Holy Prison

Chapter 1917: retreat

In the God Realm, the quasi-sage-level powerhouse in God’s Beginning City searched for the little mouse in the God Realm with all their strength. Time slowly passed, and the power of the forty Pan-Holy Temple still in the God Realm was constantly losing!

If the quasi-saint-level powerhouse hides, it is not so easy to find, but it also depends on the power of the search! Like in the holy realm, the immortal-level powerhouse is difficult to locate and find, right?

The indestructible powerhouses in the holy realm are not easier to locate in the gods than the quasi-sage-class powerhouses, and they are easy to be locked and chased in front of them, but the indestructible powerhouses on Chu Feng and others are in the holy realm There is also a great possibility of being locked and hunted down by the temple! Now the power of the temple is also facing such a problem in the God Realm.

One strong player can't lock it, how about ten? One hundred, if one hundred quasi-sage-level powerhouses take action together, as long as the distance is not extremely far away, basically the power on the side of the holy world will be locked!

The lock-in may not last long, but there are more powerful people on the side of the God Realm, so many powerful people will act together, as long as the general area of ​​the people in the temple is determined, the people in the temple can be surrounded. After being surrounded, there was no suspense. In the case of ten to one or even twenty to one, it would be a ghost if Chu Feng and the others were allowed to escape!

As for escaping back to the Holy Realm, it is not that easy. As the number of void stones needed by the lower realm of the Holy Realm decreases, it will be much more difficult for the lower realm of the Holy Realm to return to the Holy Realm.

Before, in the heart of silently returning to the holy world, ten seconds will return to enter the holy world, now, you have to meditate in your heart for more than twenty seconds!

It took more than twenty seconds to enter the holy world without interruption, which made it very difficult for people in the holy world to return to the holy world! When they discovered that they were surrounded, even if they were hidden, it would take more than ten seconds for Chu Feng and others to discover whereabouts and interrupt the transmission!

In the God Realm, there were horrible explosions in many places. It was the blew of some powerful people in the temple. They found that they could not escape. Many "people" in the temple chose to blew themselves!

In the past three days, the 400,000 people who remained in the God Realm in the temple died more than 50,000, and the death on the God Realm side was not very large.

Before the death of several million people caused the death of two trillion on the side of the God Realm, now the death of 50,000 people in three days has only brought less than 100 billion deaths on the side of the God Realm!

When five days passed, 400,000 people died in the temple, and more than 100,000 deaths were brought to this side of the God Realm. The 50,000 people who died later were not harvested by the 50,000 people who died before. many!

One hundred thousand people died in five days. In the temple, the dragon anode and the others were waiting for some powerful people of the holy king and holy level to gather again. "Everyone, everyone is very clear about the matter. I won't talk nonsense. Today, I will gather everyone to vote. The remaining 300,000 troops in the God Realm will be withdrawn?" Long Yang said in a deep voice.

Long Yin’s expression was a bit ugly at this time. I thought that the 400,000 troops could bring a lot of losses to the God Realm, but I didn’t expect the God Realm to act very quickly and prepare well. It was just five days on their side. So many people were lost and only a little bit of life was harvested.

Fifteen billion, this is not a small number, but compared to the tens of billions of people in the God Realm, 150 billion is really not much! Every day, there are a lot of people who become gods in the mortal world, and 150 billion people die in five days. This does not put too much pressure on the gods. Moreover, people with discerning eyes can see that the losses of the God Realm face are decreasing day by day. Today they can still harvest tens of billions of people, and tomorrow they may only harvest 8 billion lives!

The God Realm can bear it, but on their side, they lost 100,000 in five days. This loss is somewhat unbearable. It is different from the reduction of the loss on the God Realm side. Because of the weakening of the power in the God Realm, God Chu City Being able to concentrate more power to deal with, the force lost every day is increasing!

"Withdraw it, even if you don't withdraw it, it won't be of any great use. Withdraw them, they can still be used in the future!" Venerable Formation sighed authentically.

"Let’s vote with a show of hands. If you agree to withdraw, raise your hand." Long Yang said. In a short time, all the hands were raised. They are not idiots, knowing that this is just a waste of their own forces. , For Chu Feng and the others, they lacked strength!

"Then, withdraw!" Long Yang said the words withdraw and his face was a little ugly. "Everyone, we lost in this first round!"

"Damn God Chu City, **** Chu Feng, I didn't expect that our people in the abyss basically controlled the holy realm, but planted such a big somersault on the gods!"

