Holy Prison

Chapter 1874: The war is coming

"Venerable Ice, Venerable Formation, are you hiding something from us?" Long Yang frowned slightly.

Venerable Formation sighed softly: "Brother Longyang, the Baihu clan found the power of time, and besides, we suffered a big loss on that side this time!"

"The power of time?" Long Yang's eyes flashed, "Suffers, what have you lost? Make it clear!"

While Long Yang was speaking, many powerful people in the temple gathered around, and many powerful people who had not gathered around looked at them.

"The space where the Baihu clan is located is a hole in the sky. The inside was destroyed when we entered, but there was still some power of time! The sky in the hole was divided into two parts. The outer layer did not have the power of time, and the inner layer had it. We left eighty. An immortal-level powerhouse and a thousand immortal-level powerhouses are in the outer space, and the outermost Chen Lin brought thirty immortality-level powerhouses to guard them, but" the venerable array showed helplessness on his face when he said that.

Long Yang's face was green and authentic: "Those people were all captured or killed by Chu Feng and others?" "Not killed, all of them were captured!" Venerable Zhen said.

"Damn it!" Long slapped his palm against the sky, and the sky shook violently under his palm. "Brother Longyang, I haven't finished talking yet." Venerable Formation said.

"We chased it out. Three minutes after we chased it out, we felt that Chu Feng and the others might have deliberately moved us away and returned immediately, but they didn't expect to be able to enter the space inside." Venerable Formation said, "Chu Feng and the others destroyed the space inside. Moreover, it is estimated that a bomb was planted in it, and that hole of heaven and earth shattered to form a black spot. The black spot expanded and swallowed our 3,000 people. Among them, there are more than 30 indestructible powerhouses!"

"What" Long Yang said angrily.

"That said, if three thousand people were lost, that space with the power of time was also destroyed." Long Yang's expression was extremely ugly at this time!

"Yeah!" Venerable Formation nodded slightly.

Long anode was so angry that a mouthful of blood surged and almost spurted out a mouthful of blood in front of so many people. "Good, good, good! The sneak attack on the Most Holy Mountain, destroyed the Most Holy Mountain, transferred us to this side, and caused the loss of so many people on the side of the White Tiger clan, good, good, good!!!" Long Yang said several times A good word, it means that he has become extremely angry!

"Venerable Formation, Venerable Ice, and all the elders, everyone gather here, let's discuss it, it's a shameful shame, it's a shameful shame!" Long Yang said coldly.

Soon all the elders of the holy temple gathered in a fairy mansion built by the dragon anode. Before the holy king meeting was opened in the holy mountain, now the holy mountain is destroyed, only in immortal In the house.

Otherwise, everyone can sit on the floor and hold an open-air conference.

"Oh, little Yang, don't cry, don't cry" When Longyang and the others were so angry that they were vomiting blood, Chu Feng was holding Chu Yang happily and teasing.

"Chuck" was teased by Chu Feng, and Chu Yang, who had just flew into a mountain and hit a little bit pain, immediately turned to cry to laugh. "You little guy." Chu Feng squeezed Chu Yang's little nose and said, "Little guy, don't you learn how to fly before you grow up? No hurry."

"Daddy, if you want to learn, I want it" Chu Yang said in a gruff voice. "Okay, okay, then you fly, be careful." Chu Feng said, letting go of Chu Yang.

Without Chu Feng holding Chu Yang, he didn't fall. Although this little guy was only a few hours after he was born, he was already flying better. He hit the mountain before because he was flying too fast.

"Chu Feng, important situation!" Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind. "What is the important situation?" Chu Feng smiled in his mind.

"Abyss powerhouse, tear his face!" Miao Xianer said.

Chu Feng's heart shook: "It seems that this time I really made them angry. If it weren't for some things today, maybe it will take some time for the strong people in the abyss to tear their faces. Now that they have torn their faces, Then the battle of the Three Realms has already begun, I have to discuss with Hongshi, and then I have to go back to the God Realm!"

"Qianqian, look at Xiao Yang!" Chu Feng looked at Yin Qianqian beside him. Chu Yang was just born, and Yin Qianqian would naturally not go to practice but would stay with him.

"Husband, is something wrong?" Yin Qianqian asked. Chu Feng nodded: "Well... the man of the abyss has revealed the identity of the abyss, and the battle of the three realms has officially begun!"

Yin Qianqian was startled: "Then you have something to do!"

Chu Yang had already flown out quite a bit, and Chu Feng had already reached another small space as soon as he moved his mind. In a short period of time, Hongjun and others who had reached the immortal level were gathered.

"This is the situation, everyone, do you have any comments or suggestions?" Chu Feng said. Hongjun said: "Chu Feng, maybe we should act separately for a while!"

