Holy Prison

Chapter 1899: none of your business?

Chu Feng said faintly: "Nether Warlord, when did the Yin Realm have such rules? The Shadow Soul Order is not available to the people of the Yang Realm who belong to the Yin Realm, and the Dark Warlord, are you sure you are not telling a joke."

"The ghost has made me get it. I love to keep it and keep it by myself. I love it to others and give it to others. I love to throw it in any corner. It's up to you."

When Chu Feng said these words, many people were slightly dazed. They didn't expect that Chu Feng would be so domineering in the underworld... Yes, it was domineering! That's the Nether Warlord, some people dare to say to him, "It's your shit."

The Nether Warlord stayed for a while and then laughed wildly: "Okay, it's a shit, I'll see what kind of strength the master of God's Beginning City has in the underworld!"

"Netherworld, Brother Chu is my friend. If you want to fight with him, pass my level first!" The Samsara Emperor stepped forward. As he stepped forward, terrible pressure erupted from him, and many people Feeling that terrifying pressure, I involuntarily stepped back a bit!

The Great Emperor of Life and Death said indifferently: "Brother Samsara, this is a matter between our Yin and Yang realms. You are a person from the Yin realm. I don't think it is particularly suitable for shooting!"

"The Great Emperor of Life and Death, I advise you not to say too much. The lives of some powerful people in your Hao family are still in the hands of Chu Feng." The Great Emperor Samsara said quietly, "You make him angry, there is no benefit! You Ming, I advise you not to In the chaos, Brother Chu was able to arrest Luo Shan and some other people, you think you can’t deal with you.”

The Nether Warlord said solemnly: "Brother Samsara, in front of so many people, Chu Feng said something like my shit, do you think it can be uncovered like this?"

Chu Feng said indifferently: "Netherworld Warlord, how do you say such nonsense by yourself, don't blame others for not giving you face! If you are not convinced, we can fight here today, bet on other things, or bet Fate, whatever you choose! If I don't agree, I will be your grandson!"

It was on fire, and Chu Feng was really a bit on fire at this time. He estimated that Chu Feng was too low-key in the underworld, and now the Nether Warlord has stepped on his head!

In many cases, low-key is good, but nowadays, low-key is not too good. Under the low-key situation, many people hit his idea, and many people hit Luohe their idea!

If this is the case, then Chu Feng chose to make a high-profile fight against the Nether Warlord. Chu Feng is still very confident, but he has to use a variety of methods to succeed!


When Chu Feng said that, there was an uproar at the scene. They really did not expect that Chu Feng would release such words. The Nether Warlord is a Saint King-level powerhouse, and he is also a Saint King-level powerhouse with a ghost order, although his ghost order The integration with oneself is not very good, but the strength is also extremely powerful!

"Okay, okay, okay!" Three good words popped out of the Nether Warlord’s mouth, and an astonishing fighting intent burst out of his body. Many people around him felt that the astonishing fighting intent was a little bit away. If not, If you get out of the way, people with lower strength may be directly shattered by that amazing fighting spirit!

"I am not a person who disregards the overall situation. The Yang Realm still needs you. I will not let you die. However, I will let you learn a lesson. Be a human being. Don't be too arrogant!" Nether Warlord said coldly, "Since you don't Take your life, then we will bet something, if you lose, your ghost order will belong to me!"

Chu Feng nodded: "Yes, if you lose." "Joke, I am a saint king-level powerhouse, and I will lose to you an immortal-level little guy" Nether Warlord disdainfully said, and he did something about Chu Feng in his heart. Things are quite admirable, but one yard goes to one yard, he doesn't care about Chu Feng's strength!

Many people in the Yin Realm of Chu Feng's combat power know that it must be very strong, but combat power and strength are two different things!

"What if?" Chu Feng said indifferently, with black corpse secret poison, holy prison heavy artillery, and the mask of the lion king, Chu Feng knew that he could not fail, at most he wasted more power!

"If I lose, leave it at your disposal!" Nether Warlord said solemnly. He had 100% confidence in himself, so he dared to say such words!

Chu Feng smiled slightly: "I don't want to ask too much. If you lose, I want you to be my subordinate for 10 billion years and I will be sent by me. Are you willing to be in front of so many powerful people? Think about it, if you don’t want to, you can bring it up now, if you agree, and if you go back then, it is estimated that you will be cast aside by countless people in the underworld!"

"Hmph, I should!" Nether Warlord hesitated slightly before responding. In front of so many people, it is impossible for him to back down. If he backed down, wouldn't it be because he had no confidence in winning Chu Feng in his heart.

Moreover, the Nether Warlord didn't think that Chu Feng had the strength to beat him. Chu Feng was just such a cultivation base, even if he had the innate treasure, he couldn't beat him! Even with a powerful one-time treasure, with his strength, even the attack of a holy master can handle a lot of time!

