Holy Prison

Chapter 1950: Who killed the person?

"Everyone, shut up for me!" The Golden Dragon patriarch shouted with a somewhat ugly expression. Among the ten people, half were from the Golden Dragon clan, which made him feel uncomfortable.

There are many types of golden dragons, silver dragons, blue dragons, purple dragons, green dragons, and black dragons. There are species of species, and none of them are parasitic, while the golden dragons have five people!

A total of eleven people were parasitized, and five belonged to the Golden Dragon clan. It is strange that the head of the Golden Dragon clan felt better.

Hearing the cold shout of Long Jin, the head of the Golden Dragon patriarch, all the noisy ten or so people calmed down. They knew that Long Jin's temper was not so good. No matter how noisy it is at this time, it is possible for Long Jin to directly attack them!

"City Lord Chu, can you prove that they must be parasitized?" Long Jin looked towards Chu Feng and said solemnly. "This proof is not difficult!" Chu Feng said quietly, "Punish them with some small punishments, and they will naturally show it!"

Chu Feng said and glanced at the ten or so parasitic dragon clan powerhouses: "Everyone, you should know that I have the ability to tell if you are parasitized! Give you a chance to admit that you are parasitic, and then show something to let you We all know that otherwise, you will enjoy some extra care in the next period of time!"

"Patriarch, I think Chu Feng deliberately went to our dragon clan to make trouble. He wanted to deliberately provoke conflicts within our dragon clan." One of the eleven people said loudly.

Chu Feng said indifferently: "It seems that I don't need to provoke the contradictions of the dragon clan. If I'm not here, I guess it won't take long for the dragon clan to fight inside."

Hearing what Chu Feng said, Patriarch Qinglong and Long Jin didn't look good, but they didn't say much. What Chu Feng said was the truth, and they wanted to refute it too!

"This friend, depending on how you look, are you not planning to recruit?" Chu Feng said with a light smile. He said that a small bottle appeared in his hand, "My friend, did you see the contents of this small bottle? If it touches you, you will enjoy the feeling of ecstasy... I might not feel good to say that, so let me use it directly for you!"

Long Jin and the others did not respond. Chu Feng's thoughts caused some light blue liquid in the small bottle. The light blue liquid turned into light blue mist and floated to the one who just spoke. The dragon clan powerhouse then enveloped him in it. Under the guidance of many people around, the light blue mist got on the dragon clan powerhouse's skin, and part of it penetrated into the body through the skin!

"Huh, but so." The dragon clan expert sneered, he just felt a little bit of itching, and that little bit of itching was completely within his tolerance.

But after only three seconds, the dragon clan powerhouse trembled all over, and he felt a strange itch. Although his cultivation base had been banned a lot, his strength was still quite high, but that kind of cultivation base, That kind of physical strength simply can't stop that deep itch!

The dragon clan expert screamed, and he quickly grasped on his body. At the beginning, he just grabbed a series of red marks, and slowly turned into a series of blood marks. When he reached the back, he would The flesh and blood are also grabbed piece by piece, and the picture is really horrible!

Another small bottle appeared in Chu Feng's hand at this time: "Friend, this bottle is an antidote, and it will relieve your pain immediately, if you are obedient!"

"You have been determined to be parasitic. If you are not obedient, can you be released in the future? You will often enjoy this treatment afterwards!"

The dragon clan expert looked at the small bottle in Chu Feng's hand with red eyes. He wanted to rush over and **** the small bottle, but how could he rush over?

"Trick, I will!" The dragon clan expert said loudly, and if this continues, the bones of his body may be damaged by himself! If Chu Feng was just hitting luck, then he wouldn't be able to recruit them at this time, but Chu Feng clearly picked them out. If he didn't recruit them at this time, he would continue to suffer!

Chu Feng smiled and said, "First prove it, let us know that you are indeed parasitized, and then I will give you this antidote. If you don't want to suffer, you can hurry!"

"I'm from the abyss, Dora Realm!" The dragon strong man endured the itch and quickly said, "This is my true appearance." The dragon strong said an alien image appeared in front of Chu Feng and the others. The alien head is four to five meters high, with sharp teeth and pointed tail thorns, and you can see that it is not a good thing!