"By acting separately, we can collect a lot of people. Whether they are parasitized or not, they may turn into our people at that time!"

Pan Gu nodded slightly: "Brother Hong is right. In addition, the Holy Realm, the God Realm, and the Mortal Realm, we should all spread the news of the parasitic abyss!"

Yin Xiao said: "Some of us stay in the Holy Realm, Chu Feng, you should go back to the God Realm. The order of the God Realm and the Mortal Realm needs you to maintain. In addition, there is a lot of time and we should train more people. Although the temple did not get much time power, but also got some, the angel plan and the steel plan, before it took 60,000 to 70,000 years to complete the preliminary, now maybe 30,000 years of time, the two plans may be initially completed! "

"Act separately?" Chu Feng frowned slightly, and if he acted separately, there might be some casualties. "Chu Feng, the most sacred mountain has been destroyed, and it cannot be established in this short period of time. Even if it is separated, it is not that dangerous. Moreover, it is necessary to take some risks at this time." Su Han said.

Chu Feng nodded and said, "Well, separate actions, but only the strong who reached the immortal level will be dispatched. It is not so easy for the strong who reached the immortal level to die!"

"The most important thing for decentralized action is to ensure your own safety; the second most important thing is to spread the news of the parasitic of the abyss; the third most important thing is to arrest people! We have not many strong people of the immortal level, hope At that time, there shouldn’t be less of one! Those who have reached the fourth level of immortality can act alone, and those who have reached the first and third levels of immortality, do not act alone if they act together! Master, you should not participate in this, and come to you Said, the most important thing is to restore the cultivation base!"

"Finally, this action only lasts ten years. After ten years, no matter what the situation is, if you open the channel to the lower realm to go to Shenguang City, who of you does not have enough void stones?" Chu Feng said.

Four hundred people, many of them raised their hands, and Chu Feng's thoughts moved one by one spatial ring to appear in front of the immortal powerhouses who raised their hands.

Hongjun said: "Everyone will leave a piece of soul jade slip here, Chu Feng can know what happened, if you are not dead and trapped by then, it will be more convenient to have a piece of soul jade slip to rescue!"

There was no objection to Hongjun's proposal, and soon four hundred soul jade slips were collected by Chu Feng. "Everyone, good luck." Chu Feng said and instantly he and the indestructible powerhouses appeared outside.

In a short period of time, Hongjun and the others, one by one, the indestructible powerhouses, disappeared in all directions, and the space key appeared in Chu Feng's hand. He also disappeared when the space key swiped to open the door of space.

The next moment, Chu Feng appeared in the God Realm Divine Light City. "Weishi, come and see me!" Chu Feng's voice just appeared in the Chu Mansion of Shenguang City and immediately sounded in the hands of Wei Shi, the person in charge of Shenchu ​​City.

Wei Shi, the strength of the middle saint, he was the entourage that Chu Feng exchanged from the holy prison space. In the past, Shenguang City was managed by Chu Long and the others. Now Chu Long and the others are training in his treasure space. Shenchu ​​City naturally needs a new manager. Wei Shi Chufeng has known him a long time ago, and he is in the outer tower. The relationship is good when

Although even those with poor relationships must obey Chu Feng’s orders obediently to redeem them, Chu Feng still likes to redeem the followers who have a good relationship with him for this kind of management. For the kind of very dangerous things, they have to redeem those with high crime value. He looked at the unhappy entourage, he would not have any psychological burden when he died!

"Boss!" Wei Shi quickly approached Chu Feng and saluted. Chu Feng smiled slightly: "Weishi, how is the situation on the God Realm side in these years?"

"Boss, it's okay before, I just received a little news that some forces have changed! Some forces in the God Realm intend to attack our God Chu City." Wei Shidao.

Chu Feng snorted: "The action is really fast! Wei Shi, immediately spread the news of the abyss parasitic to the entire God Realm and the entire Ordinary Realm!"

"Boss, has the war fully started?" Wei Shi said in shock.

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Almost, go ahead and send the news in the shortest time. In addition, there is a news that people who think they are extremely talented can go to the city of God's Light and have Heaven's Punishment. City or Fairy City, my God’s Beginning City accepts a large number of people with high talent! Note that cultivation is not the key point, the important thing is high talent!"

"Yes, boss!" Wei Shi disappeared instantly as he said. "The war is coming a little faster!" Chu Feng rubbed his temples and sighed softly. Now he is only a first-level immortal cultivation base. If there is a first-level immortal cultivation base, it would be great. If there is such a cultivation base , Will definitely support the one-eyed lion king to fight with the strength of the holy class for a long time!

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