Holy Prison

Chapter 1912: complacent?

"Chu Feng, what's the matter with you? In less than a thousand years, your cultivation level has gone from fifth-level immortality to eighth-level immortality!" The one-eyed lion king was incredibly authentic.

Eight hundred years, this time is too short. It is incredible for a lower saint to rise from level 5 to level 8 in such a short time, let alone an immortal powerhouse!

"It doesn't seem to disturb your spring dream." Chu Feng smiled, and he felt a little while talking, "It seems that the eighth-level immortal cultivation base has been able to support you to fight for ten hours with the strength of the saintly rank! "

"The eighth-level immortal cultivation base is not low, it can indeed reach that level, ten hours, it will only be more, not less!" The one-eyed lion king said, "Chu Feng, can you tell me how you improved? It shouldn't be." "It's Lao Kong." Chu Feng said, he put the one-eyed lion king into the lion king's mask in an instant!

"Ten hours, not short, but, where is the pupil of the right lion king? It would be great if you can find the pupil of the right lion king." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart.

Today, the eighth level of immortal cultivation is still not enough to support the Lion King mask to exert the strength of the master level, but if it reaches the first level of immortality, it may be able to support a second!

One second is extremely short and extremely short, but with the strength of the dominance level, there is definitely no big problem in destroying a powerful person of the saintly level in that second!

"Xian'er, what's the situation outside?" Chu Feng looked at Miao Xian'er and asked.

Miao Xian'er said, "In the entire God Realm, many people have left the realm in a panic and went to remote places to hide, but there are still many people who are ready to rise up and resist!"

"Shenchu ​​City, the ten million people on our side have all reached the quasi-sage level strength, and millions of them have the tenth-order quasi-sage level strength!"

"Compared with the temple, it is still weak! I hope that there is no problem with the study of angels, and those angels can wake up by then." Chu Feng said.

Miao Xian'er said: "Chu Feng, our research is effective for the previous angels, but for the angels that were later researched, I am afraid it will not have any effect!"

"When angels are made, they have their masters. The music we have researched can let them know that it is not their masters who control them now but the murderers who parasite their masters. In this way, those angels will rebel. Angels, their master is the one who is now parasited!" Miao Xian'er said.

"I know." Chu Feng nodded slightly, "Xian'er, can those angels in the past be guaranteed to be 100% effective?"

"There is no guarantee. It is extremely difficult to modify those angels to modify the core settings of those angels, but it is not impossible to modify the settings. However, this possibility is relatively small. Change one, it is better to make a new one. , So the consumption will not be much." Miao Xianer said.

"By the way, Chu Feng, that music is not learned by ordinary people. It needs a higher level of music. The higher the level of music, the easier it is for the controlled angel to wake up!" Miao Xianer said.

Chu Feng nodded: "This is not a big problem. There are so many people in the entire God Realm, and there are always many people with high musical talents! If you need to spread it, then spread it out. If the people in the abyss let If everyone's strong players gather together to attack, then it doesn't need too many people to understand the music!"

"Xian'er, let me study the music first to see if I can learn it. If I can't learn it at all, it's probably a bit difficult to spread." Chu Feng said.

Music talent, Chu Feng didn't have much music talent before, but he can exchange skills, and he has also exchanged a lot of skills in this area, and his musical talent is naturally not bad.

As Miao Xian'er said, the beautiful music rang out, which seemed to be the sound of a flute. The flute sound was melodious and very pleasing to the ear. Chu Feng closed his eyes and enjoyed it. Listening to the flute sound gave him a feeling of wandering between heaven and earth.

Five minutes after the end of the song, Chu Feng slowly opened his eyes, "A good piece of music seems to have the strange power to tremble the soul." Chu Feng chuckled.

"Is it? Do you want me to play it again?" Miao Xian'er said. Chu Feng thought, a purple bamboo flute appeared in his hand: "It should be."

Soon, the melodious music sounded again, and there was not much difference compared with the previous music. At the end of the song, Miao Xian'er smiled and said: "Chu Feng, I didn't expect you to have some artistic skills! This song has a little problem, but it's just because you are not proficient. If you are familiar with it several times, I I believe you will have no problem!"

"Um...Xian'er, you let Bing Ning and the others learn the sound of this music. I'll go outside. There should be a lot of talented people with music talents in Shenchu ​​City!" Chu Feng chuckles. typical.


Soon, Chu Feng appeared outside the area where the tens of thousands of Quasi-Sage level experts gathered. There is now a huge arena on this side. On the ring, Zhou Wen and the two quasi-sage level experts of God Chu City are at the same time. Fighting against each other, on the surrounding stands, the tens of thousands of quasi-sage experts stared at the arena intently.

