Holy Prison

Chapter 1908: The phoenix freezes out

"Hehe, Chu Feng, don't underestimate Feng Bingning." Hongjun said with a light smile, "Didn't you say that she got the time treasure? When Zhang Xu from the underworld got the time treasure It's not easy to get caught. Feng Bingning's strength is higher than Zhang Xu's, and she understands the law of time, that time treasure can exert even stronger power in her hands!"

"Of course, if you want her to inquire, you decide this yourself! My opinion is, no matter who asks, you'd better not venture into the Holy Realm at this time. You are the City Lord of Shenchu ​​City, for Shenchu ​​City , You are the Dinghai Shenzhen. If you don’t have an accident, many people in Shenchu ​​City can exert their greatest strength. If you have an accident, it is hard to say how much power they can exert. Moreover, only you can lead people to travel freely through the Three Realms! Freedom! The door of the earth to open the space flies between the three pieces of the gods!"

Pan Gu said: "Chu Feng, Feng Bingning and the others are also going to participate in some actions. Although their moods will not hinder their cultivation, but if this continues, their mood cultivation will hinder their progress sooner or later! If you practice in this treasure space, it is difficult to become a real strong person!"

"Yeah." Chu Feng nodded slightly, "Maybe I am too worried. I will go chat with Bing Ning to see how she is now."

Chu Feng disappeared in front of Hongjun and the others instantly.

"Bing Ning" in another small space, Chu Feng frowned secretly and muttered in his heart, Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind at this time: "Chu Feng, do you want to call sister Bing Ning?"

"Call it." Chu Feng said.

Ten seconds later, Feng Bing's dusty figure appeared in front of Chu Feng, white clothes Shengxue, beautiful eyes expressing affection, even though the old husband and wife are old, Chu Feng's mind was slightly flustered when he saw it.

"Bing Ning, you are getting more and more beautiful." Chu Feng smiled. Feng Bingning said with a smile: "Feng, your little mouth is getting sweeter and sweeter. Sister will buy sweets for you then!"

Chu Feng curled his lips: "Sugar? It's better to eat white steamed buns and small grapes!" "Old pervert." Feng Bing whitened Chu Feng and sat down beside him.

"Hey, I just look like a wife." Chu Feng said. Feng Bingning hummed softly, "That's strange, if Xian'er hadn't changed ever since, you don't know how many women have been harmed!"

"Where" Chu Feng hugged Feng Bingning's soft waist and coughed lightly, "My wife, I asked you to come out to ask how you have merged with that time treasure? Now if you run into a powerful saint , Do you think you are sure to leave from the confinement of the saint-level powerhouse?"

Feng Bingning smiled and said: "The treasure of that time was named Years. Years can only be fully integrated after I reach the Immortal level. However, the degree of integration is already extremely high now, which is definitely better than that of Zhang Xu in the underworld. Much higher! After all, I have spent tens of billions of years under the power of time over the years!"

"Can the power of the years have been improved? This guy has absorbed a lot of time power." Chu Feng said. For the first few hundred years, Feng Bingning absorbed the power of time when time was accelerating. It didn't keep absorbing for the next time, otherwise Chu Feng estimated that a lot of his time power would have to be absorbed by that year ring!

"The power of the years is in my hands. It is naturally higher than in Zhang Xu's hands. It absorbs those time forces. It stores some energy and can be used at that time." Feng Bing said, "With my current cultivation level, Coupled with the ability of the years, even if many strong men besieged, I am sure to retreat all over!"

Chu Feng said, "What if it was the imprisonment of Zhishen Mountain before?" "It's also difficult to trap me." Feng Bingning confidently said, "But with such a halo of imprisonment and shock time to escape, the pressure will be greater. Going out may cause some injuries! With the power of time to accelerate, it will not take long for the injuries to recover."

"In those years, what kind of thing was it? How could it have such a strong power?" Chu Feng said, even if it is the innate treasure, Chu Feng estimated that it would be difficult to have such a strong power in the hands of an immortal powerhouse. What's more, there was such a strong power in the hands of Zhang Xu, who was even less powerful!

Chu Feng had two speculations before. First, it was a sovereign weapon, but that thing had been seen by the four beast seals of the one-eyed lion king, and they didn't think it was a sovereign weapon.

The second guess is that Chu Feng thinks it is the heart of time, but if it is, why the holy prison does not have a reminder of his mission completion.

"I don't know either. Maybe you can know it after you reach the Immortal level and fully merge." Feng Bing said, "Feng, is there any task for me to complete?"

