Holy Prison

Chapter 1947: News from Long Wuji

The threat of the temple was not threatened at all, but it still angered Chu Feng, if he had not known that Feng Bingning had been brought to the chaotic wasteland by the people of the temple.

If you didn't know this, if it wasn't for Chu Feng to go to the Chaos Wasteland and finally come back alive with Feng Bingning, then the problem is very serious.

If he couldn't contact Feng Bingning, he might have thought that Feng Bingning was arrested by the people of the temple, so the threat from the people of the temple might have an effect.

Even if you don’t give so many Void Stones according to what the temple said, if you want to save Feng Bingning, you can give a part of it. If so, the Void Stone is given away, and Feng Bingning will definitely not come back. Yes, in the end, those void stones will make the people of the temple dispatch more troops to the lower realm!

"Anything else?" Chu Feng said. Wei Shi shook his head: "Boss, there is nothing else to do, just a little bit!"

It hasn't been ten years since Chu Feng left and entered the Chaos Wasteland. Such a little time generally won't be able to deal with big things, and there is no need for Wei Shi to tell Chu Feng about small things at this time.

"Go down!" Chu Feng waved his hand.

"Yes, boss!" Wei Shi stood up. "Wait." Just when Wei Shi was about to leave, Chu Feng said, Wei Shi stopped, "Wei Shi, the news of Bing Ning's return, don't spread it, understand? In addition, I see your hard work over the years. In the eyes, work hard, you should know that if you work hard, I will not treat you badly!"

"Yes, boss!" Wei Shi said, with a hint of excitement flashing in his eyes. With Chu Feng's promise, as long as Chu Feng does not die, his achievements will never be too low by then.

Chu Feng waved his hand and quickly retreated from Wei Shi. As soon as he left, Chu Feng's calm expression immediately became gloomy. "The temple, such a powerful force, actually made such a threat, too. Shameless!" Chu Feng said coldly.

"Chu Feng, Dan Ding" Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind. "Xian'er, are you ready at this time?" Chu Feng said in his mind.

"Well, I don't have dandan, don't need dandan," Miao Xianer said with a smile. Chu Feng rolled his eyes. After being tossed by Miao Xian'er, the anger in his heart dropped a lot.

"Chu Feng, do you plan to pay back to the temple?" Miao Xian'er said.

"In return? Is there any good way you can't?" Chu Feng asked. "No, didn't I ask you? You asked me why." Miao Xianer said authentically.

"It's not easy to counterattack now." Chu Feng said, now their strength is not weak, but compared to the temple's strength, it is still much lower.

The temple side has become vigilant. If you act easily, then it is very likely that there is no harm to the temple side. The reaction is that their side has been hit hard!

"The most important thing now is not to counterattack the temple, but to upgrade the holy prison. Two 4S-level missions have been completed, and the missions for the domain tower have been completed. There is only one 4S-level mission. If that mission is completed , The holy prison can be upgraded to level seventeen! If the holy prison is upgraded to seventeenth level, it will be much easier to deal with the holy prison at that time!" Chu Feng said.

Miao Xian'er said: "But where can I activate the 4S-level mission? There are two activated missions, one of the heart of time and the other of darkness. They are probably all in the Chaos Wasteland. You just came out of the Chaos Wasteland. It is impossible to enter the Chaos Wasteland again in a short time!"

"There must be a heart of darkness, a heart of light, a heart of earth, a heart of fire, a heart of gold, a heart of wood, and a heart of water! In addition, or something else, For example, the heart of life, the heart of death, etc., it is impossible for everything to be in the chaotic wasteland or the land of nine suns!" Chu Feng said.

"I don't know where most of them are, but there is one, maybe I know." Chu Feng said. Miao Xian'er said: "Chu Feng, do you mean Long Jiang Shu?"

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Well, with the strength of Longjiang Shu, he dared to walk in the holy realm. He must have a relatively large reliance on this kind of thing. It is not small if it is not this. Kind of things, that is, things like the Dominator, and things like Innate Treasures are less likely!"

Things like Xiantianzhibao are not weak. If the degree of integration is high, then the power is extremely strong. However, Chu Feng does not believe that Longjiang Shu has a high-integration treasure for the innate treasure! Even if there is that kind of innate treasure, his cultivation base is also low, unable to play the strongest power of innate treasure!

Under such circumstances, even if it is possessed of innate treasures, even if it has a relatively high degree of integration, Long Jiangshu should not dare to walk in the holy realm at will!

"That guy, why is he walking in the holy world in such a situation now?" Chu Feng said softly, "Xian'er, do you think it is possible that he wants other things like the heart of space? If he If you have already obtained one of them, then it should be possible!"

