Holy Prison

Chapter 1925: Chaos Wasteland (1)

Knowing the approximate time of Feng Bingning's accident, Miao Xian'er directly positioned the time to seven hours ago. "Bing Ning hasn't appeared yet, a little bit behind!" Chu Feng said, the image was displayed in front of him, after all, after seven hours, the image was not particularly clear, but there was no problem seeing people clearly.

Miao Xian'er should immediately postpone the time, about half an hour later, and Feng Bingning's figure has appeared in the image.

"Chu Feng, I have appeared. Seeing Sister Bing Ning's appearance, I am in contact with you right now." Miao Xian'er said, and she delayed the time again as she said.

In the image, someone came towards Feng Bingning and appeared within a hundred meters. "Sindra, level three immortality." Miao Xian'er reported the information of the person who appeared.

Syndra just appeared, and the Dragon Anode and several powerful men in the temple appeared in the next moment. As soon as they appeared, beams of light shot onto Feng Bingning at the same time!

Feng Bingning showed a look of horror on her face. Around her, the space collapsed, and a terrifying suction was acting on her body. Under that suction, she had the ring of years without resisting for much time. ! After a few seconds, Feng Bingning's figure disappeared, as if he had never appeared there!

"Hall Master, several elders, the mission is complete!"

"Good job, haha!"

"It's not in vain that we spent so much effort refining that thing, and the wind and ice will enter the chaotic wasteland, and we will definitely die!"

"Venerable Ice, she is still under our concentrated curse. The curse is not to curse her to die directly, but to curse her time treasure occasionally has a little problem. With her sixth-level immortal cultivation base, as long as the time treasure has problems , The possibility of death is extremely high! If you don’t die once, how about twice? How about three times"

Longyang didn’t expect Chu Feng to find this place at all. They didn’t expect Chu Feng to find it in such a short time, and they could also know things from several hours ago, so they didn’t clear the breath here, which is convenient. After Chu Feng let him see what happened clearly!

The cold light in Chu Feng's eyes flickered. He didn't expect the people in the temple to actually think of a way to exile Feng Bingning into the Chaos Wasteland, and the chance of Feng Bingning coming out alive in a place like the Chaos Wasteland.

"Okay, very good!" Chu Feng's voice is extremely plain, but Miao Xian'er and Lan Wen are very familiar with him, his voice is so plain, it must be extremely uneven in his heart.

Miao Xian'er hesitated and said: "Chu Feng, you don't want to enter the Chaos Wasteland, do you? That place is too dangerous for you today!"

"I, can I not go?" Chu Feng said quietly, "The Chaos Wasteland, that place, I was interested in seeing it in the past, but I haven't had a chance, isn't it just an opportunity now?"

"The Heart of Time is in the Chaos Wasteland, and the Heart of Darkness should also be in the Chaos Wasteland. When I get there, I may be able to complete two 4S-level missions. In that case, the Holy Prison can be upgraded to level 17."

If the holy prison can be upgraded to level seventeen, then the sky eye and hand can reach the eighth underground level, there will be more treasures in the holy prison shop, the power of the holy prison heavy artillery is more powerful, more than 90 sky guards, to If you level up at the time, one by one will surely have the strength of immortality!

With more than 90 immortal level guards, plus so many holy prison heavy artillery, if the holy prison can be upgraded to one level, Chu Feng's strength can be greatly improved!

"Brother Feng, I have no objection to you going, but if you go, you must take me with me. I now have a nine-level immortal cultivation base, and I also understand the law of fate, which can help you." Lan Wen said.

Chu Feng nodded his head after a little consideration: "You go over, Qianqian and others will pass too, but they stay in the sacred prison space. Xian'er, don't tell them about Bing Ning!"

"Don't worry, I won't." Miao Xian'er said, "Chu Feng, you are going to the Chaos Wasteland. I think you have to let Master Hong know about this news! Feng Bingning disappeared, this one News, please explain to Hongjun and the others, lest the temple can make a fuss about this!"

"This is necessary, but Master Hong and the others are in the holy realm right now. I am in the lower realm. Just talk to Xiao Mingzi and the others. Okay, I am in the lower realm." Chu Feng said quietly, as he said for an instant Appeared outside.

A few seconds later, Chu Feng's figure had already appeared in the God Realm Divine Light City.

As soon as Chu Feng came back, Tang Ming and Zhou Wen appeared in front of Chu Feng. They thought that Chu Feng would be away for a long time, but they didn't expect that Chu Feng would come back so soon.

However, they found that Chu Feng's expression was a little bit wrong. "Fatty, Xiao Mingzi, tell you something, don't spread this thing. If I don't come back in ten years, I will tell you the news, Master them!" Chu Feng said.

