Holy Prison

Chapter 1918: Unify God Realm

It has been ten days since the temple withdrew its troops. It was confirmed that there were no temple people in the God Realm. The tens of millions of quasi-sage-level powerhouses in Shenchu ​​City retreated to nine cities where Chufeng had set up spatial points.

Chu Feng turned around at the other eight points, and when he returned to Shenguang City, the quasi-sage-level powerhouses gathered in those spatial points were all taken into the holy prison space by Chu Feng, and Hong Most of the saints that Jun and the others had waited for returned to Shenguang City, and a small part of them did not come back and wandered around the God Realm.

On the high platform, Chu Feng glanced at him. On the high platform are the tens of millions of quasi-sage-level experts in Shenchu ​​City. In this war, the tens of millions of quasi-sage-level experts in Shenchu ​​City also suffered casualties, but the casualties were not very high. Big!

"Everyone, I am more happy. Among you, only more than two thousand people died. The exact number is 2,235! This is a little better than what I estimated. You did not disappoint me, but if you work harder, this A number may be a little bit less. It may not be possible to lose a thousand people, but one hundred people or ten people less, do you think it is possible?" Chu Feng said solemnly.

Without a voice, Chu Feng continued: "Each of you is a living person, not a number. People who have died, they basically have their own relatives and friends. If you die, your relatives and friends will definitely be sad. ! Okay, these are nonsense, to say a few words is meaningful."

"First, the war is only the beginning, not the end. Therefore, your training will continue! To tell you the good news, in order to make your future casualties less likely, I will train you a little bit more strictly. Just a little bit, don't be afraid!"

Chu Feng said with a smile, his expression looked relaxing, but when he heard what he said, many people shuddered secretly!

"Be a little stricter, who believes is stupid! If it's only a little stricter, the old conference said so?" Zhou Wen muttered in his heart and looked at some people with sympathy. These guys will definitely be caught in the next time. Chu Feng is not in human form!

Chu Feng said with a light smile: "It seems that many of you are looking forward to it. They are excited, and your body is trembling a little. It's pretty good. I like that you are motivated like this. Does anyone have any questions?"

No one is speaking at this time, and everyone is aware of a problem. If you say that there is a problem at this time, you will definitely be taken care of by the time!

If you just take care of those people who are just cut off your hands and feet, you won't be afraid, but Chu Feng's trick really makes them a little scared, thinking about it, it will be painful!

"Very well, for the second thing, everyone can relax for an hour. After an hour, we will go out together. The warriors who died in the war should be remembered by us!" Chu Feng said solemnly.

An hour passed quickly, Shenguang City guarded the square and countless people before the Monument to the Guardians of Shenchu ​​City gathered here. In addition to the tens of millions of Quasi-Holy Powers in Shenchu ​​City, there are also a large number of people who have not reached Quasi-Holy Level strength. And some saints in the lower realm.

Chu Feng's voice sounded for more than one billion people gathered here, and Chu Feng's voice sounded in the ears of every powerful person who gathered here.

"Everyone observes a minute of silence for the two trillion or so ordinary gods who died in this war, the more than 2,000 quasi-sage-level powerhouses who have fallen, and the fallen saint powerhouses!" Chu Feng said, he closed his eyes as he said, and the countless people who guarded the square also closed their eyes!

Time passed by second by second, and in one minute, no one was talking at this time. If anyone dares to talk nonsense, it is estimated that the eyes of many people will be enough to kill him!

"War, death is inevitable, but this time so many deaths, I have some regrets, many people have delusions, feel that people in the abyss will not act on them, the result? The strong in the abyss, Killing so many people in the God Realm on the first day of the war!" Chu Feng said solemnly.

"Everyone, this is not a game, this is a war, a cruel war! It is very stupid to pin the hope on the enemy's kindness to himself!"

"Some people are afraid, thinking that we can't win at all, and it's impossible to contend against the attack from the temple, but what? We won the first large-scale battle. It only took a few days. The people who came down all rolled back into the holy realm in despair! We have died a lot, two trillion or so of casualties, but many of you may not know that this time the temple has 1,200 in the lower realm. Those who are strong, lose more than 8 million!"