"You have answered all by yourself, do you still use me to answer?" Miao Xian'er said in an angry manner, "Chu Feng, the guy from Longjiang Shu, trampled him to death earlier. I saw that guy is not a good thing, so what else? Sister Bing Ning is not good enough for him now, and she doesn't take a **** and take a picture of herself!"

Chu Feng smiled and said: "I still think, but he is a member of the Dragon Clan after all. Even if I see him, there is no reason to kill him."

"Moreover, it is not easy to see him. I don't know what the situation of the Dragon Clan is now. It is really a sad thing, alas!"

At this moment, Chu Feng felt a faint breath, which was a bit familiar. The breath seemed to come from someone in the holy world who wanted to get in touch with him.

"This breath... seems to be the breath of Team Leader Long!" Chu Feng's eyes lit up. He and Long Wuji hadn't seen him for many years. Long Wuji's strength was much stronger, and his breath also changed a bit, but Chu Feng still Judging it, this breath should be the breath of Team Leader Long Wuji Long!

Judging that it was Long Wuji's breath, Chu Feng immediately released the sacred knowledge and Long Wuji's breath to make some contact. After the contact was made, Long Wuji's faint figure immediately appeared in front of Chu Feng.

"Chu Feng!" Long Wuji said with excitement. With his excitement, his figure suddenly became more blurred and Chu Feng couldn't see clearly. "Leader Long, are you injured?" Chu Feng frowned. Long Wuji's current situation may be injured. It is normal for him to be unclear when he is injured.

"I was hurt a bit, but it's okay. The image is not clear because of some interference where I am now." Long Wuji said quickly, "Chu Feng, although I am embarrassed to speak, I need some help from you. The dragons also need some help from you! The dragons are now on the brink of civil war!"

Chu Feng was shocked. If the dragon clan has an internal strife, this is not good news. The strength of the dragon clan is much stronger than that of the white tiger clan of the Feng clan, and there are more powerful ones that have survived. If there is no internal strife, it is against the temple. A great help for the temple, if there is a civil strife, the temple may also become the temple’s strength when the time comes!

"Leader Dragon, where is the Dragon Realm, how do I enter the Dragon Realm?" Chu Feng asked the most critical question. If you don't know this, then knowing more about other aspects is useless! "Captain Dragon, is it convenient for you to the Lower Realm? If it is convenient, I will finally talk to the Lower Realm. If you don't have the Void Stone, I can give you some!"

"I can't lower the realm here! The Dragon Territory can move at will, and I can't guarantee where it will be in the future, but now the Dragon Territory has not moved. The entrance of the Dragon Territory is on the side of the original Baihu family's residence, which is far from the original Baihu family The station is one billion kilometers, and the direction is due east!"

"There is a relatively large heart-shaped lake on this side. The entrance of the Dragon Region is now in that lake, at the center of the lake!"

"When you get to the center of the lake, the entrance of the Dragon Realm will appear completely still for three minutes. There is no guard at the entrance, but there is a Thousand Dragon Array. Once you enter the entrance, you will fall into the Thousand Dragon Array. The power of the Thousand Dragon Formation is so powerful that it is extremely difficult to escape even a Saint-level powerhouse who is trapped in it. But Chu Feng, you have created miracles one by one, and I believe you will have no problem entering the dragon domain."

Chu Feng silently wrote down the address: "Leader Long, the internal chaos of the Dragon clan, can you elaborate on it? How are you and Long Xiao now?"

"My situation with him... is a little bit bad. We ran into a birdman in the dragon realm and embarrassed us specifically. That guy even threatened to catch Feng Bingning and become his woman in front of us. After a few words, his strength is not as good as that of human beings, but there is nothing to say!" Long Wuji said, judging from his voice, his resentment is not light.

"Long clan civil strife, time is running out, someone is coming" Long Wuji said this and disappeared instantly. "The Dragon Clan was in an internal turmoil!" Chu Feng frowned slightly. It would be great if Long Wuji could say a little more, but it was a pity that the connection with Long Wuji had been broken.

"The person Long Wuji said should be Long Jiang Shu. This bastard, Master Chu will not teach him severely at the time. He thought that Chu Feng was muddy and lacking temper!" Chu Feng muttered in his heart. , He has made up his mind to go to Dragon Realm immediately!

I wanted to trouble Long Jiang Shu, I wanted Long Yu to find out about the situation, and now Long Wuji contacted him, and it was when he was sleeping that he gave him a pillow!

As for the danger, Chu Feng believes that there shouldn't be too much danger in the Dragon Realm. This time he is not planning to go alone, Hongjun and the others will also let them go!

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