"We arrived in this universe a long time ago. Long Chang was sleeping outside and awake. Before he returned to the Dragon Realm, he was parasitized by me! It is a pity that in the past few years, the Dragon Realm was only allowed to enter, except for very few people. Not allowed to go out. Now that the abyss of the outside is rising, I have not been able to get in touch with the strong of the abyss!"

Chu Feng said, "Patriarch Long Jin, should you believe it?"

Long Jin, Qinglong Clan and others nodded slightly, "Long Chang must have been parasitized. He shouldn't know the Dora Realm, nor should he know the appearance of aliens!" Long Jin said solemnly.

"Chu Feng, give me the antidote!" Long Chang said authentically. He just tried to endure those words. At this moment, he felt the itch in his body more intense!

"This is not an antidote at all!" Chu Feng said quietly, "Keep on supporting it, I will give you less medicine, and it will be over in half a minute!"

"You bastard!" Long Chang yelled, but Chu Feng was completely exempt from his yelling! "What about you? Do you admit it yourself, or should I give you some of this potion? After using it, it will definitely make you as refreshing as Long Chang." Chu Feng looked at the other ten parasitized people with a light smile.

"I'm parasitic!"

"me too!"

Seeing Long Chang like that, not one of the remaining ten people is tough. If you are tough at this moment, it is not a tough, it is stupid!

If you admit it, you don't need to bear the pain, and you may be rescued at that time; if you don't admit it, you won't be able to be rescued because of the pain!

Such a choice is actually very easy to make!

"Take them down and detain them all in first-class cells!" Clan Chief Qinglong said in a deep voice. The dragon clan's cells are divided into several levels, each of which corresponds to a different strength. The first-class cells are used. Those who come to imprison the indestructible-level powerhouse, let alone those who are imprisoned in strength, will not be imprisoned, and it is impossible for them to escape from the first-class prison!

Some dragon clan experts responded, and soon the eleven parasitized people were taken away. "Long Jin, let's find a place to have a good talk?" Qinglong patriarch said.

"Hmm!" Long Jin nodded slightly.

Soon, Chu Feng Hongjun and the others, some important figures of the Dragon Clan gathered in a conference hall of the Dragon Clan. Generally, this hall is not opened. It opens only when there are important matters to be discussed. There are a pair of murals around him, and the murals are painted by the ancestors of the dragon clan!

"Long Jin, what's your opinion now?" Clan Chief Qinglong looked at Long Jin Dao opposite. No one sat on the throne of Clan Chief Dragon. The two of them were seated side by side under that throne.

Long Jin said in a deep voice: "Dragon Green, the abyss is powerful, and the odds of winning in this universe are too low. Before, I advocated that our dragons stick to the dragon domain; now that the hands of the abyss reach into our dragons, then I will naturally not oppose the fight against the saints. Temple! However, in the action against the temple, we must preserve the power of our dragon as much as possible! I don’t want the temple to be destroyed by that time, and there are not many of our dragons left!"

Hearing what Long Jin said, Chu Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief. There were some contradictions within the Dragon Clan, including the contradiction of competing for treasures, and also the contradiction of whether to deal with the temple!

There are two factions in the dragon clan. One faction advocates the use of force against the temple to fight against the temple together with Shenchu ​​City; the other faction advocates preservation of itself. Anyway, the dragon domain is large and the entrance can be moved. People of the dragon race can live well in the dragon realm, there is no need to work hard!

The leader of the main battle faction was Longqing, the patriarch of the Qinglong clan, and the leader of the main defense faction was Longjin, the leader of the Jinlong clan! In this matter, the contradiction is very sharp, both sides have their own reasons, but now Long Jin side is not tenable. It's okay if the abyss's hand hasn't reached the dragon clan, if it reaches it, it won't be justified to avoid fighting!

"Dashan!" A smile appeared on Long Qing's face. He glanced at other people. "Long Jin said so, do you have different opinions?"

No one made a sound. The two saint-level powerhouses, Longqinglongjin, said they were going to fight, and they knew that even if they had different opinions, it would not change much.

Moreover, at this time, the people of the Dragon Race are relatively arrogant, and the Abyss has already provoked the Dragon Race, which has made them intolerable!

"No comment, very good, very good!" Long Qing nodded. Now there are two major contradictions among the dragon clan, even if one of them is resolved.

