Holy Prison

Chapter 1909: Kong Ye mighty

"Chu Feng, the heart of space is outside, it seems to want you to go outside with him." Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind.

Chu Feng disappeared and appeared outside the next moment. "Old Kong, what happened to me made me appear outside here." Chu Feng said, "I told you that it's okay to turn around here, but I can't follow you too far away!"

There are so many powerful people on the side of the temple, God knows what kind of methods there are, if there is a powerful one who counts him to appear and then imprison him far away is not a small trouble.

The Heart of Space turned and moved forward quickly, Chu Feng also quickly followed, and it didn't take long for Chu Feng to reach a very familiar place.

"Old Kong, what are you doing here with me?" Chu Feng constricted his aura. This side is the place where the Baihu clan found the place where the heaven and blessed land is located. He has gained a lot of benefits here, but the temple is on this side. Great suffering!

Before, there were a lot of powerful people gathered on this side. Now this side is completely deserted. Chu Feng did not find anyone on this side. But even so, you have to be careful. God knows whether the temple is doing anything on this side. Hands and feet.

The heart of space flies around here, "Lao Kong, can you understand me? If you can understand, stop for a while. If you can't understand you, let's continue spinning like this." Chu Feng said.

"Om!" The Heart of Space stopped instantly, and Chu Feng's eyes lit up slightly. Although he could not understand the words of the Heart of Space, it was not bad that the Heart of Space could understand his words. Since the Heart of Space lost his words. Since he is capable, he is busy practicing, and there is relatively little communication with the Heart of Space.

"Old Kong, you are not kind. Before I talked to you, you ignored me, thinking you could not understand me. I didn't expect you to understand it." Chu Feng hummed softly, "Old Kong, When you are here, do you feel that the breath of the heart of time is not working? If yes, turn around three times in place."

The Heart of Space immediately turned three times, "It's really like this... Lao Kong, I didn't expect you to have this ability. There was indeed a passage on this side, and that passage led to the Chaos Wasteland. Now that passage is broken. Yes, you have seen it, this side has been completely destroyed!"

Chu Feng said, "In addition to the heart of space, have you also sensed the heart of darkness? The old rules, if yes, turn three times on the spot!" The heart of space has turned three times again.

"Lao Kong...The heart of time is not on this side, and the heart of darkness is not on this side. It was indeed the power that appeared here at the beginning, but the heart of darkness should not be on this side like the heart of time. If it is, I can't wait for you to come, I have already got the heart of darkness." Chu Feng smiled.

"It seems that the heart of time and the heart of darkness should have something to do with you. Don't worry, I will definitely get the heart of time and the heart of darkness at that time! If there is any heart of light, I will also find a way to get it. "Chu Feng said, "Satisfied? If we are satisfied, let's leave!"

The heart of the space trembled for a while. There was no other action, and Chu Feng said helplessly: "Old Kong, why did you lose the ability to speak? Didn't you say it well before? Connect with your holy consciousness, you can't even Know what you want to say, well, if you have no comments, turn around and we will withdraw!"

The heart of the space turned around, and Chu Feng quickly returned to the place where he appeared before entering the holy realm and then entered the holy prison space. "Lao Kong, do you really want to get together with the heart of time and the heart of darkness?" Chu Feng chuckled softly, "If you are, you understand the old rules."

The heart of space turned three times.

"Well, Lao Kong, you also know some of my energy. If you follow me, you are most likely to gather with them. What do you say," Chu Feng said, "but you also know that my current cultivation base is relatively low. The level of immortal cultivation base, it’s not easy to drop it. If I die, it’s much more difficult for you to follow others and gather those things together! Even if strong people like Hongshi and others gather those things that are the heart of time, It’s not easy."

"Lao Kong, do you have the ability to improve my cultivation? If you have, the old rules, if not, I have to hurry up to practice." Chu Feng said.

The heart of the space trembled, and after a while it seemed to reluctantly turn three times. "Ability!" Chu Feng's eyes lit up, "Old Kong, do me a favor, everyone is really good! By then, my cultivation level will improve, and you can follow me and drink spicy food, right? If you hang up, you can only continue to wander!"

The heart of the space revolved and grew rapidly. It was originally the size of a ping-pong ball, but in a short time it became more than three meters in diameter. Without waiting for Chu Feng to react, the enlarged heart of space immediately enveloped Chu Feng.