"Boss, what's the matter?" Zhou Wen said.

Chu Feng didn't bother to say a thought, and directly passed some information into Tang Ming and Zhou Wen's minds. Tang Ming and Zhou Wen were shocked when they received Chu Feng's information.

"Boss, it's not right. You have entered the place where you are in the Chaos Wasteland with your current cultivation base. There are so many weird things in that place, and they are very powerful. You know this boss." Tang Ming said. Chu Feng whispered: "Xiao Mingzi, if Han Xiang gets caught there, would you go in?"

After Tang Ming said a word, he didn't persuade him any more. If Han Xiang entered there, he would definitely enter, wherever he would die!

"Don't worry, I still have a chance to resurrect!" Chu Feng patted Tang Ming and Zhou Wen on the shoulders. "Boss, come back alive! You know, the God Realm can't be without you." Tang Ming punched Chu Feng in the chest.

"Boss, if that ghost place doesn't return within ten years, it will be very difficult to return later, you have to remember clearly!" Zhou Wen also gave Chu Feng a punch.

Chu Feng said, "As long as there is no accident, I will definitely be back in ten years. Regardless of whether Bing Ning is saved or not, don't worry about this! Han'er, they are all in the gods, and you are also in the gods. It’s impossible for me to ignore this side! The news of my departure, you remember not to spread it!"

Tang Ming and Zhou Wen nodded, Chu Feng quickly left the God Realm and returned to the Holy Realm again, back to the place where he was just now!

The Chaos Wasteland, that place requires a specific method to enter, and it also requires a relatively strong force to open the passage. Chu Feng is satisfied with these two points.

Chu Feng had long obtained the magic formula from Hongjun and the others. As for the power, the one-eyed lion king possessed the power of the saintly superior level, which was definitely enough to open the access channel.

"Chu Feng, do you want to think about it again? If Sister Bing Ning dies, you have a resurrection star and can bring her back to life." Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind.

"Xian'er, can I be resurrected?" Chu Feng said.

Miao Xian'er was not sure that if Chu Feng entered the Chaos Wasteland, Feng Bingning would die, and Chu Feng should have no problem resurrecting Feng Bingning in the Chaos Wasteland.

Outside, if Feng Bingning dies in the Chaos Wasteland, there is a big possibility that he will not be able to resurrect. "Xian'er, needless to say, the place in the Chaos Wasteland is very weird. If Bing Ning dies there, it will be resurrected immediately. The success rate of the resurrection is very high. If after some time, the success rate of the resurrection will not be 100%. !" Chu Feng said.

"If I can definitely come back to life outside, I won't go in and take the risk. Now, I have no choice!" Chu Feng said, as he quickly choked the law.

The power of the magic formula drew the surrounding space, and soon a misty mist appeared around Chu Feng. The mist was not thick at the beginning, and gradually became very thick so that Chu Feng’s eyesight could only see it. Four meters away! The ground was originally stepped on very solidly, but now Chu Feng felt that he was stepping on the clouds.

"Lion King!"

Chu Feng's thoughts moved, and the one-eyed lion king appeared under Chu Feng, "Lion king, break through the dense fog, we enter the chaotic wasteland." Chu Feng said solemnly.

The one-eyed lion king roared, and his voice was concentrated in front of Chu Feng and broke a passage. As soon as the passage came out, the one-eyed lion king immediately followed the passage.

The speed of the one-eyed lion king is not slow, but after a few seconds, Chu Feng and the others did not come out of the thick fog. In fact, on the side of the holy world, the place where Chu Feng was just now is no longer thick, and there is no Chu. Feng and the One-eyed Lion King disappeared when they broke through the dense fog and entered the passage.

"Bing Ning, don't have anything to do!" Chu Feng prayed secretly in his heart. The one-eyed lion king kept advancing, and gradually the thick fog in front of him became thinner. Chu Feng found himself and the one-eyed lion king in the sky. In the sky, a few strange birds not far away found Chu Feng and they immediately attacked.

Chu Feng was in a bad mood and patted the strange birds that were not flying very fast. With this shot, Chu Feng immediately discovered a problem. It was not the low cultivation base of the strange birds, but this place. The suppression of strength was too great, and when he slapped it out, a few strange birds easily flashed past him.


This thought flashed in Chu Feng's mind. Those strange birds seemed to be poorly cultivated, but they all possessed the strength of the Immortal rank. The possibility of making a mistake in this judgment is extremely low. If it is below the Immortal rank, then It would not be easy for a few strange birds to dodge his attack, although that palm did not do its best!

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