Holy Prison

Chapter 1903: Severe punishment

Within a manor in Shenguang City, several powerful saints gathered. This manor originally belonged to an exalted god-level powerhouse, but at the request of several saint powerhouses, that exalted god-level powerhouse could only give up this manor.

On the surface, that god-level powerhouse didn't have much opinion, but he still had the manor that his family had lived in for tens of thousands of years to be let out, so there was really no opinion in his heart?

Dare to be angry, dare not speak, this is the situation of that god-level powerhouse!

"Brother Kun, is it a bit too late to do this today?" In the manor, a blue-clothed young man said, Brother Kun in his mouth is a strong man in his thirties. Now that strong man He held a woman with tears on her face in his arms. This woman was what he just looked like.

As for whether that woman liked him, it can be seen from the tears on that woman's face! "Brother Bai Ming, it's just a woman with the strength of the King God level, an ant-like character, it is her blessing to be able to serve this seat. Shenchucheng can still deal with me for such a bit of ass? During the period, every saint on our side is very important! This woman is not from Shenchucheng, and I am not from Shenchucheng. Shenchucheng can't control me!" That seems to be in my thirties. The man said, kneading his right hand on the woman's chest.

"It feels good, brother Bo Ming, the one I caught a few days ago is also good, do you want to let it out for you to play with? Let's play boldly, there will be no trouble!"

"Brother Bai Ming, it's nothing more than playing with a few ordinary gods." Another human said, he was holding two women from left to right at the moment.

At this moment, a huge voice rang, and the expressions of the several saint experts who were talking changed to stand up. "Which **** ate the bear heart and leopard and dared to hit the door." The man in his thirties shouted angrily, but they knew that someone had kicked the gate of the manor with a kick. Destroyed by violence!

At the gate of the manor, Chu Feng did not enter the manor, and soon several saint-level powerhouses in the manor had appeared in front of him.

The saint-level powerhouses were slightly surprised. They hadn't seen Chu Feng for a few years, but they didn't expect Chu Feng to appear in front of them at this moment.

"Hello Lord City Lord!"

Perceiving the movement on this side, a lot of people gathered on the side where Chu Feng was located in a short time. Among them, there were many saints in the lower realm, and many of them were from the gods who were not sanctified.

"Wu Kun, Wang Bo, Tebala, are you convicted of sin?" Chu Feng said solemnly. The man in his thirties who just came out of the manor is called Wu Kun, an eighth-level mid-level saint. , Not weak; Wang Bo and Tebala came out of the manor together with Wu Kun, Wang Bo's seventh-level middle saint, and Tebala also has the cultivation base of a fifth-level middle saint.

Wu Kun's expression changed slightly: "City Lord Chu, I don't know why we are guilty?" "What is guilty?" Chu Feng snorted coldly. It’s not a sin to kill innocent people in the God Realm at will? It’s not a sin to steal things from people in the first city of my God in secret.”

"City Lord Chu, this... these are all trivial things. There is no need to be so serious, right? I am an eighth-level middle saint. I have taken a fancy to some women and asked them to serve. Why not? As for taking other people's houses, this manor But I bought it with money, can't it be said that it is to take other people's houses? There are also people who kill the gods at will...City Lord Chu, under the saints are all ants, I am a middle saint, kill a few people, what is there? What a fuss?" Wu Kun said solemnly.

"I am not from the first city of God, nor are the people who kill the first city of God, nor the woman who moves, is not from the first city of God, Lord Chu, your hand is too broad, although many of us can survive. You have the credit of City Lord Chu, but we are not yours, City Lord Chu!" Wu Kun said.

Chu Feng's gaze fell on Wang Bo and Tebala: "Wang Bo, Tebala, what do you guys say?" "City Lord Chu, I think Brother Kun is right, everyone is a strong man who cooperates and fights against the abyss. , Although you are stronger than us, we are not yours after all, and you can't control us." Wang Bo said indifferently.

"This...City Master Chu, we have a little mistake, and that little mistake, how can you go into it, City Master Chu?" Tebala chuckled.

Chu Feng said coldly: "If you have some strength, can you bully the weak like that?" "City Lord Chu, in this world, strength is always respected!" Wu Kun said with a light smile.

"Strength is respected? Very good!" Chu Feng said that in an instant twenty or thirty members of the law enforcement team of Shenchu ​​City appeared beside Wu Kun. Each of the twenty or thirty members of the law enforcement team of Shenchu ​​City reached ten. None of the quasi-sage-level ranks is lower than Wu Kun's strength, and several of them have reached the tenth rank and two-star cultivation base!

