Holy Prison

Chapter 1907: War preparation

"Everyone, gather!" Chu Feng's faint voice resounded in the minds of nearly tens of millions of quasi-sage-level powerhouses among thousands of peaks. "My Lord City Lord!"

Many people's eyes lit up, and all the quasi-sage-level experts within those peaks and some of the quasi-sacred-level experts who had not yet become quasi-sacred-level experts but were about to move all moved.

In a short period of time, tens of thousands of strong people have gathered in front of Chu Feng.

Thousands of people are really densely gathered together, and the aura emitted by each person is not strong, but the aura that is gathered is extremely powerful, making Chu Feng feel a kind of heart trembling!

A huge voice rang, and the tens of thousands of powerful people saluted Chu Feng together. These people are all powerful people who belong to the city of God!

"Everyone!" Chu Feng said with a chuckle, "Unexpectedly, I have practiced for some years, and we have so many powerful people in Shenchu ​​City. It is gratifying!"

"Without the help of Lord City Lord, we would never have achieved the strength we are now in such a short period of time!" A Tier 10 quasi-sage-level powerhouse said, this Tier 10 quasi-sage-level powerhouse has a Tier 10 three-star power. Strength is also top-notch among these tens of millions of people.

Chu Feng immediately checked the information of this person. This person was called Pang Lei. His kindness value was much higher than his sin value, and his strength and character were both good.

"Pang Lei, although I have my help, it is inseparable from your efforts." Chu Feng said with a light smile. Pang Lei was slightly taken aback by excitement. He didn't expect Chu Feng to call out his name suddenly. After all, there are too many quasi-sage-level powerhouses in Shenchu ​​City now, and Chu Feng just finished his training.

"Everyone, why are you so urgent to raise your cultivation base, do you know the reason?" Chu Feng said. "Master City Lord, should it be to resist the invasion of the abyss?" Another tenth-level quasi-sage-level expert said loudly, this one who opened his mouth also has the powerful strength of tenth-level three-star, at least in the gods, entering the gods, If you want to have the strength of a tenth-tier three-star, even the indestructible powerhouse needs to be suitable for a long time!

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Yes, it is to resist the invasion of the abyss. More specifically, it is for our lives, for our relatives and friends!"

"Everyone, if the people of the abyss occupy this universe, what do you think will happen to you, your relatives? Either you will be killed directly, or you will become pigs and sheep that can be slaughtered at any time! Even better, you will become slaves to the abyss. Only by begging for mercy can you live humblely!"

"Every one of us has relatives and friends. Can you tolerate your parents being killed at will? Can you tolerate your own wives and daughters being looked upon by the people of the abyss and then possessed? Can you tolerate your friends becoming the womb of the people of the abyss? Shih answered me loudly, can you guys!"


"Absolutely not!"

The earth-shaking sound rang, but the sound only didn't spread out in the area where Chu Feng and the others were located! "His grandmother, the people of the abyss dare to go to the realm, the uncle slapped their heads one by one, if you can shoot a few saints to death by then, it will be worth death!"

"In our universe, the people of the abyss should never want to get involved! At most it is a word of death. Fighting to death is better than being tortured and killed by the people of the abyss!"

"With our blood, if we can fight for a bright future for our children and grandchildren, even if we shed the last bit of blood, it will definitely be worth it!"

"Lord City Lord, is the Man of the Abyss under the realm? If the lower realm is, let us go, Lord Zhou Wen has taught us your tricks, Lord City Lord, and I will kick a saint's Jiezhi!"

The muscles on Chu Feng's face twitched slightly, "Fatty, your uncle, is it bad to say that it is your trick? Just say it is my trick, pity me for the wise," Chu Feng muttered in his heart.

Chu Feng's voice sounded, and within a short time the tens of millions of strong men became quiet. "Everyone, come here today. For the first thing, I will meet with you. It is estimated that some of you have not met me as the city lord, and I have not met some of you. This is not good. From now on, it is the cornerstone of my God Chu City!"

