Holy Prison

Chapter 1911: Three consecutive upgrades

For Long Jiang Shu, Chu Feng didn't pay much attention to it. It was a ninth-level immortal figure, even if he broke through to the immortal level.

Now Chu Feng is concerned about the situation in the temple, and he has a better understanding of the situation in the temple, and it is estimated that a lot of people will die!

"Feng, I did get there, and it was easier to know some information." Feng Bingning said quickly and quickly said some of the information he had inquired.

Chu Feng stared at Feng Bingning intently: "Bing Ning, it's not as simple as you said. If it is so simple, the information you get is likely to be false."

"It should be true." Feng Bingning said hurriedly, she gave Chu Feng a blank look at this point, "You fellow, what about me! This information should be true. If my ability to escape for life is lower, then it is impossible to come back alive. The temple sent two thousand indestructible powerhouses to surround me, and they really value me!"

Chu Feng's heart was shocked. There were more than two thousand immortal-level powerhouses, that was an extremely terrifying power, let alone two thousand immortal-level powerhouses, even two thousand immortal-level powerhouses would be terrifying!

"Bing Ning, are you sure that it is more than two thousand indestructible powerhouses?" Chu Feng took a deep breath and said solemnly. Feng Bingning nodded: "That's right, four Saint-level powerhouses, 21 Saint-king-level powerhouses, and those who are all immortal-level powerhouses, they all used the restraining power as soon as they appeared! "

"Holy temple, I guess I thought I was there too!" Chu Feng said, if it was just a phoenix, the temple would definitely not use so many powerful people. In all likelihood, he thought he was on the other side. So you have to be a little fanfare. If there are fewer people coming out, they will be destroyed by people on their side!

"Bing Ning, you escaped in that situation, were you injured?" Chu Feng asked. Feng Bingning smiled slightly: "It's more uncomfortable, I have suffered a little injury, but only half a day will be all right. I didn't use the power of time!"

A smile appeared on Chu Feng's face: "That's not bad. The Ring of the Years was indeed strong, but unfortunately the attack was weaker. Otherwise, Long Jiang Shu will definitely be captured by you!"

"It's very good to be able to assist in training and give the master such a strong ability to escape." Feng Bing said, the attack is weaker, and she has no dissatisfaction. The years ring is already strong enough, if the attack is also If it is that strong, it would be too abnormal, and the innate treasure will be weak in front of it.

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Well, Bing Ning, you can continue to practice. When I return to the God Realm, I have to hurry up to practice. Finally, Kong gave some face."

"Lao Kong give face?" Feng Bingning said with some doubts. Chu Feng smiled lightly: "Lao Kong can speed up my training. It is estimated that within a few decades, I can reach the level of immortality from the current five-level immortality. The speed of progress is extremely terrifying, but I don’t know that Lao Kong can support it. How long does it feel that it can't last too long!"

Feng Bingning said in shock: "So fast? If you have such a fast training speed, it will definitely consume a lot of the heart of space! Then I won't delay, I will go to practice, you After entering the realm of the gods, hurry up and practice. There should be a thousand years before the temple attack!"

Chu Feng said that he appeared outside the sacred prison space and immediately opened the door to the space and returned to the gods. "Master Hong, Master Pan, and Master, give you some information!" Hongjun and the others were originally in the sacred prison space. Yes, at this moment Chu Feng asked them to appear outside and immediately passed some information to them.

"Three uncles, let's discuss it. I am now at the critical moment of training, and I am flashing." Chu Feng said, disappearing in front of Hongjun and the others.

"This kid, I didn't see that his training was at a critical time?" Pan Gu said, "Brother Hong, the old demon, the temple, with tens of millions of troops, the pressure is not small! If it is another thousand years, the temple will get With a lot of void stones, the strength of the lower realm is estimated to exceed 10 million!"

Hongjun frowned slightly and said: "This is not bad. What I am most worried about is getting a regular monument to the abyss. If the separation of the three realms is broken, then our chances of winning are very slim! It's a pity that Feng Bingning will get there this time. The other side did not get this information."

"Old ghost Hong, are you dreaming? Such news, unless the guys in the temple are filled with stool, how can it be revealed." Tianhen Shanghuan.

"Bah! Old demon, can you speak more civilized? Listening to it is disgusting." Hongjun said in an angry manner, "Don't talk about these disgusting words, let's discuss how to contend with the people of the temple at that time! You should be clear that the cosmos are connected in chaos. If someone from the abyss of the universe has also reincarnated, then they can also borrow the power stored in the chaos. We can't be careless!"

