Holy Prison

Chapter 1875: Ghost Order Attribution

"Chu Feng, you still have to seize the time to practice." Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind, "The first-level immortal cultivation base can support the one-eyed war lion fighting with the strength of the holy rank is too short. Up!"

"I know, but there are a lot of things that need to be busy! There is no need to go to the Mortal Realm, and Wei Shi will pass the order over. But the underworld side has to go over."

"It's been more than ten thousand years. The Ghost City must have ended long ago. I don't know how Luohe and the others are doing now." Chu Feng said, "Leave the rest aside first, I have to go to the Underworld first!"

In the underworld, he killed the poisonous dragon Cheriman. Although the poisonous girl had fought with him for a lifetime, if he knew it, he would have troubled Luohe and the others.

In addition, he obtained the left lion pupil and the growth stone from the Purple Jade Demon Lord. Although the Purple Jade Demon Lord Master Luo Shan is a powerful Saint King-level powerhouse, his heart is relatively narrow and he cannot be found. Under the circumstances, Luo Shan and the others may also trouble Luo He and the others!

"Chu Feng, it would be great if you could find the pupil of the right lion king." Miao Xian'er said with a smile.

"Uh...how long will I be able to support after finding me? I don't think it will be able to support it in one-tenth of a second, maybe it won't be used at all! With the right lion pupil, the one-eyed lion king can display the strength of dominance level! The respect can't last long, dominate, that is too far away," Chu Feng said.

"Master, what you said is right. If your cultivation base does not reach the immortal level, it will not be able to support my mastering level! Even if you reach the first-level immortal cultivation base, it is estimated that you will support one. Seconds, and there will be a lot of time after using it once!" The one-eyed lion king's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind.

"One second... Lion King, what can one second do?" Chu Feng said. The one-eyed lion king smiled and said: "Master, one second is enough to kill a powerful master of the holy king class! If it is to deal with a powerful master of the holy king class, one second is enough to remove two indestructible ones. The strong are completely beheaded!"

"Furthermore, if you are really in danger, I can take you a long distance in a second!" The one-eyed lion said.

Chu Feng nodded slightly, one second is not long, but even one second of time can explode the strength of the dominance level.

Only now, God knows where to get the pupil of the right lion king, and he is still only one level of immortality, reaching the first level of immortality, it will take no less time!

When the cultivation base is relatively low, it can progress faster, but when it reaches the immortal level, the progress will be very slow. Even with the power of time, Chu Feng estimates that it will take at least 200,000 years to arrive. One level is immortal! In 200,000 years, if the force of time in the Immortal grade accelerates by an average of 300,000 times, the time acceleration training time will be 60 billion years, and there is no problem with the state of mind. With the talent of Chu Feng, 60 billion years It is quite possible to reach the first level of immortality!

"I hope I can get the pupil of the right lion king earlier." Chu Feng said, he left Shenguang City in the blink of an eye. He left to go to the underworld, and the underworld has a lot to deal with!

Aunt Poison, Chu Feng knows that she is a cruel person. If this person can solve it, then it's best to get rid of it!

The Purple Jade Demon Lord and Luo Shan, even if they don’t look for Chu Feng, Chu Feng wants to find them. The Purple Jade Demon Lord lost the left Lion King pupil to him. Perhaps the Purple Jade Demon Lord knew where the right Lion King pupil was. If you get the pupil of the right lion king, then as long as you seize the time to reach the immortal level, when the one-eyed lion king has the power of the dominance level, it can block and kill the gods and Buddhas!

There is also Zhang Xu. Zhang Xu got the treasure of time. Zhang Xu is not a friend but an enemy. If he is a friend, Chu Feng is not easy to grab the treasure of time, but if the enemy does not grab a good treasure, it is simply for himself. Ask for trouble. Such an enemy must be eliminated earlier. If time was not tight at the beginning, Chu Feng would definitely chase Zhang Xu until he was completely killed!

In addition, the ghost order doesn't know who is in the hands. If it is in the hands of the enemy, it must be dealt with. If Luohe and the others get the ghost order, it will be great!

In the Netherworld, a Netherworld Road that is not too far from the City of Life and Death, Chu Feng and some ghosts appear on this Netherworld Road, converging aura.

"What are you doing out, hurry back to Nether Road!" Chu Feng left from Nether Road, and suddenly an electric whip was drawn towards him. "Set!" Chu Feng said lightly, and the electric whip was set there all at once.

"Look clearly!"

A token appeared in Chu Feng's hand and shook it in front of the little official who controlled the Netherworld Road. "My lord, I am confused." The little official was shocked when he saw the token in Chu Feng's hand.

