Holy Prison

Chapter 1948: Heart of Wind

The Baihu clan's residence is one billion kilometers due east, and it didn't take long for Chu Feng to get there. On the Baihu clan's side, there is a space point.

"It should be here." Chu Feng muttered in his heart. In front of him is a heart-shaped lake. The lake is relatively large. Unless it is high in the sky, it is invisible to the naked eye.

Chu Feng was not high in the sky, but he used the sacred consciousness scan. Under the sacred consciousness scan, he found that the lake was heart-shaped but there was no problem!

"When you get to the center, you won't move at all for three minutes!" Chu Feng had already reached the center of the lake as soon as he moved his mind. After three minutes of motionlessness, the entrance of the dragon domain would appear, and when entering the entrance, he would fall into the thousand dragon formations. , Chu Feng didn't worry much, because...He is not his deity but his clone number one now!

Three minutes was very short, and No. 1 was still. After three minutes passed, a whirlpool with a diameter of tens of meters appeared under him! "No change!" As soon as No.1's eyes lit up, he immediately threw towards that vortex. When this vortex appeared, Chu Feng just let down the worry in his heart.

Before Long Wuji said that someone was approaching, Chu Feng was naturally a little worried about the Dragon Territory, so he changed the entrance. Actually, Chu Feng was worrying. Although the entrance of the Dragon Territory can be changed, it is not so easy to change. In a short time, , The entrance of Dragon Domain is difficult to change!

Civil turmoil occurred in Jinlongyu, and if you want to change it in a short time, it will be even more difficult!

"Roar!" "Roar!" "Roar!"

Number One plunged into the vortex, the sky swirled around, and the front of her eyes became blurred, but the scene in front of her soon became clear, but at this moment, Number One discovered that she had entered the dragon domain!

There were giant dragons around Number One, and those giant dragons roared loudly, and the waves of dragon might be pressed against Number One. As long as there was a change in Number One, it is estimated that those dragons would immediately resemble it. In essence, and other attacks will suddenly fall on No. 1!

"This Thousand Dragon Formation is quite powerful!" Chu Feng whispered in the holy prison space. The Thousand Dragon Formation has indeed transformed thousands of dragons, and each of those thousand dragons has immortal strength. The great formation, even if a few holy-level powerhouses are trapped, it is extremely difficult to escape!

However, if the temple is attacking, it is impossible for such a large formation to block the people from the temple. There are only a few strong people at the holy temple level, but there are tens of thousands of strong people below the holy level. !

Can't stop the temple, this big formation, the same can't stop Chu Feng, but Chu Feng didn't directly break through the Qianlong Formation, in that case, the face of the Dragon Race would not look good!

He came to Longyu this time to make friends, not to pick a spot, but if someone didn't recognize him, he wouldn't be too polite.

After all, many times in this world, the big fist is the boss. If he is blindly humbly, it will make some people of the dragon tribe despise him!

"Chu Feng, the first city of God, come uninvited, and don't let your friends of the dragon clan be offended!" Number One said loudly, his voice not only resounded within the Qianlong Formation, but also spread out the Qianlong Formation!

The Thousand Dragon Formation changed, and after hearing Chu Feng's voice, many dragon clan experts soon arrived near the Qianlong Formation. "Chu Feng, good news!" Miao Xian'er said in surprise in the holy prison space.

"What task did it stimulate?" Chu Feng said quickly. "Chu Feng, another 4S-level quest, Heart of Wind! If you get the heart of Wind, you will have completed three 4S-level quests." Miao Xian'er said with joy and inspiring a 4S-level quest as soon as he arrived here. , She is not happy now.

If one more task is completed, the holy prison will be able to reach the seventeenth level from the sixteenth level, the seventeenth-level holy prison, the ability is not comparable to the sixteenth-level holy prison!

"The Heart of Wind?" Chu Feng's eyes were surprised. He had never thought that there would be a Heart of Wind. He did not expect that a Heart of Wind would appear. Since the Heart of Wind appeared, there might be thunder. The heart crystal and so on, such things are not limited to the five element heart crystal and the heart of darkness and light, the heart of time and space!

"Bing Ning said, Long Jiang Shu is extremely fast, it seems that it is because of the heart of the wind." Chu Feng secretly said.

Outside, Number One had already seen Longjiang Shu, and when he saw Longjiang Shu, he also saw many other powerful people. Among those people, there are actually no lack of saint-level powerful people!

"City Lord Chu is coming, it is the glory of my dragon clan!" An old man in a green robe laughed authentically. "The Glory of the Dragon Race? The Lord Chu came uninvited. We are not sure whether it is an enemy or a friend. Patriarch Qinglong said so, but it is not very good." Another voice sounded, and this one sounded not so polite!

"Chu Feng!" Long Jiang Shu's eyes narrowed slightly, "It's nothing more than the immortal level of cultivation, that is, the previous good luck allowed the three realms to separate, otherwise, where will the current scenery be?"