"Of the more than eight million people who have been damaged, many of them have reached the strength of a saint. Each of them has the strength of a quasi-sage level on the side of the gods! There are only more than three million in the lower realm of 1,200. Just a few days, what does this show? It shows that the temple is not invincible!" Chu Feng said solemnly.

"Take this opportunity, let me announce a few times! Listen well, everyone who hears it, tell me the words to the entire God Realm!" Chu Feng glanced at the people present and raised his voice. "First At this point, I announce that the entire God Realm will deal with the orders from Shenguang City under the rule of Shenchu ​​City. Everyone must obey!"

"This time, if everyone obeys the arrangement, more than two trillion people will never die. This kind of thing will be fine once, and I don't want to do it again! From now on, until the abyss is completely defeated, All people in the gods must obey the orders from Shenguang City!"

"Let the lower realms, those who can lower the realms, give me all the lower realms, and let them gather in the super city, and those who can gather in the super city, give me all the gathering! If there is a violation, the plot is serious, even if it is under attack from the temple. I can't spare him if I survive!" Chu Feng said solemnly, "Law enforcement team, this point, take note!"

"The second point is that those who betray this universe and cast into the abyss will kill without mercy! Spread words and believe that the abyss must be victorious, and we must be the losers. Depending on the seriousness of the circumstances, we will be punished, and if the situation is serious, we will abolish our strength, or even put it to death! Recode, everyone, it's best to write it down and don't offend it!"

"The third point is that the world is a bit chaotic. Some people may like such chaotic times and think that such chaotic times are just their own stage, and they can do whatever they want. I am here to warn such people, you'd better give me your tails. Clip it up and put it away. If anyone messes around, you will never be merciful! The law of God’s First City was originally adapted to the people of God’s First City. Now I declare that God’s First Law will be adapted to the entire God from now on. World!"

"In the entire God Realm, everyone who violates God's first law will be punished according to God's first law! Anyone who finds any behavior that violates God's first law can be reported. If it is confirmed, the person who violated God's first law will be punished and the person who reports , You can get a certain degree of contribution depending on the situation, and you should be clear about what the contribution can do."

"Fourth point, everyone in the gods, if they make great contributions to us and the future of our children and grandchildren, post-mortem materials can be injected into the Guardian Monument!"

Chu Feng spoke and shot the white light towards the tall guardian monument. Each of those white lights represented a person's message.

The commemorative activity ended soon, but what Chu Feng said caused a monstrous wave in the entire God Realm!

Although Shenchu ​​City is strong, it has not said that the entire God Realm is under the control of Shenchu ​​City, but now Chu Feng spoke out in front of so many people.

As soon as these words came out, countless people in the entire God Realm would have to be affected. God’s first law suits the entire God Realm. Everyone must obey the orders from the Shenguang City. In this way, the power in the hands of many power leaders will naturally To weaken a lot of this, but many people don't like it.

In the realm of God, some people are happy and some are worried. God’s first law is a fairer law. Many people have long been looking forward to the day when God’s first law will be popularized. People are happy in their hearts, but those who have weakened power and like power are naturally unhappy in their hearts.

However, unhappy and unhappy, no power in the entire God Realm raised objections, and now the rest of the power in the entire God Realm combined is far less than the power of God Chu City!

In the entire God Realm, there are more than 200,000 quasi-sage-level powerhouses who do not belong to the first city of God, and the quasi-sage-level powerhouses in the first city of God have more than 10 million! In addition, Shenchu ​​City also has more than one hundred thousand saint powerhouses, and those with a high cultivation base have reached the immortal level, and those with a low cultivation base have also reached the high-level saint!

Chu Feng's words spread to the entire God Realm. At the very beginning, the God Realm was in turmoil, but soon the entire God Realm settled down, more stable than ever before!

In the past, there was no law that adapted to the entire God Realm. Everything spoke with the fist. Some people acted naturally without scruples. But now with the laws of God’s Law, the more important God’s City has such strength to allow The law of God is well implemented! Under such circumstances, even some strong saints who do not belong to God Chu City dare not mess around at will. Before, Chu Feng cut two even the indestructible strong, they don’t want to try Chu Feng dare to punish they!

"Boss, now that the God Realm has settled down, what are you going to do next?" Tang Ming said with a light smile. He and Zhou Wen Chufeng gathered together for a drink. Since a lot of things have been turbulent, the three of them sit together like this There is not much time for drinking.

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