Pangu said: "We have to prepare well, and it is best not to borrow the power stored in the chaos! If those powers are used, if we do not achieve the master in this reincarnation, the chance of achieving the master in the future will be small. Many!" "You, digress." Master Tianhen said while drinking.

Years passed, and Chu Feng sank into the training in the holy prison space, and the feeling of insanity was so intoxicated!

During the training, every time I realize something, I will feel a faint feeling of joy. Generally speaking, it takes a long time for such a feeling of joy to occur.

However, Chu Feng's feeling of joy continued to appear, and later it made Chu Feng a little numb!

Fifty-three years have passed, and a powerful aura burst out of Chu Feng's body, and his cultivation was successfully upgraded from the fifth level of immortality to the sixth level of immortality!

If his strength was not improved, Chu Feng would definitely stop and rest for a while now, if he were not inside the heart of space, but at this time he did not stop but continued to practice!

Two hundred and seventy-three years later, Chu Feng's cultivation was successfully raised from the sixth level of immortality to the seventh level of immortality. In a short time, his cultivation base was stabilized and then he struck towards the eighth level of immortality!

Three hundred years, four hundred years, and five hundred years have passed very quickly. Eight hundred years have passed. For the third time, a powerful aura erupted in the small space where Chu Feng was.

"Eighth-level immortality!" Miao Xian'er appeared in her eyes not far away, revealing a beam of joy. The first two bursts of strong aura, once was level 6 immortality, once was level 7 immortality, this time it was naturally level 8 immortality. !

Just when Miao Xian'er thought that Chu Feng could continue to practice, the heart of space shrank rapidly, and in a short time it shrank to the size of a marble.

Before Chu Feng practiced, the Heart of Space was the size of a ping-pong ball, but now it is only the size of a marble and its breath is much weaker, and his apparent power is consumed a lot!

"Old Kong, how are you?" Chu Feng opened his eyes at this moment and asked quickly. "Old Kong, your power seems to consume a lot...Old Kong, what can I do to help you, Old Kong, you can't speak, I thought of a way, you can write what you want to say!" Chu Feng said.

"You can't speak, your whole family can't speak." A voice suddenly came from the heart of the space, but the voice sounded weaker.

Chu Feng's eyes lit up: "Old Kong, can you speak?" "Nonsense, but soon I can't speak anymore. After coming out of the underworld, I was a little unsuitable and couldn't speak. I finally got used to it, no Thinking that most of the power has been used on you, I won't be able to speak for a long time!" Space Heart was a little annoyed.

"Chu Feng, let me tell you, if you don't get the heart of time and the heart of darkness by then, I will never end with you... damn, I guess I will sleep for a while!"

The Heart of Space fell to the ground all of a sudden. "Lao Kong, are you okay?" Chu Feng quickly picked up the Space Heart that fell to the ground.

"Chu Feng, it consumed too much power in a short period of time and fell into a deep sleep." Miao Xianer said, "It can continuously absorb the power in the void. If it can recover, don't worry!"

"I have nothing to worry about. Lao Kong is not stupid. If he finishes playing with him in this way, he will definitely not do such a thing." Chu Feng said, he didn't care about it, but he was concerned about the heart of space. Helping him is remembered in the bottom of my heart, allowing him to improve from the fifth level of immortality to the eighth level of immortality in 800 years. This kind of grace is not small, even with the power of time, but from the fifth level of immortality to eighth. Level immortality will take at least eighty to ninety thousand years!

Eighty to ninety thousand years, if it is a peaceful period, this does not matter much, but now it is not a peaceful period. The improvement of his strength from the fifth level of immortality to the eighth level of immortality is of great benefit to him!

"Xian'er, let Lao Kong go to another space. Without my permission, no one can enter that small space and disturb Lao Kong." Chu Feng said.

As Miao Xian'er said that, the heart of space in Chu Feng's hand disappeared and entered another small space. "Chu Feng, you have improved so quickly this time, there are no side effects?" Miao Xianer said.

"No!" Chu Feng shook his head, "The heart of space allows me to directly comprehend the law of the origin of space. There are no side effects to such an improvement! Moreover, because it is in the heart of space, it is estimated that I have just reached it compared to others. The status of the eighth-level immortal powerhouse is much better!"

Chu Feng said, the one-eyed Lion King appeared in front of him for a moment: "Lion King, this time did not disturb your spring dream, right?" "No...Huh, your cultivation base" One-eyed Lion King's one eye was shocked. The color, eighth level of immortality, he didn't expect Chu Feng's cultivation base to reach the eighth level of immortality in less than a thousand years!

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