Holy Prison

Chapter 1901: Lord

"After tens of billions of years, I will conquer you, Yixue's shame today!" Nether Warlord roared such words in his heart, and now it is only suitable to say in his heart, after all, he is now Chu Feng's subordinate!

Chu Feng glanced over some powerful people around him: "Everyone, who else thinks that the ghost order belongs to the underworld, and I am not qualified to get the hand? If so, I might as well stand up! But let me make a statement in advance. The anger of the king provoking me is no longer small, if someone provocations again, I might kill someone!"

"Humph!" The Emperor of Life and Death snorted and didn't say much. Others didn't even dare to say anything at this time. Among them, there was no strong man at the holy king level. Yes, but the Nether Warlord was defeated by Chu Feng in less than a minute, they didn't think their strength was stronger than the Nether Warlord!

"No one? Good!"

Chu Feng nodded, "Everyone, now that the abyss is invaded, not only the Yang Realm is invaded by the abyss, but there are also many abyssal powerhouses in the Yin Realm. Such a thing is really not a good time for civil strife. I hope you can Think about this! Luohe, Tang Jian, the city of life and death, and Bu Fright are my disciples. I don’t want anyone to make an idea and hit them. If they have anything wrong, don’t blame me for being ruthless! Luo Shan disappeared, and I want to fight Luo. If the mountain disappears, just try it against Luohe and the others!"

"Nether Warlord, you follow me back to the city of life and death, in the next time, if there is nothing, you will guard the city of life and death for me, if someone attacks the city of life and death, then it is your enemy, understand" Chu Feng turned to face With Nether War King.

The Nether Warlord nodded slightly: "Understand, Lord!"

People who heard a lot of orders like Chu Feng frowned secretly, the strength of the city of life and death was already strong and difficult to conquer, plus a Nether Warlord, it would be even more difficult to conquer!

"Everyone, let me say a few words too." Samsara the Great said at this time. The eyes of those strong men who paid attention to Chu Feng immediately fell on the Samsara Great Emperor.

"I have a good relationship with Brother Chu. His apprentice is also my junior. I hope you don't harass them. Otherwise, don't blame the emperor for being ruthless!" The Great Emperor Samsara's voice was faint, but his voice sounded like thunder. In the hearts of everyone around! "The emperor used to have good strength, and now he has the ghost order and Zhang Xu's time treasure. If anyone wants to try the emperor's strength, he doesn't mind letting him feel it."


The Emperor of Life and Death murmured in his heart that his previous strength was almost the same as that of the Emperor of Reincarnation. After receiving the Ghost Order, his strength was even higher. Now, the Emperor of Life and Death has no confidence to win the Emperor of Reincarnation! Time treasures can display such a strong power in the hands of a low-powered person like Zhang Xu. In the hands of the Samsara Emperor, the power that can be displayed is definitely more terrifying. The Life and Death Emperor estimates that his current attack wants to hurt the Samsara Emperor. It's hard!

The strong people around were silent, and Chu Feng coughed lightly: "Brother Shen, don't scare them. Everyone is smart, and I believe they will make smart decisions! Brother Shen, I Now I'm going to the City of Life and Death, I don't know if you are interested in going to the City of Life and Death, we can have a good drink!"

"Heh...you guy, when you arrive in the city of life and death, you have a lot of time to drink with me? It is estimated that you will return to the world of Yang soon when you get there!" The Samsara Emperor laughed, "Let's separate here, Shen Jiabao and the City of Life and Death are not in the same direction. Next time you go to the Underworld, if you have time, come to Shenjiabao and see!"

"Alright!" Chu Feng nodded, Shen Yue was among the space items of the Great Emperor of Reincarnation now, and Chu Feng didn't have to let Shen Yue come out. After saying a few more words, Chu Feng and the Nether Warlord left quickly. Some members of the Nether Warlord Crow family followed Chu Feng and others, and Chu Feng ignored those people.

"Old ancestor, do you really want to obey Chu Feng for ten billion years?" After leaving the Yi billion Yinshan Mountain, the voice of a strong man from the Cro family resounded in the Nether Warlord's mind.

"Yes, you all go back to me and guard the family. I don't want any problems in the family when I am not in the family." The Nether Warlord said in a voice transmission.

"Old ancestors, but"

"No, but, I'm not someone who can't afford to lose! He didn't have face for Chu Feng for 10 billion years, but if he violated the gambling contract, he would lose face! Today I am defeated by Chu Feng, 10 billion years later. , I definitely won the shame of Chu Feng Yixue today! You guys, roll me back to the family!"

The strong men of the Cro family didn't want the Nether Warlord to become Chu Feng's subordinate and obey Chu Feng's orders for ten billion years, but they also knew that there was no way to save the situation now! This might be one way to kill Chu Feng, but if it is found out that the Cro family did it, then the Cro family’s reputation will drop to a freezing point!