"Wait a minute, Chu Feng, before you fight, please remove the poison from the members of my Hao family, don't you have the ability to detoxify when you are seriously injured!" The Great Emperor said.

Chu Feng looked at several immortal-level powerhouses beside the Great Emperor of Life and Death. When he thought, a wisp of secret poison from the black corpse floated out of them in the blink of an eye and sneaked into the body of the Nether Warlord. If outside, perhaps Nether The King of War can still find out, but among these billion Yin Mountains, his sacred consciousness has been affected a bit!

"Poor fellow." Miao Xian'er said in Chu Feng's mind. If the black corpse secret poison can't infiltrate smoothly, then Chu Feng will have to spend a lot of hands and feet. At this moment, the black corpse secret poison has successfully sneaked into the Nether Warfare. In Wang's body, although he can't save his life, it can affect his strength!

If the Nether Warlord’s strength is not affected, even if Chu Feng uses the Lion King mask for four or five minutes, he will definitely not be able to win the Nether Warlord. However, if the Nether Warlord’s strength is affected and cannot display the strength of the Holy King, then The strength of the one-eyed lion king saint-class level can completely defeat the Nether Warlord in four or five minutes!

"The Great Emperor of Life and Death, what you just said made me feel upset. When I feel up, let me detoxify them. Don't worry, they won't die temporarily!" Chu Feng said calmly.

An anger flashed in the eyes of the Emperor of Life and Death, but seeing Chu Feng's plain appearance, the Emperor of Life and Death was stunned to suppress the anger in his heart. "Chu Feng is not so easy to offend now" The Emperor of Life and Death secretly said in his heart, the Emperor of Reincarnation and Chu Feng had a good relationship. In addition, the City of Life and Death was also good with Chu Feng. The City of Life and Death, five people control the ghost order!

"Nowadays, the fusion of the Shadow Soul Token is not high, and I am only in control of a Shadow Soul Token. I still have to find a way to get one or two more Shadow Soul Tokens. Then the strength of my Hao Family can be greatly improved!

Suppressing his anger, the Great Emperor of Life and Death snorted: "City Lord Chu, I hope that there will be no accidents in my Hao family. If they happen, I will not be polite!"

"Chu Feng, is it all right" Nether War King said solemnly. Chu Feng gave a slight point: "Friends who are watching the excitement, please leave a little bit!"

In a short period of time, the many people around Chu Feng immediately retreated to the surrounding area. Those with higher strength would retreat less. When the strength was low, they would retreat very far. A strong man like the Nether Warlord did it. Probably not much energy will overflow, but if you are not afraid of 10,000, you are afraid of it!

If the attack of the Saint King-level powerhouse fell on the body, there would be no reason to die!

"Nether Warlord, within three minutes, if you don't give up, I will kill you. I do what I say! So, if you want to survive, remember to give up within three minutes!" Chu Feng said in a deep voice. Dao, he said that his toes flew up a little bit, and at the moment he flew up, a golden light shot from his arm in the blink of an eye, the one-eyed lion king appeared under him!

As soon as the one-eyed lion king appeared, it was a symbolic roar. As soon as the roar came out, the one-eyed lion king's momentum rose rapidly, and within a few tenths of a second, the one-eyed lion king's momentum had already overwhelmed the Nether Warlord's momentum!

A saint king, a saint, a saint king-level powerhouse is extremely powerful, and a saint king-level powerhouse who has obtained a ghost order like the Nether Warlord is more powerful, but his aura is still no better than that of the one-eyed lion king! In terms of aura alone, even the great saints like the Samsara Emperor, Life and Death, are no better than the one-eyed lion king!

The lion king mask is the weapon of control. Although the lion king now lacks the right lion king pupil, the one-eyed lion king still has an advantage in front of the Samsara Emperor and others!

Holy class!

Except for the great Samsara who knew that Chu Feng had a one-eyed war lion for a long time, the eyes of everyone else were shocked. They didn't expect Chu Feng to have such a powerful battle pet!

Battle pets are also part of their strength. This is a common rule in both the Yin and Yang worlds, although Chu Feng's battle pets are a bit different from ordinary ones!

"Holy Sovereign-level, what about it? Even if you have a Sovereign-level battle pet, you are not eligible to be mad in front of me!" Nether Warlord sneered as he said that a pitch-black giant sword appeared in his hand. Although a giant sword is not the innate treasure, it will not be much weaker than the innate treasure after the countless upgrades in the battle with the Nether Warlord!

Originally, he was not prepared to give his full strength. At this time, the Nether Warlord tried his best to hold the sword in both hands and slaughtered it towards Chu Feng. This sword, if the opponent is a level five or six indestructible powerhouse, then It is possible to kill them with one sword!

The sword of the Nether Warlord was blocked by the right paw raised by the One-eyed Lion King. The strength of the Sovereign-Class was not a joke. The sword of the Nether Warlord was doing his best, but it was only above the right paw of the One-eyed Lion King. A small wound was left, and that wound disappeared in a blink of an eye!

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