Holy Prison

Chapter 1900: Zhan Youming

When Nether Warlord was about to go out with his second move, Chu Feng opened his mouth and said faintly, "Puff!" Nether Warlord spouted out a mouthful of blood, and many parts of his tyrannical body were shattered by chaotic power. The lasing shot made his clothes red!

Chu Feng had a good timing at this time. When the Black Corpse Secret Poison broke out, it was just when the Nether Warlord was about to attack. The sudden outbreak of the Black Corpse Secret Poison made part of the Nether Warlord’s power out of control and broke out in his body! The power that loses control doesn't care whether the Nether Warlord is their master or not, and the Nether Warlord suffers relatively heavy damage in an instant!

Taking advantage of your illness and wanting your life, the One-eyed Lion King did not look at this moment. Seeing the Nether King was injured, a golden light in the eyes of the One-eyed Lion King instantly hit the Nether King, and then the One-eyed Lion King rushed forward to the right. The palm of the Nether Warlord's head was slapped fiercely!

The Nether Warlord's body is very powerful, but there is still a gap compared with the one-eyed war lion. If the one-eyed war lion slaps the head fiercely, even if it is not slapped, the head will be photographed blood and blood!

The Nether Warlord screamed and retreated a lot in an instant, and then a sixth-level immortal strong in his ghost order blocked him, "Bang!" The palm of the one-eyed lion king slapped the sixth-level immortal. In the powerhouse, the sixth-level immortal powerhouse was prepared in the ghost order, but the saint-level powerhouse was too heavy!

Like a cannonball, the sixth-level immortal strongman was shot out tens of thousands of meters. Along the way, the sixth-level immortal strongman's face became very pale with several mouthfuls of blood!

The Nether Warlord retreated quickly while suppressing the black corpse secret poison in his body, but the one-eyed war lion roared, and the power of the Nether warlord to suppress the black corpse secret poison was shaken away by the one-eyed war lion! As soon as the power to suppress the secret poison of the black corpse dissipated, the Nether Warlord's face went dark. This was not because of his anger, but the influence of the secret poison of the black corpse!

"Nether King, not Chu Feng's opponent."

The battle was going too fast, and there was a lot of it mentioned above, but in fact, it was only a few seconds, a few seconds, and those who watched it came to this result.

After being hit by the secret poison of the black corpse, and injured before, many people who watched the battle could see that the strength of the Nether Warlord had dropped to the level of only four or five levels of immortality!

With an immortal level of four or five, can it last for four minutes in the hands of a Saint-level powerhouse? This is obviously impossible, and Chu Feng didn't make any movements while sitting on the back of the lion king. God knows if he has any powerful means!

For the sixth-level indestructible powerhouse that Nether Warlord has brought out, it would be more difficult to regain combat power within a half-minute of the heavy palm of a one-eyed war lion!

The Nether Warlord has created an immortal-level powerhouse again. This immortal-level powerhouse is only a fifth-level immortal strength, and it is also powerful, but it is far behind the holy-level powerhouse!

The one-eyed lion king shot out with a palm, and the attack of the fifth-level indestructible powerhouse was instantly shattered. After shattering those attacks, a faint energy palmprint fell on the fifth-level indestructible-level powerhouse and immediately let that one The fifth-level immortal-level powerhouse was seriously injured. The gap between the fifth-level immortality and the holy-level powerhouse is really big!

If there are several fifth and sixth level indestructible powerhouses attacking together, it can deal with the saint-level powerhouse, but a fifth-level or sixth-level indestructible level powerhouse will definitely be very difficult against the upper saint-level powerhouse. Defeated in a short period of time Of course, if there are powerful treasures in the hands of the fifth or sixth indestructible powerhouse, that is another matter!

The black corpse secret poison used by several indestructible level experts in the Hao family can poison a dozen or so indestructible level experts. Before, it only poisoned five people and the Nether Warlord was only six people. At this time, Chu Feng Yiyin, a wisp of dark corpse secret poison emerged from two of those people's bodies and instantly entered the body of the fifth-level immortal strong and the sixth-level immortal strong that the Nether Warlord had made. Inside.

The Nether Warlord still has power that is not weak. If he fights with the fifth-level immortal-level powerhouse and the sixth-level immortal-level powerhouse, Chu Feng will also have a lot of trouble. The black corpse secret poison enters those two. This kind of trouble can be solved within the body of the strong. With the black corpse secret poison, the fifth-level immortal strong and the sixth-level immortal strong have no power to help the Nether Warlord!

With the Shadow Soul Token, the Nether Warlord can control the strong, but the degree of integration is not high. Chu Feng estimated that he also controlled the fifth-level immortal strong and the sixth-level immortal strong, even if he still controls some , Will definitely not exceed the five-level immortal strength!