Moreover, with Chu Feng's strength, how could it be so easy to kill Chu Feng, the possibility of being killed by Chu Feng is not small!

"Old ancestor, we are gone, if there is a need to use our place, you can send the old ancestor to the family!" An elder of the Cro family quickly followed Chu Feng and the others away from the billion Yin Mountain. All the strong of the family leave!

Chu Feng glanced at the Nether Warlord: "Nether Warlord, don't you feel very stunned?" "Knowing the advisor." The Nether warlord said with no expression.

"Nether King, did those treasures of mine fall from the sky?" Chu Feng said lightly. Nether Warlord frowned slightly: "Naturally not."

"Then what's wrong with you? You have lived for countless billions of years, and you must understand a truth. Those things are also part of my strength! To tell you the truth, although you are a Saint King-level powerhouse, but, I have the ability to kill you completely. Believe it or not, you didn’t die but you lost. You can still be aggrieved. If you die completely? Do you still have the qualifications to be aggrieved?" Chu Feng said quietly, "You He is a Saint King-level powerhouse, and there are some things that need to be seen thoroughly!"

"You like to fight. Numerous battles have allowed you to reach your current strength, but you are too obsessed with victory! A true strong man is not that he has never failed, but he stands up every time he fails, and goes further Your state of mind is still lacking, otherwise you can have the strength of the noble class!"

The Nether Warlord’s heart was shaken, and if someone said to him in such a case, he would not listen to him at all, but now Chu Feng said that he has no small feelings!

"Thank you!" Nether Warlord said quietly, Chu Feng's words made him feel less resistant to Chu Feng. "No, you will be my subordinate in the next ten billion years. I really hope that you can make a breakthrough in your strength in these ten billion years. If you can reach the holy superior level, a subordinate of the holy superior class, say it. I have face too." Chu Feng said with a light smile.

The Nether Warlord said indifferently: "By the time we will fight again after tens of billions of years, if you lose in my hands, you probably won't have much face!"

"You win me? I'm waiting for that day!" Chu Feng smiled. In tens of billions of years, as long as he gets the pupil of the right lion king, how can the Nether Warlord win Chu Feng even if he reaches the strength of the holy sovereign? At that time, perhaps Chu Feng had the strength to defeat the Nether Warlord without using something like the Lion King mask!

Ten billion years, even if only one tenth of the time is practiced under the power of time, that is one billion years. If the average time acceleration is 500,000 times, the time of one billion years is five trillion years. One trillion years is one epoch, and the time for this universe to exist in this cycle is only tens of thousands of epochs!

The Samsara Emperor may have survived the 500th Era, and the Life and Death Emperor and the Nether Warlord may not have survived the 500th Era. They can reach their current strength within the 500th Era. Chu Feng is fully confident that it will be shorter. Reached the strength of the Lord-level within a period of time! The same Sovereign has different strengths, even if the Nether Warlord reaches the Holy Sovereign Chu Peak by then, he will have the confidence to win the Nether Warlord!

"I also look forward to it." Nether Warlord said solemnly.

Chu Feng and the others went to the City of Life and Death very quickly, and it didn't take long for Chu Feng and the Nether Warlord to have appeared outside the gate of the City of Life and Death.

At this point, Chu Feng caused Bai Wanli in the holy prison space to appear outside, "Master Chu, are we back now? Ah...Nether Warlord." Bai Wanli's face changed drastically, and a kind of thing appeared in his heart. Thinking, wouldn't Chu Feng be caught by the Nether Warlord, this time Bai Wanli was practicing in the holy prison space without knowing the outside world.

"Thousands of miles...The Nether Warlord is now my subordinate for 10 billion years. For a while, he will help guard the city of life and death." Chu Feng said with a light smile.

"Uh" Bai Wanli's face was shocked, but after thinking about the sharp Bai Wanli that Chu Feng dealt with Luo Shan and the others, he was relieved. Luo Shan and the 20 or so immortal-level powerhouses were shortly beaten by Chu Feng. It is not uncommon for the Nether Warlord to lose in the hands of Chu Feng within time!

Catherine, Luohe and others greeted the outside, and the information spread in the underworld quickly. Catherine and the others had already received information from the side of the billion Yinshan Mountain before they returned to the city of life and death in Chu Feng.

"Big sister is big." Chu Feng said with a chuckle, "Does the City of Life and Death need help from the Nether Warlord? If not, I will send him away!"

"Need, of course!" Catherine smiled and said, there is a strong man like the Nether Warlord to help guard, she can't ask for it! As for the King of the Netherworld to kill the city of life and death, Catherine knows better about the King of the Netherworld. I believe that he is not such a person. If it is the emperor of life and death, then Catherine really dare not accept it!

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