it is one-half of the chance of death. If you go on, you can live by then Going down the tithe is a problem, and not many people can guarantee that they are the one-tenth that is immortal!

One hundred years is not long for practitioners. On the basis of the past one hundred years, time is long, and in a blink of an eye another hundred years have passed!

"It's another hundred years!" Long Wuji said with an ugly expression near the Baihu clan's territory. It has been another hundred years since he brought a thousand indestructible powerhouses to this side, but they still did not open the restriction. The prohibition and imitation are endless, and what makes them depressed is that it is all one's prohibition!

One hundred years ago, now another one hundred years, two hundred years, so many of them broke the ban set by one person, but still to no avail!

"Hall Master, it is estimated that the White Tiger clan has already known some preparations in advance. If it hadn't been prepared for a long time, the prohibition of one person would not be able to stop us for so long! Unless the people inside have time treasures! "

The talking Sage King just said it casually, but the speaker didn't intend to listen to it. The Sage King said that the power of time was present in many people's hearts.

"The power of time...The White Tiger clan has shrunk for countless years. Is it because of the power of time?" Long Yang said inwardly, "It's really possible!"

"It's been a hundred years, the lord, I propose that the stronger ones come over again, and the immortal strong ones can adjust a few thousand more. In addition, the immortal strong ones can be adjusted to 20,000 people! No matter what it is. The reason, we will know after breaking the ban." Venerable Ice said coldly, more than two hundred years have passed, but her initial anger has not dissipated, but has become stronger!

Long Andian scanned some of the holy priests present: "Do you have any objections to fellow Taoists?" Hongjun and the others shook their heads slightly.

"Brother Hong, if there are thousands of immortal-level powerhouses and 20,000 immortal-level powerhouses, can that fellow Tianhen Old Demon stop?" Pangu conveyed to Hongjun.

"It's impossible to block it all the time, but it should be no problem to block 10,000 for the next year. The old demon of Tianhen must be defending at the speed of time. This place is easy to defend and difficult to attack. He alone can block many of us. It should be able to block thousands of years of time, but if you leave at that time, I hope that Chu Feng's key to space can directly open the space and leave from the hole of heaven and blessed earth!" Hongjun said with a little worry.

After a short while, the temple gathered more than 3,000 immortal-level powerhouses and 20,000 immortal-level powerhouses. In addition, the white tiger clan side gathered up to five thousand immortal-level powerhouses!

Five thousand immortal-level powerhouses, 20,000 immortal-level powerhouses, this force is terrifying! These people, whoever show up are super strong, so many super strong gathered together can scare some people to death.

The Master Tianhen frowned slightly and under pressure in the cave heaven and blessed land. For the first time since he got here, he felt some pressure for the first time, and the speed of cracking outside has increased several times compared with before!

"Master, is there something going on outside?" Feng Yao said with a light smile. Master Tianhen nodded slightly: "Well, there are some conditions outside!"

"According to the pressure, there are three or four hundred more immortal-level powerhouses and 20,000 immortal-level powerhouses outside." Master Tianhen said quietly.

Yin Xiao and the others took a breath of cold air. Some people in Shenchu ​​City were full of confidence. At this moment, they were also worried when they heard Master Tianhen's words!

"Master, then you" Feng Yao hesitated and asked. Tianhen said softly: "It's okay, I can withstand this little pressure!"

"Thank you, Master." Yin Xiao said with emotion, so many powerful attacks, if it weren't blocked by Master Skyscar, then the rest of them would not be able to stop it for too long!

"Unfortunately, the strength has not been restored, otherwise, the old man will be blocked here, even if their strength is ten times stronger, they will never want to break through!" Master Tianhen said proudly.

For example, Master Scar’s strength is only restored to Level 2 Immortality, and the time can only be accelerated by a thousand times without affecting the cast. If his strength is fully restored, then he can cast the Stigmata technique faster and can withstand a higher time. Speeding up, 10,000 times is definitely no problem, Master Tianhen's words are really not bragging!

Three hundred, four hundred, and five hundred years, Chu Feng and the others happily gained the power of time, but there were not many of them in Longyang who were in a good mood!

Five thousand immortal-level powerhouses, 20,000 immortal-level powerhouses, have not broken the restriction for such a long time, as if the restriction was endless!

Counting from the time Chu Feng left the Yin world to the side of Baihu City, the time has passed thousands of years. After thousands of years, the prohibition of the Baihu tribe here has not been broken, and Luohe in the Yin World still did not come out of the Yin Soul City. After thousands of years, they had entered. Of the hundred people, none came out of it!

The people inside don’t know how many people died, but the people outside know it. When Luohe and the others entered inside, they all left a piece of soul jade slips outside. Now outside of Ghost City, Luohe left a hundred pieces of jade slips. Seventy-nine pieces have been broken, one hundred people, only 21 people are still alive!

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