"The second thing, I hope everyone can practice harder, cooperate harder, work harder in normal times, and less dangerous when fighting. You should all understand this! Every one of you, you can say They are all carefully selected. Not only are you highly talented, but your character is also good. I say this to tell you that everyone here is your comrade in arms. If you fight, you can trust you 100%. Your comrades-in-arms! If one of you flees while fighting and disappoints your comrades-in-arms, then the punishment of God Chu City is definitely not light!"

"The third thing, if we win the war at that time, I invite everyone to drink, absolutely fine wine, don't use trash wine to recharge." Chu Feng smiled authentically.

When Chu Feng's words fell, tens of thousands of people suddenly yelled in excitement, among them there were quite a few alcoholics. "Okay, don't scream, disband! Continue to practice, don't think that this kind of power is enough, this kind of power is still far away, let me hurry up and practice, if you don't work hard, everyone will drink when the time comes. At that time, he will watch it!" Chu Feng said.

"Brothers, withdraw!"

Pang Lei roared, and in just three seconds, all the tens of millions of people in front of Chu Feng were completely evacuated and returned to their original places to practice!

"Thousands of people, I don't know how many tens of millions of people here will survive the war." Chu Feng sighed in his heart, and his figure disappeared in this area in the next moment.

Holy Realm, near the place where the original Most Holy Mountain is located.

The previous most sacred mountain was destroyed by Chu Feng and the others. Long anode and the others established a new most sacred mountain not far from the previous most sacred mountain. The new most sacred mountain took Dragon anode and them more than 20,000 years. In terms of the above, this new Most Holy Mountain has more manpower, but compared with the previous Most Holy Mountain, this new Most Holy Mountain is a bit worse.

The reason is very simple. The previous Sacred Mountain Dragon anodes gathered a lot of good things from the strong. They used it before. Some materials used in this new Sacred Mountain are naturally worse. However, Even so, this new most sacred mountain is also extremely terrifying existence!

It can be said that Chu Feng and the others destroyed the Most Sacred Mountain relatively easily, but the newly formed Most Sacred Mountain is definitely not that easy to destroy!

After learning from the previous lessons, Long Yin and the others passed the resolution long ago. No matter what the situation is, there must be no less than 1,000 immortal strong people on the most sacred mountain, and no less than five thousand immortal strong people. In addition, before the temple did not recruit people with the strength of high-level saints, now it recruits a large number of strong people with the strength of high-level saints, and those with the strength of high-level saints will have at least ten thousand guards on the side of the holy mountain!

A thousand immortal-level powerhouses, five-thousand immortal-level powerhouses, and 10,000 high-level saints. This strength is not easy even if the enemy defends an ordinary mountain peak and wants to attack that mountain, let alone, What they guard is a terrifying place like the Most Sacred Mountain! There are so many powerhouses, enough to let most of the power of the Holy Mountain come into play!

"Everyone, gather everyone here today. First, ask you how the angel plan and the steel plan are. I can't wait to see Chu Feng and their crying faces!" Long Yang said in a deep voice, "No. Two things, we have to discuss the matter of attacking the God Realm, whether it is only the manufactured angels and the steel giant beasts that enter the God Realm, or if we attack the God Realm on a larger scale, we will not have any damage and are safer. ."

"In the latter case, gathering powerful forces can destroy the gods to the greatest extent and win the war as quickly as possible!" Long Yang said and looked at Venerable Ice, "Venerable Ice, you are a holy The deputy hall master of the hall, let’s start! You are the angel plan executed, I don’t know how many angels can already fight?"

Venerable Ice said indifferently: "The people in charge of me have got a total of 37,000 four-winged angels and 1,800 seraphs! If the attack time is delayed for another thousand years, then they can have 50,000 four-winged angels. Winged angels, the number of seraphs can reach three thousand! The remaining resources are only enough to make another fifty thousand four-winged angels and two thousand seraphs!"

Four-winged angels, if they enter the God Realm, they probably have the strength of a sixth or seventh quasi-sage level. For the Seraphim, they have the power of a lower saint in the sacred realm, and they can have the strength of a tenth-level quasi-sage when they enter the realm. It's just a tenth rank one star, and it takes a long time in the gods to reach the tenth rank two star strength!

