Holy Prison

Chapter 1951: Enter the fairy house

Chu Feng said: "As far as I know, Long Wuji and the others are not such people. I think there is any misunderstanding in the process! Long Jiang Shu, do you have any other evidence?"

"Isn't this evidence enough? There is only their breath, no other people's breath, is it still impossible to commit suicide?" Long Jiangshu said coldly.

Chu Feng said quietly: "There is still a human breath."

The Long Jiang Shuhua exit immediately knew who Chu Feng was talking about. Chu Feng must be talking about himself. He was there before, and the scene must have his breath!

"City Lord Chu, please speak carefully! What you mean is that it is not well known that I killed my friend. Long Ting has a good relationship with me." Long Jiang said.

Long Jin frowned and said, "City Lord Chu, there is something wrong with your guess. Long Ting is Jiang Shu's friend, and everyone knows that Jiang Shu likes Long Ting, how could he kill Long Ting?"

Chu Feng's eyes flashed brightly, maybe not under normal circumstances, but... Chu Feng thought of the Wind Heart Crystal possessed by Long Jiang Shu! If Long Jiang Shu knew that Long Ting had gotten a treasure like the Heart of Wind, then it would not be impossible to kill him! "Long Qing and the others didn't think of this, this is not right!"

Chu Feng thought of a possibility, that is, the news that Long Jiang Shu had the Heart of Wind Crystal did not tell others, and it is very likely that Long Jin did not even know the news!

If they didn't know the news of the Wind Heart Crystal, Long Qing and the others would not suspect that it was normal for Long Jiangshu. After all, judging from Long Qing's reaction, Long Jiang Shu really liked Long Ting before. If there is nothing special, Long Jiang Shu would definitely not kill Long Ting!

"City Lord Chu, Long Wuji are your friends, you believe them, this is normal, but now this matter, you have to show evidence." Long Qing said.

Long Wuji and Long Xiao are people on Long Qing's side, but this matter is up there, Long Qing will not favor them too much! Even if they are completely certain, Long Qing will demand a heavier punishment!

Chu Feng nodded slightly. Since they decided that Long Jin didn't know that Long Jiang Shu had the heart of wind, Chu Feng didn't want to say anything at this time!

If it is revealed at this time that Long Jiang Shu is really the murderer, then the Heart of Wind Crystal is likely to fall into Long Jin’s hands. It is too difficult to get the Heart of Wind Crystal from a Saint-level powerhouse, and for Long Jin Chufeng Not very disgusted, there is already a Saint-level powerhouse, Chu Feng doesn't want to become an enemy!

The sin value of Longjiang Book exceeds the value of kindness, and it can be locked. At this time, Chu Feng has let the Sky Eye lock him, and he will probably leave the Dragon Realm at that time. When he leaves the Dragon Realm, as long as he is caught, from It is much easier to get the Heart of Wind in him, and Chu Feng is also much more at ease in that way!

"City Lord Chu, although you are the city lord of Shenchu ​​City, this matter is an internal affair of our Dragon Clan. I personally think that you should take care of it less." Long Jiangshu said quietly.

"Jiang Shu, just say a few words!" Long Jin said solemnly, "City Lord Chu found out those who were parasitized. They are kind to our Dragon Clan, and our Dragon Clan has a clear grudge!"

"Yes, the patriarch!" Long Jiangshu said respectfully. He is not afraid of Dragon Gold now, but his superficial attitude must be respectful. After all, Dragon Gold is the patriarch of the Jinlong clan, and he is just a young patriarch, not a young patriarch. It is not that Long Jiang Shu is the son of Long Jin, the patriarch of the dragon clan, not for relatives, but for the capable!

Long Jiang Shu is talented and quick to practice. He becomes the young patriarch of the Golden Dragon clan. If someone practices faster than him and is more qualified to become the young patriarch of the Golden Dragon clan, then his status as the young patriarch will immediately Will be replaced!

Chu Feng said: "Several patriarchs, I don't know if I can go to the murder scene? Maybe I can find a little bit." "This" Long Qing and others frowned slightly, Xianfu is now Being sealed, this is not a big problem, just unblock it, but Chu Feng is not a member of the Dragon Race.

An outsider, Long Qing and the others didn't really want Chu Feng to enter that fairy house!

"Patriarch Long Qing, there shouldn't be any treasures inside? I won't run around, just follow you to the murder scene!" Chu Feng said.

Some of Long Qing's eyes exchanged, a few seconds later, Long Qing nodded slightly: "City Lord Chu, if it’s someone else, then it’s definitely not possible, but for you, this time it’s a great favor to our dragon clan. If the matter is related to your friends, then we will make an exception and show City Lord Chu you inside!"

"City Lord Chu, as you said, you can only follow us to see, you can't go around." Long Jin said. "This is natural." Chu Feng nodded.