Twenty or thirty members of the law enforcement team of Shenchu ​​City appeared, and they immediately imprisoned Wu Kun and the three of them! "Didn't you say that strength is respected? My strength is compared to yours." Chu Feng said Yin Ming appeared in his hand, and Wu Kun and the others showed horror in all three eyes, but now they can move their eyes. At once, I can't speak!

"Return to the holy world, return to the holy world!" Wu Kun and the three of them hurriedly said in their hearts, but it took ten seconds to return to the holy world, ten seconds, enough for Chu Feng to kill them thousands of times!

Chu Feng Yinming waved, under the gaze of tens of thousands of people around, Wu Kun and the three middle saints were all beheaded by Chu Feng in just two seconds!

Wu Kun and the others died, and the world changed instantly. The death of a saint with a lower strength in the **** realm would also cause a huge change in the world, but the influence in the holy realm would be much smaller!

Quite a few people were shocked, but the powerhouses of the three mid-level saints actually died so easily in the hands of Chu Feng! "Bo Ming, you have done something wrong too, I hope you can do it yourself. If I find out again, your fate will be the same as that of Wu Kun and the others." Chu Feng's eyes fell on the one who followed Wu Kun and the others. .

"Yes, yes!" Chu Feng saw that Bo Ming's heart was terrified. Fortunately, he hadn't done Wu Kun and the others so excessively, otherwise he would have died now! The powerhouse with the strength of the middle saint is not like the indestructible powerhouse who can be resurrected in the holy world after being beheaded!

"City Lord Chu, too much, right?" A black-clothed old man's face was a little gloomy and authentic, and the aura emanating from him was much stronger than ordinary saints. This black-clothed old man was an indestructible powerhouse, and some were immortal. Level-powered people have not been discovered by the people of the temple, they have not been parasitized. Knowing the news of the invasion of the abyss, there are many immortal level-powered people in the lower realm!

"Although Shenchu ​​City is powerful, but this is too much control!" Another person said, this one is also an Indestructible powerhouse!

There are twenty or thirty indestructible powerhouses in the lower realm on the side of Shenguang City, and now these twenty or thirty indestructible powerhouses have basically gathered on the side where Chu Feng is.

"City Lord Chu, let me say a somewhat rude word, when we traversed the heavens and the earth, you were not born yet! Now you are no more than an immortal cultivation base! God Chu is not yours in God Chu City, the old man thinks, some things, It’s better not to be too lenient in Shenchu ​​City, otherwise it’s not conducive to our unity to deal with the abyss!” Another Immortal-level powerhouse said.

Chu Feng said coldly: "Indestructible, it's amazing. Are there any immortal experts who want to blame Chu for what they did? If so, you might as well speak!"

No one has spoken anymore. There are already three undestructible level experts who have spoken. Those immortal level experts all want to see what Chu Feng handles. As for people below the immortal level, they do not have the qualifications to speak at this time. , They dare not say anything, after all, they are not at the immortal level, in this **** realm, they can easily die!

"I am very disappointed. Our universe is facing such a big trouble now. It's just that you haven't done anything for this universe. You are persecuting people in this universe like those in the abyss! Even if we are united, we can The chances of getting through the difficult times are not very high, you guys are still messing with me!"

The twenty or thirty law enforcement team members who had previously restricted Wu Kun from moving, they immediately imprisoned the three indestructible powerhouses who spoke.

There are three immortal-level powerhouses, one is the fourth-level immortal cultivation base, the second is the immortal cultivation base, and the other is the first-level immortal cultivation base. Even the first-level immortal cultivation base is very powerful. There are so many kinds of beings in the entire universe, but there are also tens of thousands of indestructible powerhouses in the holy world!

"Chu Feng, do you dare to kill us now is the time of civil strife? You are trying to cause a war to break out in our universe!" said one of the three indestructible powerhouses angrily. Chu Feng just told him through voice transmission. Although the three indestructible powerhouses are imprisoned, they can still speak better than the three Wu Kun and the others before!

"Internal strife? There is no internal strife, and it has nothing to do with you!" Chu Feng said. He said that Yin Ming instantly slashed on the three people who did not resist. The immortal-level powerhouse is powerful, but now he is in the God Realm. Among them, the three immortal-level powerhouses were all split into two corpses by Chu Feng and fell to the ground!

"Go!" Chu Feng appeared in the world swallowing gourd, a few wisps of world-killing power appeared in the world swallowing gourd and all of a sudden contaminated the six and a half corpses!

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