The order of life and death, Chu Feng's hand is the order of life and death, this token is the token of the city of life and death, there are not too many people in the city of life and death, and the order of life and death in Chu Feng's hand is still a higher-level life and death order!

"My lord, are you from the City of Life and Death?" The little official said with some envy and awe. Chu Feng's heart moved, even if he was from the city of life and death, this little official shouldn't show such obvious admiration and awe. In such a situation, perhaps something happened in the city of life and death when he left.

"I have been away from the City of Life and Death for a while, and tell me about the recent situation in the City of Life and Death." Chu Feng said some You Yuan and threw it out.

"Yes, sir." The little official's eyes lit up, "sir, please, sit down there, and the little one slowly tells you that although the little one has low strength, he still knows a lot!"

Chu Feng moved to a small bamboo forest next to him and sat down. This little official was also more enjoyable, and the environment here was good.

"My lord, today's City of Life and Death, that is amazing. Although the City of Life and Death does not claim to be the number one power in the Underworld, everyone knows that it is difficult for other forces to compete with the City of Life and Death!" said the young official. A look of surprise appeared in Chu Feng's eyes: "What is going on, tell me in detail."

"Yes, yes!" The little official nodded again and again, "My lord, things have to be told from Ghost City. People who entered Ghost City a thousand years ago came out. "

"Wait a minute." Chu Feng interrupted, "You said the talents who entered the Ghost City a thousand years ago came out?"

"Yes, my lord, the people who entered the Ghost City used to stay for a few years, but this time, those who entered the Ghost City stayed for ten thousand years! One hundred strong went in, ninety-one strong The person died inside, and only nine people came out alive!" said the young official.

Chu Feng's expression changed, only nine people came out alive, but five people entered the City of Life and Death.

"Among the nine people, all the five who entered the City of Life and Death came out alive, and one person got a City of Life and Death. It's really amazing!"

"Hu" Chu Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief. All of the nine people and five came out alive! "Why can all the five people in the city of life and death appear among the nine people?"

The little official said: "I don't know the details, but they can come out because they killed more than 10,000 evil spirits inside! After slaying 10,000 evil spirits, you can get a ghost order, and have a ghost order. The strength can be much higher. There is no problem in it for 10,000 years. If you don’t get the ghost order, even if you kill more than 10,000 evil spirits, it will be very difficult to get out of there in the end alive. Among the 100 people who entered it, the indestructible level powers accounted for half. About fifty immortal level powerhouses entered, only three immortal level powerhouses came out alive!"

"Who came out alive?" Chu Feng said.

"The five people in the city of life and death, this adult must know. The other four are the emperor of life and death, the holy king of Luoshan, the nether warlord, and the cultivation base of only a middle saint, Zhang Xu, this man may not know, Zhang Xu was lucky to get a treasure of time! When the nine people came out of the ghost city, someone tried to grab Zhang Xu's ghost order, but Zhang Xu got out under the eyes of everyone. It’s not clear if there was any injury, but in that case How strong it is to get out of it!"

A cold light flashed in Chu Feng's eyes, and the Saint King Luoshan and Zhang Xu both got the ghost order. This is not good news for him. Both of them are enemies!

The Saint King Luoshan was originally a powerhouse of the Saint King level. If he could exert the power of the Ghost Order, then even the powerhouse of the Saint King level would not be his opponent, and Zhang Xu would possess the treasure of time and his strength. The upgrade should be faster, if it reaches a higher strength, the ghost order still has time to troublesome treasures in hand, perhaps it will not be smaller than the Luoshan Saint King!

The information of the other two people, Chu Feng, was also clear. The Great Emperor of Life and Death was one of the few Great Emperors in the Yin Realm, possessing the terrifying strength of the Holy Sovereign Class!

Nether Warlord’s words, although only a fifth-level immortal cultivation base, this person has extremely high combat power, even if he fights with the holy king, he will not be weak.

"My lord, there is a strange thing. In the hands of several adults in the city of life and death, the ghostly command can now exert its tyrannical power, but in the hands of other adults, it seems that the power it exerts is relatively small. There were a lot of powers on the side of the ghost city. The man wanted to **** the ghost orders from the adults in the city of life and death, but many immortal-level powerhouses and immortal-level powerhouses were controlled by the adults in the city in a very short period of time, and the adults left safely!"

Chu Feng said: "The wood show in the forest wind will blow, is there any trouble in the City of Life and Death?" "My lord, the five people in the City of Life and Death received the ghost order, and they were tyrannical for a while, but now there are many in the underworld. The people are ready to deal with the city of life and death, this, I don't know the specific situation." The little official said.

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