Go to Xianfu to see, first, Chu Feng wanted to see if he could be sure that Longjiang Shu started; second, he wanted to see if there was anything like the Heart of Wind in it!

If so, you will need it in the future, and there is also a place to look for. If you don't get the Wind Heart Crystal from Longjiang Shu, you can go there to find a way.

If not, Chu Feng is also relieved. He doesn't care so much about the other treasures in it, even the treasures that can directly improve the cultivation base!

"Patriarch Long Qing, a few of us, go in and have a look, are there any problems?" Hongjun chuckled. After arriving in this hall, he and Pan Gu just drank tea quietly without talking. This was the first time Hongjun spoke.

"No problem." Long Qing nodded. Hongjun and the others are old-fashioned saint-class powerhouses. He and Longjin are not new to the saint-class strength. In terms of strength, they are likely to be weaker than Hongjun. If Jun didn't speak, he would naturally not take the initiative to invite Hongjun and the others in, but when Hongjun spoke, he couldn't refuse!

The Immortal Mansion is in the Dragon Realm, and some people in the main hall have all acted. It didn't take long for them to reach the place where the Immortal Mansion was sealed off.

"Everyone, join forces to open the Immortal Mansion!" Long Qing said solemnly. He and Long Jin and several other dragon clan experts stood in a row, and a powerful aura exploded from them quickly.

The golden light, the cyan light, the green light, the purple light, the rays of light entangled in the area that was shrouded in front of Long Qing.

As time passed slowly, a fairy palace slowly emerged in front of Chu Feng and the others, and after about five minutes passed, the entire fairy palace completely emerged!

The fairy palace covers an area of ​​one hundred square kilometers. From the outside, this fairy palace is not too big, but Chu Feng knows that this fairy palace is not so simple!

It looks just that big outside, but the inner space of Xianfu is very huge, with an area of ​​at least 10,000 square kilometers, which is more than a hundred times larger than it looks outside!

A faint cloud and mist shrouded the fairy house, and the fairy house in the mist looked very mysterious! "This Immortal Palace, even if it is not a weapon of dominance, is estimated to have the power of a treasure of the Innate Supreme Treasure! Sage level powerhouses use the Innate Supreme Treasure to attack, and it is estimated that they will not be able to destroy this Immortal Palace." Chu Feng secretly said.

Hongjun and the others also felt the power of Xianfu at this time. When Xianfu fully appeared, they gave them an unbreakable feeling. There was no other feeling besides that!

"City Lord Chu, Brother Hong, Brother Pan, Brother Tianhen, please follow us!" Long Qing said, leading the way as he said, and soon some of the Dragon Clan experts and Chu Feng and the others entered Within that fairy house.

Inside the fairy palace, there really is a different sky. As soon as you get inside, Chu Feng feels that the space inside is much larger than what you see outside, "Everyone, within this fairy palace, it’s impossible to fly, and the ground speed is also restricted. "Long Qing said, "Explain to you that you must not violently destroy the Xianfu, otherwise it will lead to punishment from the Xianfu!"

"Relax!" Chu Feng said, Hongjun and the others did not speak but nodded slightly. Without words all the way, Chu Feng and the others kept advancing, and ten minutes passed very quickly, just when Chu Feng gave up, feeling that there would be no such thing as the Heart of Wind in it, Miao Xian'er's voice Suddenly it rang in Chu Feng's mind!

"Chu Feng, another 4S-level mission has been inspired!" Miao Xian'er said excitedly, "Chu Feng, is the heart of life, in this fairy palace, there is the heart of life!"

The heart of life, the heart of death, this Chu Feng had estimated before, the heart of life really appeared! "What is the reward for the task, the same?" Chu Feng said.

"Yes, the same as before!" Miao Xianer said, the reward is still one trillion battle points and ten billion domain tower value. "Strange!" Chu Feng said in his mind.

Miao Xian'er said, "Chu Feng, what's weird?"

"Xian'er, the heart of space, the heart of time, the heart of darkness, the heart of wind, the heart of life, are all such rewards, and there are others, which are probably also such rewards. The points of combat merit are normal, that thing At that time, I will use the full meter and it will be less, but, the domain tower value, do you need so many domain tower values"

"The domain tower value now has only one function, and that is to turn on the domain tower, but now, I have completed the three domain towers, and the remaining five domain towers, will I use up those domain tower values? If the domain tower value is useless at that time, isn't it a waste of so many domain tower values?" Chu Feng said.

"You are reasonable, but I don't know the reason." Miao Xianer said, "You don't have to think about this now, you will know it then!"

Chu Feng said in his mind that this thought was temporarily suppressed, "City Lord Chu, everyone, we are almost here, we were surrounded by the murder scene, and there was no damage!" Long Qing said.

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