Thousands of Quasi-Saint-level powerhouses, this is a powerful force, but many of these Quasi-Saint-level powerhouses have a problem, that is, their actual combat experience is relatively weak.

Other quasi-sage-level powerhouses have practiced for countless years to reach the level of quasi-sage-level, experienced countless battles, and have rich combat experience. However, some of the quasi-sage-level powerhouses in Shenchu ​​City were only kings and even generals before. The strength of the **** level has improved in a short period of time, but their combat ability is somewhat lacking.

Under such circumstances, Zhou Wen volunteered to be their instructor. Under his words and preaching, the combat effectiveness of these quasi-sage-level powerhouses has indeed been greatly improved in recent years!

The two eighth-level quasi-sage-level powerhouses who fought against Zhou Wen, he also used the eighth-level quasi-sage-level cultivation base. Without using his bricks, the two eighth-level quasi-sages he was fighting against The Saint-level powerhouse was defeated by him in just six or seven minutes. After Chu Feng's special training, Zhou Wen's combat power was not low!

"Let me evaluate, your combat power is still failing. With your combat power, if you encounter a strong man in the temple, you can only die!" Zhou Wen said in a deep voice. His words were a bit exaggerated. There is no problem with the combat power of the two eighth-level quasi-saint-level powerhouses reaching a general level, but this does not satisfy Zhou Wen!

"Blood horns are for you to use, but your combat power is improved, and you still can’t satisfy Fat Master. Babies, let me tell you one thing. Fat Master’s fists and feet will become heavier and heavier, and he will use weapons. You can't let your own combat power rise quickly, so don't blame the fat master for pinching out all your egg yolks!" Zhou Wen threatened.

Chu Feng smiled and instantly reached the top of the ring, "Fatty, their combat power has improved a lot, and you have done a lot!" Chu Feng chuckled.

"Boss." Zhou Wen's eyes lit up. He hadn't seen Chu Feng for hundreds of years. "Hey, boss, I feel you have changed a little."

"I haven't seen it for hundreds of years, is there a little change that is abnormal?" Chu Feng smiled, "Don't you also have some changes? In the past few hundred years, the mood seems to have improved!"

"Hey, a little bit!" Zhou Wen said, "Boss, do you want to show these rascals a little bit? Some of them are quite complacent!"

"Complacent? This level is not even half a bucket of water. If you are complacent, do you want to die later?" Chu Feng said with a faint smile, "Those who think that they have relatively high combat power, come on stage, they will be the eighth-level quasi-saint. That’s fine. Those with the eighth-level quasi-sage cultivation level need not be suppressed, and those with the eighth-level quasi-sage cultivation level and above are suppressed to the eighth level!"

"Go on, ten!"


Most of the tens of millions of Quasi-Sage-level powerhouses present were slightly taken aback. With the same cultivation base, ten pairs of one week text is not that they have not played one-to-many with them, but without using the special ability of the brick, Zhou Wen also played with them one against seven, eight, seven or eight. Zhou Wen could barely win, and more Zhou Wen would have to lose!

"Little bastards, don't some of you think your own combat power is already very good? Go! Don't be afraid of hurting the boss. If you win the boss, I will ask you to drink!" Zhou Wen said loudly.

Those people are in awe of Chu Feng in their hearts, but it doesn't mean that they think that ten people can beat Chu Feng even one person. After all, everyone is suppressed to the same cultivation level!

Soon, dozens of people appeared on the ring, "Wang Guang, Liu Feng, Huang Qi" Zhou Wen called out one by one loudly, "Ten of you go first, the rest, come with me and take a look. meeting!"

"Yes, instructor!"

Those dozens of people responded, and only Chu Feng and the ten people were left in the center of the ring in a short time!

Without any signs, Chu Feng made a move. As soon as he made a move, he immediately used a fierce killer move. Although he did not really kill those people, in a short span of time, the ten eighth-level quasi-saint-level strong Half of the victims fell to the ground. If they were not treated, they would not be able to recover from their injuries for a long time. If they continue to fight now, it is naturally impossible!

Five were resolved in an instant, and the other five were reacting, but what's the use of reacting at this time? With their five powers, they couldn’t stop Chu Feng at all. Three seconds, just three seconds. At the time, the remaining five eighth-level quasi-saint-level powerhouses also fell to the ground!

"Ah" Everyone, including Zhou Wen, looked at the ring dumbfounded. For three seconds, in just three seconds, the ten eighth-level quasi-saint-level powerhouses actually lost.

"City Lord, you sneak attack!" On the ground of the ring, one of them was a little unconvinced, and blood poured out of his mouth as he spoke. "Sneak attack? When you fight against the strong in the temple, do you have to call one, two, three, and then start fighting" Chu Feng coldly said, "At your level, I feel complacent about suicide. better!"

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