The One-eyed Lion King slapped it out quickly. Although the Nether Warlord tried his best to resist, how could he resist the fierce attacks of the One-eyed Lion King without the strength of the Saint King now?

With every attack, the strength of the Nether Warlord will be much weaker! "Nether Warlord, if you surrender earlier, you will be less injured, and the possibility of dying in someone else's hands will be less. Otherwise, even if I don't take your life, you will be killed by someone else. Not low!" Chu Feng said indifferently, even during the fierce battle, his voice clearly passed into the Nether Warlord’s mind, "At this time, knowing that you can’t do it is not courage but courage. silly!"

"Time, but one minute has not passed. You are sure you want to stay under the attack of the Lion King for four minutes and then be killed by the Lion King."


Nether Warlord opened his mouth and said, he knew that he had lost, but with his arrogance, it was not easy to say the word "give up" from his mouth.

"Lion King, give him some more courage to admit defeat!" Chu Feng said. What he said was to give Nether Warlord some courage to make the One-eyed Lion King attack the Nether Warlord again.

"Stop, no need!" Nether Warlord took a deep breath. He knew that if he continued to do this, he was likely to be seriously injured and he would be picked up by others. He is the one who possesses the Soul Token, the entire Underworld To say that no one wants to make his idea, no one will believe it!

"I...I lost!" Nether Warlord said in a deep voice. Fortunately, his face is black right now, otherwise the strong might see his face flushed!

Chu Feng smiled indifferently. He received the one-eyed war lion in an instant as he spoke. The time from the beginning to the end of this battle did not make many people around him a little unbelievable.

A Saint-king-level powerhouse, and a Saint-king-level powerhouse in control of the ghost order, was so defeated by Chu Feng! From beginning to end, it seemed to those people that Chu Feng had sat on top of the one-eyed lion king, and even the weapon had not appeared.

The Nether Warlord stared at Chu Feng fiercely. This battle was the most awkward battle he had fought in his life. He, a Saint King-level powerhouse, was so confused and lost to Chu Feng. This one was just immortal. Grade character!

"Nether King, are you not convinced?" Chu Feng said quietly. The Nether Warlord took a deep breath: "I am dissatisfied with your own strength, but I accept your methods!"

The Black Corpse Secret Poison, the battle pet of the Sovereign level strength, let alone ordinary people, even the Sovereign level powerhouses have no such means. In this battle, the Nether Warlord was not wronged!

"Nether Warlord, since you have lost, you will not forget the previous bet, will you? Starting today, in the next 10 billion years, you will be my subordinate. After 10 billion years, you will be free. !" Chu Feng said with a light smile. The Nether Warlord snorted coldly: "I'm not someone who can't afford to lose. Since I lost, I will fulfill the bet!"

"Very good!" Chu Feng nodded slightly, his mind moved, and the Nether Warlord instantly felt the black corpse secret poison in his body quickly disappear!

The black corpse secret poison in the bodies of the two immortal powerhouses controlled by the Nether Warlord also disappeared instantly and arrived at the Nether Warlord's side. "Recover your injuries first!" The Nether Warlord said with a wave of his hand that the two immortal level powerhouses immediately entered his ghost order.

"Chu Feng" Nether Warlord was interrupted by Chu Feng just as he uttered the word Chu Feng. "Nether Warlord, do you have such a subordinate, just call my name?" Chu Feng said solemnly, "I don't want you to be the master. Starting today, in the next 10 billion years, you will call my master. Alright! Ten billion years later, if you have the ability to challenge me, I welcome it!"

The Nether Warlord’s face changed slightly, but after a few seconds he nodded: “Yes, Lord! Lord, the people present testify that after ten billion years, how will we compare to another game? If I still lose , I will be your subordinate for the next 100 billion years. If I win by then, I only want you to be my subordinate for 10 billion years!"

For 10 billion years, the Nether Warlord believed that Chu Feng's strength could not be improved too much, and that poison, the poisonous Nether Warlord believed that the poison possessed by Chu Feng was definitely not enough to be used for 10 billion years!

Moreover, 10 billion years later, his fusion with the Ghost Order must be extremely high. By then, he can control a lot of powerhouses. The Nether Warlord has great confidence that if Chu Feng agrees, he will definitely lose by then!

"Fight again in 10 billion years? No problem." Chu Feng said with a chuckle. In reality, 10 billion years, how many billion years will time accelerate? For such a long time, Chu Feng believed that he must have reached the holy sovereign level at that time, and perhaps the holy prison's level would not be the current sixteenth level but 18th level or even higher!

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