Holy Prison

Chapter 1902: Return to the sun

The city of life and death, the courtyard where Chu Feng is located.

"Nether Warlord, this one is for you!" Chu Feng said, as he said a jade bottle appeared in his hand, and there was a ray of green time power in the jade bottle.

The green power of time contains the power of one hundred thousand years of time. If you use it, the Nether Warlord’s injury can definitely be recovered, and his integration with the ghost order will be much higher. By then, you will control two or three more immortal grades. There is no problem.

"this is?"

Nether Warlord reached out his hand and took the jade bottle, and in an instant he knew some information. "This, this is the power of time, speed up a thousand times!" Nether Warlord said in shock.

Chu Feng said indifferently: "Yes, this is the power of time that accelerates a thousand times. It contains the power of one hundred thousand years. It can recover your injury in the shortest time, and it can also allow you to integrate with the ghostly order. A lot of improvement in a relatively short period of time!" "Master, did you get the treasure at that time?" The Nether Warlord moved his eyes from the jade bottle and fell on Chu Feng.

"This kind of question is not something you should ask." Chu Feng frowned slightly, "Netherworld Warlord, your integration with the ghost order will increase, and your strength will naturally increase. I don't want you to do anything against me. The order comes, if anything, let me know, I will take your life!"

Nether Warlord said solemnly: "As long as your orders are not too outrageous, I will still not violate your orders. If your orders are for me to die or something, then I am sorry!"

"Naturally not like that!" Chu Feng said quietly, "Well, go back to your residence to practice, and call Luohe and the others to let them come over!"

"Yes!" The Nether Warlord nodded and quickly withdrew from the courtyard where Chu Feng was located. He had just left in just ten seconds before Luohe Tang Jianbu's horror appeared in front of Chu Feng.

Luohe and the others saluted respectfully, and Chu Feng's voice came into Bai Wanli's mind outside the courtyard: "Bai Wanli, come in too!"

With ecstasy in Bai Wanli's eyes, he quickly entered the courtyard where Chu Feng was. "Master Chu!" Seeing Chu Feng, Bai Wanli also hurriedly saluted.

"Bai Wanli, do you still want to be a teacher?" Chu Feng said with a light smile.

Bai Wanli is not an idiot. He knelt on the ground when he heard what Chu Feng said, "Of course, Master is on the top, please be worshipped by the disciples!"

Soon, under the gaze of Chu Feng and the others, Bai Wanli knocked out nine beeps. "Bai Wanli, although your strength is higher, you have a priority in getting started. You will be my sixth apprentice from now on. You should know the names of your five seniors. Get up!" Chu Feng said with a light smile.

"Yes, Master!" After Bai Wanli got up, they also bowed to Tang Jian. "Three brothers, four brothers, and five brothers!"

"Sixth Junior Brother... I really can't imagine it, haha!" Bu said with a terrified laugh. Bai Wanli had always been the object of his looking up before, but now he has become his junior!

Bai Wanli's eyes showed a look of helplessness, the first opportunity, the first opportunity, this apprenticeship, concession and shock, they took the opportunity, but they can worship Chu Feng as a teacher, Bai Wanli is also content, as to whether it fell behind Tang Jian and the others , This is not very relevant in his opinion. "Fifth brother, wait a minute, and teach me, brother?" Bai Wanli said.

"Uh" Bu was shocked and waved his hands again and again, "Oh no, no, no, no. Sixth brother, you should be the fourth or third brother, my stomach hurts."

Stomach ache... Chu Feng and the others were speechless, a powerful person with high-level sage strength. They didn't suffer any injuries, were not poisoned, and would have stomach ache.

"Okay, stop making trouble." Chu Feng waved his hand and said, "Originally, I planned to take you away from the Yin Realm to practice in the Yang Realm. Now the situation in the Yin Realm is relatively stable, and it is estimated that you will not leave now! In such a situation, I don’t have to take you away. Your training in the underworld will speed up!"

Chu Feng said that the four spatial rings appeared in his hands and then went to Luohe and the others separately: "The next time you practice with peace of mind, it is best not to leave the city of life and death. If you want to leave, let the Nether Warlord accompany you to leave. , I have explained to him! Is it clear?"

"Clear Master!" Bai Wanli and the others said in unison, the holy knowledge penetrated into the space ring and their faces were shocked. The space ring was the power of time, compared to what Chu Feng gave them last time. The power of time More power of time!

"Okay, I'm leaving!" Chu Feng said that a token appeared, and that token shot out a gray light in a short time and opened the way to the Yang Realm.