"Venerable Formation." Long Yang's eyes fell on Venerable Formation, and Venerable Formation carried out the Angel Plan and Steel Plan at the same time. "Ah...you guys, I have made fewer angels. Even after a thousand years, there will be only about ten thousand four-winged angels, and one thousand seraphs. But I have made a lot of other things, and the strength is still Yes!" said the venerable array, "you guys, just show you some little things here!"

Venerable Formation said that in an instant a triangular fighter plane appeared above the main hall. The triangle fighter was about 20 meters long and had a wingspan of almost 20 meters.

"This is a falcon. The speed in the lower realm can reach the speed of a tenth-order quasi-sage-level powerhouse. The weapon is a super-power beam. The power in the holy realm can be compared to the blow of a general lower-level sage! With intelligent programs, as long as there is It can execute the order accurately with a clear command! It may be a little bit difficult to fight with the tenth-order quasi-saint-level strong, but the possibility of death under its gunfire when confronted with it below the tenth order is very high!" Venerable Zhenzhen smiled authentically.

"Such Falcons have been manufactured today, with a total of two thousand, and another thousand can be completed within a thousand years!" The venerable array said that the triangular fighter plane disappeared.

The fighter plane had just disappeared. In the blink of an eye, a huge Tyrannosaurus appeared in front of the dragon anode. "This is a Tyrannosaurus. The speed is a little slower, but the strength is huge and the defense is high. It is used to break the defense of the city wall and destroy the city. Not bad." Venerable Formation looked at the tyrannosaurus with a height of thirty or forty meters and smiled, "After a thousand years, the number of tyrannosaurus in my place can reach 5,000. If we act together, the momentum will definitely be big!"

The tyrannosaurus disappeared, and another cheetah-like steel beast appeared in front of everyone, "The lightning beast is extremely fast, and it can spit out lightning to attack, and the speed can reach the tenth quasi-sage level in the gods. , The attack side is weaker, it is very good to deal with the power below the tenth quasi-sage level, such a lightning beast, has completed 5,000 heads, I believe it will bring a lot of surprises to the gods by then! "

The cheetah disappeared, and a huge black python appeared. Needless to say, this black python was also refined by the venerable array. It was a technological item, not a life.

"Dian Tianlong, you can advance at a very fast speed underground, drilled out from the ground, it can cause huge damage to the enemy in an instant! This drill Tianlong, has completed about four thousand, and after another thousand years, it can reach five thousand!"

Venerable Array introduced some of the things he made one by one. Each of those things has its own special function, but they have one thing in common, that is, they are all very dangerous things, and they will definitely be able to give The people of the gods brought huge casualties!

"Everyone, I have finished introducing my gadgets, whose turn is next?" Venerable Formation chuckled. Venerable Black Moon said: "Next, let me say a few words!"

The strong men in the Most Sacred Mountain were discussing, and in the God Realm Shenguang City, Chu Feng and Hongjun were also discussing this time. "Chu Feng, what you said is true? It is really possible that you can control the angel on the side of the temple by then?" Hongjun was a little surprised and honest, if it really could, that would be great!

There are angel plans and steel plans in the temple. If Chu Feng can control the angels in the temple, then it will be much more convenient to fight!

"There should be no problem, but Master Hong, if you use a lot of this method, it may not be so effective. Therefore, I think it can only be used when it is critical." Chu Feng said.

Hongjun, Pangu, and Master Tianhen nodded slightly, "Good apprentice, you can use it when it's critical, if you don't get caught in the dark, you can use it as you like!" Master Tianhen said, "Control at the time. A large number of angels, if they show up all at once, the temple will be dumbfounded haha!"

"Yeah." Chu Feng nodded, "Master, Master Hong, Master Pan, we don't know much about the information of the holy realm now. I think it is necessary to enter the holy realm to listen to the news, do you think? "

Hongjun said: "Chu Feng, if you just listen to the news, it's good to be alone." "Who?" Chu Feng asked. Hongjun smiled slightly: "You should know."

Chu Feng froze for a while and then said softly: "Bing Ning. If Bing Ning goes out to listen to the news, I am a little worried! After all, she is only a level 6 immortal cultivation base!"

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