This one contradiction is resolved, and the other is easier to talk about. Because of the competition for treasures, there are some contradictions within the dragon clan. When there is no external contradiction, the internal contradiction can continue. When the external contradiction arises, there will be no internal contradiction. Soil! Neither Long Qing nor Long Jin are ignorant of the overall situation. Under strict constraints, internal contradictions will naturally be suppressed!

"You guys, recently, there is some disharmony within our Dragon Clan. Now that the external enemy is currently in harmony, I don't think it was the time when our internal disharmony, Long Jin, everyone, what do you think?" Long Qing said.

"Yeah!" Long Jin nodded slightly, and everyone else nodded slightly. The contradictions within the dragon clan are temporarily gone!

"Everyone, I have a little question." Chu Feng said at this moment.

Long Qing smiled slightly: "City Lord Chu, please speak!"

For Chu Feng, Long Qing was grateful. If Chu Feng hadn’t identified who was parasitized, big changes would happen sooner or later. By then, more than eleven people would be parasitic. !

"Clan Chief Long Qing, I don't know that Long Xiao and Long Wuji have made any mistakes and are to be punished?" Chu Feng glanced at Long Jiangshu and said in a deep voice. Long Xiao and Long Wuji, both of them were injured. Not light, if they were all recovered by Chu Feng in the holy prison space, "their punishment is not light!"

"This is the internal affairs of the Dragon Clan, I shouldn't take care of it, but Long Wuji and Long Xiao are my friends, Chief Long Qing, Chief Long Jin, I hope I can explain!"

Long Jiang Shu frowned secretly, Long Xiao and Long Wuji were punished, it was related to him!

Long Jiangshu didn't catch Feng Bingning at the beginning. After returning, he moved his anger to Long Wuji and Long Xiao. It can be said that both of them were punished for no reason!

Long Jiang Shu is now an indestructible powerhouse, possessing treasures like the Heart Crystal of the Wind, and the young patriarch of the Golden Dragon clan. Long Xiao and Long Wuji are not high-ranking saints. Where did they fight Long Jiang Shu?

There are not many reasons, just a sentence from Long Jiang Shu, Long Xiao and Long Wuji were punished, and their charges were to kill fellow Dragon Clan!

The Golden Dragon clan died in the fairy mansion, and Long Xiao and Long Wuji's cultivation speed improved very fast, Long Jiang Shu directly planted such a crime on them, this crime is not light! If it weren't for Long Qing and other people who had some doubts about this, Long Xiao and Long Wuji would have been executed!

Long Qing looked at Long Jiangshu and said softly: "Jiang Shu, you are responsible for this matter, you can explain it." "Yeah!" Long Jiangshu nodded and said loudly, "City Lord Chu, Long Xiao He Long Wuji was punished because he killed his compatriots and did something that violated the clan rules in order to increase his cultivation base for the treasure!"

"According to the rules of the family, the two of them should be executed immediately, and they were sentenced to capital punishment, but considering your relationship with them, City Master Chu, they have not been executed for the time being. I don't know how City Master Chu feels about my explanation?"

Chu Feng shook his head slightly: "No. Long Jiang Shu, Long Xiao and Long Wuji were convicted, but what evidence is there?" "Evidence, this is naturally there, and Long Xiao left where the deceased was. There is also the aura of Long Wuji. The two of them later left the Immortal Mansion, and their strength improved a lot!" Long Jiangshu said quietly.

"Who discovered it first?" Chu Feng said.

Long Jiang said: "It's me. I rushed to the other side and found a brother of my Jinlong clan who died. Then I found the breath of Long Wuji and Long Xiao there. Besides, there was no breath of other people. Therefore, it will only be Long Xiao and Long Wuji who will kill my Golden Dragon clan brother!"

"The dead person is my friend of Long Jiang Shu. I wanted to punish Long Xiao and Long Wuji directly, but let them survive!" Long Jiang Shu looked at Chu Feng and said solemnly, faintly, Chu Feng seems to be able to see a little provocative light in Long Jiangshu's eyes! "It's definitely not Long Xiao and Long Wuji who killed them. Could it be that this guy killed it himself?" This thought suddenly popped up in Chu Feng's heart!

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