"Dear friends, Shenchu ​​City and Chu Feng must be removed. If they are not removed, they will enter the Holy Realm by then. There are already a large number of powerful people in Shenchu ​​City. You should know this, the problem, Very serious!"

"Among us, some people have contradictions with each other, and some of the contradictions don’t want to kill each other, but I hope that we won’t have any conflicts within us before the gods and mortals are settled! If there is a conflict, If the circumstance is serious, the Sacred Kings Conference must make severe punishments, do you agree?"

Everyone nodded slightly, and Long Yang's expression looked a little better: "Everyone, as long as we are united, it will only be a matter of time for us to destroy the enemy. Now that everyone has agreed, that's fine. I hope everyone can remember today. I said. If someone doesn’t comply, then everyone will be punished together!"

"Everyone, there is one more thing, Tianxinzi. I hope you can try your best to get Tianxinzi. We already have a Tianxinzi. If we can get six or more, then we can reestablish the rules of heaven and earth. Standing, we think it will be easy to win."

"The Angel Project and the Steel Project will continue. In addition, everyone must find a way to get more Void Stones!"

Tongtian Saint King said: "Hall Lord, do you mean that we want the entire holy world to look for void stones everywhere? If this is the case, we may encounter an attack!"

Long Yang said in a deep voice: "The holy realm is under our control, so we can only shrink on the holy mountain. We just need to be careful, how can it be so easy to be discovered. Besides, don't you keep your deity here, doppelganger? Go out to find the Void Stone? As long as the deity does not have an accident and the clone is destroyed, what does it matter?

"Not only the Void Stone, but also Tianxinzi. Tianxinzi has a higher chance of appearing in the holy realm this time. Are we here, waiting for Chu Feng and the others to get the Tianxinzi. Don’t forget, Chu Feng If they get more than six Tianxinzi, they can also reestablish the rules of heaven and earth!"

"Chu Feng's strength is much stronger than before, and the endurance is definitely much stronger. Even if he re-establishes the rules, it will be even more unfavorable for us at that time. If it is made by Hongjun and the likes of the nobles. If someone resets the rules, it may be extremely unfavorable for us at that time!" Long Yang said in a deep voice.

"Re-establishing the rules should be beneficial, of course, there are also some dangers. Let me tell you, who will get more Tianxinzi by then, and Tianxinzi will be handed over to that person to re-establish the rules of heaven and earth. Do you have any opinions?" Long Anode road.

Some of the saints and kings frowned slightly but didn't say much. The Dragon Anode is fairly fair even though the Dragon Anode has already got a Tianxinzi!

"Since everyone doesn't have any opinions, then just do it. Whoever has more Tianxinzi will come to reestablish the rules of heaven and earth!" Long Yang said.

"Boss, the latest news, the strength of the temple seems to have all been withdrawn!" Wei Shi entered the small courtyard where Chu Feng was staying.

"It's normal." Chu Feng said with a faint smile. He had known some losses in the temple, and he knew the losses in the gods. Under such circumstances, he estimated that if the temple did not withdraw those forces today, they would also withdraw those forces tomorrow!

Wei Shi smiled and said: "Boss, do you have any instructions?"

Chu Feng nodded and said, "First, we will post a notice that the people in the temple have been repelled by us. Those who have left their homes can return to their homes if they want to return."

"Second, order the entire God Realm to find this Tianxinzi!" Chu Feng said that Tianxinzi appeared in his hands. "If Tianxinzi handed over to us Shenchucheng, we can get a huge reward from our Shenchucheng. Rewards include Improve the cultivation base, a lot of spar, in addition, there are real estate in Shenguang City or some other cities, the real estate can choose villas or manors!"

Nowadays, there are many super cities in the entire God Realm, but most of those super cities are just large in number. The defense and attack are not strong and the difference between Shenguang City, etc., this time there are many. The super city was destroyed by the strong in the temple.

Under such circumstances, the real estate in some cities such as Shenguang City is very precious. The price of real estate in some cities such as Shenguang City and Tianpu City Fairy City is already extremely high. A small villa inside has reached an amazing price, not to mention some estates!

"Boss, are there any manor rewards? Nowadays, there are very few ownerless manors in Shenguang City, Tianpu City, Fairy City and other cities." Wei Shidao. "It's okay, there are fewer Tianxinzi!" Chu Feng said with a chuckle, "This reward is still a little smaller in my opinion, so let's add another one. If you send Tianxinzi, I can personally point him to him. Ten years!"

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