Chu Feng’s face was shocked. If Chu Feng’s spatial perception is like a trickle when he is practicing, then his spatial perception is now flowing like a river, and it’s because he has three sages to bear. The ability is relatively high, otherwise, the spatial perception is so rushing into Chu Feng, it is estimated that it will burst into death in a short time!

"This is the energy of the Heart of Space? This is too overbearing." Chu Feng exclaimed in his heart. At this speed, it is estimated that he can rise from Level 5 Immortality to Level 6 Immortality in a few decades. If it can continue, then it won't take much time to reach the immortal level!

At this time, the power of time has not been used, if the power of time can be used.

"Lao Kong, the power of time cannot be shrouded, can it be reduced? If yes, the old rules. If not, turn around." Chu Feng said.

The heart of space slowly turned around, and Chu Feng said: "Old Kong, can't you use the power of time?" Chu Feng said, the heart of space slowly turned around again.

"It's not bad that you can't use the power of time. With such a fast training speed, if the power of time is still effective, it would be too abnormal!" Chu Feng muttered in his heart. At this time, it may be possible in a few decades. To reach the sixth level of immortality, if you speed up ten thousand times and one hundred thousand times, that would be too scary!

Taking in his mind, Chu Feng practiced with all his strength. At this time, he was distracted, and there is really some waste. Chu Feng doesn't know how long the heart of space can last. If he persists, it is estimated that the consumption of the heart of space is not small. , Otherwise it would not hesitate to not promote him before!

Chu Feng was practising rapidly in the sacred prison space. Feng Bingning had already found some people to check it, but didn’t find much information. It’s too far away from the side of the holy mountain. There are not many strong people on one side. How can those with lower cultivation levels know a lot of important information?

"The Most Sacred Mountain has been re-established... The vast majority of the strong have gathered on the side of the Most Sacred Mountain. It seems that they want to know useful news and get the other side." Feng Bingning secretly said in his heart immediately towards the Most Sacred Mountain. Going in the direction of, although it is only a sixth-level immortal cultivation base, with the treasure of time, her advancing speed will not be slower than the general immortal-level powerhouse!

The Most Sacred Mountain is far away from the Baihu clan. It took half a month, and Feng Bingning was already closer to the Most Sacred Mountain. There were obviously more powerful people on this side.

"The Sacred Kings Conference was actually held a while ago. A thousand years later, when the war begins, don't you know how many things are in the temple, the battle angels, and other things?" Feng Bingning secretly said in his heart. It has been three days, and within three days she has learned a lot of information from other strong men.

"Jiejie, it is estimated that it will not take long before we can kill to the gods!" Feng Bingning was drinking tea quietly in the teahouse, and the words of many people in the small town where she was staying continued to spread to her. Ears.

"You? I'm afraid it's not your turn to kill the God Realm. This time, I heard that we may not be able to enter the God Realm. There are a lot of battle angels made by our temple! Moreover, many existed before. Fighting angels and other things will also be sent into the realm of God, our side, there are a lot of people attacking!" Another humanitarian.

"Do you know the exact news again?"

"Hey, I know a little bit, I am an elder but a Saint King-level powerhouse, and his elder said something to me."

With a move in Feng Bingning's heart, she immediately listened to the other side's words carefully. "Then tell me, how many people will be dispatched on our side this time?" someone asked.

"I heard that the number of battle angels produced exceeded one million, among which the number of six-winged angels exceeded one hundred thousand! The number of steel monsters is even greater, and the number is estimated to reach two million. There are as many as two to three million monsters! This is three million. In addition, I heard that this time we will gather millions of combat power. We also have a little possibility, but the possibility of the lower realm is temporarily not high!"

"That adds up, don't they have tens of millions of combat power? They all have quasi-saint-level strength after the lower realm, and it will be strange when the gods can support it!"

"Jiejie, if it wasn't for the shortage of Void Stones, it would be more than ten million combat power. A while ago, didn't we all donate a lot of Void Stones?"

"Ten thousand combat power!"

Feng Bing Ning's heart shook, tens of millions of quasi-sage-level experts, if they enter the **** realm and destroy them, then they don't know how many people will die!

"Feng Bingning, you are so courageous!" At this moment, a cold voice rang in Feng Bingning's mind. At the moment that voice sounded, there were more than twenty saint-level experts. Saint King-level powerhouse and two thousand immortal-level powerhouses instantly appeared near Feng Bingning!

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