Holy Prison

Chapter 1926: Chaos Wasteland (2)

Chu Feng's palm did not startle the strange birds, but the roar of the one-eyed lion king stunned the strange birds all at once. Although they have the strength of immortality, they are far from the Lord. Level strength is still far away!

"Xian'er, can you sense which direction Bing Ning is in?" Chu Feng said in his mind. "In this, the induction is affected. A 53% chance is to your left, a 41% chance is in front of you, and a 5% chance is behind you." Miao Xian'er replied.

The muscles on Chu Feng's face twitched, and this result made him have the urge to scold his mother. Although the probability on the left is the highest, it is only just over 50%!

"Xian'er, are there any problems when entering and leaving the sacred prison space?" Chu Feng asked. "There is a little problem, there is a three-second delay in this place, otherwise, it is not clear!" Miao Xianer said.

Chaos Wasteland, many places in this place are different. In some places, the suppression of strength is extremely high. An immortal-level strong person may not be able to exert the strength of the lower saint in some places; in some places, the suppression may not be so strong to exert the immortal level or even Indestructible power!

In addition to strength, there are some other weirdness. In some places, the consciousness is greatly affected, and it is possible that the consciousness cannot be separated from the body; in some places, hearing and vision are affected; in some places, the speed is greatly affected. Affected; in some places, a certain law is affected; in some places, it may not be possible to enter the treasure space!

"Xian'er, can you contact Bing Ning?" Chu Feng said.

"Can't be contacted yet."

Chu Feng patted the one-eyed lion king. The body of the one-eyed lion king dropped quite a bit, and the one-eyed lion king swiftly moved forward toward Chu Feng's left hand side, so that there was not much time for the one-eyed lion king's voice to sound in Chu Feng's mind: "Master, I feel several powerful breaths chasing me!"

"A strong breath? How strong?" Chu Feng asked quickly.

"At least one of the holy sovereigns, and the rest, reach the holy kings!" The one-eyed lion said. "Damn!" Chu Feng's expression changed. He knew that there were many powerful people in the Chaos Wasteland. He also encountered many immortal creatures along the way, but he didn't expect to encounter the holy king and holy creatures so soon!

"Chu Feng, if you look for it like this, the goal is too obvious. The one-eyed lion king rushing so fast is tantamount to provoking some tyrannical creatures," Miao Xianer said.

"Xian'er, is there a problem with entering the holy prison space here?"

With Miao Xian'er's promise, Chu Feng immediately moved into the holy prison space, but he did not successfully enter the holy prison space all at once, but only after three seconds passed!

"Goo!" "Hey!"

Chu Feng just received the one-eyed lion king and entered the holy prison space. There were five creatures to the place where Chu Feng disappeared. Among the five creatures, one of the green little frog breaths was the most terrifying, and the holy superior emanated from it. The aura only possessed by the strong, and each of the other four creatures has the strength of the Saint King level!

"One holy king, four holy kings, **** it, there are so many powerful people in it!" Chu Feng frowned in the holy prison space. It took him less than three minutes to enter it because his strength was suppressed and he had one eye. The Lion King didn't advance too far in three minutes, so he encountered so many powerful people at a little distance!



The five creatures took a close look around, they didn't find the holy prison, and all disappeared after a few minutes! "Brother Feng, let your entourage or Tianwei appear outside." Lan Wen said.

Chu Feng nodded slightly. He would let his entourage appear outside, which was extremely dangerous. The entourage who appeared outside estimated that he would die soon after living.

But who cares.

Let the entourage who appeared outside must be the most sinful kind, they should have died in Chu Feng's eyes, if it weren't for the future use, Chu Feng would have killed them long ago!

Now, it's time to use them!

"Xian'er, the entourage appeared outside, there should be no problem?" Chu Feng said. Miao Xian'er shook her head: "I don't know other places, but in this place, there is no problem!"

"You can exchange ten followers with the strength of the lower saints. You know which one to exchange." Chu Feng said.

Soon, ten entourage appeared in front of Chu Feng. These ten entourages cost Chu Feng more than 2 billion combat merit points. Now the number of combat merit points exchanged for ten such entourages is relatively small. There will be more combat points! On the one hand, there are fewer entourages that can be discounted at the back; on the other hand, there are fewer low-priced entourages at the back!

"Xian'er, don't let them appear in front of me." Chu Feng said, and in an instant he made the ten followers in front of him disappear into another small space.

"Chu Feng, let one of them appear outside now?" Miao Xian'er said. "No, wait a minute, the few powerhouses outside have not left too far." Chu Feng sat on the sofa and said.