The green-robed old man waved his hand and shot it towards the Qianlong Formation. When he met the green light, the Qianlong Formation instantly melted away, "City Lord Chu, it's rude!" said the green-robed old man.

"It's okay!" No.1 waved his hand. He glanced at him and didn't see Long Xiao and Long Wuji. "Cyan Dragon Patriarch, I have two friends in the dragon clan, Long Wuji and Long Xiao, I don't know they are now What are you up to, why didn't you see them haha."

Long Jiangshu said indifferently: "Long Xiao and Long Wuji have made mistakes. Now they have been thinking about Tasi. I'm afraid they won't be able to come over and meet you with City Lord Chu at this moment!"

Number One frowned: "A mistake? I don't know what mistake they made?"

"City Master Chu, this is the internal affairs of my Dragon Clan. I don't think you can bother with Cities Master Chu." Long Jiangshu said quietly, "City Master Chu, if there is nothing else, please go back now. Our Dragon Clan doesn't welcome you too much. !"

Although he looked down on Chu Feng in his heart, Long Jiangshu knew that there were strong people such as Hongjun behind Chu Feng. Now that Chu Feng is in front of him, he is not too rude!

"The patriarch of Qinglong, the dragon seems not very friendly." Number One said lightly. "City Lord Chu, something happened to our Dragon Clan recently, so... I hope that City Master Chu will forgive me. City Lord Chu, how about going to my Qinglong Valley? My Qinglong Valley welcomes City Master Chu to be a guest." Tao.

Number One nodded slightly, but at this time a man in yellow robe next to the old man in Qingpao spoke: "Patriarch Qinglong, my dragon clan now has internal affairs to deal with. I think it is not suitable for City Lord Chu to stay here. City Lord Chu, If there is nothing wrong, please come back! If there is a chance in the future, City Lord Chu will come back as a guest again!"

"Chu Feng, the problem of the Dragon Clan is not small!" said Miao Xian'er in the holy prison space. The patriarch of Qinglong welcomes Chu Feng, but he does not welcome more!

Chu Feng nodded slightly. Long Wuji was a relatively arrogant person. He had secretly sent a message to him before, and it was impossible for the Dragon Clan to have no major problems!

"Naturally, I have something to do!" Number One whispered, "There are so many powerful people in the temple now, among the dragons, I suspect that some people are also parasitic!"

"When I got here, one of the main things was to check whether the strong dragons were parasitized. If they are parasitic, then the future of the dragons is worrying!"

"Everyone, everyone, please cooperate with my test. If anyone does not cooperate, I have reason to believe that he has been parasitized. For the parasitic person, I think I will not be polite, and you should not be polite!"

Chu Feng said that Hongjun and a lot of people appeared outside, "Patriarch Qinglong, I have two small requests. From now on until the end of the test, no one can leave the Dragon Realm. In addition, immediately Relocate the entrance of the Dragon Domain, I wonder if there is a problem?" Chu Feng said.

"No problem!" Qinglong patriarch smiled authentically. "Wait, I have a question. This is the Dragon Clan. Why are you arrogant on the Dragon Clan's side, City Lord Chu," Long Jiang Shu said in a deep voice.

Chu Feng looked at Long Jiang Shu and said indifferently: "The young patriarch of the Golden Dragon Clan, Long Jiang Shu, isn't it wrong? Long Jiang Shu, you stop it, could it be that you have been parasitic"

"Fart, you are parasitized!" Long Jiangshu said in surprise, if Chu Feng defines it as parasitized, then his trouble is not small! Chu Feng did not speak to Long Jiangshu again and said in a low voice: "Everyone, you probably won't know if anyone in the Dragon Realm is parasitic. If so, then everyone knows how dangerous it is!"

"Under such circumstances, if I were to prevent me from helping you test, it is likely to be parasitized. In addition, if you don't cooperate with the test, you will also be parasitized!"

As soon as Chu Feng's several big hats were pressed down, some people who wanted to stop it suddenly became uneasy to speak. If they speak at this time, it is very likely that they will fall into the name of being parasitic. Even if it is not planned, others are sure to doubt it!

"Dear friends, we believe that Chu Feng is a human being. This time he came here to help the Dragon Clan." Hongjun smiled authentically. Pangu snorted coldly: "The temple is parasitic with so many powerhouses in our universe. Lao Tzu is very angry. If anyone stops it, it must be parasitized. Let me take an axe first!"

Hongjun, Pangu, Ye Qingcheng, and many other indestructible powerhouses, Chu Feng's lineup is not weak. Hearing what Pangu said, even the Long Jiang book that he planned to say a few more words was closed. He said that he was not too afraid of the power of the holy class, but there is no need to provoke the power of the holy class for no reason!

"City Lord Chu, on behalf of the Dragon Clan, I welcome the arrival of City Master Chu. We will work together to immediately move the entrance of the Dragon Region. In addition, we will block the Dragon Region and no one can leave the Dragon Region!" Clan Chief Qinglong said solemnly.

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