The passage was opened, and Chu Feng disappeared into the passage as soon as he moved his figure, and the spatial passage was closed shortly after he left!

"Everyone is going to practice. Our current level of cultivation is too low. We benefit from Master again and again, but we can't help Master at all." Luo He said.

Bai Wanli and the others nodded, and soon the four of them returned to their own secret room to practice.

Yang world, dry cloud.

After coming out of the underworld, Chu Feng appeared in this dry cloud. The last time he left from the underworld, he did not appear in the dry cloud. However, some deviations are normal.

"I don't know what is going on in the Yang Realm." Chu Feng didn't immediately open the door of space and return to the Divine Light City, but converged his aura and quickly reached the city closest to him.

In the past, many cities in the God Realm were relatively detailed, but the city that Chu Feng had reached was full of a touch of murderous air.

"I don't know what is going on in the holy world!"

"Where can I be better? Most of the strong in the holy world are parasitic! Alas, this news has been heard for a few years, but I still can't believe it! Those sages in this universe are strong Why are the people parasitized so much? I don’t know how long such a relatively peaceful day will last!"

"I guess it won’t be too long. Isn’t there an angel plan and a steel plan on the other side of the temple? The holy world is basically occupied by the people of the temple. Mortal Realm! Although the world is big, there may not be a place to escape by then!"

"There is news from the temple that as long as you surrender to the temple, you will not be killed. I don't know if this is true. I heard that some people are preparing to surrender to the people of the temple!"

"Do you want to surrender too?"

"No, no, no, I don't have that kind of thought." A lot of people's eyes fell on themselves. The Emperor God-level powerhouse who said surrender shook his head quickly. He said so, but at this moment in his heart Who knows the idea of ​​surrender even if there is no idea of ​​surrender at this time, if the situation becomes unfavorable, the idea of ​​surrender may arise.

Chu Feng flew from the city gate to the teleportation formation. Along the way, he heard the voices of many people. Now the invasion of the abyss is the most lively news in the entire God Realm!

After leaving the teleportation formation, Chu Feng traveled to several cities. Each city was filled with a faintly murderous atmosphere. Such aura indicated that there were a large number of people in these cities who were not calm, if most of them were calm. A city is filled with a more peaceful atmosphere rather than a solemn atmosphere.

"Chu City, many people in the God Realm lack confidence." Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind. "It's normal. The Holy Realm has ten to twenty million saints. If you add angels with the strength of saints, then the number is estimated to exceed 100 million, 100 million, how many do we account for?" Chu Feng said in his mind.

Chu Feng said that he had already left the city, using the key of space, Chu Feng returned to Shenguang City in the blink of an eye. He wanted to know how many powerhouses came from the Shenguang City side!

In the holy realm, there are also many strong people who have not been parasitized. In the temple, the crazy killing of strong people and the arrest of many are killed, captured and surrendered, but there are definitely some people who have escaped. After being killed and arrested, many of them are likely to have left the holy realm and gained the **** realm!

When he arrived in Shenguang City, Chu Feng immediately sensed a tyrannical aura. The saints of the lower realm can only display the strength of the quasi-sage level in the gods, but their aura can display the same strength as the gods. The quasi-saint-level powerhouses have to be stronger. This has little effect on strength.

"Boss!" Chu Feng appeared in front of Chu Feng as soon as Wei Shi appeared, his appearance looked a little angry. "Weish, his complexion is a bit bad, what's the matter?" Chu Feng chuckled softly, coming out of the Yin world, breathing the air on the side of the Yang world, feeling the strong breath of the strong in Shenguang City, Chu Feng's mood Still very good.

Wei Shi smiled bitterly: "Boss, many uncles from the God Realm have just dealt with the occupation of a woman, and I feel a little unhappy."

"What's the matter?" Chu Feng said solemnly.

"Boss, it's a long story. Let me pass some information directly to you, boss." Wei Shidao. Chu Feng nodded, and in a short time, Wei Shi passed a lot of information into his mind.

Chu Feng slapped heavily on the stone table in front of him, and under the palm of his hand, the good stone table was instantly torn apart: "It's unreasonable, at such a moment, it's almost a death for me to make those things for me. !"

From the information passed by Wei Shi, Chu Feng knew that there were still a lot of saints in the lower realm in the past few years. About 70% of those saints are relatively safe. Although 20% of them have some misbehaviors, they are still within easy reach of Chu Feng. There is still 10%, then entering the God Realm is becoming an uncle!

Many saints may have been accustomed to being uncles before, but at this time they can’t change their previous habits. Some people simply don’t take the warnings of God’s First City in their eyes, and even violate God's First Law in God Light City!

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