Miao Xian'er and Lan Wen also sat down on the sofa one by one. "Brother Feng, how many combat achievements do you have now? Will this aspect be missing?" Lan Wen said.

"There are still more than seventeen hundred billion battle points!" Chu Feng said. He had obtained a lot of battle points outside of Azurite City. In addition, he was awarded a trillion points by the heart of space, deducting the spent battle points. Point, now there are still seventeen hundred billion, and there are a lot of merit points, if the domain tower value is not much!

"One thousand seven hundred billion, that's okay!" Lan Wen said softly, if an average of 500 million merit points were exchanged for one entourage, so many merit points would be enough to exchange more than 3,000!

Chu Feng remained silent, and time slowly passed. Three minutes later, Miao Xian'er broke the silence and said: "Chu Feng, it should be okay, let alone appear outside."

"Okay!" Chu Feng nodded, and soon one of the ten followers he had just exchanged appeared outside. The exchange followers were not stupid knowing that it would be more dangerous to go out, but they were Chu Feng's exchange followers, and they were in their hearts. Zhong couldn't even think of resisting Chu Feng's orders at all!

When the entourage went out, the SkyEye scan was turned on immediately, and there was an early warning from the SkyEye, and the entourage outside still survived for a few minutes, but only three minutes.

To be precise, it was only two minutes and fifty-seven seconds, three minutes is still three seconds away!

"It's only three minutes!" Lan Wen frowned slightly. This time is short. If the followers can only last so long when they appear outside, then three thousand followers can't support even 10,000 minutes. One day is More than a thousand minutes, ten thousand minutes, the time for the entourage to appear outside didn't even have ten days!

"Xian'er, now, where's the position? Can you contact Bing Ning?" Chu Feng said, Feng Bing Ning has a treasure of time. With Feng Bing Ning's strength, it should be no problem to support it in a short time, but if you support it for a long time, I am afraid it is very difficult, but Feng Bingning is cursed by the dragon anode and the others!

"Fifty-four percent chance is our direction! As for contact, we can't contact yet." Miao Xianer said. "Xian'er, let a Tianwei appear outside to try! If the skyeye scans and finds the strong approaching, immediately put the Tianwei into the holy prison space." Chu Feng said.

The exchanged entourage is only the strength of the lower sage, and if you encounter a creature with a stronger strength, it will die. If the Tianwei is concerned, the immortal strength is not so easy to die!

"If it is too late to put the heavenly guards into the holy prison space, then let me have the other more than 90 heavenly guards appear outside together!" Chu Feng said solemnly.

Now every Tianwei has a seven-level immortal cultivation base, more than ninety seven-level immortal strengths, that is a very terrifying force!

Coupled with the appearance of Chu Feng with the mask of the lion king, even if the situation like that before, a holy king and several powerful holy kings can handle it!

"Chu Feng, don't use the entourage anymore, do you use Tianwei?" Miao Xian'er said in surprise.

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Use the Tianwei temporarily! In the area where you are now, the higher the strength, the cheaper it is. The Tianwei advances much faster than the entourage. In this chaotic wasteland, there are some places. The advantage of high strength is not so obvious. It is better to use entourage in such a place!"

"That's great!" As Miao Xian'er said, a Tianwei appeared outside, and immediately beheaded the unicorn snake that had just killed a high-ranking saint in Chu Feng!

The strength of the upper sage, if that one-horned snake has good and evil values, then Heavenly Hand can put it into the holy prison space that entourage will not die.

However, some of the creatures in it have good and evil values, and some have no good and evil values! Without the value of good and evil, although Tianshou can also catch, but its ability to catch is greatly reduced. Even the more powerful mid-level sage-strength monster Tianshou may not be able to catch it into the holy prison space, let alone The monster with the strength of the upper saint!

Tianwei beheaded the solitary snake with the strength of the upper saint, and Tianshou immediately incorporated the unicorn snake with the strength of the upper saint into the holy prison space. The body of the single horned snake with the strength of the upper saint was still useful to him. You can get a lot of money when you sell it to a pawnshop. Now, it is estimated that the consumption of money will not be too small. Chu Feng is not particularly rich now!

"No.3, hide your breath, don't speed too fast, it doesn't matter if you slow down a little bit." Chu Feng's voice resounded in the mind of the Tianwei outside.

If the speed reaches the fastest, then there will be problems with hiding the breath. If the speed is slowed down, it can converge its breath better.

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