"It's been 29,000 years since the abyssal powerhouse had torn his skin. Now I haven't been to the Holy Realm in these years. I don't know much about the situation in the Holy Realm. It is estimated that the war is not far away. I need to know more about the Holy Realm. Bing Ning , If you feel that you have that ability, you can go to the Holy Realm. If not, don't force it!" Chu Feng said.

Feng Bingning said with a light smile: "Feng...you are too worried. If someone else has a treasure like the years, you must believe that they can do this thing."

"At the beginning, I accepted the years, just thinking that I could help you in the future. You can't keep me in this holy prison space without moving! Zhang Xu was so strong at the beginning, and I was much better than Zhang Xu !"

"First, I have a high degree of integration with the years; second, my cultivation base is higher; third, I understand the power of time; fourth, I have a powerful defensive treasure, and the chaotic scarlet armor defense is now very good, especially The defense against attacks like poison is good, haven’t you tried it, even the secret poison of the black corpse can’t pass through the defense of the chaotic red gold armor silently; fifth, I can borrow the power of the domain tower, after borrowing it, Stronger! Sixth"

"Okay, okay, no need to list it again, I know your strength is definitely much stronger than that of Zhang Xu." Chu Feng interrupted Feng Bingning, "Bing Ning, enter the Holy Realm this time, be careful , Understand? It doesn't matter if you can't get any news, the most important thing is to come back safely!"

"Understood." Feng Bingning's eyes lit up.

Without saying anything, Chu Feng quickly got outside, the door of space opened, and Chu Feng entered the holy world in the blink of an eye. It would be better for him to send Feng Bingning into the holy world. Knowing that people in the lower realm have no fixed void passages into the holy realm, they appear randomly.

Feng Bingning doesn't have a fixed void passage in the holy realm. What if she randomly arrives in the holy mountain? Although the holy world is vast, the possibility of this is extremely small!

As soon as he entered the holy world, Chu Feng instantly entered the holy prison space. "Bing Ning, I have reached the holy realm, and I have appeared in the area where the Baihu clan is located. I will wait for a while on this side. If you find any news, if the situation is not urgent, you can come here and let me take it. The lower realm is better. Of course, if you are not convenient to get to this side, you can open the lower realm of the void passage! With the power of time, the speed of opening the void passage should be faster." Chu Feng said.

Feng Bingning said, Chu Feng hugged Feng Bingning and kissed Feng Bingning’s attractive red lips. A minute later, Chu Feng let go of Feng Bingning and let Feng Bingning appear. Outside the holy prison space.

Feng Bingning who appeared outside was already different. As Chu Feng's wife, Feng Bingning had a relatively high reputation in the holy realm. If she could be caught, the high level of the temple would be rewarded greatly! Under such circumstances, it is not a wise choice to walk in the Holy Realm with her original appearance!

"I hope that nothing will happen to Bing Ning." Chu Feng said softly in the holy prison space. "Chu Feng, don't worry, Sister Bing Ning's strength is not comparable to that of the previous years after getting the ring. Moreover, Sister Bing Ning has always acted steadily. The chance of her having an accident is extremely high!" Miao Xian'er said. Up.

Feng Bingning had already left. It would be useless to worry too much. Chu Feng quickly began to practice. While comprehending, he studied the stigmata art. Chu Feng didn’t want to give up on the stigmata art. Think about the sky scar at the time. It is absolutely impossible to give up the stigmata technique that prevents so many people from attacking the temple alone!

Chu Feng hadn't practiced in the domain tower on this side. Not long after he had just practiced, the spatial heart appeared in front of him and kept turning.

"Lao Kong, what's the matter?" Chu Feng divided a little divine way. You can't enter the heart domain tower of this space, but outside the holy prison space, it can move around at will. For this space Xin Chufeng didn't have much to do. In the past few years, it has left the holy prison space many times, but fortunately, it will come back every other time.

"Lao Kong, if you are okay, go outside to play, I am practicing, and you are not helping me to practice. Good deed, go to play elsewhere." Chu Feng said.

"Old Kong, I don't understand what you are saying." Chu Feng said helplessly. The heart of this space probably wanted to express something, but no matter what, even if the sacred consciousness is connected to it, Chu Feng doesn't know what it means. Before, Space Heart could speak, but I don’t know what happened. Now Space Heart has lost that ability. "Old Kong, Kong Master, let's go to other places to play first. What's wrong with you today?"

"Buzzing!" The heart of the space still whirled and made a sound, it seemed that there was something wrong with it. "Master Kong, do you really have something or nothing? If there is nothing, I will go to another place to practice." Chu Feng said, moving the power of time around to another place!

"Buzz!" The Heart of Space touched Chu Feng and disappeared. Chu Feng did not move. A few seconds later, the Heart of Space appeared again and disappeared after touching Chu Feng.

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